Hey guys, I'm Afro Republican, you might know me from Voldemort, erm, NeoGAF I mean. I'm glad TMS Switch bombed, because I hate censorship like all sane gamers, right? There's nothing to be scared about boobs, as long as they're from real women and not some trans chick. As you can decipher from my username, I'm black, but I'm pretty smart. I think diversity in games is ok, just don't force it. Not everything is political. And screw Zoe Quinn for driving Alec Holowka into suicide. That cunt is worse than Alison Rapp, who got fired from Nintendo for secretly working as a prostitute. Speaking of which, I think we can all agree gender studies are a joke and if you put pronouns in your bio, you better just log out forever. Movie of the year is Joker, and Rise of Skywalker sucked because of mary sue Rey, rest of movie was bad, too, though. Imo Japan is the most progressive society, following a live and let live-mentality. Meanwhile western devs call Lovecraft a racist, then proceed to make a game based on his stories, because money - total integrity. Anyway, that's it from me so far. I look forward to spending my time on this forum, love you all (no homo)! Chris, you're a nasty bitch for leaving NeoGAF, though. Come back and make your Media-Create threads over there.