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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I've been seeing "supporting bigotry" a lot lately as reasons for bans. Seems it's become the mod's new go-to if they just want to get rid of posters who go against their ever-tightening rules on what is "acceptable".

Its always clear when there's a mod change of guard and one of them has a pet hate, ableism is another new one showing up a lot. I remember when at the start they had zero tolerance on "Death threats" which became vaguer and vaguer over time as to what a death threat was. Got insane when one guy was banned for saying "I hope karma catches up with this person".

Thing is the purposely refuse to make a banned sites from discussion list so they can "Weed out the bigots/alt right/racists" because there's no way anyone can know unless you damn live on that forum and read every topic.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Its always clear when there's a mod change of guard and one of them has a pet hate, ableism is another new one showing up a lot. I remember when at the start they had zero tolerance on "Death threats" which became vaguer and vaguer over time as to what a death threat was. Got insane when one guy was banned for saying "I hope karma catches up with this person".

Thing is the purposely refuse to make a banned sites from discussion list so they can "Weed out the bigots/alt right/racists" because there's no way anyone can know unless you damn live on that forum and read every topic.

Now they actively encourage calls for death!


That Conservative Era OT is funny on so many levels. That place is something.

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Gaf has nowhere near the numbers, and off topic is a bit more chill but I do feel the politics forum is really right wing just as era is left.

I don't agree but what if it were? Is the right wing considered pure evil? Is the left the light side of the force and the right the dark side? I bet.... just a hunch here... I just bet evil doesn't take sides.


I don't agree but what if it were? Is the right wing considered pure evil? Is the left the light side of the force and the right the dark side? I bet.... just a hunch here... I just bet evil doesn't take sides.

"Evil" = As defined by my anime's or favorite Disney property.


I don't think it's the sarcasm that's not coming across to me. I assumed and hoped you were being sarcastic, but it's a ridiculous thing to joke about. An actual Civil War in this country in modern times isn't going to go well for anyone involved, regardless if you are the one with more guns than your enemies. It's dangerous rhetoric that shouldn't be bandied around just so you can feel smug about gun ownership.

Don’t tell people what they can and can’t joke about
Here's another interesting tidbit before we enter the next decade.

Resetera's Conservative OT

Created: November 3rd, 2017
Last Post: September 21st, 2018 (1 year ago)

You can scroll through six pages and see that nearly every user is banned.

First post:

Last Post:

Something awful used to have a banme thread........thats pretty much the modern day version of it


Gold Member
Permanently banned if you like Niche Gamer. (reeeetakes)


Oh wow, for a moment there I thought they had banned andymcc and I was like, impossible!, dude’s one of the wokest members there.

Never, ever reply to questions like “Why?” or “Could you elaborate?” if you care for your Era account (I mean, they don’t even need you to reply anymore to ban you, LOL) but I appreciate people who‘ll put their integrity before their account on a forum where they’re clearly not welcome anyway.


Never, ever reply to questions like “Why?” or “Could you elaborate?” if you care for your Era account (I mean, they don’t even need you to reply anymore to ban you, LOL) but I appreciate people who‘ll put their integrity before their account on a forum where they’re clearly not welcome anyway.

I'm confident that EviLore EviLore has informed the mod team here of that type of ban baiting. It's so blatant on Era and everyone of the mods ignore it as long as it unmasks a "wrongthinker".


Never, ever reply to questions like “Why?” or “Could you elaborate?” if you care for your Era account (I mean, they don’t even need you to reply anymore to ban you, LOL) but I appreciate people who‘ll put their integrity before their account on a forum where they’re clearly not welcome anyway.

Sorry but, but this is not necessarally true. They can ban you whenever they feel like.

I'm telling this to you by my own experience. Received a ban in a thread about an idiot called Serebii. Apparently he has received "insulting responses" over the twitter and people went there to expose and defend him, for what they believe that he is the "true pokemon contributor of society".

