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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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OldGAF (pre-crazy) had posts like this all the time tho

Xaero Gravity

No it's interesting to me. The exodus from here, which was/still is 'Sonygaf' did not end up automatically creating another 'Sonygaf' at the heart of Era.

Another interesting element is the liberal and more conservative slant of each forum and how that plays out in the console favouritism, which I find a slight contradiction at the moment. I'm tellig ya, Era is far more pro-Xbox. Make of that what you will.

Also, dont be so uppity about it, you sound like Resetera. 'Console wars' is part of the game. If it didnt exist, this place probably wouldnt either (look at the gaming section the past week). It's part of the passion of gaming, it's like telling someone in Lagos to stop supporting Man United. Or a Ferrari fan to stop being biased about their cars. Instead of shunning it, embrace it son, and have some fun with it.
If you're over the age of 13 and still engaging in console wars, than that's flat out embarassing. It's one thing to have preferences, but it's another to be a fanboy and drag down discussions with annoying and pointless fanboy rhetoric.
If you're over the age of 13 and still engaging in console wars, than that's flat out embarassing. It's one thing to have preferences, but it's another to be a fanboy and drag down discussions with annoying and pointless fanboy rhetoric.

You,'re talking about the majority of members here. It's no different than any fanboyism from any genre, grown men snd women do it.


who’s this ”poodlestrike“ ho and why do they protect Mercury Fred in every single thread about Bernie? Shit looks downright conspiratorial.



"hopefully i'll be dead by next year latest

can't find work so I'll be without phone, internet and unable to pay rent soon, etc

probably just jump off somewhere high hopefully pass out before I hit the ground

I'm fucking useless garbage"

….Quite the warm and embracing culture they have over at Reeee.
Good god. The misery across that entire page is, well, under normal circumstances I’d be sympathetic, but all the “woe Is me everything is fucked EVERYBODY SUCKS” shit on ResetEra has been so prevalent that I can’t even take these suicide threats seriously anymore.

And it’s hard to take them seriously because these dullards just sit there in a circle trying to out-miserable one another, and none of them have the fortitude to either put In the work to improve their circumstances or end their lives. I have no doubt that they’re unhappy, but I also have no doubt that they fetishize their misery.


Good god. The misery across that entire page is, well, under normal circumstances I’d be sympathetic, but all the “woe Is me everything is fucked EVERYBODY SUCKS” shit on ResetEra has been so prevalent that I can’t even take these suicide threats seriously anymore.

And it’s hard to take them seriously because these dullards just sit there in a circle trying to out-miserable one another, and none of them have the fortitude to either put In the work to improve their circumstances or end their lives. I have no doubt that they’re unhappy, but I also have no doubt that they fetishize their misery.
Yeah they love being self flagellating. I mean Trump lives rent free in the minds of every person on the site. I have 0 sympathy. They like to be little sad sacks because it gets them attention. I just thought this one was particularly off putting.


Yeah they love being self flagellating. I mean Trump lives rent free in the minds of every person on the site. I have 0 sympathy. They like to be little sad sacks because it gets them attention. I just thought this one was particularly off putting.
What I find especially off-putting is the way the ResetEra Suicide Squad spreads their misery all over the rest of the forum with regular “life is hard and I’m killing myself tonight” threads. Like, fuck, they have their SadEra community thread to commiserate with other likeminded folks. Why make everyone else worry?


That post by thebishop in the latest Warren-Bernie thread was 100% right, but obviously it has to be banned because it calls out women using "believe women" as a blanket denial of women lying in any context, not just sexual ones. Which is evil.

Glad that some users are saying fuck off to poodlestrike and taking the ban in revolt. Good for you.
Good god. The misery across that entire page is, well, under normal circumstances I’d be sympathetic, but all the “woe Is me everything is fucked EVERYBODY SUCKS” shit on ResetEra has been so prevalent that I can’t even take these suicide threats seriously anymore.

