Found it.
People being angry that they grew up and Star Wars didn't has been something since 1999.
Found it.
But I never knew until I got older that some people went ape shit for those first 3 movies.
In all seriousness, that cheebo guy is such a douche bag. Any criticism of his precious star wars or in particular the last jedi he wants banned. I'm convinced he's some over elaborate troll, no one can be that much of a worthless corporate suck up.
Your avatar gave me cancer of the eyes... Thanks a lot!If you like TLJ, you're a flatearther. Simple as that![]()
Your avatar gave me cancer of the eyes... Thanks a lot!
Why was she at e3? She's not a gamer. She hates games.Saw her in person at E3 once.
Bernie Sanders endorsed TYT founder and carpetbagger Cenk Uygur in CA 25 Congressional Race (UP: Sanders retracts endorsement) [SEE STAFF POST]
As the adage goes "Actions speak louder than words." If a person says they accept that the Armenian Genocide occurred but the actions of said person is hypocritical to what the person says, that person needs to be called out. Cenk needs to be called out for for still volunteering and
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Xaszatm is NOT a troll and I'm legitimately starting to worry about him. Mental health Era is worth fucking nothing, so I hope he gets the real help he needs.
Christopher Poole, better known as moot and the founder of 4chan, has commented before about the importance of anonymity on the Internet. Social media has ruined an entire generation of humanity at this point and it remains to be seen if the generation after will grow up understanding how to survive in a world constantly immersed in that endless toxic cesspool of Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram.jThe removal of anonymity ruined the internet.
Back when Big_schlong_tom69 was calling someone a fag, it was just the internet.
Now when Laura Ahern of South Shields, England, throws a hissy fit over someone looking at her funny, it becomes national news and the pitch-forks come out.
Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and unfortunately, it has moved from "do stupid thing, get 15 minutes of fame on TV" to "Be outraged at the drop of a hat to have your 15 minutes of fame on an internet news site"
Man, what I wouldn't give to go back to the internet before the masses/normies turned up. Not to sound like an edgy-angsty-non-conforming teenager, but the masses ruin everything. It pisses me off.
The Faux outrage train has just left the station...
The Army and Navy academies are looking into hand signs flashed by student associated with “white power” at the Army-Navy game
The AP is reporting that the Army and Navy academies are investigating the hand signs flashed by students at the Army-Navy game:
Gaf has nowhere near the numbers, and off topic is a bit more chill but I do feel the politics forum is really right wing just as era is left. Also while many here will disagree I really think some of the tones set in some threads is pretty fucking gross (the thread ripping on the black girl for winning miss universe is particularly gross).
It’s pathetic in both forums.
Era is too crazy left and trans pushy.
Gaf has nowhere near the numbers, and off topic is a bit more chill but I do feel the politics forum is really right wing just as era is left.
Two things here...Most people here are left-leaning, mate. So one of three things is happening here: either you misconstrue something you disagree with as "right-leaning", you are cherry picking, or both. I just checked that thread and I think it seems to definitely be C in this case. Not to mention the most important thing: most people just want to talk about games in a gaming forum. And not get into needless pissing matches in politics forum. Which is why the majority of people don't go into it.
When I saw Force Awakens I was thinking is this a new movie or a remake of the old ones?
- Empire wants to kill planets
- Rebels counter by targeting big huge base
- Rebels blow up reactor core thing by flying in with X-wing fighters
- The end
I thought I watched the same thing like 40 years ago.
would this be a bad time to request a thumbs down emoji/like?![]()
Guessing you must also not do a sense of humor here either... tried to make it as obvious as possible that I was attempting to be a joking smartass, which is also why I didn't pick anything apart in that post or criticize heavily.
Guessing you must also not do a sense of humor here either... tried to make it as obvious as possible that I was attempting to be a joking smartass, which is also why I didn't pick anything apart in that post or criticize heavily.
Wow. Hrm...
Guess it's more true than stated, sense of humor is indeed a dying species.
1995-2005 - "Don't believe anything you read on the internet, it's all made up"
The Faux outrage train has just left the station...
The Army and Navy academies are looking into hand signs flashed by student associated with “white power” at the Army-Navy game
The AP is reporting that the Army and Navy academies are investigating the hand signs flashed by students at the Army-Navy game:
Yes, I see this phenomenon across the internet and it makes me wonder if some people join up with these movements -- consciously or not -- because they want an excuse to wield a bat or scream into a megaphone or at least to let loose with whatever insulting screeds their smoothbrain can invent on the spot. I've noticed that one side in particular needs to salt put-downs into everything they say, always tearing down "___ supporters", often without making much of a point in favor of their own side.Lol I wish these people would just come clean and admit they're having a blast bullying people. There's a certain level of vitriol where the already porous veneer of fighting for social justice disintegrates before your eyes.
