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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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What I did not expect was for JILL FUCKING STEIN to be accused as a Russian plant for the sake of cultivating discord among the liberal base.

Yeah, I understand where you're coming from. I've always thought she was a shit person and a joke of a politician, but it's hard for me to picture a scenario where she has, you know, actual, meaningful plans or worthwhile ambitions.

I just sort of pictured her closer to the "crazy homeless person at the airport" end of the scale rather than the "provacateur" end.
I think trying to remove the sanctions is exactly what Obama wants Trump to do. Not to get all "3D Chess" or anything, but that was certainly the point of Obama extending them. It places Trump in a very difficult position.

It would be pretty fun for when the minute Bams hands over the Presidency he comes out constantly dissing Trump, but in a classy way. He's got people's ears in a way not many people do.
Stein was at RT gala dinners with Putin, who was sat next to Flynn. I mean this was known well before the dossier.

She's not an agent. Getting people paranoid about Green Party Russian agents was probably the exact reason she was invited to Russia. Invite your actual agents and send a shotgun blast of invites to a bunch of other people, like Stein, in the hopes it will muddy the waters.


She's not an agent. Getting people paranoid about Green Party Russian agents was probably the exact reason she was invited to Russia. Invite your actual agents and send a shotgun blast of invites to a bunch of other people, like Stein, in the hopes it will muddy the waters.

We already know Putin funds fringe political parties on the extreme left and right across Europe. Stein was par for the course and given the large percentage of the vote the thir dparty candidates got, Putin's effort paid off. She is a useful idiot in that regard.

To top it off people even gave money to her snakeoil recount attempts in the mid-west, which was just a ploy to raise cash for 2020. It's transparent as fuck.
She's not an agent. Getting people paranoid about Green Party Russian agents was probably the exact reason she was invited to Russia. Invite your actual agents and send a shotgun blast of invites to a bunch of other people, like Stein, in the hopes it will muddy the waters.

I'm more inclined to believe that Stein actually thinks a Trump presidency will accelerate the Green Party's goals. And sees Russia as a way to help with that (plus Russia has always taken an interest in small parties that have the potential to fracture the voting base of a larger one).

Which makes sense with her whole "Trump is the lesser evil" shtick she had the entire election.


It would be pretty fun for when the minute Bams hands over the Presidency he comes out constantly dissing Trump, but in a classy way. He's got people's ears in a way not many people do.

First day in office for Trump.

Wants to tap his phone. Bet he does that for a lot of other people too. Not sure that would fly though.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Stein was at RT gala dinners with Putin, who was sat next to Flynn. I mean this was known well before the dossier.
She also made videos from Moscow declaring Russia the world's greatest force for peace and civil rights.

She's just a moron, however, someone Putin was happy to egg on a little bit.


She also made videos from Moscow declaring Russia the world's greatest force for peace and civil rights.

She's just a moron, however, someone Putin was happy to egg on a little bit.

Did not know that, but am not shocked to hear it.
She also made videos from Moscow declaring Russia the world's greatest force for peace and civil rights.

She's just a moron, however, someone Putin was happy to egg on a little bit.

This one? If so, you mischaracterize it quite badly.

Trump doesn't go away by progressives making propaganda that demonizes all non-Democrat political forces in the US.

edit: if that's not the video then please link the correct one. Trump supporters are supposed to be the ones beyond facts.


I was arguing with somebody on another forum about Trump's ties to Russia, and he kept bringing up Clinton and the DNC screwing Bernie while pointing out that Clinton had ties to Russia, and pointing to an article that said that Trump wasn't meeting with Putin after becoming president, because Sean Spicer claimed he wasn't (cause we all know nobody in Trump's camp would actually lie, right?).

Good lord, some people are just dense and crazy. He probably believes every white lie that comes out of Kellyanne Conway's mouth too, I'm sure.


Looks like the Washington Post is playing ball just like MSNBC in the post-truth era.
They'll get a seat at the big kids' table.


This is just some Neville Chamberlain level delusion.

In 4 years' time, when you've appeased and appeased and when the most vulnerable people under this government have been made to suffer (and some quite probably are dead) the people you've tried to appease will spit in your face. And you'll wonder 'gee, I guess I should've been even nicer to them. Maybe the next 4 years will go better.'

Also, this should've actually been in the Zoe Saldana Thread. That's what I get for browsing 2 trump threads at the same time.


This is just some Neville Chamberlain level delusion.

In 4 years' time, when you've appeased and appeased and when the most vulnerable people under this government have been made to suffer (and some quite probably are dead) the people you've tried to appease will spit in your face. And you'll wonder 'gee, I guess I should've been even nicer to them. Maybe the next 4 years will go better.'
That's clearly what Zoe Saldana believes. Shame on Hollywood for bullying Donald Trump and rural America.

what? Link?
Don's tweets above regarding Bob Woodward. But if you'd really like to see the footage, here you go...

