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Report: NX Handheld Dimensions, Layout Info, Lack of Region Lock

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I just don't see how you can look at any of the messaging relating to the Wii as targetting NeoGAF (as shorthand for 'red market purchasers') primarily.
I don't. If you read back I was arguing that when a posted said he believes targeting niches would lead to failure. NeoGAF as a whole isn't my red ocean in that example.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
One of the biggest reasons to unveil it sooner rather than later has yet to be mentioned in this thread: consumer reaction. If there's wide and intense consumer backlash for the system, it'll leave Nintendo with very little window for its revision before March. The NDS hardware had to be revised after its E3 unveiling, and about 2 months before its launch.

If thats the case they are screwed anyway...no way something like this gets fixed a couple months prior its launch. Just look how long it takes for MS to somehow heal from the shitty first impression with Xbox One.

Nintendo is better off making sure that everything is perfect before they unveil the system - there will be no second attempt.


I feel like this is the worst week for a chance of NX news.

Monday- holiday so no news
Tuesday- Pokemon so no news on NX
Wednesday- Apple/Sony conference/meeting so no NX news
Thursday- chance of NX news
Friday- no news being Japan will already be Friday night/Saturday

Might as well look forward to next week lol

Might as well just forget about it until whenever it's revealed.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Now that we have nothing else to talk about, I always wondered what is the story behind your tag?

Is the largest console game publisher Nintendo? Is that the joke?
Well, it reads like that's the joke, but apparently some mod thought it was EA (which would be questionable, at least in revenue, but that is what I said back then - that EA should be kept away from the NX).


Junior Member
Sony with the Neo is only a hardware refresh, NX will be a new system.
Is bad sign if Nintendo is afraid that a hardware refresh will overshadow the NX :/
Nintendo's pretty much at their lowest point in terms of market mindshare, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were being cautious.


Did we ever expect news today?

I don't expect any news about NX today either, though i'm curious to see what that german site will post in a few hours, since they seemed pretty serious about having something today...will see, to me the announcement will be before the end of this month, though not this week
It is quite depressing that no one bothers to translate the articles from the German site even though we have talked about the site for a few days. Someone has claimed there are tidbits within the articles that indicating they are pranks, but I failed to notice any hidden messages through google translate.
It is quite depressing that no one bothers to translate the articles from the German site even though we have talked about the site for a few days. Someone has claimed there are tidbits within the articles that indicating they are pranks, but I failed to notice any hidden messages through google translate.

YOu did Not find thEm BEcAuse they are hiddeN.
I don't insinuate is was just luck. I do think it was masterfully done, but I disagree that the marketing effort was targeted to an audience as large as their success makes it look like. Back then, I felt (possibly wrongly) that they were addressing a small audience within the gaming community but that their immediate communication wasn't getting through the mainstream, however that the small first audience had a powerful effect on triggering the secondary mass market. I may be wrong and uninformed on the data proving otherwise.

Even that is wrong and again, go actually watch their presentations and every interview they did back then. They explicitly targeted a different audience, promoted it on channels outside of the gaming press specifically and pushed hard to get the Wii into the mainstream media.

Seriously at this point you're just willfully ignoring the reality. There was no secondary mass market. It was the mass market. Core gamers were completely irrelevant to their strategy or success.
Even that is wrong and again, go actually watch their presentations and every interview they did back then. They explicitly targeted a different audience, promoted it on channels outside of the gaming press specifically and pushed hard to get the Wii into the mainstream media.

Seriously at this point you're just willfully ignoring the reality. There was no secondary mass market. It was the mass market. Core gamers were completely irrelevant to their strategy or success.

They even did Wii Parties for influential bloggers.

In the month leading up to the launch of the Wii, Nintendo held "Ambassador Parties." The idea was that they’d contact people who lived in major cities around the country and tell them that they’d been invited to a special private Wii party to which they could bring about twenty friends. These people weren’t just random lucky gamers, though, they were bloggers and active participants in online gaming discussions — they were the sort of people that Gladwell describes in The Tipping Point as the types who start epidemics. They’re the people who give advice to their friends on what to buy, but do it in such a passionate way that it has an effect far wider than the rest of us.

