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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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That Rafael Nadal thread is blowing my mind now. I think I've had more entertainment from that forum since stepping back and just embracing its bat-shit crazy world perspective from afar.

Apparently he is a pedo now for kissing a ball-girl on the cheek as an apology for hitting her with a tennis ball. I wonder if they cross the street to avoid making eye contact with kids when out and about. Jesus H Christ.

Nobody claimed he was a pedo? At least from what posts I see.
Yes....exelsorif/Larry used to co-ordinate on some of the discord channels with a group of others to ban bait/mass report or trawl through post histories and report old posts to the mods....I also heard they had a spreadsheet with names/targets

When people got wind of it I think they have moved it to a private server (probably a channel in the new offsite pedo server)

Excel/Larry is still pretty active and shitting up the place as wherever they post it turns into a graveyard.

Thank you.. I finally understand the name Excelspreadsheet.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Just came in here to add a link to that thread. Weird shit.

Kissing a girl on the cheek = RAPE!

To be fair, people called out on the OP. I think it's the mod who had a... Different reply than the others.


After several tries, my request for a self ban finally went through. Free-at-fucking last. Don't know why it took so long. I have been requesting for 2 months now. With that last tie holding me there, there is no need to return, other than to this thread to sate my curiosity about their absolute bat-shit crazy antics/posts.

Weird, mine went through in 24hrs. Either way, good for us :) And TaySan TaySan with all due respect but fuck ever going back on that hate site and let them have my work mail. One can only hope they really delete them. One of my biggest regrets is ever giving it to them, learned a lesson there.




is on perm warning for being a low level troll
Shame :( I would have kept it just in case if you ever wanted to come back. But I respect your decision. Sorry it didn't work out for you.

I feel your message is actually condescending and not at all in good faith. Because how the fuck can posting in that authoritarian tought policed bubble work out for anyone except the totally clueless?
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Hahaha Shugga got destroyed in that Nadal thread.

I know we're not supposed to make it personal, but fuck him and his stupid avatar.

I know it's in the thread title, but where does this absolute aversion to "personal attacks" come from? Like, if someone's being a fuckhead, let them know they're being a fuckhead. It's good for them and helps prevent them from turning into Reeflakes.


I know it's in the thread title, but where does this absolute aversion to "personal attacks" come from? Like, if someone's being a fuckhead, let them know they're being a fuckhead. It's good for them and helps prevent them from turning into Reeflakes.

I take that to mean don't hound or doxx a member there. There is some stuff out there that confirms what you think about certain ree members based just off their posts but as it's "Off forum" I don't post it here.


I take that to mean don't hound or doxx a member there. There is some stuff out there that confirms what you think about certain ree members based just off their posts but as it's "Off forum" I don't post it here.

Yeah that should go without saying. I'm just baffled by the obsession with stamping out "personal attacks". Perhaps a result of the feminised schooling system? Let the boys fight.
This is the internet. Everything requires a reminder, if for no other reason than to alleviate blame down the line.

Because everything said on the internet the person means literally.

Also, I find it funny ResetERA finds us akin to 4chan, because, if you take the transgender thing into play, most of us actually believe trans is a real thing, just fairly rare.

A 4channer would just tell you gender dysphoria isn't real and probably get toxic about it.
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That Rafael Nadal thread is blowing my mind now. I think I've had more entertainment from that forum since stepping back and just embracing its bat-shit crazy world perspective from afar.

Apparently he is a pedo now for kissing a ball-girl on the cheek as an apology for hitting her with a tennis ball. I wonder if they cross the street to avoid making eye contact with kids when out and about. Jesus H Christ.
I remember a thread where it was about if you should share a bath tub or taking shower with your child, and everybody was scared to death about this thought, regardless of the age of the child.

Felt so crazy to me.
Just came in here to add a link to that thread. Weird shit.

Kissing a girl on the cheek = RAPE!
The first page seems levelheaded.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Just came in here to add a link to that thread. Weird shit.

Kissing a girl on the cheek = RAPE!

This is almost, word-for-word, the same shit excelsheet said a few days ago



Because everything said on the internet the person means literally.

It's a scary thought, considering what we see being contained in Ree.
Serious or not, if I was a site owner, I know I'd like a little buffer when my userbase starts having serious discussions about committing white genocide.


17 minutes ago

I wish Harvard law professors would sign a letter coming out against his argument.
Save us, Harvard Law Professors! Save us with your signed letter!”

Where does this nincompoop think all our autocratic presidential elites went to school? ah I should be easy on them they are probably Canadian or something

hilarious to check in on these impeachment threads from time to time just to get a whiff of their panicked hyperventilating. 3 years in and we are still hearing about this fascists dictatorship bound to happen... any day now...
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Like 4chan...OK. Yeah. We certainly are like 4chan these days. We call each other "faggot" and a whole slew of homophobic, racial slurs and a wide variety of gross and outright fucked up insults at each other every fucking post in every fucking thread! God fucking dammit.

