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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I agree that crunch sucks, but no great works of art have ever been produced on a 40 hour work week.

I just saw a documentary about Lord of the Rings that mentioned a single man voluntarily sacrificed his 2 week Christmas vacation to painstakingly program the digital model of Barad-dûr so they could do the destruction scene at the end of Return of the King. It sucks what he had to do, but that scene will live forever the same way that Jurrasic Park's CG still holds up.


I have to say I'm Disappointed that Digital Foundry are still posting at that cess pit of degeneracy. When a site and it's creater have a dedicated area on Kiwi Farms, you'd probably be best disassociating yourself. Does that Dark X or whatever he's name is still post here. I'd like to have that discussion.
DarkX is pure game/tech love wherever he posts, doesn’t get political.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I know. I just found it funny to see one of their former top people to be trashing them like us or the rest of the internet now.

Almost the entire initial mod/"leadership" team either quit or were forced out. I think that's a big part of the reason that the tone of the place changed dramatically mid-2018 or so.


Almost the entire initial mod/"leadership" team either quit or were forced out. I think that's a big part of the reason that the tone of the place changed dramatically mid-2018 or so.

The two other "Investors" sold their shares in Reee as well. So you could guess either they were not looking like getting any ROI or they no longer wanted to be associated with that place. The tide has definitely turned against the Alt left when even leftists bail out from that extremism.
The two other "Investors" sold their shares in Reee as well. So you could guess either they were not looking like getting any ROI or they no longer wanted to be associated with that place. The tide has definitely turned against the Alt left when even leftists bail out from that extremism.
No...the smart money is not being anywhere near that place when it begins to blow

I suspect well get a preview after the trump impeachment is over and we get the main course at the election....I predict 12 months and the wheels fall off.


Gold Member
I for one have absolute faith in B Dubz.




This is the real state of Canada. If you're scared of socialism, it's only because you're racist. Our conservatives are powerless against these thugs because Canada imports millions of people who only move to Toronto and vote left-wing.
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This image also shows how ResetERA likes to constantly use strawman arguments to discredit anyone who disagrees with them, particularly conservatives and classical liberals. Claiming anybody who doesn't support radical left-wing ideals must be some out-of-touch dinosuar afraid of change because it's different, and that we're all racist, sexist, money-grubbing, nazi biggots for clinging to traditional values.

Kagey K


This is the real state of Canada. If you're scared of socialism, it's only because you're racist. Our conservatives are powerless against these thugs because Canada imports millions of people who only move to Toronto and vote left-wing.
The thing is Canada can’t get much more socialist, we already have a ton of wealth transfers (sorry I meant taxes,) and the cost of living is rising so substantially it’s getting hard to keep up.

We are literally working ourselves into the poorhouse if we keep going at this rate. All this talk about making the middle class stronger has really left them all with less money less spending power.

If these are liberal ideas they are going to leave everybody poor very soon in the name of equality.


The thing is Canada can’t get much more socialist, we already have a ton of wealth transfers (sorry I meant taxes,) and the cost of living is rising so substantially it’s getting hard to keep up.

We are literally working ourselves into the poorhouse if we keep going at this rate. All this talk about making the middle class stronger has really left them all with less money less spending power.

If these are liberal ideas they are going to leave everybody poor very soon in the name of equality.
I've been seeing the writing on the wall for a long time and trying to do everything I can to relocate to Prairies.

The GTA will become the next Brazil in 10 years. Only the elite Canadians will get to reap the benefits. Everybody else will be tax slaves forced to share an apartment with 10 other people and paying $3000 a month as gunshots go off everywhere.

But it's all worth it for that multicultural food I guess. 🤷‍♀️

Kagey K

I've been seeing the writing on the wall for a long time and trying to do everything I can to relocate to Prairies.

The GTA will become the next Brazil in 10 years. Only the elite Canadians will get to reap the benefits. Everybody else will be tax slaves forced to share an apartment with 10 other people and paying $3000 a month as gunshots go off everywhere.

But it's all worth it for that multicultural food I guess. 🤷‍♀️
I grew up in the prairies, but my Grandparents were in Southern ON (around Barrie) so I’ve seen both sides of this argument. It might not be so attractive to come west anymore.


