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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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They/Them A-10 Warthog
So if I'm reading this correctly, the information was included in the report in order to give Trump an example of what bad intelligence looks like?

Yes, and buzzfeed fell for it. This is actually hilarious. CIA wants trump to understand how damaging fake news is, creates an example, buzzfeed thinks the example is real enough and runs with it.

Buzzfeed is about to be Gawker 2.0.


It doesn't matter if his supporters think a video/audio recording is fake. If Congress and intelligence believe it is real, then that's when real action happens.

That being said, the BBC said there were tapes in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They're never coming out guys. Unless the US counter-hacked them out or something else covert to obtain them, we're never going to know.


NBC: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/t...jects-dossier-alleged-russia-dealings-n705586


4chan redeemed?
Yes, people believing unverified stories with implications that are tantamount to treason and other high crimes, is crazy. And dangerous. Im not sure how you don't see that.

And yes, youre right, it is crazy. If it turned out to be true it would be crazy as fuck. Again you are reducing this report to "trump is in bed with russia", but there are crazy af specific allegations of TREASON

And again, you attempt to shift the argument to being about arguing for this being true. Which is not what I'm saying, and really not what almost anyone is saying here, to be honest.


So... Buzzfeed is going to get it, aren't they?

Buzzfeed knew that when they hit "go". Either something was going to stick and they'd be public heroes or the Trump litigation machine was going to come after them. It's honestly in this case why anonymous leaking might have been best, then news sites could just say "erm, yeah, that is the document we've seen". Buzzfeed want the scoop and direct ties to being the leaker. It's a risky game to play though, hence why no-one rolled that dice till now.

As much as we have free press, there can still be consequences. As in your whole site goes under and you go bankrupt kind of consequences...


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Again, the reason why many people are finding this report credible is that it perfectly fits and explains Trump's public actions over past 6 months and beyond. Since the beginning of this Presidential campaign, he's behaved as Putin's lapdog. A significant part of his political platform has been trying soften the perception of Russia with the American public while simultaneous weakening NATO. In other words, if Russia had blackmailed or even "recruited" a US Presidential candidate, they would have behaved exactly like Trump.

But this is conspiracy thinking. People play the same kind of 'connect the dots' games with stuff like 9/11. The US is pro Saudi Arabia, etc.

Trump probably has some shady business ties to Russia, but that doesn't automatically mean all of the allegations in this report are true.
Unfortunately the only way this story gains real traction with consequences for Trump is if some kind of video / audio recording comes out. Anything less and his horde of supporters won't really give a crap.
Most won't give a crap even if there's recordings I think. They didn't when 'grab her by the pussy was out.'

What is needed is political pressure to impeach him.
In all honesty, I think it's outrageous that Clinton got away with it. There was no goosechase, it was an unthinkable violation for anyone less powerful and influential than Hillary Clinton.

If an employee of any large corporation had used a personal, insecure email server for work, let alone with classified documents, they would at minimum never work in that industry again.

But what real substance was lost, other than noise that Trump espoused worse in public.


In all honesty, I think it's outrageous that Clinton got away with it. There was no goosechase, it was an unthinkable violation for anyone less powerful and influential than Hillary Clinton.

If an employee of any large corporation had used a personal, insecure email server for work, let alone with classified documents, they would at minimum never work in that industry again.

Remember when the director of the CIA had his AOL email hacked?


There were "work related" email that got leaked too.

And he's still the director of the CIA!


41 > 38
I still don't understand why they would do that, but I can be dense.

I would imagine that they wanted to drill into his head that you can't innately trust everything that comes through in intelligence reports, and they decided to use horrible "intel" on him in order to get the point across.


And again, you attempt to shift the argument to being about arguing for this being true. Which is not what I'm saying, and really not what almost anyone is saying here, to be honest.

so then you agree with me that this being true is not reasonable to argue for

am I shifting the argument or are you just squirming to not have to acknowledge youre being irrational? coulda sworn you were just saying things along the line of "just cuz it sounds crazy doesnt mean its not true" and "it wouldnt be that surprising" ... excuse me for thinking you were arguing for the story being true and defending the rationale to do so
If this is how it plays out he's going to officially be scandal proof sans actual video of him doing something insane.

That's not how this works. Stories like this popped up for Obama occasionally and it certainly didn't give him a free pass.

Remember when the story about Obama paying a bribe to free some hostages blew up, but it ended up being nothing interesting, just poor reporting?


What in the hell? So fake news was generated from a document using fake news as an example to discourage fake news?
Yes, except less so about news being "fake" but rather unverifiable, I guess? However it sounds like Trump is all on the "fake news" terminology train.


Lol OK

Do you oppose the Freedom of Information Act?

She didn't violate FOIA. In fact, Colin Powell told her exactly how she could violate FOIA, and she didn't follow his advice. You know how we know she didn't violate FOIA? You can read all her SoS emails right here,


She also never broke any statues related to the handling of classified information. 200 FBI agent spents a year trying build a legal case against her, and came back with nothing. You're wrong.
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