God I wish Ac30 would see this, cause all I got to say to em is shut the fuck up you retard. Your analysis is completely unfounded and severely lacks any data to back up your claim of NeoGaf being "...basically like 4chan these days." I'm sure you cherry picked a handful of posts out of tens of thousands and said "Ok. 10 posts out of 400,000 is enough for me to form a solid opinion. Thats a huge data set! Analysis complete!"

Genius level: Below dipshit.
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Like 4chan...OK. Yeah. We certainly are like 4chan these days. We call each other "faggot" and a whole slew of homophobic, racial slurs and a wide variety of gross and outright fucked up insults at each other every fucking post in every fucking thread! God fucking dammit.

God I wish Ac30 would see this, cause all I got to say to em is shut the fuck up you retard. Your analysis is completely unfounded and severely lacks any data to back up your claim of NeoGaf being "...basically like 4chan these days." I'm sure you cherry picked a handful of posts out of tens of thousands and said "Ok. 10 posts out of 400,000 is enough for me to form a solid opinion. Thats a huge data set! Analysis complete!"

Genius level: Below dipshit.

Why care what some insane virgin thinks?
Like 4chan...OK. Yeah. We certainly are like 4chan these days. We call each other "faggot" and a whole slew of homophobic, racial slurs and a wide variety of gross and outright fucked up insults at each other every fucking post in every fucking thread! God fucking dammit.

God I wish Ac30 would see this, cause all I got to say to em is shut the fuck up you retard. Your analysis is completely unfounded and severely lacks any data to back up your claim of NeoGaf being "...basically like 4chan these days." I'm sure you cherry picked a handful of posts out of tens of thousands and said "Ok. 10 posts out of 400,000 is enough for me to form a solid opinion. Thats a huge data set! Analysis complete!"

Genius level: Below dipshit.

Haha you formulate a defence of this place based on using non offensive language then proceed to call them a retard. Bro.

Why care what some insane virgin thinks?
Honestly, I was letting loose some stress after a 12 hour work night. And honestly it's not because I care what a close minded wacko beta virgin thinks. It's the level of the stupidity the insane fleshlight addict displays by forming such a baseless and beyond absurd opinion and belief that Gaf be 4chan. I be triggered by people having an opinion of something, someone or someplace without the appropriate data to backup said conclusion. And it truly is a foolish and sad and dumb and idiotic and insane and retarded and moronic belief.

I would say "Fuck! This is the opinion of a desperate virgin!" but I didn't think that for some reason. I guess my thoughts were clouded by the absurdity of the beta-tard's comparison.

Phunkydiabetic Phunkydiabetic But...but...I was only speaking the truth. He be big retard.

Edit: I woulda gone with gigantic big dumb instead, but that didn't seem like it would be enough of a description of how stupid his comparison was.
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Like 4chan...OK. Yeah. We certainly are like 4chan these days. We call each other "faggot" and a whole slew of homophobic, racial slurs and a wide variety of gross and outright fucked up insults at each other every fucking post in every fucking thread! God fucking dammit.

God I wish Ac30 would see this, cause all I got to say to em is shut the fuck up you retard. Your analysis is completely unfounded and severely lacks any data to back up your claim of NeoGaf being "...basically like 4chan these days." I'm sure you cherry picked a handful of posts out of tens of thousands and said "Ok. 10 posts out of 400,000 is enough for me to form a solid opinion. Thats a huge data set! Analysis complete!"

Genius level: Below dipshit.
Ironically they are spreading a 4chan rumour as legit news, that qanon members are drinking bleach. That thread is still active and has been seen by 17k and climbing. They are oblivious to the fact that 4chan makes up things like this to show how stupid SJW echo chambers are. LOL Literally doing chans troll work for them
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Our boy managed to get TWO (Duration Pending) bans in 1 day it seems.


And.. while I think SlickShoesRUCRazy is normally pretty batshit insane, actually had a decent post in the Kobe thread, which of course, means instant ban.

Also, REEEEEEE still hates black people if they dare to roam off their plantation.


Man, I think the Kobe threads over there have killed 2 or 3 times as many as the damn helicopter crash at this point. Between this an Royalan getting killed, I wouldn't feel safe at ResetEra as a black man.



59 minutes ago

I'll get blasted for this but I will say it: the online gaming community that many young people grew up with has fostered tribalistic hate and created a safe space for bigots and white supremacists. They felt safe saying and believing despicable shit online, and now this president gives them the courage to do so in the real world as a young adult. These people are more indoctrinated than the previous generations. It's hidden behind memes and shitposting, but these fucker are white supremacists. It's why I mostly gave up video games. The culture became toxic.
that darn online gaming community fostering tribalistic hate. never was an issue in human history. then the online gaming community happened!
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^Lol at thinking Kobe did anything for Black people. Still that Reset ban is not surprising. Nicole banned several black accounts when they were complaining in a trans thread about them getting money in the black part of the same city, there weren't many jobs and a lot of tainted food, so were genuinely upset a trans march was getting $50 million or something like that. She banned them all for trying to put blacks over trans and said something about how trans are the most oppressed community in America.