I grew up in the prairies, but my Grandparents were in Southern ON (around Barrie) so I’ve seen both sides of this argument. It might not be so attractive to come west anymore.
There may be less to do, and there's a bit of an epidemic of people overdosing on drugs, but when you can own your own house for nearly $200k in a safe and quiet neighborhood, I just find it impossible to justify living in Ontario.

Think about the future of your children. Would you rather be as far away from dystopia, or at the epicenter of it?
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I always wondered, maybe someone can shed some light.

How was Resetera set up so quickly and seamlessly after the shitstorm? How was that possible? Were the sad architects of that site conspiring a long time before the shitstorm?

Also, I have a feeling it's being funded by a hardware company, such as MS.


I always wondered, maybe someone can shed some light.

How was Resetera set up so quickly and seamlessly after the shitstorm? How was that possible? Were the sad architects of that site conspiring a long time before the shitstorm?

Also, I have a feeling it's being funded by a hardware company, such as MS.
No sure, but they clearly stole the user base from inside out, malicious white-anting. The user base is the lifeblood of a forum. Surprised we haven’t heard of a lawsuit from Evil.
No sure, but they clearly stole the user base from inside out, malicious white-anting. The user base is the lifeblood of a forum. Surprised we haven’t heard of a lawsuit from Evil.

The speed of it and seamlessness makes me think it was in the planning for several months or over a year.

Why are there so many Xbox fanboy mods? Because they are people that were banned here, which was seen as Sonygaf and its a reaction to that? Or is it more insidious than that?


God I know its sick...
If you go all the way back to 1995 some one was right on the nose..


It’s amazing how much of the Unabomber’s diagnosis was on point. Shame about the prescribed treatment...

Also this is Nobody_Important Nobody_Important to a tee:

“15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist's real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.”

The Unabomber is in your head, NI.


This went about as well as you would expect

I always wondered, maybe someone can shed some light.

How was Resetera set up so quickly and seamlessly after the shitstorm? How was that possible? Were the sad architects of that site conspiring a long time before the shitstorm?

Also, I have a feeling it's being funded by a hardware company, such as MS.

It's pretty easy, when an old forum I posted at announced its closure I knocked up a carbon copy in an afternoon and everyone moved a couple of days before D Day. So tech aside, with Reeesetera, if I remember correctly they hoodwinked everyone saying it'll be like GAF minus the politics, the banning and the bullying... 🙈
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The Fucking MAN.
OMG that was so over-designed. A session could last up to 40-something minutes due to all the balance tweaks.

The game matches were set to timers of 3 and 5 minutes (depending on the settings). So that's mathematically impossible. Maybe you are thinking of another game of mine?

No. He was a toxic free thinker before that

For what it's worth, I made them a video :)...

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The game matches were set to timers of 3 and 5 minutes (depending on the settings). So that's mathematically impossible. Maybe you are thinking of another game of mine?

For what it's worth, I made them a video :)...

Well said there ....I hate some views but I'll listen to them....doesn't mean I support or like things...other just means I want to learn about other people.


It always takes someone of strength (not) to say they would rather endorse censorship over possibly hearing things they might not like. ResetEra in a nutshell.


Came to neogaf after lurking this thread for months so I have to thank you for all the laughs.

As my testimony on resetera (joined them and spent some months there about 2 years ago, not knowing at all about their reputation), I'd say the strangest thing is how all the madness affect the quasi completely separate universe of the gaming side. I mean you interact with people who look constructive, good company and all and one day they suddenly disappear and you realise their accounts were banned. Then, if you mention them or ask why you are warned not to like if it was a crime to just remember they existed. And searching for their posts, you realise it was because they ventured in the blackhole, the dreaded etc... side of the site and made some joke looking completely innocent, said they liked some cancelled thing, or had an arguement with one of the protected posters (or sometimes you don't even find anything as they were banned for something on a discord or some other place you'll never find). Creates a really weird ambiance, like if you were living in some totalitarian regime with a secret unit making people disappear.
Personnally I had no very bad experience with their moderation, was only banned once for a week and for some really bad joke that I can understand was considered offensive, it's more that ambiance that made me leave (+ all the weird intolerant discourses I discovered when I started reading the etc... side and the way some people reacted to mundane things like me mentionning I considered Fight Club one of the best movies of the 90 making them mad I supported that "incel fantasy" when it was purely a remark about Fincher talent).
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Gold Member
Came to neogaf after lurking this thread for months so I have to thank you for all the laughs.

