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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Care of Reeeeeeetakes.




Please ban these people that say all the things we want to say but we aren't allowed to say by our blue haired mods! PLEASE!



I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Xaszatm is NOT a troll and I'm legitimately starting to worry about him. Mental health Era is worth fucking nothing, so I hope he gets the real help he needs.

lol I see 1.21 Gigawatts and R rashbeep


The removal of anonymity ruined the internet.

Back when Big_schlong_tom69 was calling someone a fag, it was just the internet.

Now when Laura Ahern of South Shields, England, throws a hissy fit over someone looking at her funny, it becomes national news and the pitch-forks come out.

Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and unfortunately, it has moved from "do stupid thing, get 15 minutes of fame on TV" to "Be outraged at the drop of a hat to have your 15 minutes of fame on an internet news site"

Man, what I wouldn't give to go back to the internet before the masses/normies turned up. Not to sound like an edgy-angsty-non-conforming teenager, but the masses ruin everything. It pisses me off.
Christopher Poole, better known as moot and the founder of 4chan, has commented before about the importance of anonymity on the Internet. Social media has ruined an entire generation of humanity at this point and it remains to be seen if the generation after will grow up understanding how to survive in a world constantly immersed in that endless toxic cesspool of Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram.j
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Gold Member
The Faux outrage train has just left the station...


Clicked on it and of course it's a KSweeley thread.
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Neo Member
WOW. Not looking to get into a mess with this, but in catching up on "stuff that went down", I kept seeing resetera mentioned.

I'd heard of it but never visited. Decide to look out of curiosity.

Not only does it seem that it completely copied GAF for the layout, like a mirror image; but something about it just felt "ghost town" like. When going there, there's no welcome page, no suggestions of where to start, not even anything informing me why I should even join.

Then I perused forums, nothing stand out in gaming. I then check a political thread or two... HOLY SHIT. Echo chamber puts it mildly, within first 10 or so posts I see suggestions that Trump Supporters shouldn't be allowed to exist, while another person boldly states that all Trump supporters are dumbfucks. :O
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Pretty funny to see ResetEra react to the Marx shoutout at the game awards. I VIVIDLY remember around 2015~2016 whenever you'd point out that a lot of the left wing discourse (particularly in online spaces) was starting to take on this Marxist bent -- that they were making arguments (knowingly or unknowingly) rooted in critical theory -- it was brushed off as a conspiracy theory. People, often left wingers themselves, would be compared to hyperbolic right wing pundits, marked as ignorant or simply called trolls.

Now they're just openly celebrating Marx and memeing about killing landlords and shit. It's kinda wild. I wonder if any of them realize that they're slowly sliding into an increasingly extreme position. I wonder if they remember that they used to deny it. It's one of those moments where you really wish you could go back in time and show a group of people what they eventually became. Given the slow incremental change over years I'll bet it feels normal to them but as someone who didn't go along for the ride they're all nutty.

I mean, they can't even watch Red Letter Media anymore lmao. The amount of time spent worrying about people who clearly aren't hateful or bad in any meaningful way is kind of amazing.
I mean to be fair I’m very left wing and yes if you could snap your fingers and have a huge redistribution if wealth I think society would be better for it.

But I am also not so stupid to think that lolling about landlords is going to win any arguments or convince anyone.

I said this before but I do feel a bit torn between these two. Era is too crazy left and trans pushy. But it’s got numbers so if you stayed out of the off topic the gaming side is good.

Gaf has nowhere near the numbers, and off topic is a bit more chill but I do feel the politics forum is really right wing just as era is left. Also while many here will disagree I really think some of the tones set in some threads is pretty fucking gross (the thread ripping on the black girl for winning miss universe is particularly gross).

most of all I just hate how it permeates I to unrelated shit in both forums. At Era the new Star Wars game comes out and they say it’s shit because it’s a white guy and no one should play the game! GAF would mock they and rightfully so. But then I read a terminator movie thread and everyone is snowflaking it up going “omg go woke go broke lolll fucking bitches right!”- and era would correctly point out how stupid that is too. I feel any game or movie here on gaf with a woman or a black person here is put under the same stupid scrutiny as era would put a white guy under. It’s pathetic in both forums.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gaf has nowhere near the numbers, and off topic is a bit more chill but I do feel the politics forum is really right wing just as era is left. Also while many here will disagree I really think some of the tones set in some threads is pretty fucking gross (the thread ripping on the black girl for winning miss universe is particularly gross).

