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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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If he is actually going to be a parent he's probably only upset he won't get no sweet sweet sweet government cash for being a dosser who's job is internet warrior.

Funnily enough that's regular screencapped member Kyuuji. He posts a lot of shit.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I appreciate the correction. He was always alright as a mod, until it neared the election and he seemed to turn in to a full blown arsehole, IMO, of course.
I think if he did not abuse his mod powers to enforce a positive message on Clinton, then there is nothing to complain about. As (most?) NeoGAF mods do not get paid, they of course need a job and being campaigner for a politician will lead to a limited view on that matter, that will necessarily shine through. If he did not abuse his position - and according to EviLore EviLore 's statement I think it is fair to assume he did not - then I think this is respectable, especially considering he could have gotten away with it at the time.


I think I found the winner:

Let's see what plans this adult man can hatch from his mums basement.

One of these days one of these manbabies is going to snap and do something horrible though.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt

This is the same ban message they used after they said they would never ban anyone for admitting to having voted for Trump. Then people did and were permabanned for "supporting bigotry."
Yeah, this is really a weird ban (and other similar as well), I wonder how they will react in the next German election. Considering the conservatives almost always win the election (there have only been 14 years with a non-conservative chancellor in the ~70 years of our republic), and now we also have the far right AfD on top of that, a left majority is very unlikely. For now it appears to not be an issue to be supportive of Angela Merkel, but her likely successor, Kramp-Karrenbauer, is even further to the right than Merkel.


I wonder how they will react in the next German election.
Not an English country so they won't really care. If AfD were to win or be part of a coalition they'd cry about how this proves their point about Nazis and YouTube and how someone somewhere should do something in a few threads like they do for Brazil or wherever then get back to fighting against President Shitbag aka Trump's dark night of shitposting on Twitter.

Basically nobody there cared about Spain, for example, just over two pages in the thread and they still don't even have a "winner" decided. Even Vox's cute little gay ghost barely got attention let alone their electoral progress.

Place seems way way more Anglosphere-centric than here ever used to be.
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I think I found the winner:


It's the perfect demonstration of how online "activism" works. All bark, no bite. All talk, no cock.

The election is over, buddy.
The campaigning is done. The debating has finished. The votes are counted. The results are in.

"I was crying earlier but I'm ready to fight now!".

Now? NOW!? You missed the fucking fight you worthless little turd. You were crying while the real fighters were fighting.

The ReetardEra method of political activism:
Step One: Sit and do nothing while "these fucks" win.
Step Two: Cry.
Step Three: Declare readiness to fight long after fight is over.

Sometimes I think it would legitimately help some of these people to actually get into a real fight.
Maybe not a fight, actually. Just like a contest with REAL stakes and real rewards at the end.
Then they'd see that when the other side wants to fight too you can't afford to go and cry and be emotional.

These guys are like that one clown in the pub who talks a lot of shit but when the time comes to throw down they do the whole "hold me back" routine.
Sometimes I think it would legitimately help some of these people to actually get into a real fight.
Maybe not a fight, actually. Just like a contest with REAL stakes and real rewards at the end.
Even if it isn't "real rewards", I wonder what sort of competitive activities a gaming forum would offer conversation on. :pie_thinking:

The cross-section of ideology and preferred genre on ERA would be a fascinating investigation.
Those complaining of labour losing have nothing to complain about. The whole of England, spare maybe 5 tiny areas, turned blue over-night.

These cunts can't complain, because it's obvious they didn't vote. If they did and they all voted for labour, then the result speaks for itself; they are the minority. Join in with the rest of us, or pipe down.


I'd like to see these wankers on a Saturday at 8 am sharp at the local market readying up to spend 5 hours walking and talking with the neighbours.

You know they would never do this.
Whether it be citing mental health or some other "get out" clause they would never do this.

Campaigning means talking and sometimes arguing your position and winning people over.

