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Republique Kickstarter by Ryan Payton - NOW FOR PC AND MAC! [Ended, $555K funded]

If they had offered this on just about any other platform imaginable, I would have bit. As is, it'll make no difference to me whether it lives or dies. Really baffling that they didn't even offer a PC version. What did they expect?

"Even Banner Saga"? the game / project only called for 100K, it's more surprising that it's reaching 500K than that it's not reaching 500k I think.

The Banner Saga has emerged as one of (possibly the?) most successful of the New IP gaming Kickstarters, hence why I think he used that wording. Of course, their project looks completely unique and was already pretty far along. And it's going to be available on like four platforms now.
I don't own any either but I still dropped $50 on this. I guess I'm weird.
Honestly, if I had disposable income like that I would too just because I like what they're trying to accomplish. Unfortunately I do not (if I did I'd probably also own an iPad lol).


Usually, inside big time publishers, when you do a pitch for a game, teams create what they call a reel of Fake game footage(Kinda what you did with your proof of concept, but they usually elaborate more on the game mechanics).

Will you delve a little bit more into that: Showing us more of the game mechanics, what makes Republique tick?

I'm in the middle of plotting out our future Kickstarter video content. Showing off more of the gameplay and getting the team in front of the camera to discuss the design process is definitely at the top of the list.

I heard yesterday that people thought the cinematics were offline. I'm excited (and proud) that our cinematics are all running in real-time on the iPhone.

You guy's need to blow this up on Twitter. Tag iPhone, iOS, and Republique. Get this shit trending! GO GO GO!

I hear you, man. One thing I wish I had done was give myself a few days of rest before launching our Kickstarter campaign and really making a strong push. My body hates me right now.


I find it really surprising that this Kickstarter hasn't taken off.

What does that mean? Is it iOS as a platform that is the problem? Is it that Ryan Payton doesn't have the same credibility of some of the other Kickstarter faces? Or is the concept of the game unappealing?

For the record, I haven't backed, and my reason is the latter.

*edit, after realizing Mr Payton is in the thread*: It's not that I don't think you guys should or will succeed, or that I'm judging the quality of the game. I am genuinely surprised you haven't had the Double Fine Adventure treatment.


What does that mean? Is it iOS as a platform that is the problem? Is it that Ryan Payton doesn't have the same credibility of some of the other Kickstarter faces? Or is the concept of the game unappealing?

I'm guessing it's mostly a combination of 1 & 2. I find the concept pretty interesting at least.

I haven't backed it because of the platform choice. It's certainly tempting. I have an iPhone and could play it, but I just don't really want it for legitimate gaming. To me it's just a way to pass the time quick with a little game of solitaire or Draw Something.


If they had offered this on just about any other platform imaginable, I would have bit. As is, it'll make no difference to me whether it lives or dies. Really baffling that they didn't even offer a PC version. What did they expect?

Yeah not doing a pc version is a huge mistake. I just can't seeing the dedicated ios gaming crowd demanding a game like this. I hope he makes his goal but it seems to be off to a slow start.
What does that mean? Is it iOS as a platform that is the problem? Is it that Ryan Payton doesn't have the same credibility of some of the other Kickstarter faces? Or is the concept of the game unappealing?

I think it just needs some time in the spotlight.

Like...on stage at an Apple Conference. Or posted and discussed as a feature article on The Verge or Engadget.

Honestly, I love the concept of the game. Atmospheric thrillers are games we don't have nearly enough of and this one seems perfect in its design for touch-screens. But how many people have seen this kickstarter or the trailer so far?

I feel like exposure is all it needs.


The problem is IOS gets a regular flood of games. There's no incentive for the average person in that ecosystem to fund a game when they can't play all the decent ones that are constantly hitting the platform. It's not a platform with selective tastes, unlike the PC where people will go after specific experiences. Especially when the goal is that steep.
The comparisons to other Kickstarter projects are way off. Republique is a new IP on IOS from a team without a track record. Double Fine/Tim Schafer is a highly respected developer making a new adventure game, something they've done before on the PC. They're better known, have a better pedigree, tap into people's nostalgia and are putting it on a platform that is familiar. Republique's got none of that. Even Wasteland and those other projects have some brand name loyalty. Republique has a relatively unknown creative lead on MGS4 and the unreleased Halo 4. Ryan is awesome from what I've heard on podcasts but let's be realistic here: he's not a brand name like a Tim Schafer.

