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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Racists like Nepenthe make me laugh, they expose themselves completely for everyone to see but are too stupid and racist to even comprehend it happening. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
That mod is so fucking vile, straight evil to the core.




There are priority seats for the elderly and handicapped. While they are not reserved, there are signs appealing for courtesy. What’s the bet it had something to do with that.


That post by thebishop in the latest Warren-Bernie thread was 100% right, but obviously it has to be banned because it calls out women using "believe women" as a blanket denial of women lying in any context, not just sexual ones. Which is evil.

Glad that some users are saying fuck off to poodlestrike and taking the ban in revolt. Good for you.

What if I told you that women also lie in sexual contexts
Why do people even keep posting on that hellhole? Have some dignity.
because they dont know any better and their surroundings are guarded to keep outside influence from tainting their echo chamber
why do you think there are a heap of people asking what pedo discord at the moment on the discord?


Darkness no more


This is one of those stories you wait out for a day or two and ends up being nothing once more information comes out. There are so many people that want to be a victim for 15 minutes of Twitter fame. Era never learns or uses common sense though.



Racists like Nepenthe make me laugh, they expose themselves completely for everyone to see but are too stupid and racist to even comprehend it happening. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

That thread is fun, especially for Reseterians suddenly defending free speech.
And even more fun when they compare his "condemnation" with Dankula nazi dog "support", considering the recent developpments of Nick Conrad's story.

In the beginning the (quasi unknown at the time, he only had like 400 followers on youtube) rapper Nick Conrad also got some famous defenders in France, for his song about hanging whites and clip showing that, as he claimed his lyrics were the parody of some racist text from a klan apologist where he race swapped blacks with whites, and it was inspired by the antiracist movie American History X.
While he had to go to court for that several famous journo and intellectuals went as far as comparing him with our great militant singers of the past like George Brassens or Leo Ferré, or rappers who made anti-police songs after poc were killed by cops (despite there's no such context in Conrad's songs), in addition to all the usual "anti-white racism doesn't exist" crowd. So past the initial outcry he wasn't terribly demonized in the (non right wing) medias (despite being also supported by the black antisemite ultra-cancelled polemist Dieudonné, which is usually a good warning sign someone is a dangerous extremist). And he was only condemned to pay a small fine for "provocation to crime", for his clip only, in trial (song still being allowed to be sold with a warning), and all that with probation so he didn't had to pay (he still contested the decision and an appeal trial is about to take place).

Sadly for his defenders, just as Conrad was about to be forgoten until that second trial, that huge troll in look for publicity released another song called "Doux Pays" which was clearly his own views not a race swapped parody of some racist text (and not even of the classical Doux Pays song the title was taken from), where he said he wanted to "burn France" and "fuck her to agony", with last images of the clip showing him strangling (and suggesting raping) a white woman (representing Marianne the symbol of France), and was accused again of inciting hate.
And now he was sorta famous he appeared in several tv shows and interviews to defend the new song, only to embarass even more his defenders, saying things like "Did you never heard people saying "I fuck France" ? It's common language [in the suburbs where I'm from]." (reinforcing the far right discourse about minorities hating France), showing extra sexism/racism (some extremely bad joke about when a black man fuck a white she usually enjoys it), affirming his support to the leader of a black movement which was dissolved by autorities years ago for inciting hate and antisemitism (no wonder Dieudonné is his biggest supporter), saying he'd have used images of Notre Dame burning in his clip if he could (it happened some times after), or making a parallel between France secret services killing djihadist leaders and the actual terrorists.
While he continues to claim his songs are to denounce racism (and also made some convincing portrayal of police racism in urban suburbs or gave examples of media/politics racist discourses along the way, to justify his hatred of France/whites, he's only 99% stupid) he slipped so many times with absurd provocations in the media even the most militant defenders of minorities right to be upset no longer dare pleading his cause.

Both accused again, and about to be in court again for his appeal, and having completely ruined the "misunderstood antiracist" image he had at some point in the left, he'll likely now have to pay the first fine or probably more. I bet there will soon be a new thread supporting him on Resetera, so. ;)
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Gold Member
He claimed to know the large part of gaming market sales in the US but his predictions were always off the mark. Then people discovered his sample size was too small to be extraploted for the entire industry as his data mainly came from Target stores.

He's the new VGChartz.

Their numbers came from them calling local GameStops and asking them how the game sold.


This is one of those stories you wait out for a day or two and ends up being nothing once more information comes out. There are so many people that want to be a victim for 15 minutes of Twitter fame. Era never learns or uses common sense though.
Yeah this is a nothing story even from the start. More presentism for people that can’t create their own culture have to poorly LARP history at every turn

this isn’t some brave soul standing up to an unjust rule of having black people all go to the back. she was on a train where u can sit anywhere and a group needed her spot. happens all the time on the bus when you are sitting where the handicap seating is and someone disabled is getting on and you have to move. this is an isolated incident someone took way too seriously possibly for virtue signaling points.

the irony of trying to erase what Rosa Parks did and that whole movement, cos you won’t move your seat, lol get over yourself lady
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Unconfirmed Member

Racists like Nepenthe make me laugh, they expose themselves completely for everyone to see but are too stupid and racist to even comprehend it happening. :messenger_tears_of_joy:
How is that dodging the question? He just made a statement. What a weirdo.
edit : brb gonna go get a pizza
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!


Won't somebody please think of the Pine Sol lady?



Galaxy brain stupid when attempting virtue signal. slavery is a thing that happens to humans. not machines. your toaster isn’t a slave. your fridge isn’t a slave. your iPhone isn’t a slave. even if it “has a personality”.

people just giving human rights to fictional inanimate objects as this point so we can be mad at their nonexistent oppression
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Do these folk never go outside or ever get public transport?

