I really don't understand the importance of the detachable controllers tbh. Not only that, the ergonomics seemingly will be awkward for most people, let alone casual gamers which would be a big turn off for them. And they've said they want to get those people back again.
Every mock-up, despite looking nice, doesn't look comfortable to hold for any extended period of time. The square top corners will be much like the NES pad where it will hurt your index fingers after time. The other problem I see, is that the controllers won't have the same layout as each other, making multiplayer awkward. How are you supposed to learn the layout of 2 different controllers, when the button placements are supposed to be natural and instinctual?
The flipped analog stick on the right side helps, but if they are going with a Sony-style d-pad, that just complicated things further.
What if the detachable controllers are strictly for the dev kits because they haven't finalized the controller layout yet? Is this possible?
I'm just trying to see how the detachable controller idea can be a benefit despite the problems it presents. And I need something better than "2 controllers oit of the box" because that doesn't hand wave the other issues by itself.