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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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The 2020 election thread on ere will be a mess. If it's even a bit worse than the 2016 one on here it may be enough to destroy the sites reputation to the point people will run in a mass exodus.

The 2016 thread on here was vile. Attacked everything that moved, and it got worse throughout the night were racism against whites and blacks were allowed, that some of the most vile takes were written, calling for deaths, people contemplating suicide and/or general depression, mod trying to keep the echochamber going, massive thread spam, it was a major mess.

If Trump wins in 2020 I think it will be what kills the site.
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Are we seriously going to go back through every piece of art created in the last few thousand years and remove every instance of potentially offensive language? Might take a while.
Going thru it is difficult better to just ignore it all & embrace historical ignorance
Folks think that Reeeefugees showing up in this thread is a sign of the barbarians at the gates, when in reality it's GAF's second-most effective honeypot to spot the screechers early (the most-effective one being the Politics board)

I don't know about anyone else but this is the only place where you can talk about the bullshit over there, so naturally it's going to pull in Era members who aren't part of the cult. Most of us were on here first anyway.
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Gold Member
This thread isn't so fun to read anymore and I'm getting tired of seeing the same few people getting uptight and fighting with each other over nothing. Feels like the poison is slowly trickling back in. Please chill, you are bumming me.
I don't know about anyone else but this is the only place where you can talk about the bullshit over there, so naturally it's going to pull in Era members who aren't part of the cult. Most of us were on here first anyway.
Don't misunderstand: I'm not saying any and every person returning from ERA "exposes" themselves in this thread. All are welcome, obviously.

I am pointing out, however, that this thread has been a great way to hear Reeefugees on their way back through the door since they volunteer their thoughts very easily. Some of those people complain about ERA and why they finally left. Others seem to wander in cluelessly* and ask "uhhh why are you being mean to ERA?"

*and others are feigning ignorance on purpose to soak up attention. ERA is a breeding-hive of narcissists.
Don't misunderstand: I'm not saying any and every person returning from ERA "exposes" themselves in this thread. All are welcome, obviously.

I am pointing out, however, that this thread has been a great way to hear Reeefugees on their way back through the door since they volunteer their thoughts very easily. Some of those people complain about ERA and why they finally left. Others seem to wander in cluelessly* and ask "uhhh why are you being mean to ERA?"

*and others are feigning ignorance on purpose to soak up attention. ERA is a breeding-hive of narcissists.

It does kinda beggar belief that someone could not understand why mocking ERA is so easy. I guess if you spend all your time in that environment with its ironclad rules and zero-tolerance which seem to be accepted and applauded by all (except when the mods aren't harsh enough) it's a bit of a culture shock to go elsewhere and realise how off-the-wall some of those positions are.

It's very cult like. Some of these people are indoctrinated. And I say that as someone who is left-of-centre.
It does kinda beggar belief that someone could not understand why mocking ERA is so easy. I guess if you spend all your time in that environment with its ironclad rules and zero-tolerance which seem to be accepted and applauded by all (except when the mods aren't harsh enough) it's a bit of a culture shock to go elsewhere and realise how off-the-wall some of those positions are.

It's very cult like. Some of these people are indoctrinated. And I say that as someone who is left-of-centre.
To the bolded: indeed, it is why this thread is important. Indoctrination is difficult to identify and/or to break out of unless there is a wealth of evidence and events and contradictions that the cultist must confront. Cognitive dissonance usually follows, then the cultist either breaks away (finally) or denies the evidence and their faith is redoubled.
To the bolded: indeed, it is why this thread is important. Indoctrination is difficult to identify and/or to break out of unless there is a wealth of evidence and events and contradictions that the cultist must confront. Cognitive dissonance usually follows, then the cultist either breaks away (finally) or denies the evidence and their faith is redoubled.

Damn you're taking this shit seriously huh. I never thought about it in that way before haha.
Knowing about someone having said something bad in the past and not openly complaining about it has, to my best knowledge, not been grounds for any bans on Resetera. I do not think you give good advice to TaySan, considering he values his Resetera account. The accusations against B-Dubs are not that damning and TaySan would bring himself into much more trouble than it's worth it. In fact, I am pretty sure if he posts about this, sourcing NeoGAF of all places, on Resetera, he will just be swiftly permed and absolutely no action follows from it.

You make the mistake of picturing Resetera's staff and the members as reasonable and consistent people. That's probably why you think, after all those months, that you'll get your precious account back by trying to damage-control their madness on each and every occasion you have (you won't). It's either that or blatant Stockholm Syndrome that you should get checked.

