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Republique Kickstarter by Ryan Payton - NOW FOR PC AND MAC! [Ended, $555K funded]

I'm not sure if a PC version would be enough to reach the goal seeing how abysmal the interest in the iOS-only version currently is. Maybe Republique is just fundamentally unappealing to the greater audience. Which, of course, is not saying anything about the actual quality of this game/concept, but you know how it is. Not every good idea becomes a success no matter how hard you try, and this one may just be way too niche/doesn't have the right pedigree.

Or maybe the platform choice really is the bottleneck here. Who knows.


A large part of why is this faltering is lack of exposure. For PC oriented Kickstarters you have websites such as RPS writing articles, Total Biscuit doing let's plays, personalities like Notch tweeting to their fanbase, PC-oriented communities such as Reddit spreading awareness to the masses and niche communities such as RPGcodex throwing down thousands of dollars. You don't really get that large-scale word-of-mouth effect for this stuff on other platforms.
I agree, a new platform might not solve the interest problem (but it would help), but not because of the idea, but because the hype is already tainted, an air of negativity can appear and hang around when something stumbles like this.
Still hope it succeeds, of course.


A large part of why is this faltering is lack of exposure. For PC oriented Kickstarters you have websites such as RPS writing articles, Total Biscuit doing let's plays, personalities like Notch tweeting to their fanbase, PC-oriented communities such as Reddit spreading awareness to the masses and niche communities such as RPGcodex throwing down thousands of dollars. You don't really get that large-scale word-of-mouth effect for this stuff on other platforms.

Yeah, I think you're right. We've been spending the past few days putting together a strategy for getting the word out. We've also got a few announcements and videos we've been prepping, so hoping those will help with increasing exposure.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
A large part of why is this faltering is lack of exposure. For PC oriented Kickstarters you have websites such as RPS writing articles, Total Biscuit doing let's plays, personalities like Notch tweeting to their fanbase, PC-oriented communities such as Reddit spreading awareness to the masses and niche communities such as RPGcodex throwing down thousands of dollars. You don't really get that large-scale word-of-mouth effect for this stuff on other platforms.

It doesn't help that the largest news site for iOS games is working AGAINST Republique on principle.


I don't agree. $500,000 is not a lot of revenue unless you live in iOS land. As far as Kickstarters are concerned, if you have a unique and promising concept like this with plenty to show, there's nothing stopping you from pulling half a mil if you solicit the correct audience.

And in iOS land I don't think its that much. Certainly the iPad games I buy are mostly in the 5-10 dollar range. And those are mostly digital board games. Given the size f the ios market and the timeframe when its likely to come out 50 or 100k does not sould like a huge number of sales.

I backed it purely on principle. I'm not sure its a game I'd really like, but I do want to support Ryan and support devs like this making dedicated games on ios.


probably the most ridiculous title ever. try saying Republique three times in a row really fast. It's hilarious Republique, Republique, Republique!


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
probably the most ridiculous title ever. try saying Republique three times in a row really fast. It's hilarious Republique, Republique, Republique!

You honestly believe Republique is a more ridiculous title than "Hanjuku Hero Vs. 3D"?
Problem with gaming on iOS besides the messed-up price point and the mostly casual audience is the fact that the most spread iOS device is a phone with a display as small as a credit card (maybe a bit bigger...).

If I think of AAA gaming on iOS the only device I could even imagine it on would be the iPad.

I have an iPad and so I support the project, but also because it is a cool idea of a game that finally seems to take advantage of the device's features.


This sounded interesting on Weekend Confirmed but I dont think I'd ever kickstart an iOS game. I have an iPad 1, ipad3, and 2 iPhone 4 in my house and have no problem paying for good games at 10 dollars(avadon) but something in my brain just says since it is only iOS it's not worth kickstarting. Probably because I never really finish iOS games.


you haven't spent much time around Francophones, I take it

It's funny how it's pronounced like the English spelling "repub-lick" when the spelling is actually French and properly pronounced "repub-leek." It bothers me slightly, as a Canadian. Haha.
I'm not sure if a PC version would be enough to reach the goal seeing how abysmal the interest in the iOS-only version currently is. Maybe Republique is just fundamentally unappealing to the greater audience. Which, of course, is not saying anything about the actual quality of this game/concept, but you know how it is. Not every good idea becomes a success no matter how hard you try, and this one may just be way too niche/doesn't have the right pedigree.

