reminiscing over our favorite arcade machines.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
I was just thinking about the good old days of arcade games and thought I'll make a thread where we can share some of our favorite ones here. back when arcades were still pretty popular, there were a couple that I would go to all the time. sometimes even just watching others play is fun when I was broke. I was always fascinated by the bigger fancier machines or ones that's very unique. here's a few that I love.

Virtual On series

having the actual twin sticks and a cockpit seat to pilot the robot of your choice was so cool an idea. the 3D was awesome at the time and the action was fast pace. a real fun one.

Silent Scope series

it's an on rail shooter but the scope on the gun is actually another monitor that allows you to zoom into wherever you're aiming at. requires some fast reaction and sometimes actually have to de-scope to aquire all the targets. very fun twist on the arcade shooter games at the time. I've only played the these two but I think there's another one out there too that's either a side story or something.

Star Wars Trilogy

this is one of my favorite Star Wars related games. a truly brilliant idea to use the flight stick to double as a light saber controller too. flying the X-Wing into the Death Star or dueling against Darth Vader on that game was simply the most awesome experience you can get as a Star Wars fan back then.

Dungeon's & Dragons series from Capcom

Shadow Over Mystara was my favorite side scroll beat'm up of all time. I've sunk so much coins in it back then. being able to support 4 players co-op and fill with secrets and shortcuts to areas and fights, it's by far one of the best action game that embodies the spirit of the D&D series in my opinion. I don't know if it's some kinda build in bug/exploit or if it's someone did something with the machine at the arcade where I went to, but somehow if at the begining, while you're inputting your name and picked the default name on certain characters and keep pressing some random letter until the time expires, it would make that character more or less invicible outside of throw/bite damage and some other attacks. it was a great trick I learnt from watching someone do it. but there are also risk of crashing the game too. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Alien vs Predator by Capcom

another great side scroll beat'm up that supports 3 players co-op. playing as either one of the two predators or one of two human soldiers, you fight against a crap load of alien onslaughts. an absolute joy to play with all the different moves each charactor can do.

Psychic Force series

full 3D movment super power fighter game. being able to dash around in the 3D arena, flying up or down and blasting your opponent with super powers is pretty fun but kinda hard to control for me at the time.

and then there are those that's exclusive to Japan. some of them just too "Japan" to exist anywhere else outside of the country. like this one that you play as the angry guy who depends on the situation have to either flip or slam the table.

or the full size Gundam pod/cockpit game with the exact controls like in the 0079 series and full 180 top to bottom globe monitor. when I saw this one for the first time back in 2009 my jaw dropped.

in any case, share your fond memories of the golden and olden days of arcades.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I fondly remember the day they brought Gals Panic to my local arcade. Remember going that day with my older cousing and he saying something to me along the lines of "don't you dare telling anyone about this!". :goog_relieved:

Aside from that, I mostly played Metal Slug and Snow Brothers, since those were easier than the other games available and my coins were very limited.


Gold Member


World’s Biggest Weeb
Hell yeah I loved D&D Shadows Over Mystara. They had it at this nickel arcade I always went to.

I proved I was the alpha nerd when I pulled out this trick in a 4 player game:
TIP: There is a 3rd cursed sword in the game, It is located near the 1st/2nd dragon when falling downwards through a level. Pick up the cursed sword and keep using it. It will slowly kill you and it cannot be fixed by the cleric. If you persevere for long enough, it will be unleashed and un-curse itself. This is the legendary sword the game keeps making references to when you complete it. It does horrendous damage and is very fast. It's best used with the dwarf and his whirlwind attack but works equally well with the invulnerable thief.

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
Hell yeah I loved D&D Shadows Over Mystara. They had it at this nickel arcade I always went to.

I proved I was the alpha nerd when I pulled out this trick in a 4 player game:

OMG that's the one I used to get since I played the invulnerable thief most of the time. :messenger_grinning_sweat: just stocked up on the healing ring and what not and once you get that cursed sword just keeps swinging it in an empty area until it turned into the legendary sword. heal with the healing ring when needed.


World’s Biggest Weeb
OMG that's the one I used to get since I played the invulnerable thief most of the time. :messenger_grinning_sweat: just stocked up on the healing ring and what not and once you get that cursed sword just keeps swinging it in an empty area until it turned into the legendary sword. heal with the healing ring when needed.
aw yeah that’s what I did too.

“What are you doing?”

“No seriously this is supposed to work, I read it on GameFAQs”



World’s Biggest Weeb

Galaxy Force II was the most enviable arcade of all. I swear it cost like $2 per play which was insane back in like 1990.

Only ever played it once in the arcade (which was glorious) then I got it on Genesis.