Also it can hardly be called fishing for attention when TaySan TaySan is being called out here by others.

People over Resetera crave for attention, they're desperate to exist. Even when it's negative attention, to them attention is attention.

We're speaking about desperate lonely people, that's the main demographic of Resetera. Desperate people who only lives through the outrage they can manufacture. That's why they can't live a day without going on a moral witchhunt. It doesn't take a PhD in psychology to get a grasp of the situation.

Exceliesed or whatever the pseudo is, is the perfect example of that. The entire reason they behave like a huge dick online is to fish for attention they'd never get IRL. That's also the reason why the staff are so reluctant to ban that Excelsiefled : They threaten to jump out of a window each time it happens and they're unhinged/desperate enough that you would be a fool to not take them seriously (sourced directly from one former admin I use to speak with).

By posting here, Taysan know what kind of reaction he will get. He keeps putting a piece back in the machine because that makes him feel alive. People are speaking to him, he's making real world people react to his existence.
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I wouldn't say "seriously". I don't lose sleep over it, but it's hard not to see when you're already clued in to the characteristic behaviors of cults and indoctrination.

So what's the end game to all this? Ad revenue? I cant think of anything else. How much money could possibly be generated there?
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So what's the end game to all this? Ad revenue? I cant think of anything else. How much money could possibly be generated there?
I don't know what the end game is, nor does there have to be one. Narcissists exist everywhere and they tend to behave erratically, impulsively, and eventually flame out when their tactics stop working.

I do think it's interesting how this ERA situation all traces back to GamerGate which accused certain journos/gamers of trying to enforce their own political/ideological beliefs while cutting out their opponents through disinformation, slander, and forced bannings/deplatforming.
I don't know what the end game is, nor does there have to be one. Narcissists exist everywhere and they tend to behave erratically, impulsively, and eventually flame out when their tactics stop working.

I do think it's interesting how this ERA situation all traces back to GamerGate which accused certain journos/gamers of trying to enforce their own political/ideological beliefs while cutting out their opponents through disinformation, slander, and forced bannings/deplatforming.

If Trump wins in 2020 I think it will be what kills the site.

If ?

I'm not a Trump supporter, but so far, it seems to be a given. Unless something big happen, like a gangbang sextape or something of that magnitude.

So what's the end game to all this? Ad revenue? I cant think of anything else. How much money could possibly be generated there?

There's money involved of course. Cerium is pocketing most, if not all the benefits. Regardless of the income, it still nice for doing barely a thing while people work for free to manage the community. Even if it's 500$, it's the very definition of free money (of course, it's higher than that). In terms of pure capitalism, it's a very nice system, especially coupled with the cult nature of the website.

It's also about creating a sphere of influence, which Neogaf certainly was at its peak. Neogaf influenced a billion dollars industry for years, both positively and negatively. It had an effect. Resetera tried - and failed - to replicate the model. That's why most "important" admin (Emily Rogers, ZhugeSEX, Nibel...) and all those other VIP (Mat Piscatella, Durante... among many others) left the ship. They understood it wasn't going to be as big as they thought and having your name tied to the place wasn't worth it for their respective careers as sales insiders, software engineers, social-media influencers.

If your end-goal is to create a sphere of influence, you better keep it under control, especially if you want to control the narrative.

Edit : I just noticed that Krejlooc requested a self-ban from Resetera. Am I late or is it recent ? I don't particularly like the guy, but I remember that he needed Resetera to survive and make money with his games. He's probably doing fine without Resetera now.
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I don't think there is an end-game or a plan. There is no-one behind the scenes. It's just a bunch of people painting themselves into a corner with performance moralising combined with some genuinely hysterical attention seekers whipping everything up all the time and a 'staff' ethos that insists on always erring on the most 'woke' side of the argument. And that has the effect of gradually but steadily pushing the window of acceptable opinion further and further away from the mainstream. And if you're the type of person that has the website as your main social outlet, you don't see it happening. You just suddenly find yourself in a place where everyone in the real world is basically a nazi according to the rules you have learned to follow and Era becomes your only refuge.
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Edit : I just noticed that Krejlooc requested a self-ban from Resetera. Am I late or is it recent ? I don't particularly like the guy, but I remember that he needed Resetera to survive and make money with his games. He's probably doing fine without Resetera now.

