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Reports on Russian connections to Trump [Summaries in OP] #GoldenShowers

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Congress has the exclusive choice about whether to initiate an impeachment proceeding and they can choose not to. There is a choice.

To be fair, that's easy ammunition for Democrats in 2018 and beyond. "Oh, hey, voters - remember when the GOP risked your safety and undermined democracy by letting a foreign power install a puppet leader who repealed your healthcare and made himself richer with your tax dollars?"

Hopefully, even if nothing comes of this now, enough liberals will be incensed to actually vote in 2018 and 2020.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
And yet, nothing will change. At this point I'm convinced Trump could be caught in the middle of a murder spree, post "FAKE NEWS!" on Twitter and he'd be fine.


Why is everyone on the internet so desperate to pin this as fake 4chan news.....

So incredibly irritating...

Personally I think it's hilarious because it's payback for all the BS he pushed — Obama not being born in the US (which wouldn't even matter because his mother was an American and thus he was natural born even if he was born in Canada, like Ted Cruz); Ted Cruz's father being involved in the JFK assassination; comparing Ben Carson to a child molester (while he's a strange dude, he's not strange like that).

It's sort of the perfect comeuppance.

OTOH, it probably will hurt legitimate criticism of him..

The reason being is that it has been presented to the POTUS and PEOTUS. Intelligence would not have presented it if it was not somewhat credible. A 4 chan troll is not credible.

I think you misunderstood my post. I think the intelligence is credible. I'm saying all the accusations of it being fake is by trolls on 4chan. Like the hentai bit shared earlier on. Easy disinfo tactic.


So...let me get this straight....

Impeachment wouldn't happen because it was proven that the President was working with the Russians and everything else, but because of GOP approval ratings and election politics? Like even if it was proven, you'd need the GOP to actually want to act?

Why would the GOP want a Russian puppet as POTUS? What advantage does that give them?


To be fair, that's easy ammunition for Democrats in 2018 and beyond. "Oh, hey, voters - remember when the GOP risked your safety and undermined democracy by letting a foreign power install a puppet leader who repealed your healthcare and made himself richer with your tax dollars?"

Hopefully, even if nothing comes of this now, enough liberals will be incensed to actually vote in 2018 and 2020.

I dont think you understand how important this is. This is beyond watergate. They would be forced to impeach him. Otherwise it shows the American Government as a complete failure to protect the country from foreign influence.
They would HAVE to act.

We are talking about a President Elect conspiring with the Russians if this is all true.

He CANT be president at that point.

He can.

It doesn't matter it would happen. The majority of Republicans in office can't stand him anyways. They would just need enough proof to justify it to not piss off constituents.

If it was proven without doubt Congress would boot him no problem. The GOP would prefer Pence in office anyways.

And, there lies the problem. This isn't the 1960's anymore, the political landscape is extremely polarized. Nixon's impeachment had wide spread bi-partisan support. Republicans today don't give a damn about anything but staying in office, if Trump's supporters still support him after everything comes out they aren't going to stick their necks out just so they can lose their jobs. Hell, despite Republicans supporting Nixon's impeachment they were summarily creamed soon after in the elections for being of the same party as him paving the way for a outside, peanut farmer like Carter to become President.

Do you really see Mitch McConnell standing up against Trump to lose his seat and the entire Republican control of Congress they just got back? Unless the constituency cares nothing will happen unless Democrats retake the House.

To be fair, that's easy ammunition for Democrats in 2018 and beyond. "Oh, hey, voters - remember when the GOP risked your safety and undermined democracy by letting a foreign power install a puppet leader who repealed your healthcare and made himself richer with your tax dollars?"

Hopefully, even if nothing comes of this now, enough liberals will be incensed to actually vote in 2018 and 2020.

You're the puppet.
FBI is run by a douche who basically admitted as much when he refused to say if there is an investigation or not because it wouldn't be proper.

Seems like McCain is one of the few reasons this is really even being pushed.

The ironic thing is that Comey used to be considered of Obama's most important allies before he showed his true colors during the election. This previous election really bought out the worse in people.


The disinformation campaign by Trump supporters is working overtime to try to bury this, holy shit. Tons of tweeting, lots of screencaps; people are even making shit up and claiming it's in the report to try and discredit it. This is an amazing thing to witness, and I hope that reporters can cut through the bullshit when writing on this.


lol "romney was right"

romney was spouting BS

Mitt Romney said:
President Obama appears determined to ingratiate himself with the Kremlin

And was speaking to concern over ability to project force

Mitt Romney said:
“Our Navy is smaller now than at any time since 1917,” Romney said. “The Navy said they needed 313 ships to carry out their mission. We're now at under 285. We're headed down to the low 200s if we go through a sequestration. That's unacceptable to me.”