As my testimony on resetera (joined them and spent some months there about 2 years ago, not knowing at all about their reputation), I'd say the strangest thing is how all the madness affect the quasi completely separate universe of the gaming side. I mean you interact with people who look constructive, good company and all and one day they suddenly disappear and you realise their accounts were banned. Then, if you mention them or ask why you are warned not to like if it was a crime to just remember they existed. And searching for their posts, you realise it was because they ventured in the blackhole, the dreaded etc... side of the site and made some joke looking completely innocent, said they liked some cancelled thing, or had an arguement with one of the protected posters (or sometimes you don't even find anything as they were banned for something on a discord or some other place you'll never find). Creates a really weird ambiance, like if you were living in some totalitarian regime with a secret unit making people disappear.
Personnally I had no very bad experience with their moderation, was only banned once for a week and for some really bad joke that I can understand was considered offensive, it's more that ambiance that made me leave (+ all the weird intolerant discourses I discovered when I started reading the etc... side and the way some people reacted to mundane things like me mentionning I considered Fight Club one of the best movies of the 90 making them mad I supported that "incel fantasy" when it was purely a remark about Fincher talent).



Gold Member
For what it's worth, I made them a video :)...

Of course they didn't go to civics classes because they've stopped teaching civics in schools so we have an entire generation of dumbfucks who think China's censorship and social credit systems are the way to go.


Came to neogaf after lurking this thread for months so I have to thank you for all the laughs.

As my testimony on resetera (joined them and spent some months there about 2 years ago, not knowing at all about their reputation), I'd say the strangest thing is how all the madness affect the quasi completely separate universe of the gaming side. I mean you interact with people who look constructive, good company and all and one day they suddenly disappear and you realise their accounts were banned. Then, if you mention them or ask why you are warned not to like if it was a crime to just remember they existed. And searching for their posts, you realise it was because they ventured in the blackhole, the dreaded etc... side of the site and made some joke looking completely innocent, said they liked some cancelled thing, or had an arguement with one of the protected posters (or sometimes you don't even find anything as they were banned for something on a discord or some other place you'll never find). Creates a really weird ambiance, like if you were living in some totalitarian regime with a secret unit making people disappear.
Personnally I had no very bad experience with their moderation, was only banned once for a week and for some really bad joke that I can understand was considered offensive, it's more that ambiance that made me leave (+ all the weird intolerant discourses I discovered when I started reading the etc... side and the way some people reacted to mundane things like me mentionning I considered Fight Club one of the best movies of the 90 making them mad I supported that "incel fantasy" when it was purely a remark about Fincher talent).
Just to add, regular threads also pop up in the gaming section that are super woke and get debaters banned. At least they used to when I was a member. E.g a transphobic dev thread.

Also, hilarious story. yeah it’s not easy to not unwittingly step out of line. You must be a ”boomer”, lol
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This went about as well as you would expect

It's pretty easy, when an old forum I posted at announced its closure I knocked up a carbon copy in an afternoon and everyone moved a couple of days before D Day. So tech aside, with Reeesetera, if I remember correctly they hoodwinked everyone saying it'll be like GAF minus the politics, the banning and the bullying... 🙈

The banning there is fucking out of control. It's basically 'ban everyone else that doesn't agree with me' (mods) so they can create a perfect world where only their POV is correct. Mad shit.


The game matches were set to timers of 3 and 5 minutes (depending on the settings). So that's mathematically impossible. Maybe you are thinking of another game of mine?

For what it's worth, I made them a video :)...

Nice work Dave. Not going to be critical, great vid and message.

The only thing about Milo, he’s super queer and is married to a black man. Don’t think he’s a white supremacist. Don’t believe everything woke media spreads without checking things out. I’m sure you’d rather not pile on people that may simply be smeared - like what era is attempting to do to you and countless others that don’t fit the narrative to a T.


Just to add regular threads also pop up in the gaming section that are super woke and get debaters banned. At least they used to when I was a member. E.g a transphobic dev thread.

Also, hilarious story. yeah it’s not easy to not unwittingly step out of line. You must be a ”boomer”, lol

Yes there was that too, like in my time the big Kingdom Come controversy. But still on gaming side it's only a very small % of the threads, and if you are not interested in those particular games you can very well miss them, so forum look globally normal.

