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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Maybe you havent noticed the cities covered in smoke, the low visibility, the huge amount of wild life lost.

You're downplaying what is a monumental catatrosphe right now. This is a big deal. Yes, we get fires every year, but this is an extraordinary event this year on a different level; the fact there are people and towns outside of the cities that are the most heavily effected as a deflection makes you look like an ass.

I also take issue with taking ScoMos comments and the reaction by Ree as pure wank; the fires are an exception as Australia really is one of the best countries in the world to live and Ree are just carrying in with the typical kneejerk reaction because 'it came from someone I dont like!' but you're comment isnt much better

Lmao “monumental catastrophe.” This is why I can’t buy into this nonsense; the extreme lengths we have to go to so we can scream that the government isn’t doing anything about climate change.

there’s no monumental catastrophe. Lives were lost - extremely heartbreaking (especially for the firefighters) - as well as property built in areas susceptible to bush fires.

So we should cancel New Year’s Eve celebrations? Flee Australia cause of some smoke over a city? Nonsense. The way people are reacting you’d think a nuke was let off in a major city. You make the same mistake as the rest of them - trying to sell doom and gloom and most (read: logical) people aren’t buying.

nothing more nothing less.


Holy shit. 11,000 bans. What a disgrace.

Are those permabans or all bans?

What happened in April 2018 to cause that acceleration?

The accelerated ban rate seems to be mostly sustained over the rest of the sample period, albeit with a very slight long term deceleration — possibly due to a shrinking userbase and fewer members to throw into the woodchipper?


Are those permabans or all bans?

What happened in April 2018 to cause that acceleration?

The accelerated ban rate seems to be mostly sustained over the rest of the sample period, albeit with a very slight long term deceleration — possibly due to a shrinking userbase and fewer members to throw into the woodchipper?

Our community isn't pure enough. Ban harder!



Agreed, and here's the thing, women like sex too. Except they often have to be more discrete because of the slut-shaming that's still prevalent. But they want to fuck MEN not boys, that does not mean you need to be a "beer, cars, big tits and football" man or be of a certain age. But it's OK to let a woman know you want to fuck her, obviously at the right time and place.

Here's an annecdote from my life to illustrate this. I had a casual thing going with this one girl who was a few years younger than me and not just cute but damn adorable. Just really sweet, softly spoken. I really would have liked an actual relationship with her but we were at different points in out lives it was unlikely to work out so we would just fuck. She'd come to my apartment around 2pm on a weekend get a good dicking and leave, and yes she was dirty enough. We even *Checks notes* had a threesome one time.

We had this regular arrangement for a long time, until one day she was unusually late. She'd texted me that she was held up but was on the way. 2 hours passed before I got a call from her for me to come down and let her in the building. When I get down, she's got this dude her age in tow and they are both holding massive frappachino coffee type drinks and she's mildly irritated by this guy but trying to stay pleasant about it.

I'd already got a read on this guy "The nice Guy/beta/soy/cuck/friendzoned" type and he's obviously taken her out that morning as "Friends" and got knocked back but knew what her plans were with me that afternoon so had tailed her in the hope of cockblocking me "He just want's you for sex, I really care about you" bullshit. I didn't want to say anything to him as she obviously considered him a friend and I didn't want to put her in a bad mood by escalating anything. So I ignored him, let her through the security door and as I was closing it this dude says to me "Make sure you treat her like a sister!" (Weird I know). She was out of earshot at this point waiting by the elevator so I looked this dude dead in the eye and said "I'm gonna treat her real good". I'll never forget that dudes absolutely destroyed face as I closed the door.

So don't be a nice guy, be direct and take the L if you get rejected. You'll get laid a lot more that way rather that "Making love".
That's freaking hilarious. I bet he got mad at her afterwards, too.

Reminds me of the o e time I had a girl a few years back I was really in to, thought she was into me cause we had been flirting, drinking etc. She shot me down when I tried to hook up, "just like you as a friend", so I just got out. Told her i wasnt looking for more friends, unless it was followed by "with benefits", and moved on.