I had to look that one up, but there appear to be a pretty wide spread of reactions and opinions in the thread... The way you phrased it I thought I was going to find people making blanket statements that black women aren't attractive or something.

Dr. Claus

Gaf has nowhere near the numbers, and off topic is a bit more chill but I do feel the politics forum is really right wing just as era is left.

Most people here are left-leaning, mate. So one of three things is happening here: either you misconstrue something you disagree with as "right-leaning", you are cherry picking, or both. I just checked that thread and I think it seems to definitely be C in this case. Not to mention the most important thing: most people just want to talk about games in a gaming forum. And not get into needless pissing matches in politics forum. Which is why the majority of people don't go into it.
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Neo Member
Most people here are left-leaning, mate. So one of three things is happening here: either you misconstrue something you disagree with as "right-leaning", you are cherry picking, or both. I just checked that thread and I think it seems to definitely be C in this case. Not to mention the most important thing: most people just want to talk about games in a gaming forum. And not get into needless pissing matches in politics forum. Which is why the majority of people don't go into it.
Two things here...

Think it's been the ongoing issue seen for awhile, that anything some peeps disagree with they love to quickly label "alt-right" as a means of easy dismissal and disposal -- saw it a lot back in GG days, some extreme lefties liked it that way, so worse they got the more it hurt the right's perception.

Other thing, surprised to see numbers comparison, brings to mind the adage of quality over quantity. :messenger_sunglasses:

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
When I saw Force Awakens I was thinking is this a new movie or a remake of the old ones?

- Empire wants to kill planets
- Rebels counter by targeting big huge base
- Rebels blow up reactor core thing by flying in with X-wing fighters
- The end

I thought I watched the same thing like 40 years ago.

TFA is derivative but it still managed to be a fun flick. A popcorn film if you will.

JJ Abrams might not be an artist but he's a competent craftsman.


Neo Member
Guessing you must also not do a sense of humor here either... tried to make it as obvious as possible that I was attempting to be a joking smartass, which is also why I didn't pick anything apart in that post or criticize heavily.

Wow. Hrm... :messenger_astonished::messenger_fearful:

Guess it's more true than stated, sense of humor is indeed a dying species.
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The left continuing to tear each other apart in the Bernie/Cenk thread




"what do I need to do for you to not see me as evil? What?" - why does this person stay on Era? Why beg for the approval of people you surely must know are toxic?


A mod steps in:


"Let's try to not to assume the worst of each other all the time and try to discuss things in good faith." - on Era?

Lol I wish these people would just come clean and admit they're having a blast bullying people. There's a certain level of vitriol where the already porous veneer of fighting for social justice disintegrates before your eyes. And I gatta think; why even keep up the act at that point? Anyone with half a brain can tell that a significant amount of this "activism" is motivated by the same cheap thrills that all bullies are after.

At least normal bullies can admit to themselves that they're belittling people for their own amusement. ResetEra needs that extra douchey pretense of moral superiority. "Well, we only drag the bigots!" Yeah, and who are the bigots again? Anyone who doesn't adhere to each obscure tenant of your incoherent, identity driven, far left politics? Whoever is a convenient target for the mob this week? Fuckin' Rich Evans?

Just admit you're not all repeatedly quoting a vapid, substance free whine of a post with cheers like "this is the TEA" and "so much THIS" to advocate for marginalized people. You're doing it to revel in the exclusion of someone who dared step out of line and you're having a blast. You love passive-aggressively letting that person know how much they don't belong. Hiding behind the plausible deniability of not directly addressing them.

It's okay, just own it and maybe don't say things quite so cringe as "we see your ass." I know what you meant but it doesn't play without the right vocal inflection.


Guessing you must also not do a sense of humor here either... tried to make it as obvious as possible that I was attempting to be a joking smartass, which is also why I didn't pick anything apart in that post or criticize heavily.

Wow. Hrm... :messenger_astonished::messenger_fearful:

Guess it's more true than stated, sense of humor is indeed a dying species.
  • LOL
Reactions: dwr


I love how these authoritarian puritans keep shitting om Xenoblade 2, while ignoring that Xenogears had all that 'pandering' already. Also 'panderung = sexual content, such an inane attitude. 🤦‍♀️
1995-2005 - "Don't believe anything you read on the internet, it's all made up"

We now live in a world where Fake News infects Real Life and the Internet posts half truths and lies.

Who are we going to rely on for truth now? My local Community talks make me feel naked and like a caveman....A CAVEMAN I TELL YOU!



