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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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damn that's a shame. that's actually a really good post he wrote.

Yesterday at 2:28 AM

Surfinn said:
Protip, if you call someone out about being disingenuous in a thread about rape and it turns out it's about The Last Jedi via DMs, don't ever talk to me again.
Lol wtf.
i love how Surfinn is fucking whining about The Last Jedi haters in this thread and that's totally fine, yet this public defender doing a deep dive into the nuances and history of rape and blackness in America, he needs to be banned. this is the next post after the one that got ThaNotoriousSOD banned.

fuck these people.
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JFC. Any post that is articulate and asks searching questions just generally is
Anathema to these stunted individuals.

Balls! Bottom of last page haha.

But yeah, REEEmembers, if you're reading... if you put time and actual thought into your post (about literally anything) expect to be banned for it. The only acceptable posts are emotional reactions such as "Fuck Trump!"

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
damn that's a shame. that's actually a really good post he wrote.

i love how Surfinn is fucking whining about The Last Jedi haters in this thread and that's totally fine, yet this public defender doing a deep dive into the nuances and history of rape and blackness in America, he needs to be banned. this is the next post after the one that got ThaNotoriousSOD banned.

fuck these people.

That was a good post by the public defender. No wonder he got banned tho =/

I'm going to add something to that: for 40 years my country was under a dictatorship and the way things were set up they would condemn people not for crimes, but for being criminals. People would get sentenced for being thiefs, scammers, assaulters and what not. This made almost impossibly to succesfuly defend in a criminal trial since the actual things you did weren't exactly the matter at hand, the matter at hand was your nature. And of course people would get branded for life, no rehabilitation possible.

This was considered extremely cruel and as soon as democracy was restored things were revamped to have people tried for things they actually did.

40 years later, we have a mob on social networks doing exactly what a cruel dictatorship was doing.
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Large portion of the Resetera thread about minorities supporting Republicans are white and this isn't the first time they were caught doing that. White liberals love pretending they are black temporarily to screw over Black Republicans, because then they are allowed to be as racist as possible by their own permission.

Meanwhile Black conditions in this country are worse than in 1968, but apparently they should still vote for the party that actively targets blacks and throws them under the bus for other groups and won't even give the slums water that's safe to drink?

One thing I have noticed is the group of people who are attacked the most in the black community by the Black leadership and their mouth peices are those Blacks, typically Republican, who's message is that Blacks can achieve what ever they want. Whos message is to not get bogged down in the whole oppressed minority game, but get out there an achieve. They seem the number one target for hate by other backs and the left.
Its like they don't want Black people to succeed.


i think a lot of it is about adhering to the OT and OP rules of the discussion. each thread is merely meant to be an echo chamber. people dismissive or "off topic" can be banned for simply not agreeing to the strict limits set by the OP. power Era super users know all the rules and mods and can use this knowledge to box things in.

chronic Era members who want to tone police use their knowledge of ban rules to bait people into breaking those rules, going "off topic", or accruing "multiple infractions" across threads. because these people are lunatics who spend all day policing one another on a message board, they keep track of users across threads, what things set them off, what the limits are on trolling/triggering people, and they leverage their knowledge of site rules and mod procedures to shut things down.

in this way they stifle discussion and create the famed echo chamber. yes, it truly is an echo chamber, as clear as day. it may seem cliche to say this, but it is quite literally what the site does for any discussion. as long as there are mods and power users with these big egos aggressively policing the place, it will always be like this.
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Wasn't there something mentioned during the whole 'PedoEra' thing that there is a private Discord server where certain members specifically hunt down posts they can report and do so while suggesting wild ban criteria?


i think a lot of it is about adhering to the OT and OP rules of the discussion. each thread is merely meant to be an echo chamber. people dismissive or "off topic" can be banned for simply not agreeing to the strict limits set by the OP. power Era super users know all the rules and mods and can use this knowledge to box things in.

chronic Era members who want to tone police use their knowledge of ban rules to bait people into breaking those rules, going "off topic", or accruing "multiple infractions" across threads. because these people are lunatics who spend all day policing one another on a message board, they keep track of users across threads, what things set them off, what the limits are on trolling/triggering people, and they leverage their knowledge of site rules and mod procedures to shut things down.

in this way they stifle discussion and create the famed echo chamber. yes, it truly is an echo chamber, as clear as day. it may seem cliche to say this, but it is quite literally what the site does for any discussion. as long as there are mods and power users with these big egos aggressively policing the place, it will always be like this.
The site rules completely contradict what happens there. The site rules are all about inclusion etc. etc. but fuck you if you're a white gamer, you're the lowest form of scum in their tiered society.
yes, they have coordinated ban gangs. It's been known for a long time.
Do these people have lives. Imagine having over 10-20 thousand posts and then making more posts to try to get peope banned. Lol your pic cracks me up every time. Like who was that guy. Is he even real.
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What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? Turns every topic into a victim party for herself. Just go put on your fox costume and play in the woods you freak.


