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Reminder: Episode III Trailer this week (Farting Yoda inside)

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XS+ said:
Hey Mana or anybody else, any new info on
Darth Plaguis and what he looks like?

It's possible he is just mentioned. Speculation is that Sidious/Palpatine explains to Anakin that Plaguis was the one who discovered how to cheat death.
XS+ said:
Hey Mana or anybody else, any new info on
Darth Plaguis and what he looks like?

There's a lot of discussion, but Mana's right. Just a brief mention. A lot of people, (including myself) seem to think that the light side of the force enables you to extend your presence, not necessarily through physical means but a spiritual one. The Dark Side is all about instant gratification meaning that the physical form is probably extended. Anyways, Plagueis is mentioned when Palps explains this to Anakin. It kinda makes sense though with his whole "I will keep people from dying" kinda thing.
I think the eventual Star Wars TV show would be well suited to be set in the KOTOR time line or earlier, since there are things about the Sith history (The Journal Of the Whills) to be touched upon in Episode III.

It's kind of a natural set up.

Being able to explore the ancient Sith/Jedi conflict and origins would make for a pretty interesting TV series -- I know some people hav suggested stuff like "Young Han Solo Adventures" or something, but I think that would get boring after a while.


Hollywood Square
I believe the popular rumor is that the TV will focus on Boba Fett between Episode III and Episode IV.
soundwave05 said:
I think the eventual Star Wars TV show would be well suited to be set in the KOTOR time line or earlier, since there are things about the Sith history (The Journal Of the Whills) to be touched upon in Episode III.

It's kind of a natural set up.

Being able to explore the ancient Sith/Jedi conflict and origins would make for a pretty interesting TV series -- I know some people hav suggested stuff like "Young Han Solo Adventures" or something, but I think that would get boring after a while.

That really would be pretty cool; take the basic mythology and premise of SW that has been established, and go KOTOR on it.


Just to warn everyone, going to see The Incredibles this weekend doesn't guarantee you'll see the Episode III trailer. It didn't come with the print my theater received and we didn't get any from Fox/Lucas. I did get two one-sheets of the Anakin with Vader cape and a giant banner too...but no trailer. :(


Willco said:
I believe the popular rumor is that the TV will focus on Boba Fett between Episode III and Episode IV.

Anyone getting tired of Boba Fett? I don't understand the fanbase around him. I understand it around every other character except Boba.

KotOR would work great, though. You could introduce new characters without being tied down to the PT and OT, as well as slowly explain the history behind the Star Wars we know.


Chili Con Carnage!
I agree, whats the point of a star wars show without Jedi?

KOTOR kinda period would be good too because jedis were kinda like detectives back then so there'd be a lot of places to go with it.


Ghost said:
I agree, whats the point of a star wars show without Jedi?

KOTOR kinda period would be good too because jedis were kinda like detectives back then so there'd be a lot of places to go with it.

Plus it could have Bastilla.

The other cool thing about is, you could get into the back story of the Sith moreso. You could have several characters with plots, and obvious conflict (Jedi vs. Sith).

Also, since it is a TV show, a lightsaber battle is actually pretty cheap (but effective) to shoot special FX wise.

It'd be an easy way to inject some action into the series without having to resort to doing huge space battles all the time ... which on a TV budget probably wouldn't be that possible.

You could bring on other guest directors, like maybe Steven Spielberg (he's always wanted to do Star Wars) to do a story arc for example. This would be ideal. I think George is good at crafting the overall story, but when it comes to writing/directing that's better left to other people, and so this would be a great oppurtunity IMO for some other writers and directors to get a crack at Star Wars.

Ideally too, I think they should do fewer episodes per season, maybe just 11-15 hour long episodes per year, but give each one a higher production value so they can somewhat match up to the movies. Make each season like its own high budget mini-series.

I just don't want a Boba Fett TV series. He's a cool character, but he's cool because he's not on the screen all the time.


I got to see the trailer on the big screen three times tonight (twice on DLP). And damn it looks good on a giant digital screen.

I went to see The Incredibles with some friends tonight, who happen to be organizing the Episode III line at the theater. Since the manager knows us well and knows we wanted to see the trailer, he let us go into the DLP theater a half hour before The Incredibles started and ran the digital version of the trailer twice. Even cooler, the print of Incredibles we were going to see DID NOT have the trailer attached, but he put a copy on the reel before the movie started so we got to see it a third time.

Oh, and if you don't see The Incredibles this weekend you suck hardcore.

I thought it was kinda sloppy and I was rather underwhelmed. Personally, my favorite trailer of the prequels so far was where the only sound was Darth Vader's mask, and it slowly faded in and out of scenes from Episode 1 I believe. That was slick, stylish, and got my fanboy juices going. This, this made me remember that George Lucas shouldn't direct and that they really need to stop spluging on the film with CG. Its looks cartoonish.

evil ways

AniHawk said:
Anyone getting tired of Boba Fett? I don't understand the fanbase around him. I understand it around every other character except Boba.

I started liking him as a child more by the way he looked than by the way he acted or what he did in the movies. He's a lame ass character which if it hadn't been for all the comics and novels, would've remained lame. But to me he looked cool, as I like that old, rusted and gritty look and the jetpack.