I think he got on the wrong side of the mob during the whole 'latinx' furore if I'm not confusing him with someone else. That may explain it.
So I heard good things about resetera but I wasn't able to register until I started school and got a school email address. I tried it out and got banned for transphobia my second day of posting despite myself being trans because I thought it wasn't the end of the world that Bernie Sanders was endorsed by Joe Rogan and that I still support him. I heard that place was a spin off of here so I signed up here instead. I had contacted the mods and they extended my ban by a month. I'm not sure what I did.

Anyway hopefully there's a middle ground here between being overrun by Nazis and adjacent and enforced orthodoxy. I am a leftist but I feel that there's room for debate about things.


TaySan TaySan

You're a fairly established member of Resetera. You know about B-dubs words and deeds and you decided to brush it off, because you're afraid of losing your precious account. Instead, you prefer to spend your time here, fishing for attention and damage-controlling Resetera daily dumbness.

Some key Resetera members know about B-dubs words and past stances on certain matters, like defending "poor" pedophiles, on Gaf and other platforms. Or him throwing the word "nigga" around like we're on a sugar plantation two centuries ago. They also know about other moderators doing the same things, here and there.

Those key members are also aware that you knew and decided to swept things under the rugs. Those members are waiting for the perfect occasion to bring all of that in public (another KetKat moment I guess). When the time comes, they'll remember everyone of the choice you made : valuing your own little pitiful account and comfort instead of doing what you should have done.

If I understand you right, you value your virtual importance on Resetera. If that's the truth, you should speak about the problem on Resetera or ask someone you trust to do it, in my humble opinion. Things could turn really nasty for you if you decide to bet on your own luck.

Don't try to be smarter than life.
Lol You guys can be a bit dramatic at times.
Anyways I don't have any duty to do anything as far as B dub is concerned. He hasn't broke any laws. 🤷🤷 Maybe he said some shitty things in his youth he needs to clarify on, but nothing I need to report to the authorities. That dirty laundry isn't my business.
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Lol You guys can be a bit dramatic at times.
Anyways I don't have any duty to do anything as far as B dub is concerned. He hasn't broke any laws. 🤷🤷 Maybe he said some shitty things in his youth he needs to clarify on, but nothing I need to report to the authorities. That dirty laundry isn't my business.

I'm sorry but maybe?


Gold Member
Lol You guys can be a bit dramatic at times.
Anyways I don't have any duty to do anything as far as B dub is concerned. He hasn't broke any laws. 🤷🤷 Maybe he said some shitty things in his youth he needs to clarify on, but nothing I need to report to the authorities. That dirty laundry isn't my business.

The authorities? Is THAT how you view the resetera mod team? Woooow.

Just post some screen grabs of bdubs past comments and say that you are willing to forgive them. See what happens. You know damn well you will be banned in an instant! So I dont blame you at all but surely you gotta realize the authoritarian tone over there.

But anyway, hope you stick around. I want the reeee to see that gaf lets folks say what they want with great latitude. Makes it hard for them to look in the mirror, I imagine.


Finale Fireworker
Love each other or die trying.

Today at 12:00 PM
Great job, @Llyrwenne.

Nobody should be circulating fake tweets but we still got a good look at some irrefutable truths as a result. JKR perceives herself as an activist. Her followers perceive her as a heroine. They all perceive themselves as victims. The image was fake, but these things are still true. That's the meaningful take away here. They are rank and file transphobes.
yeah amazing how they think they are victims, when you are posting fake images of them saying shit they don't actually say.

wow what a meaningful take away. if you post fake shit about people, they feel victimized. wow. we are really learning new things today, aren't we?
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Gold Member
I just noticed that Krejlooc requested a self-ban from Resetera. Am I late or is it recent ? I don't particularly like the guy, but I remember that he needed Resetera to survive and make money with his games. He's probably doing fine without Resetera now.
Holy crap. Krejlooc was one of the most knowledgeable people about old hardware there. There basically was never an uninteresting Krejlooc thread.

RE lost a significant (in a good way) member if he requested a self-ban.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
You make the mistake of picturing Resetera's staff and the members as reasonable and consistent people.
It is a big staff, so it is not to be expected they are absolutely consistent, but it would be a novel behaviour for them, so I stand by my claim that it is very unlikely that TaySan TaySan has anything to lose by not attacking B B-Dubs based on those quotes. On the contrary, he would probably be banned for it.

That's probably why you think, after all those months, that you'll get your precious account back by trying to damage-control their madness on each and every occasion you have (you won't).
You know, my second perm was handed out to me for my posting behaviour on this site, what kind of strategy do you think it would be to try to regain my RE-account by posting here?

It's either that or blatant Stockholm Syndrome that you should get checked.
I think we would do good in not throwing around any unfounded diagnoses. Stockholm syndrome and autism must be the two most abused terms on this forum.

