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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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How these dudes and half dudes decide to spend their day. It's so sad.

The only reason they pretend to care about the minority of the day is so they can spout hate at whoever goes against their nonsense. Hateful hateful computer nerds over there.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

It covers everything here, I've just watched it. It's a solid video has some good LOLs and covers cancel culture really in detail (Maybe too much as it's really damn long). I'd heard about the Buck Angel thing, never looked into is as I knew it would be some overblown bullshit feeding the outrage machine. I was right.

Buck Angel narrated a TEN SECOND quote in her last video. That's literally it.

Buck Angel has said some things the alphabet posse didn't agree with before he voiced ten seconds of the video. Basically saying what a lot of us think, they hate others because they hate themselves.

Yeah, I'm not going to watch a nearly 2 hour video because a VO actor triggered the REEE crowd.
lol am I debating misterxmedias slide presentations showing directx12 dgpu or timdogs xbox shirt?

I’ve seen both of their work from XB1 reveal days. Put them in the same basket as senjutsu-sage, Hindel, Kayle, statham etc.

mental midgets.
Same can be said about Thuway, Nib95, Expy, Chubigans, and other Sony obsessed morons. Same type of people on both sides of the console war so lets not sit here and pretend one side is better then the other


Gold Member
It's deeply ironic because it comes off like one of those dictator broadcast interruptions.


For a group of people who like to run around calling everyone else Nazis, they sure do like to act like them.

Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.



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Lil’ Gobbie

It covers everything here, I've just watched it. It's a solid video has some good LOLs and covers cancel culture really in detail (Maybe too much as it's really damn long). I'd heard about the Buck Angel thing, never looked into is as I knew it would be some overblown bullshit feeding the outrage machine. I was right.

Buck Angel narrated a TEN SECOND quote in her last video. That's literally it.

Buck Angel has said some things the alphabet posse didn't agree with before he voiced ten seconds of the video. Basically saying what a lot of us think, they hate others because they hate themselves.

This is really an excellent comprehensive analysis of a a very complex phenomenon. Everything she says is confirmed by the very thread about it on resetera its almost poetic, but mostly quite sad after watching the vid...

Too bad for all the folks out there who desperately agree with her but don't have the intellect to analyze or articulate it the way she does, and won't be able to watch it because they are transphobic (=

I thought about making a thread about this video, but it's just not worth it. We aren't quite there yet
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
This is an excellent comprehensive analysis of a a very complex phenomenon. Everything she says is confirmed by the very thread about it on resetera, its almost poetic, and quite sad to see really.

Too bad for all the folks out there who desperately agree with her but don't have the intellect to analyze or articulate it the way she does, and won't be able to watch it because they are transphobic (=

I thought about making a thread about this video, but it's not worth it

Whining about it not being worth it to post a thread with more effort than posting the thread would take? That's our Gobbie.


Lil’ Gobbie
^last time I made a thread about her vid, I think one person discussed the content of the video...just lamenting is all
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Rapid Response Threadmaker
This is really an excellent comprehensive analysis of a a very complex phenomenon. Everything she says is confirmed by the very thread about it on resetera its almost poetic, but mostly quite sad after watching the vid...

Too bad for all the folks out there who desperately agree with her but don't have the intellect to analyze or articulate it the way she does, and won't be able to watch it because they are transphobic (=

I thought about making a thread about this video, but it's just not worth it. We aren't quite there yet
Whining about it not being worth it to post a thread with more effort than posting the thread would take? That's our Gobbie.
I made one



I'm not really sure that I understand the non-binary thing. Seems like "trans-lite" to me. All the oppression points of being trans without any of the real life challenges and struggle.

If they had even a little bit of self awareness they might come to some rational conclusions.
It is blatantly clear in their community that certain identities are not only valued more highly than others but can be used to basically strong-arm opposition in the course of a debate/discussion.

So it follows that people will want to somehow grab a bit of that for themselves.

I would say with someone like Contrapoints you would hardly notice them if you walked past them in the street. I mean that in the sense that it wouldn't be immediately obvious that this person has transitioned or is currently transitioning. Probably she can go to the shops or cinema etc and nobody points and stares etc.

However, this situation has only been achieved through significant effort. Medications. Surgeries. Probably some kind of diet considerations. Maybe a work out routine. Maybe both. This is all in addition to real life pressures and challenges from family and friends and maybe even nasty comments from strangers. Possibly living under the threat of real life abuse and violence. Real stuff. Not online Twitter bullshit.