You're damn right if SJW's tried to take up arms and remove President Trump from office, you would be met with a lot of resistance.

I'm not sure why SJW's keep acting like they have all the superior firepower but hey, if they do decide to act, don't whine when the hammer comes swinging down in response.

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The Faux outrage train has just left the station...


Sometimes this kind of stuff legitimately scares me.
Like, these guys could find themselves in serious trouble over what is basically conflicting opinions on that gesture.

The "made you look now you get two punches" has been around for AT LEAST 20 years.
Shit, we organize a "12 pubs of Christmas" pub crawl every year and every year we end up coming up with more and more elaborate ways to do this.

Basically though if you do not keep up to speed with all this internet bullshit you can end up in big trouble over a hand gesture that only two years ago would have been fine and quite widespread.

I wonder what is the quickest "incubation time" for stuff like this?
As in how quickly can a widespread and harmless thing become a symbol of the alt right?

What happens to people who just didn't know?
Lol I wish these people would just come clean and admit they're having a blast bullying people. There's a certain level of vitriol where the already porous veneer of fighting for social justice disintegrates before your eyes.
Yes, I see this phenomenon across the internet and it makes me wonder if some people join up with these movements -- consciously or not -- because they want an excuse to wield a bat or scream into a megaphone or at least to let loose with whatever insulting screeds their smoothbrain can invent on the spot. I've noticed that one side in particular needs to salt put-downs into everything they say, always tearing down "___ supporters", often without making much of a point in favor of their own side.

In the same way that a repressed, self-righteous homebody might use the Christian church as an excuse to browbeat and shriek, we see that same behavior running rampant on the Left, and with no central dogma to keep it in check it has spun out of control over the past 5 years.


I mean to be fair I’m very left wing and yes if you could snap your fingers and have a huge redistribution if wealth I think society would be better for it.

But I am also not so stupid to think that lolling about landlords is going to win any arguments or convince anyone.

I said this before but I do feel a bit torn between these two. Era is too crazy left and trans pushy. But it’s got numbers so if you stayed out of the off topic the gaming side is good.

Gaf has nowhere near the numbers, and off topic is a bit more chill but I do feel the politics forum is really right wing just as era is left. Also while many here will disagree I really think some of the tones set in some threads is pretty fucking gross (the thread ripping on the black girl for winning miss universe is particularly gross).

most of all I just hate how it permeates I to unrelated shit in both forums. At Era the new Star Wars game comes out and they say it’s shit because it’s a white guy and no one should play the game! GAF would mock they and rightfully so. But then I read a terminator movie thread and everyone is snowflaking it up going “omg go woke go broke lolll fucking bitches right!”- and era would correctly point out how stupid that is too. I feel any game or movie here on gaf with a woman or a black person here is put under the same stupid scrutiny as era would put a white guy under. It’s pathetic in both forums.

Screecher detected


Gold Member
Not only does it seem that it completely copied GAF for the layout, like a mirror image; but something about it just felt "ghost town" like. When going there, there's no welcome page, no suggestions of where to start, not even anything informing me why I should even join.
Of course not. They want you to dive right in and expose yourself to their scrutiny and judgment. One awkwardly phrased sentence, one ambiguous (in their eyes) word, and you‘re down for the count. It doesn’t even matter anymore if you’re not from the US or you don’t speak English very well, your ignorance will never be justified nor forgiven. It’s got to the point where newcomers who aren’t down the intersectionalism rabbit hole to the very bottom are confronted with sentences such as “How can you not know if you’re on this forum??”.

That’s why there’s no suggestions on where to start. They’re watching you, and where and how you start from in there will tell them everything they need to know about you. They don’t really want new members who aren’t already connected to them from somewhere else by now, they’re too scared of strangers and too eager to banhammer any new potential Nazi scum ASAP.


they have a thread on a new TLJ defense video all the usual takes of course. just the same old shit swirling around unflushed in a broken toilet for 2 years.

I hate how talking about Holdo's hair is seen as "complaining".
There's just no room to make fun of the movie for a lot of these people.

For me, Holdo looks ridiculous. As soon as the character walks on screen it's impossible to take her seriously.
It's just a bad character design.

That's my opinion though. Nobody is obligated to agree with me.
You can't even joke about her appearance though? That's some bullshit.



You're damn right if SJW's tried to take up arms and remove President Trump from office, you would be met with a lot of resistance.