I'm much more interested in Republique than the others, but when I saw 500k I was super shocked. That's more than Double Fine asked! I expected this to be like 100k, 200 max. Hopefully this project lives on in some way or other and that the people at Camoflaj don't have financial setbacks because of this.
this game doesn't deserve the support you guys are "hyping it for". He wants to get it made? The bottom tier should be much lower so they can go for numbers. $10 is throwing off support. $5-6 is more "acceptable" for iOS. The KS bottom tiers are also all "discounted". WL2 for $15. bargain. $10 for republique? Not.

If anything, asking half a million for iOS for an unproven studio = a reach. so surprises there
Payton really should appear in more podcasts, because... well a lot of people know him from those, right?

Weekend confirmed was a great appearance... but if you can appear on bombcast or one of the other popular podcasts these days... Rebel FM? idk.

Funny enough, my game purchasing decisions these days are more 'convinced' by podcast discussions vs written reviews.


works for Gamestop (lol)
this game doesn't deserve the support you guys are "hyping it for". He wants to get it made? The bottom tier should be much lower so they can go for numbers. $10 is throwing off support. $5-6 is more "acceptable" for iOS. The KS bottom tiers are also all "discounted". WL2 for $15. bargain. $10 for republique? Not.

If anything, asking half a million for iOS for an unproven studio = a reach. so surprises there

At $5-6, I doubt he'd be able to pull that many people if there are even that many people to reach the 500k goal. I don't know why it's more 'acceptable' anyway. Zombies Run, a fitness game, was charging $10 for the app and got 2620 backers in that tier. Sure they had a much, much lower goal in terms of $, but people were still willing to pay $10 for a fitness app.

For what it's worth, I saw no point in donating on previous Kickstarter projects. I didn't care for it until this project which I truly believe it deserves money since it's an original idea.

In a way, I guess it mirrors the state of the industry. No one wants to back an original idea.


this game doesn't deserve the support you guys are "hyping it for". He wants to get it made? The bottom tier should be much lower so they can go for numbers. $10 is throwing off support. $5-6 is more "acceptable" for iOS. The KS bottom tiers are also all "discounted". WL2 for $15. bargain. $10 for republique? Not.

If anything, asking half a million for iOS for an unproven studio = a reach. so surprises there

From watching the video and reading the post, though; had they asked for less, it wouldn't be the same game. A large part of the point is to prove that a big budget iOS experience isn't a fool's errand.

I think you're confusing "he wants to get it made" with "he wants to get it made."


From watching the video and reading the post, though; had they asked for less, it wouldn't be the same game. A large part of the point is to prove that a big budget iOS experience isn't a fool's errand.

Unfortunately for Ryan it maybe a fool's errand. There doesn't seem to be a huge demand for big budget ios games. I feel bad because he seems like a really nice guy.


IOS or whatever doesn't matter when you're asking for $500k for something that doesn't have a wave of nostalgia like old school adventure games or Wasteland. I'm sure that dollar amount alone intimidates people from throwing down because it seems unlikely to be funded.


works for Gamestop (lol)
IOS or whatever doesn't matter when you're asking for $500k for something that doesn't have a wave of nostalgia like old school adventure games or Wasteland. I'm sure that dollar amount alone intimidates people from throwing down because it seems unlikely to be funded.

The thing is, Kickstarter doesn't take money if it's doesn't reach the goal. There's no harm to fund it if it doesn't meet the goal

I see


I think the game looks absolutely awesome, has a great, well thought out concept and that old-school pre-rendered RE look just does it for me but....

I don't own an iOS device and have zero intention of getting one, please consider doing a VITA version! You wouldn't have to change the design in any way shape or form honestly, I really want to support this but right now it's just not possible. :(


Unfortunately for Ryan it maybe a fool's errand. There doesn't seem to be a huge demand for big budget ios games. I feel bad because he seems like a really nice guy.