And it’s hard to take them seriously because these dullards just sit there in a circle trying to out-miserable one another, and none of them have the fortitude to either put In the work to improve their circumstances or end their lives. I have no doubt that they’re unhappy, but I also have no doubt that they fetishize their misery.
The other issue is that Ree has created an environment where they are filled with posts by trolls who are thanks to Godwin's Law completely indistinguishable from the real crazy posters there. This makes it impossible to tell who actually needs help there and who is just a troll that has been working their angle for months. Quite frankly, if you are looking for help, you should be calling the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 not posting on Crazy Ree.


Ah that Piers Morgan thread. Reminds me that it's amusing that they love calling people "gammon" - a slur based upon physical appearence. Again, the sheer hypocrisy.

They won't even understand why we use gammon in the UK lol. Like we don't get this whole "herb" thing
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What I find most ironic is that, I remember shortly after 9/11, when GW Bush said "You are either with us or with the terrorists", many on the left criticized him for that sort of thinking. And yet today Resetera has become a shining example of that exact same idea. "If you don't agree with us then you're a fascist/nazi/alt-right troll!", etc.
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The biggest podcast in the western world. We do not provide a platform^^
Dude, you should see how some of them react when you bring some youtubers/streamers, even if the influencer has 10M+ Followers, sharing their content would provide them a platform! LOL
If you bring some youtuber to the table he is probably a rapist, misogynistic, racist, etc or simply he is not worth the discussion because reasons. Unless you are talking about their fetichised Girlfriend Reviews .

I got a 2week ban in that
CDPR's response over The Witcher 3's lack of diversity rings more hollow after the Netflix series
thread, and man, what a great time for reflection. Lots of good folks there, but moderation team has SERIOUS issues, now im ashamed of the exaggerated outrage i made in the thread just to give my comment some validity (in case my nationality and culture/race heritage wasn't enough, answer: it wasn't), it was for nothing and it wasn't worth it,

It isn't worth it turning into one of them.

PD: Yeah, i'm that Regis, the one that made the meme about Klobrille being Batman, you are welcome
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Gold Member
Dude, you should see how some of them react when you bring some youtubers/streamers, even if the influencer has 10M+ Followers, sharing their content would provide them a platform!
If you bring some youtuber to the table he is probably a rapist, misogynistic, racist, etc or simply he is not worth the discussion because reasons. Unless you are talking about their fetichised Girlfriend Reviews .

I got a 2week ban in that
CDPR's response over The Witcher 3's lack of diversity rings more hollow after the Netflix series
thread, and man, what a great time for reflection. Lots of good folks there, but moderation team has SERIOUS issues, now im ashamed of the exaggerated outrage i made in the thread just to give my comment some validity (in case my nationality and culture/race heritage wasn't enough, answer: it wasn't), it was for nothing and it wasn't worth it,

It isn't worth it turning into one of them.

Era barely has 50K registered accounts. That's not a platform.


Neighbours from Hell

"hopefully i'll be dead by next year latest

can't find work so I'll be without phone, internet and unable to pay rent soon, etc

probably just jump off somewhere high hopefully pass out before I hit the ground

I'm fucking useless garbage"

….Quite the warm and embracing culture they have over at Reeee.

I think what you find is a lot of the extreme woke types generally hate themselves. It runs so deep that eventually as a defense mechanism it manifests into narcissism and they start blaming the world for all their problems and unhappiness. And who to blame? Straight white men, the establishment, etc. It's never the individual, it's always someone else's fault they aren't happy.

I think it's why they push the "everyone is racist, sexist, a bigot, a Nazi" agenda. Because they want everyone to be those things. If they can sell that narrative then it justifies their victimhood complex and strengthens the movement that the world is awful, I'm good, therefore people need to take shit away from other people and give it to me, because they're all evil and a reason why my life sucks.
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Gold Member
I think what you find is a lot of the extreme woke types generally hate themselves. It runs so deep that eventually as a defense mechanism it manifests into narcissism and they start blaming the world for all their problems and unhappiness. And who to blame? Straight white men, the establishment, etc. It's never the individual, it's always someone else's fault they aren't happy.

I think it's why they push the "everyone is racist, sexist, a bigot, a Nazi" agenda. Because they want everyone to be those things. If they can sell that narrative then it justifies their victimhood complex and strengthens the movement that the world is awful, I'm good, therefore people need to take shit away from other people and give it to me, because they're all evil and a reason why my life sucks.