I'm not sure why SJW's keep acting like they have all the superior firepower but hey, if they do decide to act, don't whine when the hammer comes swinging down in response.


SJW's have institutional power and backing of almost every major corporation. Dont believe me? Just read any mission statement and it will be some drivel about diversity and inclusion. SJWs have the institutional backing of almost every alphabet government agency, most of the new, younger hires ARE SJWs from yale and harvard. SJWs have the institutional backing from police. Dont believe me? Attack an sjw, even in self defense, and see who gets charges and who doesnt. SJWs have institutional backing from the Democrat party, while the republicans have no sort of equivalent, and even if there was the GOP would disavow them because theyre controlled opposition to begin with. Its a bleak picture man.


LOL A.By captain Save a Holdo

10 minutes ago
Mengy said:
Holdo comes across super authoritarian, rigid, and cold.
Like, I'm not attributing malice to this comment, but it, likely unintentionally, is kind of sexist. Rigid and cold is a descriptor I rarely see applied to men, and very often do I see it applied to women. It's just food for thought for the future, and honestly, it does make me wonder how much sexist discourse of films like these contributes to more pernicious ideas, like regular-ass people picking up on the idea that Rey is a Mary Sue from how so much of the popular discourse on the Sequel Trilogy is by sexist YouTubers.
like "i'm not attributing malice to this comment... yadda yadda sexist YouTubers"

nothing cold and authoritarian about a commander who refuses to tell you her plan and then commits suicide. nope, perfectly normal!
You can't even joke about her appearance though? That's some bullshit.
these are movies, please don't discuss the visuals.
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"Let's try to not to assume the worst of each other all the time and try to discuss things in good faith."

A Resetera mod said that? A mod of a forum infamous for banning huge amounts of people over the most absurd and ridiculous pretexts? "Pot calling the kettle black" doesn't even begin to describe that shit.
"Let's try to not to assume the worst of each other all the time and try to discuss things in good faith."

A Resetera mod said that? A mod of a forum infamous for banning huge amounts of people over the most absurd and ridiculous pretexts? "Pot calling the kettle black" doesn't even begin to describe that shit.
It should be taken as a sign that even the mods can see things going off the rails.
Holdo looks ridiculous and she is probably the dumbest character in all of Star Wars. Even Jar Jar Binks would have listened to his men if there was looming danger - but not Holdo! Must humiliate Poe because men evil!!1 🙄🐧🤦‍♀️

Here, get triggered, lurking Resetera PoMos! :D


LOL A.By captain Save a Holdo

like "i'm not attributing malice to this comment... yadda yadda sexist YouTubers"

nothing cold and authoritarian about a commander who refuses to tell you her plan and then commits suicide. nope, perfectly normal!

these are movies, please don't discuss the visuals.

It's the way that they can't just say "I disagree with your criticism" but it also has to become "I think your criticism might actually be immoral".

The thing is that because it's movies I think there is no need to be particularly polite with your criticism.
Bad criticism can easily be dismissed but they want to take that a step further and imply you are a bad person for making bad criticism.

If someone comes out and says "I hated that purple haired cunt Holdo" then that's fine.
I mean, it's not the most articulate criticism ever but who the hell really cares? It's a movie.
You can chew that guy out and say "fuck you buddy Holdo is great" and that kind of argument can be quite passionate and fun.
They seem to just hate that kind of "give and take" though.
You will agree that the movie is good or you will be converted to agreeing that the movie is good or you will be thrown on the fire.

The Last Jedi has been a bit "special" in this regard as defenders of the movie generally tend to go with the idea that critics are either bad people not worth listening to or well meaning idiots that just "don't understand".

So any defense of the movie comes off as this really sincere lecturing about how culturally important the movies are and how we need to lay off the criticism.

It really leaves no room for fun or for a bit of deliberate hyperbole.
Just if you want to disagree on The Last Jedi then your every word must be 100% perfect and every argument must be 100% sincere and delivered in a very professional tone. Even then you'd better make sure that the evil alt-right doesn't agree with you.

Holdo is just a dreadfully boring Star Wars character that gets too much screentime and is given a moment too big for the character.
The character design is laughable.
The characters actions in the movie really make no sense.

Can't make fun of that character though because "muh sexism".

He is making the argument that you shouldn't use certain words to describe a female character because those words are rarely applied to men.
Fuck you. I'll describe the character however I want. You can argue that I am wrong but I ain't going to walk on eggshells when talking about a fucking fictional character.
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