So I would say that it is very frustrating when people on the internet try to undermine that by placing themselves on the same level as an individual who has gone through all those struggles with "I'm non-binary". What the hell does that even mean?

If being trans means making permanent, life changing, decisions in the hope of achieving some kind of happiness and goal then "non-binary" just seems like putting a toe in the water by comparison.

So if I wear a pink t-shirt today and say "actually I don't really feel like male or female describes me very well" then I am on a par with someone who has legitimately been through some real shit because of dysphoria or whatever? Nah. That doesn't sit right with me.

It's amazing to see though how people are able to use the idea of identity to compete for oppression points without having to actually go through the oppression and the struggle.

I may not agree with Contrapoints and at times I find her content to be very disingenuous and sneaky but I can at least respect her situation. Some basement dweller saying "I'm non binary so I understand what you've been through"? Nah, fuck that.
Non-binary is made up. Which makes it such an easy identity to assume, because there are no rules to follow. I'm pretty sure you don't even have to change pronouns. You can just go from "he" to "he/they". Literally all you need to do is state that you're non-binary, and you shoot right up the oppression ladder almost to the top; you get the rung right under trans people. I'm not saying every non-binary is knowingly faking it, on the contrary I'm sure most of them believe the lies they're telling themselves. They just can't bring themselves to admit that it's okay to be a man or woman with a personality that isn't especially masculine or feminine.

Hell, since you apparently don't even need to experience dysphoria to be trans anymore (or else you're truscum), and you're not required to make any effort to pass as the other gender, you can just start asking people to use the other pronoun and bam, you're a bona-fide trans, and right on top of the chain at places like Resetera. You don't even need to change the way you dress. You can become full-on trans this very second, in the eyes of RE.

Not trying to undermine actual trans people or anything, but all it takes is seeing one fake trans for someone to assume that they must all be faking. That does real harm to their community, but they encourage it.



22 minutes ago
Of course, the natural follow on from TLJ was to have Luke haunting Kylo and driving him mad.

Just because Luke died didn’t mean he had to relegated to a lazy cameo. “See you around, kid” got me so excited for ghost Luke trolling Kylo but we got jack shit. In TROS it’s as if Kylo forgot Luke ever existed. Does he know he died? Isn’t he afraid he could still be out there?

Just imagine a scene where Kylo is having some meeting with the FO generals, only for Luke’s ghost to appear and cause him to have one of his meltdowns, with the assembled officers thinking he’s gone mad, screaming at thin air. A scene like that was a no-brainer.
jesus this sounds like such a shitty movie. i hear this all the time from TLJ stans "the next movie should have had Luke haunting Kylo! that would have been great"

no it wouldn't it would have killed his character a second time. first he gives his life to troll his nephew then he is cursed to spend the afterlife annoying him? sounds like hell tbh.

"is Kylo afraid of Luke?" LOL why would he be? that this loser who failed to kill him twice, to the point of killing himself the second time, will show up and fail to be a threat once more?

besides the end result would be... Kylo gets mad? wow, so amazing, a character that is primarily known for throwing temper tantrums is going to... throw more tantrums...

oh, FO officers will think he's crazy? yeah they did that in the first two movies. how is this interesting at all?

just blows my mind how they think Rian is selling them this new shit but it's the same old shit in a different colored diaper.
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Lil’ Gobbie

I guess PC era left and made their own forum? Anyone know the name of the forum?



I guess PC era left and made their own forum? Anyone know the name of the forum?
I think it's called Metacouncil? I don't really know what caused PC Era in particular to leave.


The difference is there was an ex-mod on this forum who in 2013 verified Thuway as a legitimate insider when he was really just spewing bullshit.

So just another deluded fanboy like all the others previously mentioned, mod verified or not.

reiko on old Gaf risked his account swearing the xb1 had a dual gpu till he got banned. Verified or not, still a retard.