I can see them doing this with you tubers.


Even that is wrong and again, go actually watch their presentations and every interview they did back then. They explicitly targeted a different audience, promoted it on channels outside of the gaming press specifically and pushed hard to get the Wii into the mainstream media.

Seriously at this point you're just willfully ignoring the reality. There was no secondary mass market. It was the mass market. Core gamers were completely irrelevant to their strategy or success.
I'm mostly not getting my point across clearly because I never said the core gamers were part of their strategy. I said they targeted outliers withing a subset of the gaming community as a gateway to a broader market proving that niches can be steps to large audiences.

That is what I recall from the initial presentations and media feedback, as well as my experiences at the time, and it correlates with what I know of marketing strategies where targeting as a primary target the largest possible audience isn't deemed very effective.

I'll refrain for participating further to threads, sorry.


Some asshole on twitter made a fake tweet targeting japanese gamers with I don't remember (sorry) NeoGAF user mockup and it's trending :(


Ninjedit: This is a concrete example of why, at some point, Nintendo's silence is doing them some bad buzz.
Some asshole on twitter made a fake tweet targeting japanese gamers with I don't remember (sorry) NeoGAF user mockup and it's trending :(

Yeah, I just saw someone reposted it on weibo and people were all asking for the source. That guy deleted it after a few minutes.
Some asshole on twitter made a fake tweet targeting japanese gamers with I don't remember (sorry) NeoGAF user mockup and it's trending :(

Ninjedit: This is a concrete example of why, at some point, Nintendo's silence is doing them some bad buzz.
Thats actually a great idea. Let's get more fake mockups and rumors trending so that Nintendo feels pressured to at least give a statement about the NX.

Mr Swine

Some asshole on twitter made a fake tweet targeting japanese gamers with I don't remember (sorry) NeoGAF user mockup and it's trending :(

Ninjedit: This is a concrete example of why, at some point, Nintendo's silence is doing them some bad buzz.

It's seems more and more that Nintendo doesn't care if they get some bad buzz, they will reveal NX when they feel like it and no matter how bad this will backfire on them


Some asshole on twitter made a fake tweet targeting japanese gamers with I don't remember (sorry) NeoGAF user mockup and it's trending :(

Ninjedit: This is a concrete example of why, at some point, Nintendo's silence is doing them some bad buzz.

Oh I forgot about that. At one point I wanted to suggest to people that were making mock-ups to watermark it because I was expecting something like this to happen.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
It is quite depressing that no one bothers to translate the articles from the German site even though we have talked about the site for a few days. Someone has claimed there are tidbits within the articles that indicating they are pranks, but I failed to notice any hidden messages through google translate.

OK, I will translate the three news for you:
The first one says in German:
Bald schon gibt es viele Infos, auf die wir schon lange warten.

Seit längerer Zeit schon gehen Gerüchte um, dass Nintendo Details zur neuen Konsole mit dem Codenamen NX im September 2016 veröffentlichen will. Wird auch langsam Zeit, denn die Konsole kommt in einem halben Jahr und noch weiß nahezu keiner Genaueres dazu. Doch wie wir soeben von einer vertrauenswürdigen Quelle im direkten Umfeld der Europazentrale exklusiv erfahren haben, dauert es nur noch wenige Tage.

Sie sind dabei, eine Ausgabe des Formats Nintendo Direct fertigzustellen und die bei uns mit Hochspannung erwartete Direct wird dann unangekündigt veröffentlicht, um ein großes Überraschungsmoment zu haben. Unsere Quelle hat uns allerdings verraten, dass es bereits am 6. September 2016 um 16 Uhr soweit sein soll. Noch drei Tage also!

Was haltet ihr davon? Ist eine Direct-Ausgabe das richtige Medium dafür? Glaubt ihr, dass es wirklich schon so bald losgeht? Wir sind jedenfalls sehr gespannt und halten euch natürlich auf dem Laufenden!

