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Report: Trump can't book talent for inauguration. Trump Tweet: Nuh uh, your face!!!!

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Lmao James Dolan got himself involved with this shit show? Maybe Jimmy can make the Knicks great again


I wonder how he would react if he came out on Inauguration and there was no one there. Like if everyone just stayed home. Given his ego I imagine it would drive him nuts.


When life imitates art?


I've said this before, but Camancho was an excellent president. Ten times the man Trump is.

He recognized there was a problem, found possible the only one that could solve it (the "smartest man in the USA"), and fixed the problem after some hiccups. He got shit done.

In a hypothetical situation, Trump would keep the Brawndo execs on solving the problem - the exact opposite of what would be needed (see climate change).


For you.
Worth remembering that the mans primary motivations are popularity and wealth. He won't do anything that damages either. That may sound silly at this point, given that he said everything possible to hurt people in his campaign, but all of them were for his popularity, rater than against it. He won't destroy the world, because that costs him his name / brand / wealth.

People that have met the man say he has a deep desire to be validated in the things he does, and when confronted, simply looks to those who tow his line instead. A man like that is no threat to the world. Only to those who he hurts with words. For evidence, look at all the shit he has backtracked on already, now it has served its purpose.

The guy is an impressive level of cunt, but he is a weak and fickle man in reality.
No, it won't cost him anything.bpeople who know he is terrible cunt already know that, and his base and voters are weak,feeble-minded people that wouldn't turn against Trump even if he personally invaded their houses and punched them in the face. Trump can destroy the world and those fucking people will still claim it's Obama's fault.


For real. It's not shocking that Trump's requests are getting met with a chorus of "No"s, but how fucking dense do you have to be to think Elton John is going to be on-board with Trump?

I mean, Elton John played Rush Limbaugh's wedding didn't he?

I'm not saying that makes him a Trump fan, I'm sure he's not. But he's played some interesting events in the past.
I hope this ends up being one of the most embarrassing inaugurations. I don't know how, but somehow. Like I hope there's big protests of loud people. Cause I know it'd eat Trump from the inside out if it goes badly, and that makes me happy.
Apparently a lot of the Rockettes that are going to be playing don't want to but have been told do it or lose your job. As a friend of mine said it seems disturbingly fitting that a bunch of women are being forced to do something with their body they don't want to do for Trump's inauguration.


Edit: oops, beaten.

Nothing disturbing about being being told to do your job. They are employed to dance. They aren't forced to do anything. They are all perfectly welcome to quit if they feel like making a stand. Sucks for them, but to try and equate this to sexual assault is rubbish.


Maybe an Alternative Right band can play for him? I can already hear the future hit single "Black Sheep".

Baaa Baaa black sheep,
Have you stole my wool,
Yes sir yes sir,
Three bags full.

Also if they're getting Ted Nugent to play, I want my cupcake laced with cyanide poisoning.


Actually the MoTAB has sung in a number of Presidential Inauguration ceremonies. Except for Obama who was the most recent one. So it doesn't surprise me.


I know. Just makes me laugh cause a godless worldly asshole has the Mormons greatest group, on his side. Its too perfect.


The conundrum with Kanye performing: his fans definitely won't show up, and no one that voted for Trump listens to Kanye =p

Trump's in a pickle


he's got a four year long mandate to destroy the lives of the most vulnerable americans but i guess it's nice that celebrities dislike him
The conundrum with Kanye performing: his fans definitely won't show up, and no one that voted for Trump listens to Kanye =p

Trump's in a pickle
God I wish Kanye would perform Black SKKKin Heads followed by I Am A God, with the camera panning the audience and trump's family.
Nothing disturbing about being being told to do your job. They are employed to dance. They aren't forced to do anything. They are all perfectly welcome to quit if they feel like making a stand. Sucks for them, but to try and equate this to sexual assault is rubbish.
This. I don't get to simply ignore my job when it's inconvenient for me. Fucking nonsense.


I bet Trump will cancel the whole thing. Fear of looking foolish at such an important moment, he'll try to get this done in Trump tower with no fanfare, and say he saved the American tax payer money.


This. I don't get to simply ignore my job when it's inconvenient for me. Fucking nonsense.

Nothing disturbing about being being told to do your job. They are employed to dance. They aren't forced to do anything. They are all perfectly welcome to quit if they feel like making a stand. Sucks for them, but to try and equate this to sexual assault is rubbish.
The rubbish thing is you guys defending it.
Didn't Trump just recently call Alec Baldwin's Trump impersonation on SNL "horrible"?

I would love it if Alec dressed up as Trump for the inauguration


Clothed, sober, cooperative
This. I don't get to simply ignore my job when it's inconvenient for me. Fucking nonsense.

Imagine you were a woman though, and you were being asked to perform in front of a self-confessed serial sex offender and mysoginist assaulter (and alleged rapist). Is that merely "inconvenient" or have you not thought this through very well?

And imagine you recently heard that this same guy was asking for a list of pro-women programs with the idea being to dismantle as many as possible? Inconvenent!
Wait, these aren't the Beach Boys that made Pet Sounds, right? This is breaking my heart...
No, this is the massive douche that took over the Beach Boys name and dragged the real genius who created most of the music (Brian Wilson) through the mud. Fuck Mike Love and fuck the idea that people associate his bastardized version of the Beach Boys with the real one.


Wait, these aren't the Beach Boys that made Pet Sounds, right? This is breaking my heart...

Brian Wilson was the heart and soul of the Beach Boys and chief architect of Pet Sounds, so any form of the band that doesn't feature him really can't call itself the Beach Boys as far as most rationally-minded people are concerned.

Today it's more "Mike Love & Friends(?)" than anything.
Tell me why I'm wrong then.
I think part of being a member of a performance group is that your acknowledge that you're gonna have some shitty gigs, but you have to do them because you're a member of the group. They have every right to complain (and we do too), but it's not like the people booking the group are doing something unfair.


I want Kanye to perform as long as he spends at least 45 minutes ranting about how the fashion industry hates him and that Jay Z hasn't called in ages
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