The difference is there was an ex-mod on this forum who in 2013 verified Thuway as a legitimate insider when he was really just spewing bullshit.
thuway or docgamer as he goes by either, had someone he knew working at the Microsoft campus. intially he was an insider by knowing someone, after that fact he started making shit up. here was a podcast he was on 7 years ago. http://videogamewarzone.libsyn.com/video-game-warzone-190


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I think it's called Metacouncil? I don't really know what caused PC Era in particular to leave.
AFAIK it was the consolidation of the steam thread into the PC gaming store thread, fiascos around the new arrival of the Epic Store, and a mod/admin? powertripping that disgusted a lot of mainstays of the Steam thread and PC Era.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member

It's like they are learning they are more exclusionary than inclusive. But remember, anyone who disagrees with them are the close minded right wing, hate groups (regardless of what individual's political stances actually are). But Era can act like vitriolic, borderline violent, and ban happy fascists because "they are on the right side of history".
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They really don't get it do they? It's the moderation! It is terrible! You aren't going to have an active forum when you are constantly debating posting something in case you upset the trigger-happy mods.


Gold Member
REE slowing down has been discussed elsewhere for months now. I'm surprised some are only now just noticing it.

In their effort to mimic what old GAF was, they've essentially stunted growth. There's too many other options available (like Discord) and forums are dying.

Imagine sticking around that place, walking on eggs shells hoping Morrigan doesn't ban you.
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They really don't get it do they? It's the moderation! It is terrible! You aren't going to have an active forum when you are constantly debating posting something in case you upset the trigger-happy mods.
I suspect there are at least a few mods salivating while reading the posts in that thread, with probably 1 trying to hold them back from banning everyone who says the mods ban people for disagreeing with them.
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Yesterday I came across something really interesting.

Mostly because of how it relates to forums and how people who claim special privileges/protection/immunity from punishment based on victim status can negatively affect your forum.

Does anyone here remember an old forum called SomethingAwful? There are a ton of images that I will not post here so click the link to see them.

It's a pretty long read. But it goes over the downfall of the SomethingAwful forum and how it was accelerated due to what I can only describe as unfiltered narcissism.

I'll try to summarize it. However I encourage you to read through the thread yourself. My crappy summary can't get everything across and you'll have a better idea of things if you read through it yourself.

1. The site runs on really old software and has been declining for years. Subforums that were active are either ghost towns or have significantly reduced activity compared to the past.

2. Numerous controversies leading to high turnover rate for mods. Specifically mentioned is a mod who decided to permaban many people for politically incorrect behaviour ("wrong thought" and usage of words like "fag" and "retard").

3. Said moderator who previously "defended progressive values" and had a long history of doing so was later dogpiled in a trans thread (this sounds familiar, doesn't it?).

4. In recent times SomethingAwful has "become extremely orientated towards Social Justice causes over the last few years.". Moderation has become significantly more harsh and has tried to crank down on any politically incorrect content and humour. This includes searching through old archives looking for such content to remove and ban people for.

5. A culture was created where by people look for things to report to the mods until said offenders are banned off of the forum. The subforum dedicated to talking to moderators was filled with people asking for even more harsher moderation (why does this sound so familiar? Almost like this has been seen somewhere else before). Included is the deletion of old articles and content on the site when brought to attention by diggers.

6. SA has a subforum called FYAD (Fuck You and Die) which is described as a shitposting forum with loose rules that is "was always understood to be an integral part of the site's identity that produced some very funny content, FYAD tended to keep to itself and was the last bastion of the kind of off the wall edgy posting that old SA was defined by. ".

7. This subforum has recently been targeted by "wokeposters" and the trans community on SA. They demanded that the subforum be permanently closed or subject to strict moderation.

The incident that started it said:
"I believe it started because FYAD posters made fun of a trans woman in the trans issues thread who was talking about getting an erection in a girls bathroom, this was taken as proof of FYAD's disgusting Transphobia and the admins and Lowtax cracked down on the FYAD posters for fear that this would get out of hand, throwing permabans left and right and introducing new rules so that FYAD would be nicer and more respectful towards people getting boners in the girls bathroom:"

8. However all of these bans and new rules were not enough. Demands to delete FYAD continued and the mods doubled down on harsher moderation, not wanting to delete the subforum.

9. Things become more and more heated from this point, posters "started demanding that a secretive ban list be acted upon and that the forum be purged for like the 40th time in a week, with some of the mods egging them on. ".

10. If a trans person gets banned other trans posters complain to get their ban removed. Trans posters being banned for any reason are taken as proof of how bigoted the forum is. The admin team yields whenever these complaints are made.

11. After more stuff like "Beer4theBeergod was a mod for the Traditional Games forum and had to get on his hands and knees to beg for forgiveness despite some crusader attempting to doxx him: " and issues with FYAD popping up Lowtax enters the trans forum to "try and argue the case for FYAD's continued existance: ".

