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Report: Trump can't book talent for inauguration. Trump Tweet: Nuh uh, your face!!!!

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The individual also said longtime Trump friend and Vegas hotelier Steve Wynn had promised to deliver Celine Dion, but could not do so.

No fucking way would Céline Dion have ever accepted. Steve Wynn was on crack.
I think part of being a member of a performance group is that your acknowledge that you're gonna have some shitty gigs, but you have to do them because you're a member of the group. They have every right to complain (and we do too), but it's not like the people booking the group are doing something unfair.

By all means, moan about it, but don't try and liken It to a sexual assault. They can moan all they like, but nobody is being forced into anything. That's what I was getting at.

Hostile work environment is bullshit too.


Great, the chance that it will be The California Raisins and Triumph The Insult Comic Dog are rising!


Too urban.

I remember being strangely obsessed with the California raisins for some reason as a child.


Water is not wet!
I've said this before, but Camancho was an excellent president. Ten times the man Trump is.

He recognized there was a problem, found possible the only one that could solve it (the "smartest man in the USA"), and fixed the problem after some hiccups. He got shit done.

In a hypothetical situation, Trump would keep the Brawndo execs on solving the problem - the exact opposite of what would be needed (see climate change).

Camacho was a great President. Now someone like President Performance H. Wilson deserves a lot of criticalism.



Talladega College Marching Band is performing for the inaugural parade. Students and fans from any other HBCU's are shitting on them heavily, as they should.
Wouldn't surprise me if he's trying to get an A-list lineup just to beat Obama. Don't think his ego could handle him having a better one.

He's all about appearance.

I honestly believe he's spending more time worrying about looking 'beloved' or 'falling out' than any intelligence briefings. Hence the dog and pony show meetings he's had the past two weeks with celebs and tech CEOs.

He's like Commodus in Gladiator. He wants to be loved and feared and respected, but everyone knows he just a stupid, worthless shit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Talladega College Marching Band is performing for the inaugural parade. Students and fans from any other HBCU's are sitting on them heavily, as they should.

Y'all are shitting me

He's all about appearance.

I honestly believe he's spending more time worrying about looking 'beloved' or 'falling out' than any intelligence briefings. Hence the dog and pony show meetings he's had the past two weeks with celebs and tech CEOs.

He's like Commodus in Gladiator. He wants to be loved and feared and respected, but everyone knows he just a stupid, worthless shit.

And yet Jill Stein is the one who's terribly vaxxed.
He's all about appearance.

I honestly believe he's spending more time worrying about looking 'beloved' or 'falling out' than any intelligence briefings. Hence the dog and pony show meetings he's had the past two weeks with celebs and tech CEOs.

He's like Commodus in Gladiator. He wants to be loved and feared and respected, but everyone knows he just a stupid, worthless shit.



Didn't Trump just recently call Alec Baldwin's Trump impersonation on SNL "horrible"?

I would love it if Alec dressed up as Trump for the inauguration

This reminds me, what's going to happen at the annual WH correspondents dinners? Stephen Crowder as the comedian or something? No way will Trump allow someone critical of him.


If Trump had half a brain and a exponentially smaller ego, he would have his advisors go across the country and find small town bands who play in states he has won or has favor in and ask them to play/perform as a "band of the people".

"I don't need Hollywood." Etc etc. What is great is, he may think of this idea or it may be brought to him... but because of his fucking ego... he won't do it. He will think it will be belittling his stature (when in fact it would show great humility).


Can't wait for the White House correspondents' dinner. Or will Trump be doing away with those as well? Surely he would only invite Fox, Breitbart, and the AM radio crowd.


Honestly, there should be an fake inauguration put on by Colbert, Baldwin, and other top tier comedians and activists to see if they can get better viewership than the real one.


Looking for meaning in GAF
I've said this before, but Camancho was an excellent president. Ten times the man Trump is.

He recognized there was a problem, found possible the only one that could solve it (the "smartest man in the USA"), and fixed the problem after some hiccups. He got shit done.

In a hypothetical situation, Trump would keep the Brawndo execs on solving the problem - the exact opposite of what would be needed (see climate change).
Not only that, but most importantly he recognized the value in backing off and letting the guy do his thing without trying to micromanage him. He knew that the guy knew things better than he did, so he stayed out of the way. He just tried to give him whatever he needed.

Good luck having Trump do that. He thinks he knows everything better than you do.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This reminds me, what's going to happen at the annual WH correspondents dinners? Stephen Crowder as the comedian or something? No way will Trump allow someone critical of him.
It'll be some hack who's given a small list of allowable areas in which Trump can be gently ribbed.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Can't wait for the White House correspondents' dinner. Or will Trump be doing away with those as well? Surely he would only invite Fox, Breitbart, and the AM radio crowd.
He's gonna do it and turn the whole thing into an Obama roast. Then he'll cancel it the following years.


Nork unification denier
This reminds me, what's going to happen at the annual WH correspondents dinners? Stephen Crowder as the comedian or something? No way will Trump allow someone critical of him.

I have this dream where they invite Stephen Colbert back. Would be the best thing in the history of humanity.

Dreams are nice.
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