“I will not cut our military budget by a trillion dollars, which is a combination of the budget cuts the president has, as well as the sequestration cuts,” he added. “That, in my view, is making — is making our future less certain and less secure.”

, which is still nothing. Russia has ONE aircraft carrier they can't even afford to sail most of the time. All of their interactions are with border states (aka cheap battles to get into), because they have no causeway with other nations.

Russia did nothing other than get lucky someone so easily stooged was given a platform by one of our parties, and thus used him as a conduit for fuckery. The GOP gave Russia the opening, not Obama, nor the general American populace who at any point never gave Trump the majority of the vote.
You gotta admit she is earning every penny.

Yea, she definitely knows how to waste time till an interview is over, and gloss around important details and questions. Seth does a great job of listening to her actual words and keeping up w/ her sentences, and he even calls out her pivots and misdirections a few times, which is more than I can say for many news hosts. Not much I can glean from the interview, maybe someone w/ better ears than mine can.


This week, the Trump administration, without stated reason, told the people in charge of maintaining the US' nuclear arsenal to clear their desks by Inauguration Day.

Keep that in mind while taking in this news.
And, there lies the problem. This isn't the 1960's anymore, the political landscape is extremely polarized. Nixon's impeachment had wide spread bi-partisan support. Republicans today don't give a damn about anything but staying in office, if Trump's supporters still support him after everything comes out they aren't going to stick their necks out just so they can lose their jobs. Hell, despite Republicans supporting Nixon's impeachment they were summarily creamed soon after in the elections for being of the same party as him paving the way for a outside, peanut farmer like Carter to become President.

Do you really see Mitch McConnell standing up against Trump to lose his seat and the entire Republican control of Congress they just got back? Unless the constituency cares nothing will happen unless Democrats retake the House.

You're the puppet.

If this was proven it would be suicide for the GOP to keep him. There would be no chance they could win next election cycle as Dem's would outright lay into them that they just watched the GOP hand the country in many ways to Putins influence.

The thing is, there are enough people involved that don't want this to get out (if real) that I don't think we ever get the proof to impeach him over it.
Really hoping something does come out of this. It's bad enough that this presidential election has resulted in the media is roundly dismissed by many people as untrustworthy and is a big reason why we now have the so-called "post-truth" era of logical arguments and factual evidence being roundly dismissed. If there's no fire to this smoke it's just going to vindicate their assumptions twelve times over.

So...let me get this straight....

Impeachment wouldn't happen because it was proven that the President was working with the Russians and everything else, but because of GOP approval ratings and election politics? Like even if it was proven, you'd need the GOP to actually want to act?

Normally it would be a safe assumption to make that the GOP actually wouldn't let this stand if the evidence did turn up. But look where safe assumptions got us in this election cycle... :x

or better yet

lol, had to look up the source when I saw this gif. Now I can't get Disguised Housewife Agent 47 out of my head now. :v


He can.

And, there lies the problem. This isn't the 1960's anymore, the political landscape is extremely polarized. Nixon's impeachment had wide spread bi-partisan support. Republicans today don't give a damn about anything but staying in office, if Trump's supporters still support him after everything comes out they aren't going to stick their necks out just so they can lose their jobs. Hell, despite Republicans supporting Nixon's impeachment they were summarily creamed soon after in the elections for being of the same party as him paving the way for a outside, peanut farmer like Carter to become President.

Do you really see Mitch McConnell standing up against Trump to lose his seat and the entire Republican control of Congress they just got back? Unless the constituency cares nothing will happen unless Democrats retake the House.

Right, for so many of these republican leaders the ends justify the means. The stakes are too high at this point and they're hoping to rock the boat back towards a neocon state. It's what their constituency voted them in to do- family values, guns, and anti-welfare. They'll use Trump, no matter how toxic he is, to push their own agendas because they know he's a tool and they can use that to run train on what's left of Obama's legacy. I guarantee they'll be fighting dirtier and crazier than ever before and they'd be stupid not to try with the deck as stacked as they currently have it.

Now if you'll excuse me:
The GOP wouldn't let a man scretly groomed and supported by Russia keep the Oval Office.

Or else they would get wrecked in the mid terms.
"I don't see the problem. Don't we want to have a good relationship with Russia?"

"Why should I care about what Russia does when liberals keep trying to take away my way of making a living/my guns?"

I dont think you understand how important this is. This is beyond watergate. They would be forced to impeach him. Otherwise it shows the American Government as a complete failure to protect the country from foreign influence.

