I don't think the result is a positive one for a number of reasons but fucking hell the reactions of the spineless crybabies are more than making up for it.
It's like they've learnt nothing from the US election and Brexit votes. If anything they've doubled down and it's made the situation even worse. History repeats itself, yet again in quick succession, and they can't work out why.
They claim to want to be kind, they claim to want to bring people together but their actions when things don't go their way speak otherwise.
The result is what it is for two primary reasons:
- People voting to stick two fingers up to this lot
- Labour lacking strong leadership with any semblance of confidence/gravitas. Yet again they failed in the most important category -communication. They also decided to cosy up with these nutcases for whatever reason.
This wasn't a vote on policy, brexit or anything else. It was a vote about people.