The amount of people who work hard AND live comfortably is growing smaller by the day. A socialist change is coming. Tired of people celebrating acts of kindness like a fund raiser making enough to pay for cancer treatment and then turning around and acting like being able to pay for treatment should be a luxury. Or applauding those who do not use sick days because work is above all and then being sad when said person dies at an early age. The only checks that will be burning are those with who have the money to burn, while destroying the environment with their industrial machines while they live comfortably. Just because the environment is suffering doesn't mean people 30 and below should have to suffer with it and die young from lack of proper health care and necessities to keep some fat cats owning 10 mansions fully furnished with minimum wage waiting staff.
Rich people aren't to blame.
If someone wants to make a claim at shitty environments, it's everyone's fault for wanting as much cheaply made shit as possible, drinking Starbucks everyday and wasting money on the latest fashion and cell phone upgrades. Rich people want more, just as poor people do too.
I'm pretty sure someone can get by in life with a boxy CRT tv from 1998 if they really wanted to. And if it breaks, just get one for free. People literally give these away. But instead everyone (including you too) go out and buy HD LCD tvs.
"Living comfortably" is subjective. And also depends on the generation. People got by perfectly fine with a shitty car, black and white TVs, a radio, and a fridge and oven. Nobody had microwaves, cell phones, computers, awesome fast cars, and nobody was buying fast food, $5 coffees, or buying $200 shoes and Canada Goose jackets for $800 either.
And people seemed fine and happy. Nobody is stopping someone from living like they time warped to 1960.
As for the people who are 30 and under and supposedly suffering, if all the young people want to change, don't nag us older people for better conditions. We aren;t going to be around forever. We're all going to retire and die at some point, which means the young people will take over the jobs.
In that case, instead of whining, go get a job that changes the world.... science and tech, energy, chemistry etc.... Any job that can create better use of materials. Brush up your math and science skills and skip the history and anthropology classes. If saving trees, and reducing CO2 gas emmissions are that important, memorizing every Shakespeare play isn't going to help. Instead, learn how to modify seeds so trees grow faster or something.
Or have fun being loud at people telling everyone to stop buying stuff and live like Fred Flintstone. Good luck. You'll have a better chance with the above career focus on environmentalism improvements But the thing is most young people are lazy fucks and prefer to whine and sit on their ass on Snapchat.