This was around when the site was newer, and Nicoles profile read that she was a non-binary transgender lesbian with a lesbian girl friend or something weird like that, I'm sure it's on Google images.


Gold Member
i'm gonna write this post in the vocal minority topic, how many chances of getting banned? 😆

that phrase never make any sense to me.

nobody here is gonna knock door to door to ask all the people who bought a vg or film if they are happy with it, so they can't know for shit if it's actually a vocal minority or just people who don't use forum to express their opinion, 99% of my friends and family doesn't use forum or reddit, and guess what, they still have different opinions.

oh look, that film made 2 bilions, it has to be good, it's just the vocal minority who talk shit...

motherfuckers (in a friendly way), to judge something you still have to pay first, so the fact that he made 2 bilions is not a definitive proof that everyone like that thing just because they pay for it...you can't have a refund at cinema or after a week or less in a vg store...

my friend hated ep7 and he still watched the other 2 films at cinema for curiosity, milions and milions of people do that, especially when you love a franchise because hope never dies.
i still gonna watch ep9 in blueray even if i hate both ep7 and 8, disney is gonna have my money and i'm probably gonna hate that film too, humans are flawed and sometimes stupid and water is still wet.

old star wars trilogy still made a shitload of money when it came out, even if a large amount of people hate them...incredible, i know.

just to be clear, i'm not saying that people who talk shit are always right, but dismissing their opinion because "vocal minority" sound very stupid to me.


dismissing their opinion because "vocal minority" sound very stupid to me.
yeah it's not just stupid, it's entirely hypocritical. i mean, aren't we supposed to listen to minorities? lol. what a bs argument.

they don't have their own individual opinions. they are too insecure for that. they need to know that their opinion is shared by many people. ultimately it betrays a cowardice and the calculated political nature of everything they like. you can't simply enjoy something, you have to like it to fit in. "more people agree with me!" ok but that doesn't make you right. at all.

this is how children behave. if you like Spiderman and then you find out all your friends like Batman, then maybe you will want to like Batman too, to fit in. an adult doesn't need such validation, they can be a fully formed individual human, with their own opinions and thoughts. or they should be, at any rate.
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you know the impeachment is going poorly when they are openly fantasizing about Trump refusing to step down in the future.

15 minutes ago
Allard said:
He doesn't get to decide anything, that's how. Electoral College chooses the president, the new president is sworn on January 21st. What he says doesn't make a difference in that decision. He won't be president in that scenario period no matter what he claims.
Okay. And if he says he’s president, shows up on January 21st, has Roberts swear him in, and orders the Secret Service to detain the other candidate, what happens then?

I’m not saying this would all work. I’m asking you to be clear about what specifically would stop it from working.
LOL "i'm asking you to be clear about how my batshit insane conspiracy theory won't happen"

4 minutes ago
Tamanon said:
I mean....what if he just shot everyone?

This is nonsense. And you know it.
It is genuinely amazing to me how many people have seen the last four years and yet are perfectly comfortable saying "Trump would never do that, because it would be crazy/it would never work/people wouldn't listen."

These are 100% the wrong thought processes to use with a narcissistic sociopath! And there is plenty of evidence, both locally and historically, that people will listen to the president when they seize power illegally. It's actually crazy to imagine that it can't happen here.
"it's actually crazy to imagine that something which has never been shown to happen in the entire history of this country that it can't happen here"

LOL i think pigeon is losing it.
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plow said:
Okay my bad noone posted it here, but on the other side . Since @Carmelozi posted the other post of him, i guessed he also posted this one.

@BGs said that the PS5 had the better performance at the beginning of the year, but this could have changed with the new Devkits ( which makes the Github leak even more irrelevant considering this ). Obviously i won't link it but it's there.

There must be a reason why Insiders prefer the other place, y'all are pretty heavy on them

[User warned: Offsite Drama]

Impressed they only got a warning! Guess they didn't name NeoGAF by name.
Man, I think the Kobe threads over there have killed 2 or 3 times as many as the damn helicopter crash at this point. Between this an Royalan getting killed, I wouldn't feel safe at ResetEra as a black man.

The funny thing is that Resetera also reads like a kill whitey place. They can't make up their damn mind. If you're a woke place and you can't understand why black people really liked Kobe Bryant and don't want to see him dissed on the day he died then fucking shit you shouldn't be allowed to breed, which mercifully the vast majority of them never will anyway.
The funny thing is that Resetera also reads like a kill whitey place. They can't make up their damn mind. If you're a woke place and you can't understand why black people really liked Kobe Bryant and don't want to see him dissed on the day he died then fucking shit you shouldn't be allowed to breed, which mercifully the vast majority of them never will anyway.

Whitey sucks and deserves to die, UNLESS it's one of them, black causes matter to them UNLESS they don't agree with WOKE REEWHITEY, then they're worse than anyone else it seems.
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