I mean to be fair I’m very left wing and yes if you could snap your fingers and have a huge redistribution if wealth I think society would be better for it.
But I am also not so stupid to think that lolling about landlords is going to win any arguments or convince anyone.
I said this before but I do feel a bit torn between these two. Era is too crazy left and trans pushy. But it’s got numbers so if you stayed out of the off topic the gaming side is good.
Gaf has nowhere near the numbers, and off topic is a bit more chill but I do feel the politics forum is really right wing just as era is left. Also while many here will disagree I really think some of the tones set in some threads is pretty fucking gross (the thread ripping on the black girl for winning miss universe is particularly gross).
most of all I just hate how it permeates I to unrelated shit in both forums. At Era the new Star Wars game comes out and they say it’s shit because it’s a white guy and no one should play the game! GAF would mock they and rightfully so. But then I read a terminator movie thread and everyone is snowflaking it up going “omg go woke go broke lolll fucking bitches right!”- and era would correctly point out how stupid that is too. I feel any game or movie here on gaf with a woman or a black person here is put under the same stupid scrutiny as era would put a white guy under. It’s pathetic in both forums.
Of course not. They want you to dive right in and expose yourself to their scrutiny and judgment. One awkwardly phrased sentence, one ambiguous (in their eyes) word, and you‘re down for the count. It doesn’t even matter anymore if you’re not from the US or you don’t speak English very well, your ignorance will never be justified nor forgiven. It’s got to the point where newcomers who aren’t down the intersectionalism rabbit hole to the very bottom are confronted with sentences such as “How can you not know if you’re on this forum??”.Not only does it seem that it completely copied GAF for the layout, like a mirror image; but something about it just felt "ghost town" like. When going there, there's no welcome page, no suggestions of where to start, not even anything informing me why I should even join.
That would require action. Getting out from under their mothers skirt and out of the basement. They expend their energy online blowing each other.So how long until the first SJW does a mass shooting or blows himself up?
I definitely think it's beyond dispute that anyone who complains about Holdo's hair color is being sexist and can be disregarded
they have a thread on a new TLJ defense video all the usual takes of course. just the same old shit swirling around unflushed in a broken toilet for 2 years.
So how long until the first SJW does a mass shooting or blows himself up?
The "made you look now you get two punches" has been around for AT LEAST 20 years.
Shit, we organize a "12 pubs of Christmas" pub crawl every year and every year we end up coming up with more and more elaborate ways to do this.
'I'm not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here': Lindsay Graham predicts Trump impeachment will 'die quickly' in Senate, because he will kill it
We could try, but I feel like the military would annihilate
You're damn right if SJW's tried to take up arms and remove President Trump from office, you would be met with a lot of resistance.
I'm not sure why SJW's keep acting like they have all the superior firepower but hey, if they do decide to act, don't whine when the hammer comes swinging down in response.
like "i'm not attributing malice to this comment... yadda yadda sexist YouTubers"A.By
10 minutes ago
Like, I'm not attributing malice to this comment, but it, likely unintentionally, is kind of sexist. Rigid and cold is a descriptor I rarely see applied to men, and very often do I see it applied to women. It's just food for thought for the future, and honestly, it does make me wonder how much sexist discourse of films like these contributes to more pernicious ideas, like regular-ass people picking up on the idea that Rey is a Mary Sue from how so much of the popular discourse on the Sequel Trilogy is by sexist YouTubers.Mengy said:
Holdo comes across super authoritarian, rigid, and cold.
these are movies, please don't discuss the visuals.You can't even joke about her appearance though? That's some bullshit.
It should be taken as a sign that even the mods can see things going off the rails."Let's try to not to assume the worst of each other all the time and try to discuss things in good faith."
A Resetera mod said that? A mod of a forum infamous for banning huge amounts of people over the most absurd and ridiculous pretexts? "Pot calling the kettle black" doesn't even begin to describe that shit.
It should be taken as a sign that even the mods can see things going off the rails.
LOL A.By captain Save a Holdo
like "i'm not attributing malice to this comment... yadda yadda sexist YouTubers"
nothing cold and authoritarian about a commander who refuses to tell you her plan and then commits suicide. nope, perfectly normal!
these are movies, please don't discuss the visuals.