I posted that I didn't like that kind of behaviour. But I believe every "coin has two sides". When I said that, I meant that no one goes insulting someone for no reason. Theres probably more to it. And since by the time I already knew that Serebii has the tendency of insulting people(like calling them retards) and making snarky and strawmen remarks, I knew theres something fishy and it might look one sided.

Then most of people quoted me with either "Why", "Explain" or "Care to elaborate". But before I even had to time to write(less than 1 minute), I was banned for 1 week for "supporting bullying and history of similar behaviour"(that last part was a LOL to me since I never did that and my post history proves that).

So you see, the best answer is not to reply to questions. Is simply not posting at all if you think the thread smells like poop trap.


Been on GAF a while, was here for the PS3 launch etc so I've seen some shit. I don't post much, but just wanted to say that Reee's Hobbes with his "I'm an incident manager. It's what I do" may be one of the single funniest fucking things I've seen on the Internet even taking in old days GAF with classics such as the various Megatons, wall guy, the guy in bed with his sister so god damn many good times. For you younger types, this was in the days when the internet was fun and we didn't think everyone else was a russian bot or a mortal enemy of some kind. Yes there really was a time like that :)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Don’t tell people what they can and can’t joke about

I don't believe I did. "Can't" is not the same as "shouldn't" and calling someone out for ugly shit is not the same as trying to silence them.


Neo Member
Talk about deja vu. As I stated few posts back, used to be shamed and ridiculed for being too smart/intelligent, and OTHERS would label you "nerd" as a derogatory term. Yet now they dance and celebrate thinking that by calling THEMSELVES nerds, it automatically makes them smart.

It reminds me of two peeps I used to know, quintessential hipsters I suppose perhaps; but two of the most dweebish people one could meet, married to one another, almost 40 at the time -- and their idea of "casual fun" was "cruisin' the boulevards" peeling out their ratty pickup truck, blasting loud music, and razzing/harassing people on foot by screaming at them, laying on horn, or even constantly hard revving their engine at them.

I was only a couple years younger, but come to find out over time, they were the types in high school that found superiotity in going out of their way to make jocks and cool kids feel stupid and inadequate -- to some 20 years later act like they were the cool kids in school, just zero school (neither went to college), and being just as obnoxious or worse than the ones they would ridicule for acting the same way. -_-

EDIT: Come to think of it, maybe nerd is like white version of the other n-word. :p
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Talk about deja vu. As I stated few posts back, used to be shamed and ridiculed for being too smart/intelligent, and OTHERS would label you "nerd" as a derogatory term. Yet now they dance and celebrate thinking that by calling THEMSELVES nerds, it automatically makes them smart.
the irony of it all. remember a month ago when prime alpha jock Freddie Prinze Jr. was ranting about how Star Wars is for kids and he knows the force better than anyone and fans are all man babies? it was being posted as a "rebuke" to toxic fans, this beligerant screaming man telling people he knows SW better than them, LOL. i was having flashbacks to high school and the popular kids picking on me for liking sci fi. only now, they own the sci fi, and are picking on me for not liking it the correct way.

it's complete and utter bullshit. now you look at the cast listing for Star Wars TV show, it is full of shitty comics and hangers on, SNL rejects and people that are trendy right now. now it's for the cool kids.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
You all need to do yourselves a favor and check out the Era SW social media impressions thread (if you don't want spoilers) or the SW Spoiler thread.

Both those threads are delivering. Hope is waning and the kerosene canisters of infighting are slowly being rolled out. This weekend on is going to be fire. So many Istaphobes gonna get banned for wrongthink movie opinions.

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Awe what did that little console warrior Expy get banned for? I fear for his life if the Xbox Series X is more powerful then the PS5. He lives in that next gen thread and has to remind people 50 times a day that the "rumors" say the PS5 is more powerful.

2020 will be filled with new console war shenanigans and the 2020 US Election. Netflix should air this shit


Gold Member

Has Reeeee ever done a mass blanket hit-list of comedians?

Instead of one off people or sites, every main comedian at some point has done stand up and many of them have raunchy scripts. It's just not publicized like Eddie Murphy oldies.