If you need someone to group up with 5 of their mates and bundle an old tory voting lady to the ground then maybe.
If you need someone to blindside a politician with a milkshake then maybe.

Any serious political campaigning is going to bring you into contact with opposition that are well versed and well rehearsed in their points.
This is something that young people will learn usually in brutal fashion as you go into a political debate with your big politics dick swinging only for some older and wiser opponent to put you right back in your place.

At that point many of these people go down the screeching, hysterical, activist route of calling people names and using anonymity and large numbers to intimidate opposition.

When the correct move is to say "OK I got absolutely schooled there but I still believe in my views" and then come up with ways to better make your points and to inspire others. 10 years from now you could be responsible for swinging the votes in your local area while the screechers are still crying because they can't effectively shut down opposing views.


im not going to fall for the conspiracy that says cast and crew are being told what to say. that sounds a bit paranoid.

John Boyega has thrown a lot of hints about how he feels over the years. he is an OG fan. still thinks Anakin is the top Jedi even if some NEU comic writer says otherwise. Daisy has never seemed that happy with the movie. if you go back to the press clips she says "Rian wrote something unexpected" or whatever, it's not exactly an endorsement of what he did. she wasn't giving it lots of glowing praising it or anything. you can kinda tell everyone was forcing a smile for that one.

these people are professional actors, if they were directed to act a certain way on press tour, why not make them 100% cheerlead these films? i don't think they are on as strong a leash as you think.

It's not paranoia, it's fucking marketing to an audience that deserted their product 😂.


Even if it isn't "real rewards", I wonder what sort of competitive activities a gaming forum would offer conversation on. :pie_thinking:

The cross-section of ideology and preferred genre on ERA would be a fascinating investigation.

You already see the attitudes towards games like Sekiro and attitudes towards difficulty options etc.
A lot of these people are mentally weak and have never been taught that sometimes you need to fight like fuck.

It's funny cos you'd think with all their chatter about privilege and oppression and the like that they would have some understanding that if you want to get anywhere in life you have to haul yourself up and when push comes to shove you have to go all in.

Nope. It's time to list my mental illnesses and count up my oppression points and hope that I can shame the competition into walking away so that I don't have to fight for myself.

The game is too difficult so they give up and demand that the authorities give them an easier version of the game.
You already see the attitudes towards games like Sekiro and attitudes towards difficulty options etc.
A lot of these people are mentally weak and have never been taught that sometimes you need to fight like fuck.

It's funny cos you'd think with all their chatter about privilege and oppression and the like that they would have some understanding that if you want to get anywhere in life you have to haul yourself up and when push comes to shove you have to go all in.

Nope. It's time to list my mental illnesses and count up my oppression points and hope that I can shame the competition into walking away so that I don't have to fight for myself.

The game is too difficult so they give up and demand that the authorities give them an easier version of the game.
This is why gaming is inherently [conservative, alt-right, Republican talking point, meritocracy, colonialism], demanding that players improve their skills if they wish to experience all of the content.


It was describing a disease state that occurs in children and adults, women would’ve been inaccurate. But I still had a momentary feeling in my gut like I may have said something offensive because of just that, they made it sound like every instance is.

Why have you let the crazies into your head?


You already see the attitudes towards games like Sekiro and attitudes towards difficulty options etc.
A lot of these people are mentally weak and have never been taught that sometimes you need to fight like fuck.
it's funny because at this point i see these people as, they have just already decided they are not good enough, they have pre-judged themselves weak, they will not take the challenge, etc. when in fact the game itself is fair and will reward your skill and learning and indeed IT IS POSSIBLE.

it's just so weird. to me, these games are almost too optimistic, they say "You can do it! It won't be easy but you can do it!" and the resounding chorus from many is just "No, I suck"

what's worse is how these people take any encouragement or celebration. if you say "You just have to git good and you can do it!" they take it as a personal attack. "I'm not good? Is that what you're saying?"

