Robot Carnival
Gold Member
I was just thinking about the good old days of arcade games and thought I'll make a thread where we can share some of our favorite ones here. back when arcades were still pretty popular, there were a couple that I would go to all the time. sometimes even just watching others play is fun when I was broke. I was always fascinated by the bigger fancier machines or ones that's very unique. here's a few that I love.
Virtual On series
having the actual twin sticks and a cockpit seat to pilot the robot of your choice was so cool an idea. the 3D was awesome at the time and the action was fast pace. a real fun one.
Silent Scope series
it's an on rail shooter but the scope on the gun is actually another monitor that allows you to zoom into wherever you're aiming at. requires some fast reaction and sometimes actually have to de-scope to aquire all the targets. very fun twist on the arcade shooter games at the time. I've only played the these two but I think there's another one out there too that's either a side story or something.
Star Wars Trilogy
this is one of my favorite Star Wars related games. a truly brilliant idea to use the flight stick to double as a light saber controller too. flying the X-Wing into the Death Star or dueling against Darth Vader on that game was simply the most awesome experience you can get as a Star Wars fan back then.
Dungeon's & Dragons series from Capcom
Shadow Over Mystara was my favorite side scroll beat'm up of all time. I've sunk so much coins in it back then. being able to support 4 players co-op and fill with secrets and shortcuts to areas and fights, it's by far one of the best action game that embodies the spirit of the D&D series in my opinion. I don't know if it's some kinda build in bug/exploit or if it's someone did something with the machine at the arcade where I went to, but somehow if at the begining, while you're inputting your name and picked the default name on certain characters and keep pressing some random letter until the time expires, it would make that character more or less invicible outside of throw/bite damage and some other attacks. it was a great trick I learnt from watching someone do it. but there are also risk of crashing the game too.
Alien vs Predator by Capcom
another great side scroll beat'm up that supports 3 players co-op. playing as either one of the two predators or one of two human soldiers, you fight against a crap load of alien onslaughts. an absolute joy to play with all the different moves each charactor can do.
Psychic Force series
full 3D movment super power fighter game. being able to dash around in the 3D arena, flying up or down and blasting your opponent with super powers is pretty fun but kinda hard to control for me at the time.
and then there are those that's exclusive to Japan. some of them just too "Japan" to exist anywhere else outside of the country. like this one that you play as the angry guy who depends on the situation have to either flip or slam the table.
or the full size Gundam pod/cockpit game with the exact controls like in the 0079 series and full 180 top to bottom globe monitor. when I saw this one for the first time back in 2009 my jaw dropped.
in any case, share your fond memories of the golden and olden days of arcades.
Virtual On series

Cyber Troopers: Virtual On - Videogame by Sega
Cyber Troopers: Virtual On is a Videogame by Sega (circa 1995). Take control of huge Mechs and fight opposing Mechs in a 3-D environment. Unique dual-yoke control allows many interesting maneuvers.

Cyber Troopers Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram - Videogame by Sega
Cyber Troopers Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram is a Videogame by Sega (circa 1998). Take control of huge Mechs and fight opposing Mechs in a 3-D environment. Unique dual-yoke control allows many interesting maneuvers.
having the actual twin sticks and a cockpit seat to pilot the robot of your choice was so cool an idea. the 3D was awesome at the time and the action was fast pace. a real fun one.
Silent Scope series

Silent Scope - Videogame by Konami
Silent Scope is a Videogame by Konami (circa 1999). A shooting game where you battle terrorists and rescue hostages.

Silent Scope 2 - Fatal Judgment - Videogame by Konami
Silent Scope 2 - Fatal Judgment is a Videogame by Konami (circa 2000). This is the European version of Dark Silhouette: Silent Scope 2.
it's an on rail shooter but the scope on the gun is actually another monitor that allows you to zoom into wherever you're aiming at. requires some fast reaction and sometimes actually have to de-scope to aquire all the targets. very fun twist on the arcade shooter games at the time. I've only played the these two but I think there's another one out there too that's either a side story or something.
Star Wars Trilogy

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade - Videogame by Sega
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade is a Videogame by Sega (circa 1998). A 3-D shooter that combines several modes - flight in several different vehicle types; first-person shooting; and a unique lightsaber mode. It uses several piec
this is one of my favorite Star Wars related games. a truly brilliant idea to use the flight stick to double as a light saber controller too. flying the X-Wing into the Death Star or dueling against Darth Vader on that game was simply the most awesome experience you can get as a Star Wars fan back then.
Dungeon's & Dragons series from Capcom

Dungeons & Dragons: Tower Of Doom - Videogame by Capcom
Dungeons & Dragons: Tower Of Doom is a Videogame by Capcom (circa 1993). A beat-em-up role-playing game that allows up to four players to choose one of the following characters: elf-mage, human-fighter, dwarf-fighter, or human-cleric

Dungeons Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara - Videogame by Capcom
Dungeons Dragons: Shadow Over Mystara is a Videogame by Capcom (circa 1996). A beat-em-up role-playing game that allows up to four players to choose one of the following characters: an elf-mage/warrior, human-fighter, dwarf-fighter, huma
Shadow Over Mystara was my favorite side scroll beat'm up of all time. I've sunk so much coins in it back then. being able to support 4 players co-op and fill with secrets and shortcuts to areas and fights, it's by far one of the best action game that embodies the spirit of the D&D series in my opinion. I don't know if it's some kinda build in bug/exploit or if it's someone did something with the machine at the arcade where I went to, but somehow if at the begining, while you're inputting your name and picked the default name on certain characters and keep pressing some random letter until the time expires, it would make that character more or less invicible outside of throw/bite damage and some other attacks. it was a great trick I learnt from watching someone do it. but there are also risk of crashing the game too.
Alien vs Predator by Capcom

Alien Vs. Predator - Videogame by Capcom
Alien Vs. Predator is a Videogame by Capcom (circa 1994). A horizontal Platformer where the object is to hack, slash and basically blow away the opposing alien forces.
another great side scroll beat'm up that supports 3 players co-op. playing as either one of the two predators or one of two human soldiers, you fight against a crap load of alien onslaughts. an absolute joy to play with all the different moves each charactor can do.
Psychic Force series
Psychic Force - Videogame by Taito
Psychic Force is a Videogame by Taito (circa 1995). A 3-D fighting game with psychic abilities as weapons.
Psychic Force 2012 - Videogame by Taito
Psychic Force 2012 is a Videogame by Taito (circa 1998). This is a 3-D anime fighter where players battle each other within the confines of an outlined cubical space that is set against a variety of backgrounds. There
Psychic Force EX - Videogame by Unknown
Psychic Force EX is a Videogame by Unknown (circa ). Information about it's history and background, photos, repair help, manuals, for sale and wanted lists, and census survey is brought to you by The International Arcade Museum at the Museum of the Game
full 3D movment super power fighter game. being able to dash around in the 3D arena, flying up or down and blasting your opponent with super powers is pretty fun but kinda hard to control for me at the time.
and then there are those that's exclusive to Japan. some of them just too "Japan" to exist anywhere else outside of the country. like this one that you play as the angry guy who depends on the situation have to either flip or slam the table.
or the full size Gundam pod/cockpit game with the exact controls like in the 0079 series and full 180 top to bottom globe monitor. when I saw this one for the first time back in 2009 my jaw dropped.
in any case, share your fond memories of the golden and olden days of arcades.