Go to a comedy club and attend the 10pm or later shows. It's all cussing, sex and race jokes. Hilarious stuff.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It was handwringing callout culture that can fuck right off. MB was clearly joking sardonically and I utterly despise the chilling effect of trying to stamp out jokes you don’t like. It doesn’t just stop at that one joke — it causes others to doubt and delete jokes they would otherwise make.

Do you not think that any joke can go too far or be in poor taste and thus deserve calling out? Obviously we disagree on the post in question, but I'm asking more in general terms.

Also, was Manabyte's post even a "joke" in any traditional sense? Read more to me like a smug fantasy of a gun lover than anything else, but I may have misread it.
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It was handwringing callout culture that can fuck right off. MB was clearly joking sardonically and I utterly despise the chilling effect of trying to stamp out jokes you don’t like. It doesn’t just stop at that one joke — it causes others to doubt and delete jokes they would otherwise make.

Instead of just a like, I want to further add. Jokes are about the only thing that bring people together anymore. It's hard, and not all jokes are winners, but the effect of a good joke can break all kinds of boundaries and bring people closer. There is nothing better than a good roast.

And another thing, @Zefah, the only necessity is the joke has to be funny. That's is a problem when everyone has their tongue firmly implanted in their cheek, not everyone is funny.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Instead of just a like, I want to further add. Jokes are about the only thing that bring people together anymore. It's hard, and not all jokes are winners, but the effect of a good joke can break all kinds of boundaries and bring people closer. There is nothing better than a good roast.

And another thing, @Zefah, the only necessity is the joke has to be funny. That's is a problem when everyone has their tongue firmly implanted in their cheek, not everyone is funny.

I generally agree with the idea that just about anything should be fair game for a joke if it can be made funny, but I guess I just am unable to find the humor in a "joke" that hinges on what appears to be a murder fantasy.


I generally agree with the idea that just about anything should be fair game for a joke if it can be made funny, but I guess I just am unable to find the humor in a "joke" that hinges on what appears to be a murder fantasy.

I used to write one or two sentence short stories when I was in fourth grade. One such story was,

"There was an old man, sitting on a bench......he died of course."

Two pictures were accompanied with the story. One with an old man, sitting on a bench, and another with the old man dead with X's on his eyes.

That was the one I got the most laughs with. I cannot explain it, it just was. The drawings with the pictures and the juxtaposition of a little kid writing something so macabre, I even got adults to laugh at it. Sometimes inherently unfunny things can get a laugh if the stars align.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I used to write one or two sentence short stories when I was in fourth grade. One such story was,

"There was an old man, sitting on a bench......he died of course."

Two pictures were accompanied with the story. One with an old man, sitting on a bench, and another with the old man dead with X's on his eyes.

That was the one I got the most laughs with. I cannot explain it, it just was. The drawings with the pictures and the juxtaposition of a little kid writing something so macabre, I even got adults to laugh at it. Sometimes inherently unfunny things can get a laugh if the stars align.

That's just a non sequitur joke, which most people find at least somewhat humorous due to the absurdity and silly randomness. It also involves a nameless fictional old man.

Personally, I don't the comparison with a post that expresses hope that those uppity anti-gun nuts will get what's coming to them (read: shot to death by gun owners in a grand civil war). Anyway, I'll drop it. It's obviously not that big of a deal to most folks and it's not like I have it out for Manabyte personally or anything.


Do you not think that any joke can go too far or be in poor taste and thus deserve calling out? Obviously we disagree on the post in question, but I'm asking more in general terms.

Also, was Manabyte's post even a "joke" in any traditional sense? Read more to me like a smug fantasy of a gun lover than anything else, but I may have misread it.

I think you misread it.

But to answer your question, no, not really. I would challenge you to show me the most offensive, meanest joke you can find and see if I can’t identify the nuance in it. Even if someone does make an offensive joke that misfires, I think the chilling effect associated with the callout culture is worse than letting people be offended.
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