I don't think it's time to panic just yet. He needs to leverage coverage and word of mouth and really get the word out about what the game is. The title isn't immediately telling of what the experience will be like.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
For what it's worth, I saw no point in donating on previous Kickstarter projects. I didn't care for it until this project which I truly believe it deserves money since it's an original idea.

In a way, I guess it mirrors the state of the industry. No one wants to back an original idea.

I think there are more factors than that. I'm interested in the game, but I'll never own an iPad or an iPhone, so I'll never be able to play it. If a PC version were guaranteed, I'd totally throw down some money.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
I think there are more factors than that. I'm interested in the game, but I'll never own an iPad or an iPhone, so I'll never be able to play it. If a PC version were guaranteed, I'd totally throw down some money.

Same here. Albeit for a PS3/Move version rather than a PC one.


IOS is the wrong platform to make this exclusive to. IOS does have a huge market, but I don't really see this as the type of game that will sell on it. Simpler, more casual games like angry birds is more suited for IOS. A niche adventure game is more suited towards PC.


I also don't own any iOS devices which makes this project somewhat disappointing. I kicked in because I would like to see more of these sorts of games being made on these new platforms. If the game does end up getting funded, I hope they'll consider PC and WP7 as other platforms to bring it to.
IOS is the wrong platform to make this exclusive to. IOS does have a huge market, but I don't really see this as the type of game that will sell on it. Simpler, more casual games like angry birds is more suited for IOS. A niche adventure game is more suited towards PC.

But why limit iOS to just casual games like Angry Birds? It's capable of so much more regardless of the touch controls. Traditional point-and-click adventures work perfectly on the platform, for example, and I'm at the point where I'd rather play them on an iPad over a PC.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
But why limit iOS to just casual games like Angry Birds? It's capable of so much more regardless of the touch controls. Traditional point-and-click adventures work perfectly on the platform, for example, and I'm at the point where I'd rather play them on an iPad over a PC.

Well, I guess this game is going to unfortunately gauge the interest of gamers then.


The thing is, Kickstarter doesn't take money if it's doesn't reach the goal. There's no harm to fund it if it doesn't meet the goal
That's true, but the average person's perception is 'no way it's going to reach its goal so I won't even bother.' Also, some might not realize there's no harm if it doesn't succeed.
IOS is the wrong platform to make this exclusive to. IOS does have a huge market, but I don't really see this as the type of game that will sell on it. Simpler, more casual games like angry birds is more suited for IOS. A niche adventure game is more suited towards PC.

Can't make that statement when there haven't been any big-budget games made on the platform explicitly for the platform. We don't know what the ceiling is for ios games because most have been simpler games.


I think there are more factors than that. I'm interested in the game, but I'll never own an iPad or an iPhone, so I'll never be able to play it. If a PC version were guaranteed, I'd totally throw down some money.

This is the real issue. I told him as much in an email, and while it's great that he wants to expand in the iPhone direction, that's not where people are who play these kinds of games. He's just chosen the wrong platform for the kind of game he wants to make.
At $5-6, I doubt he'd be able to pull that many people if there are even that many people to reach the 500k goal. I don't know why it's more 'acceptable' anyway. Zombies Run, a fitness game, was charging $10 for the app and got 2620 backers in that tier. Sure they had a much, much lower goal in terms of $, but people were still willing to pay $10 for a fitness app..

here's the thing, there's a bazillion games on iOS. this is just another.

As for lowering the original pledge, if it were lower; do you think you would have read as many "LOL 10 bucks for an iOS game?" posts.

3 things are against this KS. the initial pledge is too high, as is the final tally and iOS. the middle point being, if it were lower, RP could possibly get the funds. Cross that line.
As for lowering the original pledge, if it were lower; do you think you would have read as many "LOL 10 bucks for an iOS game?" posts.