12. This is the critical point which I'll put in quotes again.

Finally we reach the point of no return, Lowtax bans CascadeBeta for constantly being a self righteous, annoying asshole who shit talks the owner of the site to his face and basically calls him a bigot over and over again. Lowtax and the other mods have banned people for far, far less, this is the most basic level of mod sass I've ever seen and an obvious thing to happen when you constantly tell the owner of the site you're on what an awful person he is and to not post on his own forum.


13. Lowtax bans a trans person and the rest rise up against him. Another mod unbans the person and at this point it is complete open season on Lowtax. Lowtax demods two people associated with FYAD and talks about being opposed to free speech in an attempt to placate the mob but it doesn't work. At this point it's made clear that being trans gives you special protection on the site to the point that bans are constantly removed if the banned user is trans. Anyone with relation to anyone who's said something that can be interpreted as "transphobic" is permed instantly. Trans thread is hidden from view from guests (registered users only).

14. Just quoting this part "Finally (really this time!) Lowtax makes a move that blackens his name among the LGBT+ users (mostly T honestly), on his livestream for New Year's Eve he makes comments about how badly the trans thread has been treating him and how vicious some elements of the trans community can be in general. He tries to defend himself as a trans ally by talking about how he's wanked off to trans porn. He ends the video by going on a banning spree on CSPAM. "

15. The SA Patreon account loses almost a thousand dollars from this and posters start talking about how Lowtax needs to give up ownership of the site or else they leave. Lowtax attempts to defend himself but to not avail he is seemingly smeared by his userbase and users who speak against the mob are punished.

16. Lowtax turns over decision making to the people posting in the mods and admins thread.

I'm going to quote the ending paragraph because it's pretty good.

"So I'm going to leave things there for the time being. If you've been following this is one of the worst instances I've ever seen of a community just getting wrecked from the inside out by over-zealous attempts to adhere to catty identity politics. I really don't have anything against Trans people if people reading this think I do, it does not reflect on that community as a whole just because the Trans community on SA has become insanely controlling and intrusive, but it does say something about the crab bucket mentality that afflicts leftist communities all over the place, the seeming obsession over offence and oppression that results in ever more ugly and extreme behavior being tolerated and encouraged and driving away more and more people to chase some Sisyphean ideal. As of now SA's userbase will continue to decline and the places will become a zoo for trolls from places like Kiwifarms to gawk at and troll, I imagine there'll be tons more drama in the future as they continuously turn on themselves. its relevance is long gone but I think it can still act as a cautionary tale about what happens when certain censorious and essentialist behaviors and attitudes are encouraged against people's better judgement through the belief that they are acting for a good cause. "

This whole event reminds me of what happened at Resetera with the trans summit thread. Trans and other posters on the site say it's filled with Nazis and bigots, and how the mods are shit and aren't doing enough. Constant calls for stricter moderation and banning of humour or any unapproved speech, eventually boiling to the point where a prominent Trans poster gets banned for doing something they shouldn't and all hell breaking loose as a result.

With the mods immediately walking back their supposed unanimous decision making them look spineless as a result while also prostrating themselves before the mob and demodding supposed bigots when called for. At this point the person is unbanned and the posters realize that they can shit on the moderation and make them do whatever from that point on.
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Gold Member
Fun? That's not what's happening.
They've actually had discussions about how less fun the place is compared to GAF. But I was referring more to the moderation style and what they choose to moderate. They end up banning a large portion of their community without having a line of people waiting to get in. The direction they're heading in is unsustainable.
Yesterday I came across something really interesting.

Mostly because of how it relates to forums and how people who claim special privileges/protection/immunity from punishment based on victim status can negatively affect your forum.

Does anyone here remember an old forum called SomethingAwful?

It's a pretty long read. But it goes over the downfall of the SomethingAwful forum and how it was accelerated due to what I can only describe as unfiltered narcissism.

I'll try to summarize it. However I encourage you to read through the thread yourself. My crappy summary can't get everything across and you'll have a better idea of things if you read through it yourself.

1. The site runs on really old software and has been declining for years. Subforums that were active are either ghost towns or have significantly reduced activity compared to the past.

2. Numerous controversies leading to high turnover rate for mods. Specifically mentioned is a mod who decided to permaban many people for politically incorrect behaviour ("wrong thought" and usage of words like "fag" and "retard").

3. Said moderator who previously "defended progressive values" and had a long history of doing so was later dogpiled in a trans thread (this sounds familiar, doesn't it?).