I have fond memories of Daytona, Virtual On, Time Crisis, Terminator and such but what awed me was this massive room where you get to play Jurassic Park 2 iirc. You literally have an arcade room where in the game you play as someone in a Jeep and is getting chased by a T-rex. That was so wild for me.


I think this was it. Only my arcade also put some kind of curtain and decorative bushes around it and on the sides where you go in. Basically, shit was dark once you’re inside. Really immersive for my very young mind.
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
I have fond memories of Daytona, Virtual On, Time Crisis, Terminator and such but what awed me was this massive room where you get to play Jurassic Park 2 iirc. You literally have an arcade room where in the game you play as someone in a Jeep and is getting chased by a T-rex. That was so wild for me.


I think this was it. Only my arcade also put some kind of curtain and decorative bushes around it and on the sides where you go in. Basically, shit was dark once you’re inside. Really immersive for my very young mind.

yeah, I've seen both the those kinda setup and the regular just the machine by itself. it's cool no matter which it is thou.


I preferred to play "real games", not the fancy stuff as that was seldom found where I live. But I did play a lot of Operation Wolf & Thunderbolt, later Sega Rally at local arcades.
Tried a few large cabinets like Buggy Boy, After Burner and the spinning Wec Le Mans during vacations. Also tried the OG Street Fighter deluxe cabinet with the 2 big buttons you had to hammer with your fist. Twice even. Last time I saw the game in the wild it was converted to regular buttons.



Anyone remember this game? I remember beating it with about ten dollars worth of loonies, the guy dispensing the coins remarked that he hadn't seen anyone beat it before.

Also this was probably the first time I ever played a game with motion sensors. You could duck and sway your body to dodge incoming gun fire.
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
I spent a lot of money on Mortal Kombat 1/2/3.

Prior to that, my favourites were Mario Bros, Strider, Bubbles, Moon Patrol, Xybots, Kung Fu Master, Star Wars, Gauntlet, Paperboy... I could go on and on. I spent a lot of time in the arcade as a teenager. My birthday parties were often at the arcade.

oh good lord, I remember at one of the arcade I used to hang out at, their Bubble Bobble machine's music is always so loud that since I've been in there so often, the tune kinda burn into my brain for the longest time. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Anyone remember this game? I remember beating it with about ten dollars worth of loonies, the guy dispensing the coins remarked that he hadn't seen anyone beat it before.

Also this was probably the first time I ever played a game with motion sensors. You could duck and sway your body to dodge incoming gun fire.

I absolutely do. I remember playing the Japan version of it and ducking dodging around is so hilarious. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Robot Carnival

Gold Member
and speaking of hilarious movements, how can I forget to list the actual GOAT of them all!?

Dance Dance Revolution series

first time I saw this way back then, I already knew this is special. it takes a lot to get us otakus to do physical exercise, let alone pay to do it. first time I saw someone doing tricks on the song Butterfly, I was blown away. I was never that good with it and only able to do a few twirls on easy levels at best. but it's still a really fun time like no others.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I preferred to play "real games", not the fancy stuff as that was seldom found where I live. But I did play a lot of Operation Wolf & Thunderbolt, later Sega Rally at local arcades.
Tried a few large cabinets like Buggy Boy, After Burner and the spinning Wec Le Mans during vacations. Also tried the OG Street Fighter deluxe cabinet with the 2 big buttons you had to hammer with your fist. Twice even. Last time I saw the game in the wild it was converted to regular buttons.
There was a dual gun shooter not Thunderbolt, but I used to love playing both players like I was Carl Weathers in Predator.
Edit: Line of Fire
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The day I could no longer play Metal Slug, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Star Wars Trilogy, Time Crisis, and House of the Dead in the arcade was the day my childhood died.
Sure, I can still play them at home via emulation and such, but we all know it's not the same.



Anyone remember this game? I remember beating it with about ten dollars worth of loonies, the guy dispensing the coins remarked that he hadn't seen anyone beat it before.

Also this was probably the first time I ever played a game with motion sensors. You could duck and sway your body to dodge incoming gun fire.
Came here to mention P911, first time ever playing anything like it, I remember me and my bro practically limping away after playing for a half an hour. Missed opportunity not including time-crisis style guns where they actually feel like they're firing.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
and then there are those that's exclusive to Japan. some of them just too "Japan" to exist anywhere else outside of the country. like this one that you play as the angry guy who depends on the situation have to either flip or slam the table.

I wanted to play this in Japan really badly when I was there, sadly none of the arcades anywhere close to where I was had it. :(

Hunter 99


Tekken 2 was amazing at the time,I couldn't believe it was on ps1 (which I got for Christmas that year)

4d dark escape is actually really tense,the air that shoots out when your playing,rumble heart monitor,3d and some serious jump scares. I think it's awesome.
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