Homey don't play that (beta friendzone shit).


Lmao “monumental catastrophe.” This is why I can’t buy into this nonsense; the extreme lengths we have to go to so we can scream that the government isn’t doing anything about climate change.

there’s no monumental catastrophe. Lives were lost - extremely heartbreaking (especially for the firefighters) - as well as property built in areas susceptible to bush fires.

So we should cancel New Year’s Eve celebrations? Flee Australia cause of some smoke over a city? Nonsense. The way people are reacting you’d think a nuke was let off in a major city. You make the same mistake as the rest of them - trying to sell doom and gloom and most (read: logical) people aren’t buying.

nothing more nothing less.

This is a monumental catastrophe. But climate change had nothing to do with it. We regularly had 40-45 degree days during the summers of my youth and the highest we’ve had so far this season is only 38. The weather isn’t the problem here. The root cause in this case is the creeping greenie influence that has tied the hands of councils and firefighters who in previous years would’ve been out there proactively and strategically backburning during Winter because they know the whole country turns into a furnace in Summer and this is what happens when you leave the kindling lying around. However, because we’ve ceded too much ground to the soft-hearted and pea-brained women and children of the left, we’ve foregone the standard backburning in the interests of “environmentalism”. What exactly they thought they were helping, I don’t know, but the dead firefighters; half billion dead animals; ravaged land; and destroyed homes should be weighing heavily on their consciences. I doubt they will though because they’re brainwashed cultists and this is their apocalypse.


I know, but its like all these jounalists found out about it at the same time and worked into all the weather stories.

Well El Niño is a factor. It’s on roughly a ~10 year cycle and we’re just coming out of one which is why it’s so dry. I actually worked for the civil water supply office of my local council back in 2009 when I was in uni and El Niño was a big issue back then because our dams were running low and we weren’t getting the rain we needed to recharge them. There were all kinds of waterwise programs and restrictions in Australia back in the late 2000s because of it and the programs have started to make a return recently. There’s one ad in particular that talks about current dam levels being below 60% and people having to cut their water use. This has happened before and anyone who grew up here should remember.


This is a monumental catastrophe. But climate change had nothing to do with it. We regularly had 40-45 degree days during the summers of my youth and the highest we’ve had so far this season is only 38. The weather isn’t the problem here. The root cause in this case is the creeping greenie influence that has tied the hands of councils and firefighters who in previous years would’ve been out there proactively and strategically backburning during Winter because they know the whole country turns into a furnace in Summer and this is what happens when you leave the kindling lying around. However, because we’ve ceded too much ground to the soft-hearted and pea-brained women and children of the left, we’ve foregone the standard backburning in the interests of “environmentalism”. What exactly they thought they were helping, I don’t know, but the dead firefighters; half billion dead animals; ravaged land; and destroyed homes should be weighing heavily on their consciences. I doubt they will though because they’re brainwashed cultists and this is their apocalypse.

This is being used as ammo for climate changed tomfoolery, and declarations of the impending apocalypse. In a vacuum, you can call this a catastrophe. The people trying to weaponise this are doing it with an agenda which is where I’m directing my ire.

God Enel

My RE Hall of Fame:
1. accusations are evidence
2. freedom of speech being "the old racist's trope"
3. Neogaf is a trashfire of freethinkers
4. As a male, I would be totally okay with sacrificing my ability to vote so that the women can save us from the idiots among us men.

It hardly can get better than that. LOL


This is being used as ammo for climate changed tomfoolery, and declarations of the impending apocalypse. In a vacuum, you can call this a catastrophe. The people trying to weaponise this are doing it with an agenda which is where I’m directing my ire.

The political weaponisation doesn’t negate the fact that it is indeed a catastrophe. They can be both right about it being a catastrophe and wrong about the cause and what to do about it. You don’t have to pick a team and go all in.


Haven’t you all heard? The fires are caused by climate change and it’s all the prime minister who’s been in for half a seconds fault. He hasn’t even fixed climate change yet, what a cunt.