What the fuck is wrong with this bitch? Turns every topic into a victim party for herself. Just go put on your fox costume and play in the woods you freak.
An absolute miserable short tempered person who has deluded that everything bad that happens to her is due to the following reasons

Being black
Being a woman
Being short

But absolutely in no way simply that she's just a cunt.


Neo Member
After several tries, my request for a self ban finally went through. Free-at-fucking last. Don't know why it took so long. I have been requesting for 2 months now. With that last tie holding me there, there is no need to return, other than to this thread to sate my curiosity about their absolute bat-shit crazy antics/posts.
I am extremely LTTP, haven't been following what is going on for quite a while.

What is this ResetEra thing? Is ResetEra made by gaffers?
Its a place where all the social outcasts come together and talk about their twisted version of reality. Its a place where your only allowed to have a single opinion and the only discussion that's allowed is you agreeing with someone else's opinion.


After several tries, my request for a self ban finally went through. Free-at-fucking last. Don't know why it took so long. I have been requesting for 2 months now. With that last tie holding me there, there is no need to return, other than to this thread to sate my curiosity about their absolute bat-shit crazy antics/posts.
Shame :( I would have kept it just in case if you ever wanted to come back. But I respect your decision. Sorry it didn't work out for you.

Is this one of you guys?

Poe's Law means I can't tell whether this is a parody or not.

For reference he's talking about a dumb add for a mobile game.

It's a clearly tongue in cheek add but he calls it "goddarn horrifying". And the "objectifying the various female characters in the game like any sort of feminist progress never actually happened" bit made me think it was a parody but it could be a legitimate post.

Who knew though that saying variations of "this character is hot" means that you think women are subhuman trash/actual objects.

I'm learning something new everyday.


Neo Member
Shame :( I would have kept it just in case if you ever wanted to come back. But I respect your decision. Sorry it didn't work out for you.

After being dog-piled about being a white male with epilepsy VS a minority with the same thing, and that I should have to "check my privilege" (yea, got that one a lot), no way do I want to come back that. My account has just been sitting there really. I have tried to engage, after a long ass break, but the political climate there is even more impossible than it was when I made an account there back in 2017. The people there have made it very clear that people like myself are not welcome. And no, I'm not talking about the Nazi's, racists, bigots, or whatever else ERA loves to call people who don't agree with them. Just the average normal American who has average normal American issues who doesn't live progressive politics.

So yea, I'm done with that place. They can live in their misery.

The Pleasure

Gold Member
I'm sure the King George would have just let America be free from his rule had the American revolutionaries appeared more "levelheaded and legitimate" without guns, right? Such white male fragility, taking up arms in the name of freedom. They should be like durable non-white men, and take that oppression up the butt.
To be fair those British bastards said we fought uncivilized when we did surprise attacks and refused to fight in formation like gentle brap brap


Neo Member
I would prob not watch Lethal Weapon 5 but because 4 sucked and The idea of old men trying to perform action scenes sounds sad. Bad Boys For Life i'll let slide though.

Yeah, not to get all spergy about it, but Murtaugh had just turned 50 in the first Lethal Weapon. Five years later in LW3, he was set to retire, but decided to stay on the force due to his relationship with Riggs, which would have made him 60 years old by the time LW4 came around. If LW5 came out this year, that'd make Murtaugh 83 years old. Riggs would at least be in his late 60s due to Vietnam ending in 1975. Bad Boys is fine since they're both still relatively young. A new Lethal Weapon would require a time travel plot to even work on its face. LW4 wasn't great, but at least they played it smart ending it before it became an embarrassment, which is more than I can say for the Die Hard series. As far as Mel Gibson goes, fuck Reeeee. He's awesome. Apocalypto remains one of the best directorial achievements of the 21st century.