No. There'd be "LOL 5 bucks for an iOS game?" posts. People are cheap. I've seen people ask for iOS games/apps, and when someone gives them exactly what they want, but the app costs .99 or 1.99 or 2.99, they reply that they don't want to pay for it. People are cheap.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
In a way, I guess it mirrors the state of the industry. No one wants to back an original idea.


the main problem with this project is its platform. All these Kickstarters attracted a lot of people who play on PC first and foremost. If Camouflaj change the platform they may see a spike in funding as more enthusiast sites (like RPS) would post the news about that. And even in that case I don't see it getting more than 200 000-300 000$. But it may go higher.


I have a few iOS devices and like the original games on them but I just don’t like stealth game mechanics. I wish Payton and his team good luck but the trailer for the game was’t up my alley at all so I couldn't pledge.
According to formspring, it does seem Klepek will be talking with Payton about this monday. Not really sure if GB audience will give a shit, and it's highly likely half the comments will be 'lol ios gaming'... but hey, coverage. It's a good thing.


the main problem with this project is its platform. All these Kickstarters attracted a lot of people who play on PC first and foremost. If Camouflaj change the platform they may see a spike in funding as more enthusiast sites (like RPS) would post the news about that. And even in that case I don't see it getting more than 200 000-300 000$. But it may go higher.

I think one of the biggest challenges we have is just appealing to the world that we set out to do a big, epic game for iOS. We designed it specifically for touch and wrote a story that's based on the idea that the player is viewing the world from an iPhone or iPad. We knew we were taking a risk, but I'm reminded of Infinity Blade's success and admire their commitment to the platform and making a game specifically for it.

It's a strange spot to be in, because it's so cool to get email from people saying that they love the game and want it to be the platform of their choice, but we're just not designing the game for a mouse and keyboard right now. But I know a lot of you understand this. I think GAF has always been really good about calling out games with ports not specifically tailor made for the platform. If we were to do a PC version, I would want to spend months adjusting the story and designing the gameplay all around the idea that the player is viewing into the world with a PC, not a mobile device.
I think one of the biggest challenges we have is just appealing to the world that we set out to do a big, epic game for iOS. We designed it specifically for touch and wrote a story that's based on the idea that the player is viewing the world from an iPhone or iPad. We knew we were taking a risk, but I'm reminded of Infinity Blade's success and admire their commitment to the platform and making a game specifically for it.

It's a strange spot to be in, because it's so cool to get email from people saying that they love the game and want it to be the platform of their choice, but we're just not designing the game for a mouse and keyboard right now. But I know a lot of you understand this. I think GAF has always been really good about calling out games with ports not specifically tailor made for the platform. If we were to do a PC version, I would want to spend months adjusting the story and designing the gameplay all around the idea that the player is viewing into the world with a PC, not a mobile device.
I respect and admire your strong commitment to an artistic vision, and you really do have a very interesting concept here. However, from a practical perspective I simply don't think that you can meet your goal as an iOS exclusive. I would be delighted if you could prove me wrong, but in its current state the game is just not something I can play and therefore not something I can put money down for in advance. $500,000 is also a significant sum for a new IP, no matter how awesome it looks. As others have already mentioned, even the highly multiplatform The Banner Saga only just crossed that line, and that's been the most successful new IP that I know of.

To frame it another way, you would have to match the present record for new IP gaming Kickstarters, and you'd have to do it all with just iOS as your platform. This is a truly daunting proposition.

What is the solution? Well, you've ruled out ports in the near future so that's out, though I suspect that if you added Android you might get a bit of a boost while retaining the phone angle. If the entire game is impossible to do on a smaller budget, you might consider splitting it up so that it's episodic. The Banner Saga was planned this way from the start due to financial constraints and an abundance of caution. If you asked for, say, $100,000 to fund Chapter 1 of Repulique then I have no doubt that you'd meet your goal.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I think one of the biggest challenges we have is just appealing to the world that we set out to do a big, epic game for iOS. We designed it specifically for touch and wrote a story that's based on the idea that the player is viewing the world from an iPhone or iPad. We knew we were taking a risk, but I'm reminded of Infinity Blade's success and admire their commitment to the platform and making a game specifically for it.