4. In recent times SomethingAwful has "become extremely orientated towards Social Justice causes over the last few years.". Moderation has become significantly more harsh and has tried to crank down on any politically incorrect content and humour. This includes searching through old archives looking for such content to remove and ban people for.

5. A culture was created where by people look for things to report to the mods until said offenders are banned off of the forum. The subforum dedicated to talking to moderators was filled with people asking for even more harsher moderation (why does this sound so familiar? Almost like this has been seen somewhere else before). Included is the deletion of old articles and content on the site when brought to attention by diggers.

6. SA has a subforum called FYAD (Fuck You and Die) which is described as a shitposting forum with loose rules that is "was always understood to be an integral part of the site's identity that produced some very funny content, FYAD tended to keep to itself and was the last bastion of the kind of off the wall edgy posting that old SA was defined by. ".

7. This subforum has recently been targeted by "wokeposters" and the trans community on SA. They demanded that the subforum be permanently closed or subject to strict moderation.

8. However all of these bans and new rules were not enough. Demands to delete FYAD continued and the mods doubled down on harsher moderation, not wanting to delete the subforum.

9. Things become more and more heated from this point, posters "started demanding that a secretive ban list be acted upon and that the forum be purged for like the 40th time in a week, with some of the mods egging them on. ".

10. If a trans person gets banned other trans posters complain to get their ban removed. Trans posters being banned for any reason are taken as proof of how bigoted the forum is. The admin team yields whenever these complaints are made.

11. After more stuff like "Beer4theBeergod was a mod for the Traditional Games forum and had to get on his hands and knees to beg for forgiveness despite some crusader attempting to doxx him: " and issues with FYAD popping up Lowtax enters the trans forum to "try and argue the case for FYAD's continued existance: ".

12. This is the critical point which I'll put in quotes again.

13. Lowtax bans a trans person and the rest rise up against him. Another mod unbans the person and at this point it is complete open season on Lowtax. Lowtax demods two people associated with FYAD and talks about being opposed to free speech in an attempt to placate the mob but it doesn't work. At this point it's made clear that being trans gives you special protection on the site to the point that bans are constantly removed if the banned user is trans. Anyone with relation to anyone who's said something that can be interpreted as "transphobic" is permed instantly. Trans thread is hidden from view from guests (registered users only).

14. Just quoting this part "Finally (really this time!) Lowtax makes a move that blackens his name among the LGBT+ users (mostly T honestly), on his livestream for New Year's Eve he makes comments about how badly the trans thread has been treating him and how vicious some elements of the trans community can be in general. He tries to defend himself as a trans ally by talking about how he's wanked off to trans porn. He ends the video by going on a banning spree on CSPAM. "

15. The SA Patreon account loses almost a thousand dollars from this and posters start talking about how Lowtax needs to give up ownership of the site or else they leave. Lowtax attempts to defend himself but to not avail he is seemingly smeared by his userbase and users who speak against the mob are punished.

16. Lowtax turns over decision making to the people posting in the mods and admins thread.

I'm going to quote the ending paragraph because it's pretty good.

This whole event reminds me of what happened at Resetera with the trans summit thread. Trans and other posters on the site say it's filled with Nazis and bigots, and how the mods are shit and aren't doing enough. Constant calls for stricter moderation and banning of humour or any unapproved speech, eventually boiling to the point where a prominent Trans poster gets banned for doing something they shouldn't and all hell breaking loose as a result.

With the mods immediately walking back their supposed unanimous decision making them look spineless as a result while also prostrating themselves before the mob and demodding supposed bigots when called for. At this point the person is unbanned and the posters realize that they can shit on the moderation and make them do whatever from that point on.
Thank you for posting. This pattern has echoed across the internet. I've seen similar results on GameFAQs, Gamespot boards, N4G, countless subreddits no matter the topic, and of course on Twitter and Facebook.

It's almost as if the infiltration into nerd hobbies (gaming, comics) and the out-of-character eradication of Gamergate (even on places like 4chan) was a vanguard effort for a political ideology... It's almost as if some folks have been pointing this out for years (usually shouted down shortly thereafter).

I do agree ERA is following in those same footsteps, including an eventual switch to certain threads, certain boards, or even the entire ResetERA forum going "member viewable only" like it did on accident (wink) a few months ago. They cannot tolerate dissent. They cannot tolerate outside voices, not even inquisitive ones. They cannot tolerate a light being shone on their mistakes or hypocrisy.

