The BBC's Paul Wood, a respected foreign correspondent, says he has another source claiming multiple #Trump tapes exist. This story has legs
I don't think anyone wants to see Trump's piss orgy in VR. My god
More and more like Rob Ford every day.
If things keep going this way Trump will vehemently deny everything until solid proof comes out, and then he'll apologize/not apologize and clumsily attempt to go on like business as usual. Then everyone will turn on him.
You folks really need to get the timeline right. CNN is simply reporting what was debriefed to Obama/Trump. Intel community thought it was strong enough to present to them. They will of course verify and corroborate more, including Buzzfeed piss details.
Yeah, then they will. Just like last time.More and more like Rob Ford every day.
If things keep going this way Trump will vehemently deny everything until solid proof comes out, and then he'll apologize/not apologize and clumsily attempt to go on like business as usual. Then everyone will turn on him.
Well trump and I have golden shower fetish in common. Guess he isn't all bad.
Trump is already hated by a slim majority of the US. His ego won't survive this
CNN simply reported what happened. Thats it. Are we not supposed to report what happened?That is a superficial reason to dismiss bad journalism. The fact that they were debriefing anyone has absolutely zero relevance. If the intelligence community is not ready to release it to the public, neither should the press. The New York Times said this is exactly why they did not report on it, and the ethical contrast could not be clearer.
The worst part is that the media apparently knew about this before the election. If they genuinely think it's worth discussing now, they had an ethical obligation to release it to the American voter before the election. They can't have it both ways.
He lives in his own universe. He thinks he's loved by all. That's why he goes into a meltdown when someone picks on him: It's a brief glimpse of the cold, hard truth.
More and more like Rob Ford every day.
If things keep going this way Trump will vehemently deny everything until solid proof comes out, and then he'll apologize/not apologize and clumsily attempt to go on like business as usual. Then everyone will turn on him.
CNN simply reported what happened. Thats it. Are we not supposed to report what happened?
The only thing that gives me pause about the credibility of this is how the hell did it leak out of the FSB? If the Russians had blackmail material it would be the #1 most closely guarded secret worthy of Manhattan project levels of security. Those tapes would be on air gap computers deep in the Kremlin. I dunno, this seems like it could go either way to me.
Yeah, then they will. Just like last time.
I can already hear that one terrible coworker. "What's wrong with being close to Russia?" "Hey, I'm not big into that stuff, but do you still listen to R Kelley? Hypocrite."
The BBC's Paul Wood, a respected foreign correspondent, says he has another source claiming multiple #Trump tapes exist. This story has legs
How is that "very different"? If you've been groomed and blackmailed by Russia, then you are easily manipulated by Russia. Like... what?
Also, no one said the hooker piss was the most scandalous thing. The poster said it's just the most surprising form that the situation might take. Being a groomed shill is standard corruption fare.
Easy strawman, but If everything about Trump's ties to Russia that's been detailed, including financial and staff ties, really just equates 'Trump loves Russia,' and nothing else then you truly don't understand what's being said at all and I don't think there's a point to continuing. You either seriously can't follow what I'm saying (which is insanely simple really, and something you've gleamed in many of your responses), or are intentionally prolonging this because you can't really take that I've cut off your main argument and silly PizzaGate comparisons.
The only thing that gives me pause about the credibility of this is how the hell did it leak out of the FSB? If the Russians had blackmail material it would be the #1 most closely guarded secret worthy of Manhattan project levels of security. Those tapes would be on air gap computers deep in the Kremlin. I dunno, this seems like it could go either way to me.
The report did happen thoWhat if that did not happen?
What if something else (as in, still incriminating) happened?
What if...?
Some of the most powerful people in American society have been sharing and reading and discussing a document. We're supposed to be mad at the reporters who decided that everyone else should get a look at it too?
Graham further wrings his hands over Trump—by his own admission a public figure—being forced to respond to the dossier's allegations. That Donald Trump is a public figure is no accident: You may recall him seeking, and winning, election to the presidency of the United States. (Perhaps you additionally remember him flouting the disclosure protocols typically associated with campaigning for that job.) This dossier reportedly has been making the rounds among some of the highest-ranking people in the United States government, including Trump and (presumably) his staff; the discussion about it is happening; and it was already happening before anybody at BuzzFeed clicked a button to publish the thing. Under no set of circumstances would the incoming president of the United States—a figure not just ”public" in the sense of being very famous, but one whose accountability to the public is written into the laws of the land—be able to avoid responding, in some way or another, formally or informally, to a dossier circulating at the highest levels of government alleging that he has troublesome and potentially scandalous ties to a foreign power (and enjoys watching Russian hookers piss on beds in which the Obamas have slept).