“Look, hot, red, fire, must be climate change... see!”

In any case, I thought climate change was supposed to be the slow warming of global climate, which would cause rising sea levels etc. not extreme localised heat in a country that gets hot every fucking summer? Bit convenient being the “hot” topic of late


Lmao “monumental catastrophe.” This is why I can’t buy into this nonsense; the extreme lengths we have to go to so we can scream that the government isn’t doing anything about climate change.

there’s no monumental catastrophe. Lives were lost - extremely heartbreaking (especially for the firefighters) - as well as property built in areas susceptible to bush fires.

So we should cancel New Year’s Eve celebrations? Flee Australia cause of some smoke over a city? Nonsense. The way people are reacting you’d think a nuke was let off in a major city. You make the same mistake as the rest of them - trying to sell doom and gloom and most (read: logical) people aren’t buying.

nothing more nothing less.

Who is selling doom and gloom in my post?

Its a significant event and this is unusually large and having an effect on a large number of people like I said, I also said Australia is still one of the best places to live because this is an unusual event outside the norm.

Anyone who is 'logical' doesnt need to focus on issues in the black and white. Your entirely dismissive attitude is as bad as the doom and gloomers.


Darkness no more
Are those permabans or all bans?

What happened in April 2018 to cause that acceleration?

The accelerated ban rate seems to be mostly sustained over the rest of the sample period, albeit with a very slight long term deceleration — possibly due to a shrinking userbase and fewer members to throw into the woodchipper?

The first few months were pretty ban light. I don’t think they wanted to start a forum with mass banning and wanted to give most things a chance. As a Republican I could even post in political stuff and not get banned. Sure I’d get quoted 80 times and cussed at, but they typically didn’t ban people for differing opinions. The first few weeks of the forum I’d even say were pleasant.

I’m not sure what changed after the first few months but things reverted back to the oldGAF way suddenly. Maybe they had new mods. Maybe some of the mods at the time said fuck it and started banning people for petty things, then the rest followed along. Maybe nature did it’s thing and everyone fell back to their old habitat and ways. I started noticing most Republican posters disappearing rapidly so I closed my account and started posting only on GAF when that ban increase happened.
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Are those permabans or all bans?

What happened in April 2018 to cause that acceleration?

The accelerated ban rate seems to be mostly sustained over the rest of the sample period, albeit with a very slight long term deceleration — possibly due to a shrinking userbase and fewer members to throw into the woodchipper?
Official permabans stands at 912 with an additional "pending" is at 2376. So overall, it's 3288 users who have their site access completely cut off.

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This is a monumental catastrophe. But climate change had nothing to do with it. We regularly had 40-45 degree days during the summers of my youth and the highest we’ve had so far this season is only 38. The weather isn’t the problem here.

Hasn't Australia just managed its two highest temperatures ever recorded....in 2 consecutive days? I mean, I have no idea in regard fire prevention et al, but that can't be helping either.



16 replies in over 3 hours. It shows you how many people really give a shit about these topics.


The most important thing he has learned on a discussion forum is to not discuss things. Good thing he does not post here with all us trashfire freethinkers.

The OP there kind of highlights why it's not worth the hassle to be an ally and you are actually better off just keeping yourself to yourself.

"Be an ally but not too much because that's bad. Not to little either because that's bad. Support the community but don't participate too much in the community."

Hm. How about I keep my mouth shut instead and look for other problems to devote my time to?
Plenty of starving people in the world. Plenty of homeless. Plenty of kids going without clothes, education etc etc. Animals. The environment. None of them would ever complain that I am doing to much or that my donations are "overpowering".

One of the other things I find a bit odd is that while you expected to be an ally of particular communities you will still be berated for participating in and supporting your own interests.

For example I agree with adding representation in gaming. I agree that there should be games out there that appeal to everyone and that the community should be welcoming. As a straight dude though if some developer wanted to make a game with some super hot sexualized women in it then hell yeah I am interested.

In their community though I would be applauded for wanting the former and banned for wanting the latter. In reality it's a "why not both" scenario for me.