My translation:
Soon there will be a lot of information which we have been awaiting for quite a while

For quite some while there have been rumours that Nintendo wants to unveil details regarding their new console with the codename NX in Septembre 2016. It's about time, since the console is releasing in half a year and almost no one knows anything specific about it. However, as we have exclusive gotten to know via a trustworthy source close to the European central [of Nintendo, which has its European HQ in Germany], there are only few days left.

They are underway of finishing a new issue of Nintendo Direct and the feverishly awaited Direct will be released without prior notice, in order to gain some momentum out of the surprise. Our source has told us that the Direct will be release on 6th of September 2016 at 16:00. So, only three days left!

What do you think about this? Is an issue of [Nintendo] Direct the right medium for this? Do you believe it is truly going to happen soon? We are excited and will keep you informed!

Then there was a second news:
Ein Bild vom Controller, das zwar wenig zeigt, aber doch einiges erahnen lässt...

Erst gestern haben wir davon berichtet, dass uns zu Ohren gekommen ist, dass bereits am Dienstag die NX in einer Direct-Ausgabe vorgestellt werden soll. Nun haben wir von unserer Quelle weitere Informationen erhalten, die wir nicht für uns behalten wollen: Wir haben ein Bild aus der Direct-Ausgabe bekommen, das einen Unbekannten zeigt, der den Controller der NX ins Bild hält.

Leider ist das Bild stark weichgezeichnet worden, so dass man nicht wirklich etwas erkennen kann. Jedoch scheint der Controller eher klein und klassisch zu sein. Er weckt fast Erinnerungen an frühere Zeiten. Einen Touchscreen oder Ähnliches scheint er jedenfalls nicht zu haben. Wird das, was am Dienstag vorgestellt wird, doch ganz anders als das, was die letzten Gerüchte so behauptet haben? Noch zwei Tage, dann wissen wir mehr.
And my translation:
A picture of the controller that does not show much, but edumbrates a lot...

Just yesterday we have reported we had heard that on tuesday the NX will be presented in an issue of [Nintendo] Direct. Now we have received additional information from our source, which we do not want to keep to ourselves: We have got a picture from the Direct issue, that shows an unknown person who is holding the NX's controller.

Sadly, the image is very blurred out, so that it is not possible to recognize a lot. Either way, the controller seems to be rather small and traditional. It almost invokes memories of the past. A touchscreen or similar stuff certainly does not seem to be part of it. Will [the system that] will be presented on tuesday be completely different from the recent rumours? Only two days left, then we will know more.

and the final news:
Erst sehen, dann urteilen.

Uns ist es bewusst, dass wir mit dieser Ankündigung polarisieren und das ist gewollt! Wir bitten euch lediglich, bis Dienstag um 16 Uhr zu warten, bzw. bis ihr selbst gesehen habt, was wirklich dahinter steckt, bevor ihr UNS als unseriös, gemein und klickgeil verurteilt.

Darüber hinaus bitten wir euch von Kommentaren zum dem Thema unterhalb der Gürtellinie abzusehen. Und das nicht nur bei uns, sondern auch bei unseren Partnermedien und dazugehörigen Communities. Das hilft niemanden weiter.

First wathc, then judge.

We are aware that our announcement is polarising and that is intentional!
We just ask you to wait until tuesday, 16:00, or until you have seen for yourself, what really is behind all this, before you judge US to be unreliable, mean or click-baity [not literal, what they say is hot for clicks, but I think it's the same notion and click-baity is a more common phrase in English]

Moreover we would kindly ask you to refrain from posting comments under the waistline. And not only here on our site, but on our partner sites and in their communities, as well. This benefits no one.


Can't you all see that NX has already launched?

NX is a rumour. Its a "game system" that is played in a whole new way. You dont need hardware or joysticks to feel imerse in a fantasy world, all you need is user generated content in form of rumors and discussion that keeps us playing it forever.

Its the next step over Super Mario Maker and it has already conquered us all


Can we not give that prank attention?

Either way, Nintendo isn't going to risk taking attention away from Pokemon, so anything happening today has been ruled out. Tomorrow is maybe possible, but I think we should all just give up hope of a September reveal, realistically. At the very least, it's not happening before TGS IMO.