It's a strange spot to be in, because it's so cool to get email from people saying that they love the game and want it to be the platform of their choice, but we're just not designing the game for a mouse and keyboard right now. But I know a lot of you understand this. I think GAF has always been really good about calling out games with ports not specifically tailor made for the platform. If we were to do a PC version, I would want to spend months adjusting the story and designing the gameplay all around the idea that the player is viewing into the world with a PC, not a mobile device.
I respect the vision, but what are your thoughts on other touch based platforms? I'm not a huge fan of Android myself but there are a lot of people using Android devices that would likely contribute. What about Vita? Another platform that would work well and is something that could use unique software like this.

I just want to see it succeed as I absolutely love the concept you guys pitched. I backed it within the first hour for just that reason.

here's the thing, there's a bazillion games on iOS. this is just another.
It's a shame the platform has become focused so heavily on quantity over quality. I appreciate the open ended nature, but the market has been flooded at this point and it has turned me away from all but the most interesting iOS games.


I don't think that the price of the game is too high, but I do believe that ambitious size of the budget is discouraging potential backers. People don't like to back something when it's likely that the project won't have a chance to hit its goal anyway.

If the initial goal would have been 250k I'm sure that the kickstarter would have reached a higher amount of money by now.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Ryan posted on the Kickstarter comments page that he'd love to do a Vita version, especially because of the screen quality.

Sorry novery, I didn't want to take the words out your mouth. Just wanted to save you some time!

Personally, $5 seems fine to me. I'm one of those LOL $10 posters. Its iOS.

*shrug* I'm putting down $100 to support the game. Ryan needs all the help we can give.

I recently started my own company, and things have been a bit rough. When Ryan talked about liquidating his life savings to start this company, it reminded me a lot of what I'm doing right now, and at that point, I couldn't help but give $100.

Entrepreneurs gotta stick up for each other!

I don't think that the price of the game is too high, but I do believe that ambitious size of the budget is discouraging potential backers. People don't like to back something when it's likely that the project won't have a chance to hit its goal anyway.

If the initial goal would have been 250k I'm sure that the kickstarter would have reached a higher amount of money by now.

Wait, that doesn't make sense. Shouldn't they be MORE likely to support something if they think it's not going to hit its goal? After all, you don't have to pay a cent if it fails.
I think one of the biggest challenges we have is just appealing to the world that we set out to do a big, epic game for iOS. We designed it specifically for touch and wrote a story that's based on the idea that the player is viewing the world from an iPhone or iPad. We knew we were taking a risk, but I'm reminded of Infinity Blade's success and admire their commitment to the platform and making a game specifically for it.

It's a strange spot to be in, because it's so cool to get email from people saying that they love the game and want it to be the platform of their choice, but we're just not designing the game for a mouse and keyboard right now. But I know a lot of you understand this. I think GAF has always been really good about calling out games with ports not specifically tailor made for the platform. If we were to do a PC version, I would want to spend months adjusting the story and designing the gameplay all around the idea that the player is viewing into the world with a PC, not a mobile device.

It's hard to appeal to a large crowd when the majority have such low expectations. It's a shame most are fine with some free or $.99 game they will most likely forget and move on from shortly, but that's the audience unfortunately.
It's hard to appeal to a large crowd when the majority have such low expectations. It's a shame most are fine with some free or $.99 game they will most likely forget and move on from shortly, but that's the audience unfortunately.

Bullshit, IMO.

The audience is fine with lowered expectations because those are just about the only kinds of games available. If higher quality games that used touch brilliantly started coming out, people would pay the toll to play them. There's no reason to assume otherwise. As of right now, there has yet to be a big-budget iOS game. Can't make assumptions about what people won't do if they've never been in the position to make a decision before. It's being negative just for the sake of being negative.
Bullshit, IMO.

The audience is fine with lowered expectations because those are just about the only kinds of games available. If higher quality games that used touch brilliantly started coming out, people would pay the toll to play them. There's no reason to assume otherwise. As of right now, there has yet to be a big-budget iOS game.

I don't know, you're much more optimistic about it than I am. I think the idea of cheap and quick fun has been pushed so deep into the minds of most that, unless Apple steps in to do something, will remain like that no matter what game comes out.
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