Your observation of it all being due to "unfiltered narcissism" is entirely correct. The internet has given rise to it and society will suffer the impact for years to come. The ability to throw out a sentence or two and have millions of people hang on your words is unprecedented for most humans throughout most of history. Before it was only kings and religious leaders. Now it's whoever gains enough notoriety on Twitter. There's gotta be some psychological damage (bordering on brain-damage) going on here.

No mention of gaming.

Ah yes, that's exactly the high end level of retardation I've come to expect from Resetera. Weird bravado about their size, sheer denial about their own weaknesses which lead to a) diminishing forum numbers and b) multiple communities dedicated to mocking them and to top it all off a completely undeserved self-praise for being inclusive while being the single most exclusionary piece of shit on the internet.

Oh and no games.
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Yesterday I came across something really interesting.

Mostly because of how it relates to forums and how people who claim special privileges/protection/immunity from punishment based on victim status can negatively affect your forum.

Does anyone here remember an old forum called SomethingAwful? There are a ton of images that I will not post here so click the link to see them.

It's a pretty long read. But it goes over the downfall of the SomethingAwful forum and how it was accelerated due to what I can only describe as unfiltered narcissism.

I'll try to summarize it. However I encourage you to read through the thread yourself. My crappy summary can't get everything across and you'll have a better idea of things if you read through it yourself.

1. The site runs on really old software and has been declining for years. Subforums that were active are either ghost towns or have significantly reduced activity compared to the past.

2. Numerous controversies leading to high turnover rate for mods. Specifically mentioned is a mod who decided to permaban many people for politically incorrect behaviour ("wrong thought" and usage of words like "fag" and "retard").

3. Said moderator who previously "defended progressive values" and had a long history of doing so was later dogpiled in a trans thread (this sounds familiar, doesn't it?).

4. In recent times SomethingAwful has "become extremely orientated towards Social Justice causes over the last few years.". Moderation has become significantly more harsh and has tried to crank down on any politically incorrect content and humour. This includes searching through old archives looking for such content to remove and ban people for.

5. A culture was created where by people look for things to report to the mods until said offenders are banned off of the forum. The subforum dedicated to talking to moderators was filled with people asking for even more harsher moderation (why does this sound so familiar? Almost like this has been seen somewhere else before). Included is the deletion of old articles and content on the site when brought to attention by diggers.

6. SA has a subforum called FYAD (Fuck You and Die) which is described as a shitposting forum with loose rules that is "was always understood to be an integral part of the site's identity that produced some very funny content, FYAD tended to keep to itself and was the last bastion of the kind of off the wall edgy posting that old SA was defined by. ".

7. This subforum has recently been targeted by "wokeposters" and the trans community on SA. They demanded that the subforum be permanently closed or subject to strict moderation.

8. However all of these bans and new rules were not enough. Demands to delete FYAD continued and the mods doubled down on harsher moderation, not wanting to delete the subforum.

9. Things become more and more heated from this point, posters "started demanding that a secretive ban list be acted upon and that the forum be purged for like the 40th time in a week, with some of the mods egging them on. ".

10. If a trans person gets banned other trans posters complain to get their ban removed. Trans posters being banned for any reason are taken as proof of how bigoted the forum is. The admin team yields whenever these complaints are made.

11. After more stuff like "Beer4theBeergod was a mod for the Traditional Games forum and had to get on his hands and knees to beg for forgiveness despite some crusader attempting to doxx him: " and issues with FYAD popping up Lowtax enters the trans forum to "try and argue the case for FYAD's continued existance: ".

12. This is the critical point which I'll put in quotes again.

13. Lowtax bans a trans person and the rest rise up against him. Another mod unbans the person and at this point it is complete open season on Lowtax. Lowtax demods two people associated with FYAD and talks about being opposed to free speech in an attempt to placate the mob but it doesn't work. At this point it's made clear that being trans gives you special protection on the site to the point that bans are constantly removed if the banned user is trans. Anyone with relation to anyone who's said something that can be interpreted as "transphobic" is permed instantly. Trans thread is hidden from view from guests (registered users only).