when it's like, yeah, you aren't good now, but you COULD be, if you quit whining about how you aren't
it's funny because at this point i see these people as, they have just already decided they are not good enough, they have pre-judged themselves weak, they will not take the challenge, etc. when in fact the game itself is fair and will reward your skill and learning and indeed IT IS POSSIBLE.

it's just so weird. to me, these games are almost too optimistic, they say "You can do it! It won't be easy but you can do it!" and the resounding chorus from many is just "No, I suck"

what's worse is how these people take any encouragement or celebration. if you say "You just have to git good and you can do it!" they take it as a personal attack. "I'm not good? Is that what you're saying?"

when it's like, yeah, you aren't good now, but you COULD be, if you quit whining about how you aren't
Many people do not realize that "learning" itself is a skillset. Strong suspicion these people are shoveled from gov't school into college and then into therapy, always needing a professional to hold their hand through their life-journey, always angry that there aren't more hands waiting on standby when they need help with something unfamiliar and challenging. They reach out to social-media echo chambers and nestle in with like-minded do-nothings. It is tumblr gone completely haywire.

They've been robbed -- probably since adolescence -- of the opportunity to learn how to learn.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
The lastest Biden reacts to the UK elections thread is proof positive they (ResetEra, the Regressive Left, The Twitter Cult, et al) will tear themselves completely apart long before election day through infighting and grammar policing. Democratic Leaders really need to rethink their constituency and stop pandering to these folks. They are fickle, volatile, and their rhetoric alone will alienate other potential voters.
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It's the perfect demonstration of how online "activism" works. All bark, no bite. All talk, no cock.

The election is over, buddy.
The campaigning is done. The debating has finished. The votes are counted. The results are in.

"I was crying earlier but I'm ready to fight now!".

Now? NOW!? You missed the fucking fight you worthless little turd. You were crying while the real fighters were fighting.

The ReetardEra method of political activism:
Step One: Sit and do nothing while "these fucks" win.
Step Two: Cry.
Step Three: Declare readiness to fight long after fight is over.

Sometimes I think it would legitimately help some of these people to actually get into a real fight.
Maybe not a fight, actually. Just like a contest with REAL stakes and real rewards at the end.
Then they'd see that when the other side wants to fight too you can't afford to go and cry and be emotional.

These guys are like that one clown in the pub who talks a lot of shit but when the time comes to throw down they do the whole "hold me back" routine.

You know what, let's focus on that crying part for a sec. What the fuck did it accomplish? What the fuck did crying do to assist the situation? How did his tears help with the election at all? Oh that's right, it didn't. You know what does help? Debate and speech. This is why Era will NEVER help anything. Anyone voting for the Tories or Boris would be banned from Era instantly, but how does that help convince them not to do it? How does pretending they don't exist help them not vote Torie? How does crying change their minds? Oh that's right, it doesn't. Debating them with evidence changes their minds. Persuading them changes their mind. Talking to them can change their minds. But you're too busy crying and pretending they exist or are in too small of number to matter. "BaNnInG tHeM iS sUrE tO wOrK!" Is the idiots guide to persuasion. It won't work, it'll just piss them off and solidify their vote as now they'll be doing it out of spite. Ask the Trump supports, a LOT of them voted for the guy to spite SJWs and Era folk who thing insults banning and crying solves the fucking issue.
You know what, let's focus on that crying part for a sec. What the fuck did it accomplish? What the fuck did crying do to assist the situation? How did his tears help with the election at all? Oh that's right, it didn't. You know what does help? Debate and speech. This is why Era will NEVER help anything. Anyone voting for the Tories or Boris would be banned from Era instantly, but how does that help convince them not to do it? How does pretending they don't exist help them not vote Torie? How does crying change their minds? Oh that's right, it doesn't. Debating them with evidence changes their minds. Persuading them changes their mind. Talking to them can change their minds. But you're too busy crying and pretending they exist or are in too small of number to matter. "BaNnInG tHeM iS sUrE tO wOrK!" Is the idiots guide to persuasion. It won't work, it'll just piss them off and solidify their vote as now they'll be doing it out of spite. Ask the Trump supports, a LOT of them voted for the guy to spite SJWs and Era folk who thing insults banning and crying solves the fucking issue.
They cheer for people like Greta:


The "crying" is nothing more than an exercise in narcissism. Look at me. Look at me. This is so upsetting that I'm having an outward expression of emotion. Pity me. Bend to my will. Remove the obstacles I tell you to remove. You won't remove them? Why do you hate me? Do you want me to literally die? How dare you!