I understand the gravity of it, lols about #GoldenShowers aside, but I don't know how much Republicans care and they have the Congressional majority. Sure, if they're smart, they'll defect from Trump and say "The safety of the American people and integrity of our democracy is more important than party politics," saving themselves from seeming like the willing villains. At the same time, a lot of them have proven to be short-sighted, power-hungry cowards.

This is going to depend a lot on whether the American public gets its shit together and puts some pressure on its officials.


I honestly expect McCain will remain on this hard. Its what is in all likelihood his last Term in Congress and the guy is a patriot even if he has some shitty viewpoints at times.

I mean McCain has been giving Trump a massive middle finger for weeks now. He was just over in Eastern Europe visiting a bunch of allies who Trump has spoken so quickly about abandoning. Pledging that Congress will stand with them. He is getting ready to introduce a new Bill that will ratchet up Sanctions even more.

He is in full Fuck Trump and Russia mode.
"I don't see the problem. Don't we want to have a good relationship with Russia?"

This isn't as big of a thing as some people think it is (though there are indeed crazies who want this to be true). There's a reason to this day tons of movies / video games / shows portray Russians as "villains".

Trump outright being proven to be in Putin's pocket would be game over.


Do you guys not understand the most important thing here?

If this is all true. Trump committed a federal crime if he knew about all this.

No amount of GOP trying to deny it and protect him changes that.

Hes done.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
If the allegations on the secret report are true, I wonder why the Russians didn't share the details they have gathered about Clinton as detailed in the first pages of the report. They didn't shy away in leaking various stuff about Clinton during the US election.

Maybe because if such information are to be given to another party, they can be easily traced back to the Russians?

In any event, it is interesting that now Trump is facing his own favorite method of disseminating news, that is, to purport allegations that cannot be verified in a sound way. It would be interesting to see how this may impact him in the days to come.
Do you guys not understand the most important thing here?

If this is all true. Trump committed a federal crime if he knew about all this.

No amount of GOP trying to deny it and protect him changes that.

Hes done.

How is he going to be charged?

Who gives the OK to charge him?


10 more days to go folks, we will be grabbing them by the pussy across all continents. I feel like we are all living in a very bad movie and absolutely trapped with no way out. It's depressing.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I really, really hope this wasn't some elaborate scheme to see if news organizations would run with this report only for it to later be exposed as false, serving as a final nail in the coffin to fully delegitimize the mainstream media and disarm any future claims of corruption in the Trump adimistration. The whole thing seems almost too good to be true. As if they were like, "Ok, write up a fictional wet dream scenario for the liberals and see if they take the bait. Yeah, leave that pissing stuff in there, that's great."

Not that I neccesarily think that's the case, but Bannon has already displayed a masterful level of skill in the realm of shit-flinging. Underestimate him at your own peril.

The only way this works, is if the so called "credible" MI6 agent is one of theirs. All of this info is apparently coming by way of him and his agency.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Do you guys not understand the most important thing here?

If this is all true. Trump committed a federal crime if he knew about all this.

No amount of GOP trying to deny it and protect him changes that.

Hes done.

But how do you assert that the allegations contained in the documents to be verified? Apparently the document has been in circulation for a long while and yet even until now the people whose jobs are supposed to verify stuff still can't verify the information.

Though I suppose Trump is going to backpedal on his stance towards the intelligence community. A person in his position should realize the immediate danger he's in if he continues to attack the people whose sole reason to exist is to collect secret information.
Right, for so many of these republican leaders the ends justify the means. The stakes are too high at this point and they're hoping to rock the boat back towards a neocon state. It's what their constituency voted them in to do- family values, guns, and anti-welfare. They'll use Trump, no matter how toxic he is, to push their own agendas because they know he's a tool and they can use that to run train on what's left of Obama's legacy. I guarantee they'll be fighting dirtier and crazier than ever before and they'd be stupid not to try with the deck as stacked as they currently have it.

The crazy thing is that they aren't wrong. I don't think enough Gaffers spend enough time talking to these Republicans, but I do. And, that is exactly how they think, everything justifies the end goals. I've heard people literally say, "so what if Trump is in league with the Russians? It's better than corrupt Hillary and at least he might turn them into an ally."

To them its pretty simple, all this Russian stuff is foreign shit that doesn't affect their daily lives along with Trump's personal indiscretions. Who cares about Russia or Trump's taxes? If the Dems get back in more babies will be killed, my taxes will go through the roof, my healthcare premiums will double, the gays will be able to run amok, I won't know which bathroom to go in, Mexicans will take every last job in America, Christianity will be replaced with secular and/or Muslim rule, and I won't even be able to speak my mind without being labeled a racist or homophobe thanks to PC culture.

