all it takes is a 1 minute comparison to similar characters from the previous films. what other commanders have we seen onscreen?Holdo is just a dreadfully boring Star Wars character that gets too much screentime and is given a moment too big for the character.
The character design is laughable.
The characters actions in the movie really make no sense.

room full of people watching top secret classified intel & being briefed on the mission

Leia briefing the squad before the Battle of Hoth

both Ackbar and Mon Mothma take turns describing the oncoming battle over Endor

even in TFA they show everybody the plan, including a runaway Stormtrooper, with this helpful image of two space balls
so yeah, taken in consideration with the previous films, wherein the heroes are always provided a detailed pre briefing of the mission they are about to risk their lives for, Holdo is the worst commander of all of them, and her lack of transparency (something made quite literally true through the visuals) drives them to commit the first mutiny of the series. if that's not being a poor military commander i don't know what is.
as for her being a woman, we have seen both Leia and Mon Mothma give detailed briefings before their successful missions commenced. so that argument is 1000% bullshit.