Or maybe the platform choice really is the bottleneck here. Who knows.

I supported it, but I think the problem really is the platform.

First, Kickstarter has been embraced by the PC Gaming community. Most of the big games that have been funded so far (Double Fine, Wasteland 2, Tactical Shooter, Shadow Run etc) all have either a direct PC lineage and/or are pitching to a PC crowd.

Second, people just don't care about big budget games on iphone. That is not how people play on these devices. They are by and large get in and get out time killers. They are things you play while you are multi-tasking, watching TV, or waiting for a bus. And they can be fantastic when designed with this context in mind. Even something as ambitious as Infinity Blade is still largely a quick get in and get out experience. It's not a heavily narrative driven game.

Payton and crew really fucked up in my opinion in their choice of platform. Had they designed this game ground up with the PC platform in mind--an open platform without licensing fees and easy distribution methods, they could have done fine. In fact PC exclusives with these kinds of production values--motion capturing and voice talent--are a rarity. And there are ALOT of gamers who have migrated from consoles to PC in the last year.

I don't see any reason why this same concept couldn't be done with a PC interface. Say the girl is interfacing with you over a peer to peer video program. She is using a smart phone or some sort of program to contact via the internet. You could use a headset to talk with her. There is no reason it has to be a literal phone on your end. This is not the kind of game people want to try to play in the environments they use their phones. The concept is great, the platform choice is stupid.

I understand that IOS is the the biggest gaming platform, but not for this kind of game. The reason it is the platform of choice for most indie developers is that they are making low budget titles. These guys are doing it backwards. First they need to get their enthusiast audience, which is on PC. Then later they can port it to the mainstream audience on an IOS after it is successful.

Look, I love my Iphone and my Ipad and I play a lot of games on them. But if somebody tried to create a blockbuster movie on an indie budget and said they were only going to release it for Iphones, you would look at them like they were fucking stupid. It's a phone. It's a 4" screen. Nobody is looking for amazing big budget experiences on their phone. It's a fucking telephone for Christ's sake. As David Lynch said, "Get real."


This could be a case of people not knowing they want something until they have it. A lot of things are like that - including the iPhone itself ironically.


No game should boast :
1/ being first to "x"
2/ its existence is justified by its awesomeness (AAA means nothing)

I don't care for the game, but seing the thread sticking to first page, I went to kickstarter and saw the funding was quite low for a stuff advertised on many gaming sites, I came to see reactions and well you guys behave decently, +1pt Neogaf.
Even though I backed it, everything about this kickstarter seems pretentious. The marketing of this project makes me see the worth of marketing people. That's a terrible thing to have to admit. *sarcasm*


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Even though I backed it, everything about this kickstarter seems pretentious. The marketing of this project makes me see the worth of marketing people. That's a terrible thing to have to admit. *sarcasm*

Are you sure you know what pretentious means?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
I hate to say it, but he needs to use the "do you know who I am card"

Bust out Kojima, bust out the Halo guys, use your references to get exposure.

I dont think the usual backer really knows who is behind this game. The pitch also has a "WE ALREADY WON!" sort of vibe, which is weird.


Maybe Republique is just fundamentally unappealing to the greater audience.

Or maybe the platform choice really is the bottleneck here. Who knows.

I was actually really interested and ready to Kickstart this the first time I saw it when I was scanning through Kickstarter a few days ago (after I had been checking up on Wasteland2 and The Banner Saga to see how they're doing). Then I saw it wasn't for Android as well so I decided not to. I don't have the money to throw away for something I'll never be able to play. I don't own an iOS device and never plan on owning one so there just wasn't the impetus to donate.