The final one is how they deal with women, non-white people and trans people who go against their worldview. Suddenly there is no support. Suddenly they don't want to be an ally. It's bullshit.

"We'll support marginalized identities cos we are such benevolent white people BUT if one of those minorities has an opinion we don't like them fuck them, no support."

Their "allyship" is entirely conditional on the people they are "supporting" staying in line and not going against the ideology.

They aren't helping marginalized communities. They are USING them.



Imagine if members of 343 focused on Halo instead of Orange Man

MCC wouldn't have been broke for years. Maybe we wouldn't have to fight the Warden Eternal 20 times. Maybe... something positive about Halo would have come out since 343 took over.

He/She/They/Them is probably just a entry level QA but still, not a good look.

Hippies can always do everyone else's job but their own smh


Source of gif?

Here we go again with the bush fires.

just so international gaf knows, 100% of people living in actual civilisation in Australia are not affected in any way by this constant nonsense you’re hearing.

who is affected? People who decided they wanted to live on what amounts to charcoal briquettes.
Taking the Australian love-affair with the barbie to a whole new level.

The OP there kind of highlights why it's not worth the hassle to be an ally and you are actually better off just keeping yourself to yourself.

"Be an ally but not too much because that's bad. Not to little either because that's bad. Support the community but don't participate too much in the community."

Hm. How about I keep my mouth shut instead and look for other problems to devote my time to?
Plenty of starving people in the world. Plenty of homeless. Plenty of kids going without clothes, education etc etc. Animals. The environment. None of them would ever complain that I am doing to much or that my donations are "overpowering".

One of the other things I find a bit odd is that while you expected to be an ally of particular communities you will still be berated for participating in and supporting your own interests.

For example I agree with adding representation in gaming. I agree that there should be games out there that appeal to everyone and that the community should be welcoming. As a straight dude though if some developer wanted to make a game with some super hot sexualized women in it then hell yeah I am interested.

In their community though I would be applauded for wanting the former and banned for wanting the latter. In reality it's a "why not both" scenario for me.

The final one is how they deal with women, non-white people and trans people who go against their worldview. Suddenly there is no support. Suddenly they don't want to be an ally. It's bullshit.

"We'll support marginalized identities cos we are such benevolent white people BUT if one of those minorities has an opinion we don't like them fuck them, no support."

Their "allyship" is entirely conditional on the people they are "supporting" staying in line and not going against the ideology.

They aren't helping marginalized communities. They are USING them.
It's not a new tactic, either. Invisible Man describes the process of elites/socialites coopting the revolutions of oppressed groups for their own aims in great detail, including the inevitable collapse at the end where the elites are nowhere to be found and the oppressed are bleeding in the streets. At some point the individual minority is encouraged to distance themselves even from their fellow minorities (see, Malcom X, Black Panthers, and the American communists) and this completes the absorption by the cult.

Go figure that modern ideologies stemming from marxism share the same fate as other marxists movements.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Are those permabans or all bans?

What happened in April 2018 to cause that acceleration?

The accelerated ban rate seems to be mostly sustained over the rest of the sample period, albeit with a very slight long term deceleration — possibly due to a shrinking userbase and fewer members to throw into the woodchipper?

The tone of the forum definitely changed quite a bit in mid-2018 or so. I'm guessing there was a lot that changed behind the scenes regarding moderation policy to actively mold the forum culture towards promoting intersectional values.
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The first few months were pretty ban light. I don’t think they wanted to start a forum with mass banning and wanted to give most things a chance. As a Republican I could even post in political stuff and not get banned. Sure I’d get quoted 80 times and cussed at, but they typically didn’t ban people for differing opinions. The first few weeks of the forum I’d even say were pleasant.

I’m not sure what changed after the first few months but things reverted back to the oldGAF way suddenly. Maybe they had new mods. Maybe some of the mods at the time said fuck it and started banning people for petty things, then the rest followed along. Maybe nature did it’s thing and everyone fell back to their old habitat and ways. I started noticing most Republican posters disappearing rapidly so I closed my account and started posting only on GAF when that ban increase happened.