Out of that a funny thing for GenXers like me (and Yers too), is we often get "ok boomer" reactions while we rarely can stand them. It's like our X generation was well named, we are complete anonymous nobody ever speak about, while everything is about millenials versus boomers. :)


The speed of it and seamlessness makes me think it was in the planning for several months or over a year.

Why are there so many Xbox fanboy mods? Because they are people that were banned here, which was seen as Sonygaf and its a reaction to that? Or is it more insidious than that?

Here’s what I think. EviLore is actually a financial and marketing genius. He actually created and owns Era also. The whole split was a ruse to facilitate the creation of 2 sites catering to people with seperate ideologies. Capture more of the market, profits.

He also did it for artistic reasons. He longed for a Neogaf that was in the past of a simpler time, a. more personal site. 2 birds with one stone.

*wink* *wink*


Yes there was that too, like in my time the big Kingdom Come controversy. But still on gaming side it's only a very small % of the threads, and if you are not interested in those particular games you can very well miss them, so forum look globally normal.

Out of that a funny thing for GenXers like me (and Yers too), is we often get "ok boomer" reactions while we rarely can stand them. It's like our X generation was well named, we are complete anonymous nobody ever speak about, while everything is about millenials versus boomers. :)
Problem being, anyone that is a bit more mature will poke into more unusual threads to see what’s going on. And bam, anyone with half a brain will get pinged eventually for expressing a semblance of critical thinking. That’s why it gets continuously worse, the echo chamber becomes more and more resonant.
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The Fucking MAN.
Nice work Dave. Not going to be critical, great vid and message.

The only thing about Milo, he’s super queer and is married to a black man. Don’t think he’s a white supremacist. Don’t believe everything woke media spreads without checking things out. I’m sure you’d rather not pile on people that may simply be smeared - like what era is attempting to do to you and countless others that don’t fit the narrative to a T.

It had been a while since I had looked into Milo, not since I made that initial video over a year ago (the one Reset got pissed about). Seeing your comment- and a few others- I went back and yes, I was 100% wrong about the white supremacist angle. He clearly has said a LOT of things I personally find horrible but none of them that I could find had to do with being a white supremacist.

I took the video down and will reedit to fix for correctness, then repost.

I appreciate you pointing out the mistake- thank you! :)

Nice work Dave. Not going to be critical, great vid and message.

The only thing about Milo, he’s super queer and is married to a black man. Don’t think he’s a white supremacist. Don’t believe everything woke media spreads without checking things out. I’m sure you’d rather not pile on people that may simply be smeared - like what era is attempting to do to you and countless others that don’t fit the narrative to a T.

You serious? This far right guy is gay and has a black husband? Lmaoo
It had been a while since I had looked into Milo, not since I made that initial video over a year ago (the one Reset got pissed about). Seeing your comment- and a few others- I went back and yes, I was 100% wrong about the white supremacist angle. He clearly has said a LOT of things I personally find horrible but none of them that I could find had to do with being a white supremacist.

I took the video down and will reedit to fix for correctness, then repost.

I appreciate you pointing out the mistake- thank you! :)


You're a legend David. I must admit I saw your tweet posted on Upsetera out of all context and I was taken aback, almost thinking you've gone down the far right route or something!

Your video explanation makes perfect sense. Freedom of speech means everyone should have that right (within reason) otherwise one side will abuse the power to shut down any other points of view, like is my grievances with Era earlier and them banning anyone that falls slightly out of line.

I was getting banned over and over for saying anything negative about Xbox cos a coupla mods on there (at least) are former Xbox fanboys that were banned on here and are exacting vengeance!


The game matches were set to timers of 3 and 5 minutes (depending on the settings). So that's mathematically impossible. Maybe you are thinking of another game of mine?

For what it's worth, I made them a video :)...

Is anyone else having trouble viewing the video?
Edit: nevemind, just saw David’s last post.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It had been a while since I had looked into Milo, not since I made that initial video over a year ago (the one Reset got pissed about). Seeing your comment- and a few others- I went back and yes, I was 100% wrong about the white supremacist angle. He clearly has said a LOT of things I personally find horrible but none of them that I could find had to do with being a white supremacist.

I took the video down and will reedit to fix for correctness, then repost.

I appreciate you pointing out the mistake- thank you! :)


It’s easier than ever to label and smear someone to dismiss them, and for games of nasty internet telephone to stick without a factual basis. It’s done to you, and it’s done to me.

