Seriously though: Is Trump invincible? Logic says no, but the track record says yes....
No one is invincible if there is credible evidence. There's no point in looking to the audio tape, as I mentioned earlier it was a jane doe. As for Trump rhetoric, you live in America, so whilst it is embarrassing and unpresidential, he cannot be locked up for speech crimes. He cannot be locked up because people are scared of him either, unless there is tangible threat he is going to directly hurt someone. Political fear/differences 95% of the time have to be fought over in the polling booth.
It might not be a nice situation to be in, but if you're asking about law and whether he is invincible, no of course not, because until it's proven he's broken the law nothing will happen by force. If there is evidence tieing him to some of the scandals listed yes he will be arrested, as they would be breaking the law if not international law. Except for the pissing, that would just be reputational hit. Or maybe a boom given some of his supporters.