What changed is Royalan went to Cerium and convinced him that conservative voices had no place there. This is something a former mod has confirmed over at bore.

Ironic how that all turned out for Royalan.




The Tribe Has Spoken
Nope, where did you hear that? Highest temperature ever recorded was 49.5 Celsius (121 Fahrenheit) in Birdsville in 1972. The last couple weeks have actually been unusually cool here with max temps hovering around 30 celsius. It’s usually 35+ this time of year.


I think he means a collective average over the whole country. I saw it on the news a week or two ago.

Interestingly, I have a mate who owns a farm in real woop woop territory. He reckons, they were working sometime last year and the thermometer read 54°C (129.2°F). But, you’ll never hear about it because they don’t bother to record temperatures where he’s at.


I think he means a collective average over the whole country. I saw it on the news a week or two ago.

Interestingly, I have a mate who owns a farm in real woop woop territory. He reckons, they were working sometime last year and the thermometer read 54°C (129.2°F). But, you’ll never hear about it because they don’t bother to record temperatures where he’s at.

Well when there are massive bushfires covering a large portion of the country, average temperatures are gonna go up.

I wouldn’t be surprised if your mate was correct. It’s such a huge country and much of the hottest part in the middle is mostly uninhabited.
The first few months were pretty ban light. I don’t think they wanted to start a forum with mass banning and wanted to give most things a chance. As a Republican I could even post in political stuff and not get banned. Sure I’d get quoted 80 times and cussed at, but they typically didn’t ban people for differing opinions. The first few weeks of the forum I’d even say were pleasant.

I’m not sure what changed after the first few months but things reverted back to the oldGAF way suddenly. Maybe they had new mods. Maybe some of the mods at the time said fuck it and started banning people for petty things, then the rest followed along. Maybe nature did it’s thing and everyone fell back to their old habitat and ways. I started noticing most Republican posters disappearing rapidly so I closed my account and started posting only on GAF when that ban increase happened.

Most of people who joined up reee did not clicked that the same bad eggs that were causing all the shit here were the ones who were put into community/admin roles over there.....it was bound to happen

Bish (One of the mods here back then) I'm pretty sure was made a special role over there.....the same bish evilore has spent nearly 2 years going through the ban logs that he does have to revert many of his wrongs.....there are still probably heaps more people that fell through the cracks

Reee also likes to change/create usernames of people who are in a special protected class so those same people that made this place a hellhole are now mods/senior positions over there ....If you have lurked some of the discords you will know who these people are.


Gold Member
Reee also likes to change/create usernames of people who are in a special protected class so those same people that made this place a hellhole are now mods/senior positions over there ....If you have lurked some of the discords you will know who these people are.

Yup this guy is over there with a changed name to protect him because of course they love this:




"Regardless of how you feel about the situation, do not attempt to dismiess the feelings of the affected marginalised communities."

But how does one express the opinion that Contrapoints is right or doesn't deserve all this without "dismissing the feelings of the affected marginalised communities"? Seems like they just want you to shut up if you don't agree with the mods' party line.


Gold Member
"Regardless of how you feel about the situation, do not attempt to dismiess the feelings of the affected marginalised communities."

But how does one express the opinion that Contrapoints is right or doesn't deserve all this without "dismissing the feelings of the affected marginalised communities"? Seems like they just want you to shut up if you don't agree with the mods' party line.

It's amazing how the forum has an extremely long TOS, and then specific threads have specific gestapo rules that must be followed to avoid a ban,

These zealots are -- ostensibly -- adults who voluntarily sign up to the forum to engage with an online videogame community. Yet if they're so fragile within the safe walls of their own forum, it's no surprise they even leave users behind on GAF to run interference for their cult, to say nothing of how they lash out at the internet with their righteous indignation whenever someone pisses them off.

It's fascinating. Not even imgur or the chans evolved to this level of insanity. :lollipop_smiling_hearts:
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