Bob Woodward: Trump Is Right on ‘Garbage' Russia Allegations; Washington Post editor slams BuzzFeed report, says the intel community 'should apologize'


Mike Pompeo, our next CIA director:

"Congress should pass a law re-establishing collection of all metadata, and combining it with publicly available financial and lifestyle information into a comprehensive, searchable database. Legal and bureaucratic impediments to surveillance should be removed. That includes Presidential Policy Directive-28, which bestows privacy rights on foreigners and imposes burdensome requirements to justify data collection."

Yeah, the NSA regulations, but gawddam
We already know Putin funds fringe political parties on the extreme left and right across Europe. Stein was par for the course and given the large percentage of the vote the thir dparty candidates got, Putin's effort paid off. She is a useful idiot in that regard.

To top it off people even gave money to her snakeoil recount attempts in the mid-west, which was just a ploy to raise cash for 2020. It's transparent as fuck.

There's no evidence for the Greens being affected by Putin any more than him putting the charm on a naive politician at a gala. You gotta know when to stop with the paranoia. Just focus on Trump.
She also made videos from Moscow declaring Russia the world's greatest force for peace and civil rights.

She's just a moron, however, someone Putin was happy to egg on a little bit.

No one spews bullshit like that unless there is something in it for them.


There's no evidence for the Greens being affected by Putin any more than him putting the charm on a naive politician at a gala. You gotta know when to stop with the paranoia. Just focus on Trump.

No there isn't but quite candidly there is no paranoia. Putin's game gameplan in Eastern Europe is the same one he rolled out in the US. Fringe candidates on the left to be aided and abetted or their supporters coddled to through astroturfing and other influencing efforts. Divide and conquer.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This one? If so, you mischaracterize it quite badly.

Trump doesn't go away by progressives making propaganda that demonizes all non-Democrat political forces in the US.

edit: if that's not the video then please link the correct one. Trump supporters are supposed to be the ones beyond facts.
Yawn. The sum of her statements and actions make clear where she stands. Russia is a lesser evil and we need to be working with them while ignoring their own vast crimes. Maybe my post was hyperbolic, but she has a very real pattern of ignoring Russia's problems simply because they oppose much US policy. I'm not about to give someone much benefit of the doubt who celebrates RT and prefers Trump to Clinton.
No there isn't but quite candidly there is no paranoia. Putin's game gameplan in Eastern Europe is the same one he rolled out in the US. Fringe candidates on the left to be aided and abetted or their supporters coddled to through astroturfing and other influencing efforts. Divide and conquer.

Yeah, but it's up to us to not get divided. Well I'm not American so it's really up to you, but you get the point.
Tom Arnold is dropping some not so subtle hints that he's going to drop tapes on Trump after he's inaugurated. I think these are about Trump using the n-word, not piss tapes though.


He also makes mention of being 100% sure of a sex tape in Moscow from 2013. Not sure how he'd know that- he doesn't give any proof of course.



The history books will be something else


If there is any evidence leading to Stein or her campaign the Senate Committee can certainly question them as well. I'm not going to assume one way or another given there's no evidence because nobody has been looking at her.


About Woodward, two weeks ago:
Veteran journalist Bob Woodward was attending private meetings in Trump Tower. But he won’t say whether he’s meeting with the president-elect.

The journalist made famous by his reliance on secret sources during the Watergate scandal was spotted on Tuesday getting on the elevators leading up to Trump’s private suite in the lobby of the incoming president’s Manhattan skyscraper.

Afterward, Woodward said he was ‘‘visiting a couple of people’’ and would come back ‘‘to see somebody else.’’

Pressed for details, he said he agreed not to disclose details about the meetings.

Woodward said, ‘‘There’s no secrecy about it. It’s just that I’m doing my work.’’ He added, ‘‘It’s something I’m working on long term. I hope you’ll understand.’’

Woodward should know better than to grossly misrepresent the facts but, for whatever reason, he seems to have gone rogue on his own. Don't think it has anything to do with the WaPo.


That's clearly what Zoe Saldana believes. Shame on Hollywood for bullying Donald Trump and rural America.

Don's tweets above regarding Bob Woodward. But if you'd really like to see the footage, here you go...

Bob Woodward: Trump Is Right on ‘Garbage’ Russia Allegations; Washington Post editor slams BuzzFeed report, says the intel community 'should apologize’

That isn't the Post though, it's just Bob Woodward who is prone to the odd stupid comment. The Post has been quite good in it's Trump reporting from the get go, unless it has changed wholesale recently?

The editor of BBC news was also not so positive about BuzzFeed publishing the doc.


That isn't the Post though, it's just Bob Woodward who is prone to the odd stupid comment. The Post has been quite good in it's Trump reporting from the get go, unless it has changed wholesale recently?