All BuzzFeed's reporting has assured is that that response—which, again, never was not going to happen—must include some public component. In short, it has assured that an elected official is forced to answer, however poorly or dishonestly, to the people who elected him. It has fulfilled the highest and most basic purpose of journalism.
And here are reporters, for chrissakes, telling us that a trade interest in controlling the flow of information ought to prevent that from happening. There's been a lot of talk lately about how Donald Trump happened. Here's part of the answer.
Did you read the report? They were working together. Intentionally. Colluding. And actually , Lord Frieza himself said "other than the golden shower thing, what is absurd?", and others have implied the same, that it is the only thing that is even hard to believe.
I follow what you're saying. You are not arguing the story is true, merely stating that it is not shocking if true. I disagree. To think Trump's love affair with Russia during the elections were somehow obvious displays of him being a complicit Russian plant and doing illegal deals with them is totally false IMO. You already agreed its crazy as a story but proceeded to rationalize why its actually not because its Trump and somehow its logic to connect those dots and not confirmation bias. My pizzagate comparison stands for as long as people are whipped into a frenzy by outrageous unsubstantiated claims, by news that has not been confirmed; you don't have to agree with the comparison, and of course you wouldn't because you believe it is reasonable to think this report is not that crazy sounding.
As for "Trump loves Russia" as a simple reduction of the report, thats the impression I get of your understanding considering the treasonous accusations within the report itself, and the fact that you somehow think that is par for the course.
A Russian intelligence operative essentially being a mole and leaking the information to the British mi6 agent.
It's not that hard to figure out.
A former mi6 agent would potentially have a contact in the FSB.
This is the definition of clutching at straws and it's actually getting embarrassing.
Even if there are Trump sex tapes...So What???
What have these got to do with anything?
And the USA invaded countries to spread democracy.
The only thing that can happen at this point is that congress impeaches Trump immediately. Can't stop him from being President without like a constitutional convention or a coup.
This is the definition of clutching at straws and it's actually getting embarrassing.
Even if there are Trump sex tapes...So What???
What have these got to do with anything?
And the USA invaded countries to spread democracy.
If tapes exist that confirm what is in the document, then perhaps other parts of the document are also true. That seems obvious, no?This is the definition of clutching at straws and it's actually getting embarrassing.
Even if there are Trump sex tapes...So What???
What have these got to do with anything?
And the USA invaded countries to spread democracy.
This is the definition of clutching at straws and it's actually getting embarrassing.
Even if there are Trump sex tapes...So What???
What have these got to do with anything?
And the USA invaded countries to spread democracy.
This is the definition of clutching at straws and it's actually getting embarrassing.
Even if there are Trump sex tapes...So What???
What have these got to do with anything?
And the USA invaded countries to spread democracy.
If they have incriminating personal and financial info that's blackmail. Trump probably really does like Putin. Trump has surrogates that love Putin so yea they'd love to help him. But if they are dangling this folder with a lot of incriminating shit in front of you. Using it against you if you deviate from a certain platform. That's blackmail. No matter if they "helped" each other.
This is the definition of clutching at straws and it's actually getting embarrassing.
Even if there are Trump sex tapes...So What???
What have these got to do with anything?
And the USA invaded countries to spread democracy.
The only thing that gives me pause about the credibility of this is how the hell did it leak out of the FSB? If the Russians had blackmail material it would be the #1 most closely guarded secret worthy of Manhattan project levels of security. Those tapes would be on air gap computers deep in the Kremlin. I dunno, this seems like it could go either way to me.
This is the definition of clutching at straws and it's actually getting embarrassing.
Even if there are Trump sex tapes...So What???
What have these got to do with anything?
And the USA invaded countries to spread democracy.
The report did happen tho
Some people here want 4K VR oculus rift experience of these allegations before they even consider them investigation worthy.
IMO it's over. The deep state has made its decision, just a question of when at this point. Trump chose poorly when he went on the offensive against the IC, they will place self-preservation above his presidency
This is the definition of clutching at straws and it's actually getting embarrassing.
Even if there are Trump sex tapes...So What???
What have these got to do with anything?
And the USA invaded countries to spread democracy.
I tend to agree. It IS newsworthy to have this dossier out. And now it's finally getting legs because people are able to do public research on it. If this had never been published, it might have just disappeared altogether once Trump was in power.