Changing minds isn't on the table anyway. You are misunderstanding their mindset if that is what you expect. They believe emotion is superior to reason, that being morally right is more important than the truth.

In spite of their modern lingo and idiosyncracies, they are not anything new. They are a mob. They believe they are the first to stumble upon the chaotic energy of an unthinking mob. They believe they can control it, which is why they refuse to acknowledge all the signs that it is spinning out of control.

To deny their ideology at this point would truly be heresy, paradigm-shattering heresy.

So instead they tell strangers on the internet forum that they cried about it as a show of solidarity.


Reddit had to lock the thread, yet I remember I got few days ban on RE initially when I made the slightest allusion that right wing extremism and strategy games were connected and many users got offended too. Then I realized something is wrong with that site for the first time.

Some popular comments:

Damn, there goes half the Company of Heroes community

Don't forget about the HoI4 community too.

Paradox and right wing extremists? Never!



Bernie is Trump's most dangerous opponent. It's not a right vs left thing. It's an establishment vs populist change thing. They won't get it from some status quo stiff like Hillary or Biden, but they will get it from Bernie or Trump, and since Bernie wasn't an option the last time, they rolled the dice on a weirdo like Trump.
Bernie and his ilk cannot even stay on top of the primary polls for longer than a wet fart or two. There is a reason for that. If he ends up winning the primary Trump will win in a landslide. People who work hard and live comfortably will say nice platitudes about him to keep the nuttiest parts of their circle of friends from going ham on them, but once its time to vote very few people want to destroy the environment with burning paychecks.


Yeah, this is really a weird ban (and other similar as well), I wonder how they will react in the next German election. Considering the conservatives almost always win the election (there have only been 14 years with a non-conservative chancellor in the ~70 years of our republic), and now we also have the far right AfD on top of that, a left majority is very unlikely. For now it appears to not be an issue to be supportive of Angela Merkel, but her likely successor, Kramp-Karrenbauer, is even further to the right than Merkel.
That's an odd ban even by ResetEra standards.

I belive the ban falls exactly in line with Resetera's feelings before facts motto. Not weird at all in being par for course and the only logical outcome when emotions rule out of control without logic to keep it in check. It's exactly in line step with the numerous other bans based on feelings over facts well documented for posterities sake in this very topic for factual evidence of thier history of this
Ok someone please explain to me, what type of elections happened in the UK, why is it so bad that grown ass people from another country cry, and why do people think that 130k people are gonna die? xD
I guess being from Bosnia where we have 3 presidents and maybe the worst political system in the world I've learned from a young age that none of that shit matters 😃

"We can't let these legally and democratically elected MP's do this maaaaan! We gotta go against the wishes of the majority of the British public!"


> Proceeds to go cry in the corner and weep again.

Ok someone please explain to me, what type of elections happened in the UK, why is it so bad that grown ass people from another country cry, and why do people think that 130k people are gonna die? xD
I guess being from Bosnia where we have 3 presidents and maybe the worst political system in the world I've learned from a young age that none of that shit matters 😃

General election, which decides which political party has the majority of the sway in Parliament to make decisions and laws. The Conservatives have a Pro-Brexit policy to leave the European Union entirely so with them holding the vast majority of seats that's going to become a much easier thing to get done now. Before Labor had a similar amount of seats so they could block a lot of the decisions the Conservatives wanted to make.