Exceliesed or whatever the pseudo is, is the perfect example of that. The entire reason they behave like a huge dick online is to fish for attention they'd never get IRL.
I somehow have a feeling that E excelsiorlef has no issues getting attention, as long as she does not care whether it is positive or negative.
That's also the reason why the staff are so reluctant to ban that Excelsiefled : They threaten to jump out of a window each time it happens and they're unhinged/desperate enough that you would be a fool to not take them seriously (sourced directly from one former admin I use to speak with).
I have no contact to Resetera administration, so I cannot say one way or the other, but that would be a pretty stupid reason not to ban excelsiorlef. If excelsiorlef is so unhinged to kill herself over a ban, she would probably kill herself one way or the other sooner or later. If anything, moderation would probably be more worried to have a reaction similar to Ketkat's ban a few months back, because for some strange reason, excelsiorlef seems to be pretty popular, even though she is incredibly aggressive and arrogant.


Neighbours from Hell
So I heard good things about resetera but I wasn't able to register until I started school and got a school email address. I tried it out and got banned for transphobia my second day of posting despite myself being trans because I thought it wasn't the end of the world that Bernie Sanders was endorsed by Joe Rogan and that I still support him. I heard that place was a spin off of here so I signed up here instead. I had contacted the mods and they extended my ban by a month. I'm not sure what I did.

Anyway hopefully there's a middle ground here between being overrun by Nazis and adjacent and enforced orthodoxy. I am a leftist but I feel that there's room for debate about things.
They don’t care about real trans support, they want compliance. They want power, and they want to control the narrative. The reality is they don’t care who you are or what you are. You could be a black trans women Muslim. If you are against their ideology, they want you to get in line...or else.


Lol at Reset mods being "authorities" lol.

Matt404: "Help, I have fallen and broke my legs, call the Police!"

Cerium: "Police here, we will save your life citizen! We will put y- What's that red hat there?"

Matt404: "Some Maga hat, now hurry I am in massive pain! helppp!"

Cerium: "Sorry nazi!" *Drives off*"

Matt404: "I'm dying."

See what you did TaySan TaySan ? See what you fucking did?
Papa Papa ? *Looks the other way*

I kid. I kid.

Maybe not ;)
In fact, I am pretty sure if he posts about this, sourcing NeoGAF of all places, on Resetera, he will just be swiftly permed and absolutely no action follows from it.

Are you insinuating that they'd call it fake? Era may try to treat Gaf like Voldermort, but the site is a pretty massive part of their history and no one there can deny that. Bdubs posted here and unless they're going to bring up the asinine accusation of Evilore editing posts, it would be hard to deny.
Lol You guys can be a bit dramatic at times.
Anyways I don't have any duty to do anything as far as B dub is concerned. He hasn't broke any laws. 🤷🤷 Maybe he said some shitty things in his youth he needs to clarify on, but nothing I need to report to the authorities. That dirty laundry isn't my business.
Tay you do realise that reee has gone after people for lesser things

They literally dragged up a 2003 allegation about kobe Bryant in his death thread from 2003

The same rules about someone being a piece of shit for life and not being able to change their ways and forever labeled a racist/transphobe for things that occurred well in the past are just brushed aside and ignored???? You don't see any problem with that?

Does that not invalidate their whole mantra if mods can call people the n word....defend pedophiles and actively be a piece of shit to people....and this wasn't 17 years ago


Jesus fucking Christ
Kobe Bryant's sexual assault case didn't even go to trial.
Its nothing like Bill Cosby, who has been convicted of rape and is in prison.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Are you insinuating that they'd call it fake? Era may try to treat Gaf like Voldermort, but the site is a pretty massive part of their history and no one there can deny that. Bdubs posted here and unless they're going to bring up the asinine accusation of Evilore editing posts, it would be hard to deny.
No, they'd call it off-site drama and taken out of context.
Lol You guys can be a bit dramatic at times.
Anyways I don't have any duty to do anything as far as B dub is concerned. He hasn't broke any laws. 🤷🤷 Maybe he said some shitty things in his youth he needs to clarify on, but nothing I need to report to the authorities. That dirty laundry isn't my business.

"The authorities"... Do you realize how knee-deep you are into that cult ? Man, wake up. Those people aren't authorities.

Telling you what will happen and how your account will get nuked into the moon isn't being dramatic.

Regardless lad, you're posting on Resetera. Resetera doesn't care someone didn't break any laws and if dirty laundry isn't their business. They'll jump on people because they used the wrong pronoun or the wrong word.