And making it worse is social media. If 100 people respond, where 1 person says something fueling the fire, and 99 say something nice, they'll probably remember the 1 negative guy. And then try to get back at them.

Also, with the way media likes to show extremes (utter trash like killings, and hey look at Kim Kardashian and her 50 room mansion), people who are brittle will feel like more shit because they see other people doing well.

Al lot of it comes from jealousy. And that's human nature of wanting more. You don't see ants and termites battling for which insect has the best dirt mound or freshest piece of carrion. They all act and work together. Humans will fuck over each other for personal gain because they don't like the fact someone has more money or a better car.
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Ah that Piers Morgan thread. Reminds me that it's amusing that they love calling people "gammon" - a slur based upon physical appearence. Again, the sheer hypocrisy.

lmao however if you so much as say Lizzo appears to be slightly on the chunky side, watch how all of a sudden physical insults are unacceptable 🤔
I just saw Cerium kind of resigned. I'm not surprised. Who wants to lose his precious time to manage such a shit place ? Especially after what happened with KetKat.

I always wondered, maybe someone can shed some light.

How was Resetera set up so quickly and seamlessly after the shitstorm? How was that possible? Were the sad architects of that site conspiring a long time before the shitstorm?

As far as I know, the answer is yes. If someone like me know, I'm sure a lot of others person know that too.

Many people tried to set up an alternative to Neogaf way before the event targeting Evilore. Some were "high-profile" journalists who were fed up of Neogaf influence in the industry, others were influential insiders and a good chunk were the unhinged people that control Resetera was we speak.

The name wasn't Resetera and I'm sure the Neogaf happening in 2017 caught them with their pants down, but it was planned for a long time. Cerium caught the bullet mid-fly, he had some spare money and put it to use to gain control of the situation.

Given the time he spent on Neogaf (all of his 20s, apparently ?), it was probably a dream of him from a long time.
I thought we found out they were actually a troll didn't we? Or was that just speculation? I figured maybe they flew too close to the sun and were chilling out for a bit.

It's long been suspected and also there's this post I made, but it's not 100%:

So, uh, if what I just heard is accurate, not only is FeistyBoots a troll, but he (yes he identifies as male) is not the only one with some degree of visibility.

I have a friend in the TransEra discord that is aware of 4 other posters excluding Feisty in there that are total trolls, 2 of which are high profile posters. Out of all 5 of these alleged trolls, only 1 is actually trans/nb, and she's apparently the biggest edgelord of them all.

FeistyBoots is the only name I've been given since my friend wants to see how far the others can take it and she thinks he's laying it on way too thick and is probably going to get exposed soon anyway. And no, I'm not going to name my friend either since she actually does like it in there even if she acknowledges it gets heavy handed at times.

Of course she could also be totally fucking with me here. Wouldn't be the first time. I asked her if I could post it here and she said yeah since it would be funny (I know you're reading this, lol). I guess we'll see what happens and if they ever get exposed.

Edit: And to clarify, the friend in question is not an Era troll and barely posts as it is. If anything, she's neutral in all this and just finds it funny whenever a big drama flares up.


I think what you find is a lot of the extreme woke types generally hate themselves. It runs so deep that eventually as a defense mechanism it manifests into narcissism and they start blaming the world for all their problems and unhappiness. And who to blame? Straight white men, the establishment, etc. It's never the individual, it's always someone else's fault they aren't happy.

I think it's why they push the "everyone is racist, sexist, a bigot, a Nazi" agenda. Because they want everyone to be those things. If they can sell that narrative then it justifies their victimhood complex and strengthens the movement that the world is awful, I'm good, therefore people need to take shit away from other people and give it to me, because they're all evil and a reason why my life sucks.

funny thing is I’ve never actually met a trans individual in my life, but Era has conditioned me to think that if I ever do, I need to avoid them at all costs as they’ll be as unhinged as kyuuji, fiestyboots is etc.


I've met trans people IRL, they are absolutely fine. It's Ree and attached SJWs that are giving the trans community a bad image.