The vast majority of those comments about tons of people dying are just whining Labour supporters who are butthurt that they lost.
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Ok someone please explain to me, what type of elections happened in the UK, why is it so bad that grown ass people from another country cry, and why do people think that 130k people are gonna die? xD
I guess being from Bosnia where we have 3 presidents and maybe the worst political system in the world I've learned from a young age that none of that shit matters 😃

Left wing extremist always believe when right wing holds power they somehow will make it legal to murder minorities because they believe anyone even slightly on the right has no morals and thus gives them reason to hypocritically hate the right wing. No one is going to die, there brains don't work right so it's the only thing they think of the rationalize right wing majority being the worse thing ever.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
why would anyone cry over another countries election

I highly doubt people like that would react to bad news with a heavy legs day at the gym (although it would probably do them a world of good with the testosterone boost it would cause).


RLM is public enemy number one

How long before they are banned?

Bernie and his ilk cannot even stay on top of the primary polls for longer than a wet fart or two. There is a reason for that. If he ends up winning the primary Trump will win in a landslide. People who work hard and live comfortably will say nice platitudes about him to keep the nuttiest parts of their circle of friends from going ham on them, but once its time to vote very few people want to destroy the environment with burning paychecks.
The amount of people who work hard AND live comfortably is growing smaller by the day. A socialist change is coming. Tired of people celebrating acts of kindness like a fund raiser making enough to pay for cancer treatment and then turning around and acting like being able to pay for treatment should be a luxury. Or applauding those who do not use sick days because work is above all and then being sad when said person dies at an early age. The only checks that will be burning are those with who have the money to burn, while destroying the environment with their industrial machines while they live comfortably. Just because the environment is suffering doesn't mean people 30 and below should have to suffer with it and die young from lack of proper health care and necessities to keep some fat cats owning 10 mansions fully furnished with minimum wage waiting staff.
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The amount of people who work hard AND live comfortably is growing smaller by the day. A socialist change is coming. Tired of people celebrating acts of kindness like a fund raiser making enough to pay for cancer treatment and then turning around and acting like being able to pay for treatment should be a luxury. Or applauding those who do not use sick days because work is above all and then being sad when said person dies at an early age. The only checks that will be burning are those with who have the money to burn, while destroying the environment with their industrial machines while they live comfortably. Just because the environment is suffering doesn't mean people 30 and below should have to suffer with it and die young from lack of proper health care and necessities to keep some fat cats owning 10 mansions fully furnished with minimum wage waiting staff.
How much of your anxiety and mental hardship is ultimately caused by wanting things that you don't have?

Asking genuinely, and the question is probably more of a philosophical/religious one than a political one.

As an aside, I don't personally think I "work hard" yet I live very comfortably, and I am grateful to have the job I do. It follows that if someone like me can avoid busting my butt every second of every day (I've been there) yet still enjoy this level of comfort, then the people who work harder than me and/or are more talented than me and/or have more free resources than me would be able to live even more comfortably and do more with their time. Is that not the case?

It's not about who is "working hard" and it's not about your very personalized definition of "living comfortably". Hard work and effort don't matter. Results matter. Either you achieve or you don't, but dragging down the achievements of others to make up for it hurts everyone.

Is your live completely devoid of comforts? Are you truly on the bottom rung? Or can you count your blessings?


The amount of people who work hard AND live comfortably is growing smaller by the day. A socialist change is coming. Tired of people celebrating acts of kindness like a fund raiser making enough to pay for cancer treatment and then turning around and acting like being able to pay for treatment should be a luxury. Or applauding those who do not use sick days because work is above all and then being sad when said person dies at an early age. The only checks that will be burning are those with who have the money to burn, while destroying the environment with their industrial machines while they live comfortably. Just because the environment is suffering doesn't mean people 30 and below should have to suffer with it and die young from lack of proper health care and necessities to keep some fat cats owning 10 mansions fully furnished with minimum wage waiting staff.

maybe it’s medicine.....