Gold Member
Lol I am a Nintendo Stan but damn

Wasn't there something mentioned during the whole 'PedoEra' thing that there is a private Discord server where certain members specifically hunt down posts they can report and do so while suggesting wild ban criteria?
Yes....exelsorif/Larry used to co-ordinate on some of the discord channels with a group of others to ban bait/mass report or trawl through post histories and report old posts to the mods....I also heard they had a spreadsheet with names/targets

When people got wind of it I think they have moved it to a private server (probably a channel in the new offsite pedo server)

Excel/Larry is still pretty active and shitting up the place as wherever they post it turns into a graveyard.


Neighbours from Hell
Is anyone there actually ever happy? Except when they see other people hurt or unhappy? Serious question.

I really don't frequent that site much. Once every couple months I stop in, but I don't think I've ever seen any one of the "usual suspects" make a post about something happy.
I dont really get why asexuality is a "problem", assuming someone was always that way. A life isn't impacted by not having sex. I suppose it might make having an intimate relationship more difficult but really, just cultivate some good friends. We see it as bad because we would notice the lack of sex drive, but if it was never there to begin with then it would be like claiming a lack of desire to eat pancakes is an identity, when really it is just a quirk.

I'm guessing asexuality (low libido) is often a manifestation of some other physical or mental issue and THAT is what needs to be addressed. But making asexuality some sort of default position is probably doing a disservice to almost everyone claiming it because it implies there is no treatment.

But anyway, this "just asking quesrions" post alone would get me perma'd on ree.

Asexuality being a "problem" is something that my post would suggest. You are correct on that. Reading again could bring about that assumption. The best way I could put it is that for me personally, having a sudden and almost complete lack of intimate desire would be almost soul crushing and heart breaking, because since I have a mellow, but easily activated desire for intimacy, it would impact my life extremely hard and in a negative way. In that sense, it would be a huge problem. I erred in not being more complete about my post being more of a personal opinion of myself of how I would view a suddenly asexual/almost non existent libido as a huge problem for me. It would be a big mental and physical hit, and I would be distraught, angry, and sad that I suddenly lost that super amazing feeling and meaningful desire.

I do sometimes jump in and make a comment that isn't complete in it's clarity, and if someone calls me out on it and corrects me, I'm actually thankful, because I see where my errors could lie. Making dumb posts or digs for cheap laughs fucks up my clarity when I'm posting a (mostly) serious and honest comment. I don't consider myself a good writer by any means. It takes me more time than I like to admit when composing and finishing a short, mostly serious post like the one you quoted. In the time spent vs how long my post was, it was in the realm of pretty difficult to post. I question myself a lot during a post, even this one so I do my best to not look clueless or off base.

I don't doubt that a low to almost non existant libido/asexual could be brought on by a physical or mental status. There's still a lot we don't know about the body and mind still. We're still discovering new diseases, syndromes, ailments and types of damage the human body can be attacked. It's a very viable possibility.


That Rafael Nadal thread is blowing my mind now. I think I've had more entertainment from that forum since stepping back and just embracing its bat-shit crazy world perspective from afar.

Apparently he is a pedo now for kissing a ball-girl on the cheek as an apology for hitting her with a tennis ball. I wonder if they cross the street to avoid making eye contact with kids when out and about. Jesus H Christ.

Bullet Club

That Rafael Nadal thread is blowing my mind now. I think I've had more entertainment from that forum since stepping back and just embracing its bat-shit crazy world perspective from afar.

Apparently he is a pedo now for kissing a ball-girl on the cheek as an apology for hitting her with a tennis ball. I wonder if they cross the street to avoid making eye contact with kids when out and about. Jesus H Christ.
Just came in here to add a link to that thread. Weird shit.

Kissing a girl on the cheek = RAPE!


Just came in here to add a link to that thread. Weird shit.

Kissing a girl on the cheek = RAPE!

This is your brain on feminism


Gold Member
That Rafael Nadal thread is blowing my mind now. I think I've had more entertainment from that forum since stepping back and just embracing its bat-shit crazy world perspective from afar.

Apparently he is a pedo now for kissing a ball-girl on the cheek as an apology for hitting her with a tennis ball. I wonder if they cross the street to avoid making eye contact with kids when out and about. Jesus H Christ.

The pedos over there doth project.


The Tribe Has Spoken
That Rafael Nadal thread is blowing my mind now. I think I've had more entertainment from that forum since stepping back and just embracing its bat-shit crazy world perspective from afar.

Apparently he is a pedo now for kissing a ball-girl on the cheek as an apology for hitting her with a tennis ball. I wonder if they cross the street to avoid making eye contact with kids when out and about. Jesus H Christ.
Fucking hell...
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