Milo is a right-wing provocateur and something akin to an internet troll persona venturing out into the real world. As mentioned above, he’s gay and married to a black man, so hardly a white supremacist. It’s a set of attributes he used to his advantage for a time as a shield against his opponents in this identity politics laden public culture, and to set himself apart from the typical square conservative voices.

Jordan Peterson interviewed him recently, and that’s where I’d suggest you look to understand Milo on a genuine human level.



Ah that Piers Morgan thread. Reminds me that it's amusing that they love calling people "gammon" - a slur based upon physical appearence. Again, the sheer hypocrisy.

Xaero Gravity

I always wondered, maybe someone can shed some light.

How was Resetera set up so quickly and seamlessly after the shitstorm? How was that possible? Were the sad architects of that site conspiring a long time before the shitstorm?

Also, I have a feeling it's being funded by a hardware company, such as MS.
It blows my mind that you'll even try to turn ResetEra talk into some console wars bullshit lol. It's not a real war, put the damn sword down.
It blows my mind that you'll even try to turn ResetEra talk into some console wars bullshit lol. It's not a real war, put the damn sword down.

No it's interesting to me. The exodus from here, which was/still is 'Sonygaf' did not end up automatically creating another 'Sonygaf' at the heart of Era.

Another interesting element is the liberal and more conservative slant of each forum and how that plays out in the console favouritism, which I find a slight contradiction at the moment. I'm tellig ya, Era is far more pro-Xbox. Make of that what you will.

Also, dont be so uppity about it, you sound like Resetera. 'Console wars' is part of the game. If it didnt exist, this place probably wouldnt either (look at the gaming section the past week). It's part of the passion of gaming, it's like telling someone in Lagos to stop supporting Man United. Or a Ferrari fan to stop being biased about their cars. Instead of shunning it, embrace it son, and have some fun with it.
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Yes there was that too, like in my time the big Kingdom Come controversy. But still on gaming side it's only a very small % of the threads, and if you are not interested in those particular games you can very well miss them, so forum look globally normal.

Out of that a funny thing for GenXers like me (and Yers too), is we often get "ok boomer" reactions while we rarely can stand them. It's like our X generation was well named, we are complete anonymous nobody ever speak about, while everything is about millenials versus boomers. :)
I continue to be amazed that literally everyone has forgotten there is a generation between Boomers and Millennials. That's okay. Generation X can continue to quietly clean up and become wealthy from this record stock market run while the Boomers and Millennials battle it out. letthemfight.gif


they are really going off on a virtue signal spree this morning. here is why they are so obsessed with the alt right and Star Wars, they get their mental marching orders from the corporate access media they worship.

yet another thread about the "tiny minority" of "alt right" who are somehow the only people Era talks about. how JJ "caved to alt right trolls" by putting SW things in a SW movie. Era and the media think the same narratives because for the most part a lot of Era is just reposts of media content, then sheepdogging everyone into either discussing said content or being deplatformed. Era is a corporate media megaphone, essentially.

if you come into a thread like this and say "I didn't like TLJ and I'm not alt right" you will be gaslight, possibly into incriminating yourself that you actually ARE alt right, or hold suspiciously "sympathetic" views. these views being basic things like, you didn't like the movie as much as one of the other 7 movies. you can be deplatformed if you don't accept the limits of the conversation, as dictated by the corporate-leaning OP.

IMO these media types, and their unknowing promoters on message boards who virtue signal, are the real toxic fans. people pointing at others and questioning them and their identity. you see it all these time in these articles, written to influence millions of people, by egotist elitist journalists who use the word "fans" in scare quotes, and either out of malice or obliviousness, only add to the flame wars. IMO it's on purpose, this is most profitable for corporate media.

ultimately it's a meaningless narrative myth that will be an entirely irrelevant and embarrassing historical fact given 5-10 years. it wouldn't even be a thing to anyone who doesn't actively seek out "alt right opinion". except we are stuck w these fucking dorks screaming about the alt right every day. they just don't know how to hide suggestions on Youtube and we all have to hear about it.

a word to SJW culture critics: ok! we get it! right wingers exist! why do we need to go to you for a daily update on their every thought? why if they are a tiny minority who has too much influence, why are you constantly bringing them up, why are you making the entire discussion about them? you are actually making it worse. STFU
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