As far as depth and personality though, he has as much of both as a frozen bag of peas.

Willco said:
... Someone care to tell me who the hell this guy is?

Ummm...some dude who got his face caught in one of these?



ConfusingJazz said:

I thought it was kinda sloppy and I was rather underwhelmed. Personally, my favorite trailer of the prequels so far was where the only sound was Darth Vader's mask, and it slowly faded in and out of scenes from Episode 1 I believe. That was slick, stylish, and got my fanboy juices going. This, this made me remember that George Lucas shouldn't direct and that they really need to stop spluging on the film with CG. Its looks cartoonish.

That was the Episode 2 teaser, and yeah, it was pretty damn cool. They tried to do something similiar here, splicing scenes from the OT at the beginning...but I don't think it quite worked. Something about Vader made him look cartoonish. In fact the whole film is so oversatured that it looks like a cartoon. I guess that's how the entire PT looks like, anyway.

It's the first time I notice wookies look like overgrown ewoks, too. :p


Yeah, "sloppy" describes my impression of the trailer. The music, particularly near the end wasn't sliced together particularly well and it just didn't flow really well.

Oh well, at least you know Ewan McGregor is all like . . . thank god this is over!!

Speaking of Ewan, does anyone have a link to that video of him with Nicole Kidman at some Moulin Rouge event where Nicole is in disbelief at the title "Attack of the Clones" and they both laugh at it with some interviewer? I remember it being rather humorous.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
for whatever reason (different opinions, age, perspective, suitcase full of cash) Ewan has turned 180° on the SW PT. If you listen to any interview with him from the past like two years, he really has talked much bettre about them.

He might be glad they are over, but seeing interviews with him there is certainly I believe a chance that, at least on the final two movies, especially the third one, he really had a genuinely good time doing them.

and I swear, thalking about the editing of the trailer is like this month's "art direction" term. Regardless of the quality of the editing, people have to admit that the actual CONTENTS (you know, what makes us want to see it) were pretty freaking awesome.

evil ways

borghe said:
for whatever reason (different opinions, age, perspective, suitcase full of cash) Ewan has turned 180° on the SW PT. If you listen to any interview with him from the past like two years, he really has talked much bettre about them.

He might be glad they are over, but seeing interviews with him there is certainly I believe a chance that, at least on the final two movies, especially the third one, he really had a genuinely good time doing them.

and I swear, thalking about the editing of the trailer is like this month's "art direction" term. Regardless of the quality of the editing, people have to admit that the actual CONTENTS (you know, what makes us want to see it) were pretty freaking awesome.

No shit, getting paid a big fat check for standing in front of a green/blue wall is anybody's idea of a good time.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
evil ways said:
No shit, getting paid a big fat check for standing in front of a green/blue wall is anybody's idea of a good time.
it sure wasn't for the first movie, which he complained about constantly.


AniHawk said:
Anyone getting tired of Boba Fett? I don't understand the fanbase around him. I understand it around every other character except Boba.

Mystique, Bounty Hunter, Solitude, History, Intelligence

Read some of the books and you'll understand the Fett love. After all, the guy escaped from the Sarlac Pitt!

No shit, getting paid a big fat check for standing in front of a green/blue wall is anybody's idea of a good time.

Go watch the 4th DVD from the trilogy set. Then try to tell me that he doesn't love what he is doing. They spent 3-4 hours a day for weeks just practicing for the light sabre duel.

This trailer gives me goose bumps every time I see it. Especially when Palpatine says "Lord Vader" and then James Earl Jones replies "Yes Master"


I wonder if they got james earl jones to re-record for any of the darth vader scenes? or just used samples from OT.


Unconfirmed Member
Those "shocked" reaction shots as they
raised Vader up
were stupid as hell. *gasp*

Otherwise, the trailer was kind of cool.. I just want to see the lightsaber fights at this point. Oh, and wookiees!


Hollywood Square
The only thing that's canon are the movies and official crap like the Clone Wars cartoon. Books don't count.


radioheadrule83 said:
I believe something is canon when it is embraced by the community or by Star Wars.com themselves that this is the case. Officially liscensed books make things canon. I might be wrong. :D

OK, I wasn't familiar with the term. Yes, it was from an officially licensed book... "Tales from The Bounty Hunters" or something like that.


Willco said:
The only thing that's canon are the movies and official crap like the Clone Wars cartoon. Books don't count.

stuff from the books are on star wars.com, and most are authorized by george lucas.


Hollywood Square
Tabris said:
stuff from the books are on star wars.com, and most are authorized by george lucas.

Being on StarWars.com does not make it canon. Anything listed EU is NOT canon.

To be more specific, all the books are authorized by LucasFilm, but that doesn't make it canon. Only the movies and official movie tie-ins, like the Clone Wars cartoon, are canon.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
clone wars are not canon.

as stated by george lucas, ONLY THE MOVIES are canon. not a single thing else. he even said he feels there are two separate star wars universes. the movies and everything else.

clone wars is no different than the books or comics. it is not canon.
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