The End

I think putting up a "we'll support android if we hit a $1 million" might be helpful, but really, device support on Android is all over the place, doubly so if you're expecting the kind of Unreal Engine performance you get out of the Iphone 4s and the Ipad2/3.

The big problem seems to me to be that for a game that'll release at $10, it's a lot to ask for $25-50-100 plus "special editions", especially considering this is a new IP. I'm in for $10, but I'm not going to put $50 for the book when the game itself might just be...ok.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I hate to say it, but he needs to use the "do you know who I am card"

Bust out Kojima, bust out the Halo guys, use your references to get exposure.

I dont think the usual backer really knows who is behind this game. The pitch also has a "WE ALREADY WON!" sort of vibe, which is weird.

Ryan is a super smart and imaginative guy. I think no matter how this turns out that he is working on something genuinely new and interesting, with good support. I have my fingers crossed. I think once people see a bit more, interest will start to snowball.
I hate to say it, but he needs to use the "do you know who I am card"

But that's the problem, who is he? he has yet to prove himself as a game developer, he hasn't made a single game yet and he is asking for 500$, that's not going to happen.

don't get me wrong the dude seems nice and all, and I wish him well, but this is too ambitious for a first project from someone that nobody knows.


But that's the problem, who is he? he has yet to prove himself as a game developer, he hasn't made a single game yet and he is asking for 500$, that's not going to happen.

don't get me wrong the dude seems nice and all, and I wish him well, but this is too ambitious for a first project from someone that nobody knows.

Uh he has made MGS4.
It's funny how it's pronounced like the English spelling "repub-lick" when the spelling is actually French and properly pronounced "repub-leek." It bothers me slightly, as a Canadian. Haha.

That's actually how I've been pronouncing it but I honestly wasn't sure if it was correct.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
But that's the problem, who is he? he has yet to prove himself as a game developer, he hasn't made a single game yet and he is asking for 500$, that's not going to happen.

don't get me wrong the dude seems nice and all, and I wish him well, but this is too ambitious for a first project from someone that nobody knows.

Do MGS4, Peace Walker and Halo 4 count as games?

What exactly did he do on MGs4?

Assistant Producer
But that's the problem, who is he? he has yet to prove himself as a game developer, he hasn't made a single game yet and he is asking for 500$, that's not going to happen.

don't get me wrong the dude seems nice and all, and I wish him well, but this is too ambitious for a first project from someone that nobody knows.

This... is embarrassing.
Do MGS4, Peace Walker and Halo 4 count as games?

So he made those games? awesome!

Assistant Producer

Oh assistant producer, not game designer, there is kind of a difference in those roles.

What exactly did he do on MGs4?

dude, didn't you hear? I beat you didn't know either that Jade Raymond made Assassins Creed 1, she came up with all the ideas/lore and created the engine from scratch on a commodore 64, Ryan did the same for MGS 4
I hope the people that are trying to dismiss Ryan's accolades in order to validate themselves / their arguments in this thread are doing it out of ignorance and not with any ill intent towards him (or more likely, the platform he's trying to design a game on). Ryan pretty clearly had a sizable impact on MGS4, especially from the gameplay side.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Wow, you guys are thick.

You know, Kojima technically didnt make those games either
Producers are there to put together then keep projects on track, he successfully did that on many games.

I don't see why people are talking down what he's done when they don't even know what it was suppose to entail.

I've worked with lots of producers on game projects. I was being facetious. It's difficult to know what he did, I agree, but as an assistant producer, he isn't likely to have had much say on game design bar chipping in opinions.


I've worked with lots of producers on game projects. I was being facetious. It's difficult to know what he did, I agree, but as an assistant producer, he isn't likely to have had much say on game design bar chipping in opinions.

If you followed the game, you would know he did "Kojima" amounts of work.

He was definitely in the thick of the development.

Judging someone's work by the title is completely shallow.
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