Or maybe it’s maybellene.
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People have sadly seem to have forgotten this long paper trail of evidence of racism and sexism from this YouTube channel again. :(

Disheartening how quick some are to dismiss and try to explain away concrete evidence of racism and sexism as the OP had compiled so well.
Cheebo: MALE

Disheartening how quick some are to dismiss and try to explain away concrete evidence of racism and sexism as the OP had compiled so well.
Sad, but not surprising. Bump.
Vonocourt: MALE
Has magic powers

They havent forgotten. They dont care
Has magic powers: MALE

56 minutes ago
Has magic powers said:
They havent forgotten. They dont care
Why not both
Surfinn: MALE
The Fallen

I'm still surprised they haven't been banned here.
Grunge_Hamster: MALE
I wrote a long message to my closest irl friends about this issue, encouraging them to move on from this channel due to the views they have been shown to have. But that was months ago and they're right back to excitedly discussing whichever new trailer or movie they're shitting on and how funny it is that they're shitting on it.

GrizzNKev: MALE

there are actually ZERO people identifying as Female complaining about RLM's sexism in that thread. every single person is a male!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cheebo: MALE
Vonocourt: MALE

Has magic powers: MALE

Surfinn: MALE

Grunge_Hamster: MALE

GrizzNKev: MALE

there are actually ZERO people identifying as Female complaining about RLM's sexism in that thread. every single person is a male!

Um... excuse me. I think you mean, "Ally."
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I really hope those idiots are being paid by Disney. The alternative of them honestly defending a mediocre Star Wars relentlessly is depressing.


so they, uh, locked the main RLM thread, so rn the one calling them "bigoted content" is the only one on the front page and it's Cheebo rubbing his flaccid white knight dick all over it
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Speaking of RLM, I checked the OT in hangouts and look what I find:

I wonder if this blatant derail and attack on the fanbase will be actioned at all.

And by the way, I did mention Icemonk191 to my trans discord friend asking if she was one of the 4 trolls. I got a "no comment" back. Now that doesn't necessarily mean anything as I haven't brought up anyone else and again I have no idea who is in that discord, but I guess take it as you will regardless. Honestly, I'd kind of be shocked if Icemonk ISN'T a troll, though they don't necessarily have to be one of the 5 in the discord I guess.


Cheebo and Surfinn are so terrible, it's comical. I always love when they jump into a thread. TLJ DEFENSE FORCE.. ASSEMBLE!
they are on a new page on the RLM Bigotted Content thread. it's... still all Males posting! page 27 is literally all but 1 person identifying as male being upset about how RLM "encouraged the harassment of Brie Larson", cos that must have happened in the Reee universe.
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The amount of people who work hard AND live comfortably is growing smaller by the day. A socialist change is coming. Tired of people celebrating acts of kindness like a fund raiser making enough to pay for cancer treatment and then turning around and acting like being able to pay for treatment should be a luxury. Or applauding those who do not use sick days because work is above all and then being sad when said person dies at an early age. The only checks that will be burning are those with who have the money to burn, while destroying the environment with their industrial machines while they live comfortably. Just because the environment is suffering doesn't mean people 30 and below should have to suffer with it and die young from lack of proper health care and necessities to keep some fat cats owning 10 mansions fully furnished with minimum wage waiting staff.

I understand your complaints about the symptoms, but your treatment is going to cause cancer in the long run. It's like smoking cigarettes to treat a lung infection.

I agree fundamentally that the wealthy have too much, and that the environment needs to be conserved, and that healthcare is a huge problem. While I do support some socialism - I think a universal system like Japan has is the only way to fix our healthcare system. That being said, I don't believe we need to go the Marxist socialist route to fix capitalism.

Kill the corporate legal shield and end shareholder primacy. Institute a trading tax on the stock market. Break up the monopolies. End free trade policies that are destructive to our local industries. Make stock buy backs illegal.
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