I figured it could be the same scenario as the black/gay people I work with or know - never heard a single one running around screaming “rrrraaaaaccccciiiissssssmmmmm” or “biiiiiigggggooootttttt.” They’re just boringly normal people.

which means I’m letting these retardera twitter tumblr unhinged animals affect my viewpoints.
I know a few trans people and they're cool. The friend I was talking about in that discord is trans.

Most trans people aren't screaming assholes like on Era. They're people trying to live their lives like everyone else, dealing with their own issues while knowing that some things shouldn't be taken seriously.
I've met trans people IRL, they are absolutely fine. It's Ree and attached SJWs that are giving the trans community a bad image.
Trans people who accept who they are and have been down the journey of love/life and loss are some of the most beautiful and courageous people you can ever meet

I suspect many of the unhinged ones are the people who are actually suffering idividualty issues as they believe the world centres around them and have been bought up with the belief they are a special snowflake and have had no boundaries to establish a framework of how life is.

They have trouble fitting in with most people around them so they bounce between what they perceive as safe spaces whIch are actually more miserable people who are having the same issues and the problems manifest into something bigger....They don't accept that change needs to come from within and the outside world isn't just going to hand you things because you think your in a special group.

Social media....lack of parenting and discipline are probably the 3 main things that have eaten away at society today and turned it into a shithole


I know a few trans people and they're cool. The friend I was talking about in that discord is trans.

Most trans people aren't screaming assholes like on Era. They're people trying to live their lives like everyone else, dealing with their own issues while knowing that some things shouldn't be taken seriously.

ERA doesn't seem to realize that nobody gives a shit if you're trans/gay/whatnot. Most sane people don't view humans by their superficial traits like Race, gender, or sexual identity. Personality, motivations, and ideas are what people actually look for in eachother.

But ERA and the far-left in general like to make a big deal out of it, so that way they can keep these people in perpetual victimhood. Which is actually more insulting to these people than just not giving a shit.


Gold Member
ERA doesn't seem to realize that nobody gives a shit if you're trans/gay/whatnot. Most sane people don't view humans by their superficial traits like Race, gender, or sexual identity. Personality, motivations, and ideas are what people actually look for in eachother.

But ERA and the far-left in general like to make a big deal out of it, so that way they can keep these people in perpetual victimhood. Which is actually more insulting to these people than just not giving a shit.
Spot on.

Every special group who promotes "why is everyone against us?" is either BSing for clicks and trolling, or actually believes this. If anyone believes this, you are fucked up.

In everyday life, the vast vast vast majority of people don't really care or think about anyone on a daily basis except themselves, their family and anyone who is arm's length like close friends and coworkers.

I got neighbours to the left and right of me. I know I don't think of them daily. And they live right beside me,

So for any social needs group thinking the world is going after them with pitchforks, grow up. If you want attention, then you'll get attention good and bad. If you act and dress more discreetly, more people won't notice you. If you want to have pink hair and act like an asshole on social media or at the mall, get ready for bad stares.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member

Getting cut out of someone's life over a disagreement. Where I have I heard of people doing that?


Lil’ Gobbie


Gold Member

Another cringe worthy Reeee post by KSweeley. Every thread of his involves a racial or discriminatory issue.


The thing is Peltz is actually 100% correct.
Who knew the REEEE mods are super passionate about circumcision as well?


The thing is Peltz is 100% correct. Needing a circumcision as an adult fucking sucks, Source: Me who developed a tight foreskin in later life. If you think wearing a condom dulls the sensation for sex it's nothing compared to having a meat sock that no longer retracts. Also some guys don't wash under their foreskin and it can get infected and compacted knob cheese.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member


Aaaaaaand of course any nuanced discussion is immediately met with complete over-reaction. Better to presume the worst intent and go with that.


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Neighbours from Hell
Did those mods ever think of saying "c'mon man, don't post shit like that if you can't back it up" instead of just dropping bans?

There is no reason to ban people for that other than the fact is that it makes them feel powerful, almost like "me being allowed to do this to you means it's justified and I'm right and you're wrong"

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Weird. The responses to bizarre reactionary political threads are getting lighter.

Perhaps they know more and more people are lurking for the laughs and dunking on them?

Or is the woke mobs waning in popularity?

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