The editor of BBC news was also not so positive about BuzzFeed publishing the doc.
I think it's been a universal consensus that dumping the doc was a rash decision on BuzzFeed's part... although it may well prove to have been a risk worth taking.

Decrying that action is one thing. Publically referring to the Russian allegations as "garbage" when serious investigations are under way is quite another.
And Woodward's comments reflect on the Post regardless of whether his colleagues feel the same way or not.


Brennan basically refusing to deny that compromising intercepts exist says it all really. Those intercepts probably also shown to the Senate.

I think it's been a universal consensus that dumping the doc was a rash decision on BuzzFeed's part... although it may well prove to have been a risk worth taking.

Decrying that action is one thing. Publically referring to the Russian allegations as "garbage" when serious investigations are under way is quite another.

It's only Woodward doing that though. Doesn't mean the Post has changed its position.
The history books will be something else
Had a long and surprisingly warm and civil conversation about all of this with my mother - a self described deplorable - yesterday.

She seemed to think the pee was the big story, not the alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin. Also thought we as a country were hypocrites to smear Russia for doing what we ourselves have done to subvert elections over the generations, and was convinced that Democrats wanted war with Russia, as evidenced partially by the deployment of troops to Poland in the waning days of the Obama administration. But one thing changed with her recently, and I think its the understanding of just how many people in this country are truly scared, worried and frustrated by the incoming Trump team just days away now. I think that reality just hadn't sunk in until now and its giving her some pause.

As you can imagine we disagree on quite a lot politically speaking, and most often with what we personally take away from each Trump statement or story, but we're both agreed that some scary, tumultuous days lie ahead of us.

Even aside from the latest scandal, we've got a simmering protest machine gearing up for the inaugural start line and the first 100 days to come, only to be matched by Trump and all of the Republican controlled levers of US power set to make sweeping changes very quickly - a dangerous cocktail. And when you add back in the importance of the latest developments, regardless of whichever way that plays and things are set to go completely off the rails.

To be fair I think that headline gives the wrong impression. She said that confidential briefings should be kept confidential, not the investigations to come, though it wouldn't surprise me if she took that tack down the line. There's plenty of other lies and distortions to unpack from that interview though.
Cross-posting from PoliGAF:

On Fox News, Chris Wallace directly asked Mike Pence if Trump and/or his associates had direct contact with Russia during the election and about the DNC hack.

Pence initially responded by blaming opposition research and didn't answer.

Asked again, Pence responded by saying that the campaign's contact was "with American people."

Two questions, two deflections.

Wallace, being the great journalist he is, pressed AGAIN, and finally Pence said "Of course not."

On the record, Mike. On the record. It was obvious he was deflecting and was now caught in a lie.

Isn't it confirmed Flynn Sr. (or his phone at least) talked to Russia (5 times on one day, the day of US sanctions against Russia at that)?

Pence done be fucked. Disseminating Russian lies to all of Fox News' viewers.
Isn't it confirmed Flynn Sr. (or his phone at least) talked to Russia (5 times on one day, the day of US sanctions against Russia at that)?
And the Trump team really has the gall to expect us to believe that none of the dramatic day's events ever came up in any of these calls?

They must be unable to smell what they're shoveling.
Cross-posting from PoliGAF:

On Fox News, Chris Wallace directly asked Mike Pence if Trump and/or his associates had direct contact with Russia during the election and about the DNC hack.

Pence initially responded by blaming opposition research and didn't answer.

Asked again, Pence responded by saying that the campaign's contact was "with American people."

Two questions, two deflections.

Wallace, being the great journalist he is, pressed AGAIN, and finally Pence said "Of course not."

On the record, Mike. On the record. It was obvious he was deflecting and was now caught in a lie.
This is Pence's MO. He did exactly this during the debate with Kaine. Deflect, deflect, deflect, deny. Didn't answer a single fucking thing except act like a small town idiot farmer.


And the Trump team really has the gall to expect us to believe that none of the dramatic day's events ever came up in any of these calls?

They must be unable to smell what they're shoveling.
I think they smell it. They just don't care.
They're going to bulldoze their way through any and all opposition.

That Brennan non-confirmation felt like a soft "fuck you" to the FBI.
The FBI got compromised first. The CIA follows suit later this week and Brennan knows it.
So it sounds like Tom Arnold is waiting until after he is sworn in to release the tapes. Assuming he's actually got these tapes, the next 10 days or so should be very interesting.
Tom Arnold is dropping some not so subtle hints that he's going to drop tapes on Trump after he's inaugurated. I think these are about Trump using the n-word, not piss tapes though.


He also makes mention of being 100% sure of a sex tape in Moscow from 2013. Not sure how he'd know that- he doesn't give any proof of course.



This is literally like that Black Mirror episode with the Prime Minister lol. Those tapes must be released.


Doesn't seem like any shit is going to happen to Trump. Even impeachment and removal after inauguration is not a sure thing.
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