We have hundred of examples documented here and there. Just recently, someone who translates SNES games decided to end his passion because of Resetera harassment. We're speaking of a fucking video-game forum and real consequences. It stops being virtual when real feelings are involved. By posting on that awful forum, you support that kind of behavior, de facto. Is that being dramatic too ? All your reasons for not calling out B-Dubs fall on themselves : by posting on Resetera, you endorse and support the opposite. You're just trying to avoid problems and putting a stain on your favorite social group.

Just say you aren't strong or intelligent to pull it off and it will be more acceptable than the bullshit you provided.
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"The authorities"... Do you realize how knee-deep you are into that cult ? Man, wake up. Those people aren't authorities.

Telling you what will happen and how your account will get nuked into the moon isn't being dramatic.

Regardless lad, you're posting on Resetera. Resetera doesn't care someone didn't break any laws and if dirty laundry isn't their business. They'll jump on people because they used the wrong pronoun or the wrong word.

We have hundred of examples documented here and there. Just recently, someone who translates SNES games decided to end his passion because of Resetera harassment. We're speaking of a fucking video-game forum and real consequences. It stops being virtual when real feelings are involved. By posting on that awful forum, you support that kind of behavior, de facto. Is that being dramatic too ? All your reasons for not calling out B-Dubs fall on themselves : by posting on Resetera, you endorse and support the opposite.
You just don't know ERA like they and thousands of others do 🤷‍♀️


Neighbours from Hell
Jesus fucking Christ
Kobe Bryant's sexual assault case didn't even go to trial.
Its nothing like Bill Cosby, who has been convicted of rape and is in prison.
Bill Cosby may be the most prolific rapist in American history. It's not remotely comparable and totally disingenuous if anyone compares the two. I hope no one has, that would speak to utter poor intellect.
You know, my second perm was handed out to me for my posting behaviour on this site, what kind of strategy do you think it would be to try to regain my RE-account by posting here?

Who knows ? People aren't always perfectly rational creature, especially when blind-love is involved, which seems to be your case. My diag are always right, I should make people pay for it but hey.
*BERNIE SANDERS THREAD ALERT!!!* (This must be the notice that gets auto sent to RE mods any time a thread with "Bernie Sanders" or some variation thereof is created).

At this point the mods look through the posts. Is this thread going their way, or is it positive towards old white man Saint Bernard? If the latter, LOCK IMMEDIATELY AND AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS.

And really, get some new material ffs. The terrible Bully Bernie Bros lul. We're going to eat your lunch and spit it in your face at the polls with rehashed smears like this. So once again, thanks for the boost. It is appreciated.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt

Is that too far back....tell me if i posted that in era is still have an account 5 mins later?

Assuming you are an average poster, probably no (disregarding the time limit).
Who knows ? People aren't always perfectly rational creature, especially when blind-love is involved, which seems to be your case. My diag are always right, I should make people pay for it but hey.
I love my family, my friends, science, if we stretch it, also some video games and other media (Star Trek). Certainly not Resetera. Even while I was on Era, it was not even my favourite video game forum.
*BERNIE SANDERS THREAD ALERT!!!* (This must be the notice that gets auto sent to RE mods any time a thread with "Bernie Sanders" or some variation thereof is created).

At this point the mods look through the posts. Is this thread going their way, or is it positive towards old white man Saint Bernard? If the latter, LOCK IMMEDIATELY AND AWAIT FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS.

And really, get some new material ffs. The terrible Bully Bernie Bros lul. We're going to eat your lunch and spit it in your face at the polls with rehashed smears like this. So once again, thanks for the boost. It is appreciated.


Locking this thread while we review reports and consider next steps.

Should just be the first post for every Bernie thread. Some "bad" actors might be able to ban-bait at least 5-6 people into getting banned with each new thread, pretty soon their active user-base will be completely diminished! Would be a shame if this was already happening...

For THEIR own sake, they should just put Bernie on the Joe Rogan ex communicado list.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Are you insinuating that they'd call it fake? Era may try to treat Gaf like Voldermort, but the site is a pretty massive part of their history and no one there can deny that. Bdubs posted here and unless they're going to bring up the asinine accusation of Evilore editing posts, it would be hard to deny.
Considering how old the comments are and the fact that you all are publicly speculating on trying to leak it I think most people would say that what he said is bad, but that Gaf is just trying to stir shit up for the lulz in order to try and get rid of an Era mod.

Which to be fair is basically what you would be doing. And that would be the focus. Not the comments themselves.
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