9 times out of 10 if an employee asks you to vacate your seat on public transport it will be to make way for someone with a disability. Any decent company will allow for people to phone ahead of time and get assistance on and off the train and then help at destination also.

So they will get a call and will know there is someone at Stop X standing at the place where Car Y will be boarding then they might need to be guided on by the conductor and given a seat in a particular spot.

Even if it is total bullshit in the end it is safe to assume that if you are asked by the staff to give up your seat it is because someone else actually needs the seat.
So just fucking give up your seat FFS.

Social media has really ruined some people in this regard.

If an employee comes up to you and, politely, asks that you give up your seat then the fucking normal thing to do is say "sure, no problem" and get on with your day.

Can't do that in current year though! To Twitter!! "I got asked to move seat just like Rosa Parks. OMG! Racism! This is Trump's America.

You'd have to be really fucking stupid to be duped by this utter nonsense.
I just saw Cerium kind of resigned. I'm not surprised. Who wants to lose his precious time to manage such a shit place ? Especially after what happened with KetKat.

As far as I know, the answer is yes. If someone like me know, I'm sure a lot of others person know that too.

Many people tried to set up an alternative to Neogaf way before the event targeting Evilore. Some were "high-profile" journalists who were fed up of Neogaf influence in the industry, others were influential insiders and a good chunk were the unhinged people that control Resetera was we speak.

The name wasn't Resetera and I'm sure the Neogaf happening in 2017 caught them with their pants down, but it was planned for a long time. Cerium caught the bullet mid-fly, he had some spare money and put it to use to gain control of the situation.

Given the time he spent on Neogaf (all of his 20s, apparently ?), it was probably a dream of him from a long time.

Makes sense, thanks for the info.


Gold Member

Do these folk never go outside or ever get public transport?

9 times out of 10 if an employee asks you to vacate your seat on public transport it will be to make way for someone with a disability. Any decent company will allow for people to phone ahead of time and get assistance on and off the train and then help at destination also.

So they will get a call and will know there is someone at Stop X standing at the place where Car Y will be boarding then they might need to be guided on by the conductor and given a seat in a particular spot.

Even if it is total bullshit in the end it is safe to assume that if you are asked by the staff to give up your seat it is because someone else actually needs the seat.
So just fucking give up your seat FFS.

Social media has really ruined some people in this regard.

If an employee comes up to you and, politely, asks that you give up your seat then the fucking normal thing to do is say "sure, no problem" and get on with your day.

Can't do that in current year though! To Twitter!! "I got asked to move seat just like Rosa Parks. OMG! Racism! This is Trump's America.

You'd have to be really fucking stupid to be duped by this utter nonsense.

Sounds like the idiot got on and plunked her ass in one of those seats at the front.

I don't take the bus and subway much anymore (hardly ever now), but when I used to commute it could be rush hour. Get on and move your ass to the back to make room for anyone else getting on at the next stop. You don't clog up the front of the bus.

And unless you are handicapped or old, you don't sit in those cozy seats by the driver regardless if it has a sign or not. Find a seat midway, at the back, or stand.
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Unconfirmed Member
I have to say I'm Disappointed that Digital Foundry are still posting at that cess pit of degeneracy. When a site and it's creater have a dedicated area on Kiwi Farms, you'd probably be best disassociating yourself. Does that Dark X or whatever he's name is still post here. I'd like to have that discussion.
Is that so? Last I checked both Neogaf and Era shared a thread in Tismfarms not a dedicated area. So that would make us the same in their judgemental eyes no? KF themselves are not free from being lolbovines themselves and they are literally full of archived degeneracy. As most gossip sites tend to be Ron.



Gold Member
This is beyond ridiculous.

Stopped when I got to...

And I don't think I'm a genius for...

I dont like it when high functioning intellectuals play the 'I'm not a genius card'. This person is clearly writing the most well reasoned, analytical piece that frankly has graced the internet. I ask the internet council to consider making this person the author of all wikipedia articles and furthermore all buzzfeed articles.


Gold Member
Stopped when I got to...

I dont like it when high functioning intellectuals play the 'I'm not a genius card'. This person is clearly writing the most well reasoned, analytical piece that frankly has graced the internet. I ask the internet council to consider making this person the author of all wikipedia articles and furthermore all buzzfeed articles.

I just glanced at it, saw how long it was and immediately said no thanks.

The essays I had to write for my degree were shorter, and no way that's more interesting than some of the deadline day alcohol fueled philosophy assignments I wrote in the early hours of the morning after a night out.



This is what happens where you SJW as a full time job. Now your kid thinks it’s perfectly fine growing up as a degenerate.

put some black face on this kid and she’s basically nepenthe


Darkness no more

This is what happens where you SJW as a full time job. Now your kid thinks it’s perfectly fine growing up as a degenerate.

put some black face on this kid and she’s basically nepenthe

always thought that was a troll account. That has to confirm that now. No way that’s real.


always chasing the next thrill
Whataboutism : Banned for 3 weeks

Getting cut out of someone's life over a disagreement. Where I have I heard of people doing that?


always thought that was a troll account. That has to confirm that now. No way that’s real.

He's crossed the event horizon with that one, that post was definitely for the attention of Nepanthe. If the troll was to get pics of her in the fur suit, I hope it was successful.

Troll account confirmed.



This is what happens where you SJW as a full time job. Now your kid thinks it’s perfectly fine growing up as a degenerate.

put some black face on this kid and she’s basically nepenthe

These people are utter lunatics, Jesus Christ
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