Can't you all see that NX has already launched?

NX is a rumour. Its a "game system" that is played in a whole new way. You dont need hardware or joysticks to feel imerse in a fantasy world, all you need is user generated content in form of rumors and discussion that keeps us playing it forever.

Its the next step over Super Mario Maker and it has already conquered us all


Some asshole on twitter made a fake tweet targeting japanese gamers with I don't remember (sorry) NeoGAF user mockup and it's trending :(

Ninjedit: This is a concrete example of why, at some point, Nintendo's silence is doing them some bad buzz.


Misinformation spreading like wildfire. I guess even if the mock-ups were watermarked, someone probably would have copied it anyway to do this.


Can't you all see that NX has already launched?

NX is a rumour. Its a "game system" that is played in a whole new way. You dont need hardware or joysticks to feel imerse in a fantasy world, all you need is user generated content in form of rumors and discussion that keeps us playing it forever.

Its the next step over Super Mario Maker and it has already conquered us all

Actually it could be! we already spent more hours into NX speculation threads than playing videogames...Nintendo did it again


What if it's backwards compatible with the 3DS, serving as a Super Gameboy of sorts? It is cartridge based, and would create and instantly massive library.
I really don't get the surprise Direct thing. Yes, a company will announce a new product without prior notice to maximize the odds of people not paying attention to the reveal, totally makes sense.

Then again its Nintendo.


What if it's backwards compatible with the 3DS, serving as a Super Gameboy of sorts? It is cartridge based, and would create and instantly massive library.

It'd be pretty tough if the rumors about a Nvidia Tegra architecture are true, it would be too different to run 3DS games and not enough powerful to emulate it


What if it's backwards compatible with the 3DS, serving as a Super Gameboy of sorts? It is cartridge based, and would create and instantly massive library.

So, like the 3DS which has BC for DS? Sure.

It's only if Nintendo is fine with having to make another contract with DMP to put their PICA 200 GPU on the Tegra SoC. (On the assumption Nvidia provides the GPU.)


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Didn't Nintendo announce the 3DS with a surprise press release?

Mr Swine

What if it's backwards compatible with the 3DS, serving as a Super Gameboy of sorts? It is cartridge based, and would create and instantly massive library.

Then NX would need dual screens which isn't happening or display top screen on the HDTV and the bottom screen on the handheld

I really don't get the surprise Direct thing. Yes, a company will announce a new product without prior notice to maximize the odds of people not paying attention to the reveal, totally makes sense.

Then again its Nintendo.

Wasn't the 3DS Direct some suprised direct that was announced prior a few days before?


I really don't get the surprise Direct thing. Yes, a company will announce a new product without prior notice to maximize the odds of people not paying attention to the reveal, totally makes sense.

Then again its Nintendo.

What if Nintendo was actually going to have this surprise Direct today but they decided to delay it since that german site spoiled their plan?


It'd be pretty tough if the rumors about a Nvidia Tegra architecture are true, it would be too different to run 3DS games and not enough powerful to emulate it
I think emulating 3ds would be very possible. They are both arm chips and the power difference is massive. The only possible issue would be reading 3ds carts if Nintendo wants to prioritize that functionality.


I think emulating 3ds would be very possible. They are both arm chips and the power difference is massive. The only possible issue would be reading 3ds carts if Nintendo wants to prioritize that functionality.

Well I guess we'll find that out in the surprise Direct in about an hour...#believe


I think emulating 3ds would be very possible. They are both arm chips and the power difference is massive. The only possible issue would be reading 3ds carts if Nintendo wants to prioritize that functionality.

The problem is supposed to be emulating MAESTRO or whatever it is that is in the PICA200 because it uses fixed shaders, not programmable shaders. Where how it does processing affects without affecting performance badly.

Edit: The things listed under MAESTRO in this link: http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=21992416

Edit 2: Here, go to question 8, the word I was looking for was 'fixed shaders' because the PICA200 uses fixed shaders not programmable shaders since it helps with performance so the difficulty may be from emulating it.
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