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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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I posted a link to 4chan where someone claimed to have made this up back in November.

I'm not spamming anything.

Hey my dad works at Nintendo the British FBI and he says it's fake. A bunch of guys in the office wrote it as a joke but accidentally attached the joke file to an email meant for John McCain. They're all rofling so hard. Screen cap this.
The BBC's Paul Wood, a respected foreign correspondent, says he has another source claiming multiple #Trump tapes exist. This story has legs
Trump refused to answer a question from the press which is unprecedented and called CNN fake news, without correctly even pointing out what he disagreed with as far as CNNs reporting.

Yeah, the "victim" sort of does have to disprove CNNs allegations if he's going to behave like that.

To add, he dismissed it and then added a caveat that it could have been our own intelligence agencies who are responsible AND then proceeded to perpetuate his own unsubstantiated "facts" about wikileaks and its findings about the DNC, Hillary and Podesta. It was weird.
You folks really need to get the timeline right. CNN is simply reporting what was debriefed to Obama/Trump. Intel community thought it was strong enough to present to them. They will of course verify and corroborate more, including Buzzfeed piss details.

I feel like a lot of developments occured throughout last night and into this morning. People coming into it now have a hazy version of the timeline, including the 4chan link.

I recommend everyone reading through the entire thread for context. I know there is a lot of fluff, but you will get better perspective.
Lol, to think that WL is now commenting on the veracity of this. They never comment on seemingly random shit like this.

Comments like those just go to show that they're just a straight up propaganda machine.

I think Wikileaks was the price Assange had to pay for Russian assistance.


I posted a link to 4chan where someone claimed to have made this up back in November.

I'm not spamming anything.

MotherJones had the documents in October, which precedes the 4chan posts. This isn't some 4chan crap. At the very least the intelligence briefings are real.


I hope the verification for this story is already out there and away from the people actually involved; I fear if this is true anyone remotely involved who isn't top brass on either side died a horrible death months ago.


It's basically over already. Over half the country lives in a news-bubble created by the internet and social media. The internet was simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to the news.

No. It isn't. It's pinned to him now forever. And everything he does is going to be put under a magnifying glass because of this report.
Wikileaks saying it's not real is basically Putin winking. He knows that we know it's true.

If Wikileaks is an avatar of Putin, why does it release documents from the Syrian government and the Turkish AKP party? One of which is a straight-up Russian puppet and the other has a longstanding friendly partnership.


Gotta think the intelligence community in every NATO or non Russian country out there is currently scrambling like crazy to get something. Bet that former MI6 agent is getting some calls. If they don't take Trump down Russia essentially unravels the western world's current alliances.


TBH, either side sounds as unbelievable as the other at this point.
No. No it doesn't. Trump hired Paul Manafort as his second campaign manager. His previous job was working for Russias puppet separatist party in the Ukraine to sow discord and prime the country for the Crimea invasion. That alone directly links Trumps campaign to Russia and there's a billion other things out there as well.



Trump loves Israel.

Does not mean he has been groomed by Israel for 8+ years, that they have been cutting deals about their cooperation in energy sector, that they've been meeting and exchanging illegally obtained information about political opponents, and that they got hookers to piss in Yasir Arafat's backyard.

Story comes out that claims all these things happened.

You see that it was obvious all along. Because Trump loves Israel. Therefore it is "not shocking".

Confirmation bias.

Yes, saying you always knew it was gonna rain even though you didn't actually know but then ending up being right is confirmation bias. If thats what you mean.



The story isn't going away people. And like I said. The initial story has already done it's job imo. People who want to believe it will. People who didn't want to believe it are trying to discredit it by posting Wikileaks and 4chan.

But it's spurring more articles about it. True or not at this point. Trump and Russia will be linked and not in a positive way.


You folks really need to get the timeline right. CNN is simply reporting what was debriefed to Obama/Trump. Intel community thought it was strong enough to present to them. They will of course verify and corroborate more, including Buzzfeed piss details.

That is a superficial reason to dismiss bad journalism. The fact that they were debriefing anyone has absolutely zero relevance. If the intelligence community is not ready to release it to the public, neither should the press. The New York Times said this is exactly why they did not report on it, and the ethical contrast could not be clearer.

The worst part is that the media apparently knew about this before the election. If they genuinely think it's worth discussing now, they had an ethical obligation to release it to the American voter before the election. They can't have it both ways.
I posted BBC's Paul Wood quote earlier:
Let's start with what we know: It was definitely originally compiled by a former British intelligence agent, this report, a former MI6 man. He did it for what's known as an opposition research company in Washington DC. It's a company I know quite well and have visited often. They were working first of all for Jeb Bush's superpac as it's called in the Republican primaries and then for an anonymous Democratic party donor. The allegations themselves are extremely lurid and out of fairness to Mr Trump and anyone under the age of 18 watching I don't think we should relay them. But here's the crucial point: I was able to send a message into the CIA at the beginning of November to ask them about these allegations. It was illegal for any official to talk to me about them but I got a message back through an intermediary which said the allegations were regarded as credible, and more than that, there was more than a single source for them, not just this MI6 man. There was supposedly more than one tape, not just video but audio, more than one date, and not just in Moscow but in St Petersburg as well. Now obviously if the Russians have blackmail material on Mr Trump they're hardly going to release it, so these are necessarily allegations, but they are allegations that are regarded as credible - that's not the same as saying accurate - but they are regarded as credible by the US intelligence community.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Some people here want 4K VR oculus rift experience of these allegations before they even consider them investigation worthy.


Beat EviLore at pool.
The story isn't going away people. And like I said. The initial story has already done it's job imo. People who want to believe it will. People who didn't want to believe it are trying to discredit it by posting Wikileaks and 4chan.

But it's spurring more articles about it. True or not at this point. Trump and Russia will be linked and not in a positive way.

It helps all the sources that were there confirmed it. Now just need more proof added to it. The sooner the better.

Hari Seldon

The only thing that can happen at this point is that congress impeaches Trump immediately. Can't stop him from being President without like a constitutional convention or a coup.
TBH, either side sounds as unbelievable as the other at this point.

Trump being a bought politician, working for a foreign nation because of blackmail material of a sexual nature?

That's honestly how I expect the man to be impeached.

It's personally shocking that people find it shocking.


People really need to slow down and think here. Even if this ends up being unverifiable or verified to be false, it is far better that it is in the public realm so that the demand for any form of verification is present and known. This could have very easily stayed within the walls of government and when/if made public, in a much less complete form, that would have resulted in no external movement pursuant to verification(forgive this sentence structure).


Why didn’t the information in the dossier come out earlier?

One senior administration official with knowledge of the situation has said White House officials were reluctant to confirm they were examining the dossier before the election because they did not want to be seen as trying to influence the electoral process. “People were respecting their institutional obligations ahead of the general election,” this official said. “The question whether we should do this when you have a foreign power engaging in the way Russia did is an important foreign policy question.”
It's amazing how the "it's just a 4chan troll" bit of disinformation stuck and spread so quick.

Even the CIA has verified it comes from a reputable source.

Yeah it's fucking crazy. I think it's time that we realize that there is no convincing these people that Trump is the enemy. No more conversation, we have to stop them.


Convincing but I won't be 100% sure until I hear from Russia Today, Pravda, Kremlin press department, and the leader of the Putin Youth troops.

Those are all fakes and shills. I need to hear it directly from Putin, while being in his exalted presence. But even then, "he" may just be a robot and not the real Putin...

...I can't even. The shit going on to keep people believing that 1+1=3 is unreal.
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