14. Just quoting this part "Finally (really this time!) Lowtax makes a move that blackens his name among the LGBT+ users (mostly T honestly), on his livestream for New Year's Eve he makes comments about how badly the trans thread has been treating him and how vicious some elements of the trans community can be in general. He tries to defend himself as a trans ally by talking about how he's wanked off to trans porn. He ends the video by going on a banning spree on CSPAM. "

15. The SA Patreon account loses almost a thousand dollars from this and posters start talking about how Lowtax needs to give up ownership of the site or else they leave. Lowtax attempts to defend himself but to not avail he is seemingly smeared by his userbase and users who speak against the mob are punished.

16. Lowtax turns over decision making to the people posting in the mods and admins thread.

I'm going to quote the ending paragraph because it's pretty good.

This whole event reminds me of what happened at Resetera with the trans summit thread. Trans and other posters on the site say it's filled with Nazis and bigots, and how the mods are shit and aren't doing enough. Constant calls for stricter moderation and banning of humour or any unapproved speech, eventually boiling to the point where a prominent Trans poster gets banned for doing something they shouldn't and all hell breaking loose as a result.

With the mods immediately walking back their supposed unanimous decision making them look spineless as a result while also prostrating themselves before the mob and demodding supposed bigots when called for. At this point the person is unbanned and the posters realize that they can shit on the moderation and make them do whatever from that point on.
Damn, I would never have expected SA, a bastion of shitposting, to go down this road. Thanks for the summary.

Regarding the death of forums, I think they have a useful place that reddit/discord doesn’t fill. Reddit is awful for actual discussion and discord lacks permanence and more thought out contributions. The great thing about forums is that you can find interesting discussions, essays, stories and advice months and years later.
Its no surprise that ResetEra is slowing down. Its simply not fun to post there. This forum may have its own extremists but at least you don't get banned for disagreeing with them here.
The paranoia and haste to label others as "extremists" is a huge part of why GAF fell apart and why ERA is a trash-fire.

Maybe we all take one further step backwards and stop being so quick to whine when our favorite ideology doesn't get the trophy in every discussion.


Fun? That's not what's happening.
In two years they have not created any of thier own memes, it's still frozen in time at italianmeal.jpg, character posters like Lionel Mandrake and Sunhi Legend don't post.
They kill off any topic that looks like it's going to grow into something fun by locking it "Let's not do this" and that is the primordial ooze that the memes are evolved from.

The only fun there is, is to laugh AT them from the outside in topics like this.


The paranoia and haste to label others as "extremists" is a huge part of why GAF fell apart and why ERA is a trash-fire.

Maybe we all take one further step backwards and stop being so quick to whine when our favorite ideology doesn't get the trophy in every discussion.

I never asked for a trophy.. in fact, I like being able to discuss issues freely here.



I guess PC era left and made their own forum? Anyone know the name of the forum?
Fucking LOL they just locked that topic "meta commentary and mod whining".

Windrunner you snowflake.
I never asked for a trophy.. in fact, I like being able to discuss issues freely here.
Yet you don't afford the same courtesy to those you write off as "extremists". :pie_thinking:

Like I said, maybe take a step back instead of being so quick to slap labels on others and whine about the results. Your attitude is what resulted in ERA. I'd prefer that GAF maintains the open discussion that you seem to enjoy.


Yet you don't afford the same courtesy to those you write off as "extremists". :pie_thinking:

Like I said, maybe take a step back instead of being so quick to slap labels on others and whine about the results. Your attitude is what resulted in ERA. I'd prefer that GAF maintains the open discussion that you seem to enjoy.

Yes, there are extremists on both the right and the left. I'm sorry my post angered you so much as it was not my intention.
In two years they have not created any of thier own memes, it's still frozen in time at italianmeal.jpg, character posters like Lionel Mandrake and Sunhi Legend don't post.
They kill off any topic that looks like it's going to grow into something fun by locking it "Let's not do this" and that is the primordial ooze that the memes are evolved from.

The only fun there is, is to laugh AT them from the outside in topics like this.

Isn't there any fun involved in actively stirring the pot?
Yes, there are extremists on both the right and the left. I'm sorry my post angered you so much as it was not my intention.
I'm not angry. You've gone from labelling people as extremists when it suits you to making assumptions about a stranger's emotions when called out on it. Huh, just like oldGAF and just like ERA.


I'm not angry. You've gone from labelling people as extremists when it suits you to making assumptions about a stranger's emotions when called out on it. Huh, just like oldGAF and just like ERA.

Wow you really are itching for an argument based upon my mere suggestion that extremists exist on both sites but this one is far better... which is not really something to get mad about. Hope your day gets better.
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