That is who is supporting these Republicans.

How is he going to be charged?

Who gives the OK to charge him?

The Attorney General. Of course, he/she can decide not to.
Do you guys not understand the most important thing here?

If this is all true. Trump committed a federal crime if he knew about all this.

No amount of GOP trying to deny it and protect him changes that.

Hes done.

I think people who are engaged with you understand that, the questions have been about what are the machinations that need to take place in order to make that happen, and if the House Reps are simply unwilling to do those things, can this just end up being dust in the wind. Especially if there is enough political polarization to create a climate in which if the House, then Senate, act they stand to lose significantly among their constituents.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
How explosive would you folks think this could be *if* Trump is taken down by this? Wow, can't imagine the reaction his supporters would have.


The only way this works, is if the so called "credible" MI6 agent is one of theirs. All of this info is apparently coming by way of him and his agency.
Kellyanne Conartist said it's a possibility the agent was put up to it by Clinton players. So at the very most, it was an elaborate ploy by the Clintons to dig up treasonous scary crap and do nothing with it... which seems... unlikely?
The GOP wouldn't let a man scretly groomed and supported by Russia keep the Oval Office.

Or else they would get wrecked in the mid terms.

If this is proven, they're fucked either way. How they handle it is the difference between "we need to go away for a few years" and "time to permanently disband the party."


I honestly expect McCain will remain on this hard. Its what is in all likelihood his last Term in Congress and the guy is a patriot even if he has some shitty viewpoints at times.

I mean McCain has been giving Trump a massive middle finger for weeks now. He was just over in Eastern Europe visiting a bunch of allies who Trump has spoken so quickly about abandoning. Pledging that Congress will stand with them. He is getting ready to introduce a new Bill that will ratchet up Sanctions even more.

He is in full Fuck Trump and Russia mode.

Yeah. Like you said, he may have some very antiquated political views, but he is a good man who actually has character ( even though I think he's a bit senile in his old age). Very rare to find in either party, honestly. Not saying both parties are the same obviously lol, but it can't be that easy for a established politician like him to be outwardly against a president elect that was voted in by the same people who put you in office. Maybe I give him to much credit, but I think it's impressive.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Gotta chime in again and say that people shouldn't jump to conclusions. Stay skeptical, especially when the news you're reading matches what you want to be true to a tee.

Check out the Wired article below. It will give more context and again stresses that information like this should be viewed with caution.


We are past that.

1.) The document already predicted information.
2.) CBS News and others have verified the source is credible.

I'd place a sizable bet that some of the information is true. Due to it's compilation nature, i'd also venture to bet that some of it was gotten wrong.

Yeah. Like you said, he may have some very antiquated political views, but he is a good man who actually has character ( even though I think he's a bit senile in his old age). Very rare to find in either party, honestly. Not saying both parties are the same obviously lol, but it can't be that easy for a established politician like him to be outwardly against a president elect that was voted in by the same people who put you in office. Maybe I give him to much credit, but I think it's impressive.

Obama broke him, whether it was latent racism or what, I don't know, but McCain changed for the worse after his loss. That being said, he did not deserve the bullshit from Trump, and i'll take the help of most people (even most people who 'lost it' so to speak) in fighting against this bullshit an almost majority of the population voted for.
The crazy thing is that they aren't wrong. I don't think enough Gaffers spend enough time talking to these Republicans, but I do. And, that is exactly how they think, everything justifies the end goals. I've heard people literally say, "so what if Trump is in league with the Russians? It's better than corrupt Hillary and at least he might turn them into an ally."

To them its pretty simple, all this Russian stuff is foreign shit that doesn't affect their daily lives along with Trump's personal indiscretions. Who cares about Russia or Trump's taxes? If the Dems get back in more babies will be killed, my taxes will go through the roof, my healthcare premiums will double, the gays will be able to run amok, I won't know which bathroom to go in, Mexicans will take every last job in America, Christianity will be replaced with secular and/or Muslim rule, and I won't even be able to speak my mind without being labeled a racist or homophobe thanks to PC culture.

That is who is supporting these Republicans.
Yeah, my dad literally said that a vote for a democrat/Hillary was a vote to ruin the lives of your children, their children, and generations to come

That's how they think


GAF's Bob Woodward
If even half of this is true, this is extremely sad and embarrassing for the US to say the least. People shouldn't just lie down on this unless they want America to be a second rate fiddle going forward.
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