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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Neo Member
How could that be? Didn't ERA cull pretty much the entire PC group over there a few months ago? I seem to recall arguments over the Epic Game Store, mods picking a side, favored members getting banned, and the rest fleeing to a discord channel or something.

Not going to lie, I haven't gone over there in like....2 months. But Sony and PC (could have been due to controversy) was dominating the thread space when I was frequenting the site. Microsoft hardly gets mentioned, and Nintendo seemed to only keep up due to direct hype. Sounds like that changed, though. Not gonna go over there to check, however. I like keeping my sanity. This thread is enough. Heh.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt

This is too perfect.
Is the ban message a joke?
Where are our resident spies at to give us updates on this black meeting? I need to know how to get my n-word pass

Here are some links to an archive:

It's as good as you'd hope.
Here are some links to an archive:

It's as good as you'd hope.
I think they pulled all the people who were shitting on the thread into a private discord also

little birdie tells me screencaps will be coming soon


Not going to lie, I haven't gone over there in like....2 months. But Sony and PC (could have been due to controversy) was dominating the thread space when I was frequenting the site. Microsoft hardly gets mentioned, and Nintendo seemed to only keep up due to direct hype. Sounds like that changed, though. Not gonna go over there to check, however. I like keeping my sanity. This thread is enough. Heh.

I haven't been over there much in way longer, (mid 2018 I think, had my account deleted so I can't check) or on forums nearly much the past couple of years period, but I've always found the "This site is full of _____ fanboys" to be BS (excluding platform specific sites/subforums of course).

It's usually just reflective of which platform is dominating a generation in the country/countries most members of the site are from. Multiplatform forums tend to be more console focused (PC gaming has gained a ton of steam though--no pun intended), and Sony has dominated sales this generation. So it's not surprising that there's more discussion of Sony stuff and that the Xbox (and to a lesser extent--at least sense the Switch's success--Nintendo) fans are the ones bitching about Sony bias on sites. Last gen on GAF and other places it was people bitching about Xbox bias, especially the first 3/4ths or whatever of the generation when the 360 was really crushing it in sales in the US and UK and before the PS3 fought back to make it a pretty even race for second behind the Wii (which was just never as popular on hard core gamer sites as it was in overall sales).

A ton of people only buy one console, and most with multiple platforms end up maining and spending a lot more time gaming on and discussing whichever has the most exclusives--which is usually going to be the sales leader outside of fluke cases like the Wii where it was very different hardware from PC and the other consoles. Fanboyism is a huge problem, but I've never seen any big, active multiplatform sites like GAF or Era have an ingrained, site-wide bias. The bulk of discussion each generation is just going to lean toward whichever platform is selling the most (again, Wii being an exception to that rule as it wasn't the most popular platform among the types of hardcore gamers posting on multiplatform sites).


Neo Member
It's not about fanboyism, that's not what I'm looking for when I look for information. When I went back to ERA, that's all the first 3 pages were filled with. mostly Sony and PC info. Being as I own a Play Station, I was fine with it, but looking for Nintendo info (own Nintendo systems as well), it was mostly what Nintendo wasn't doing, and what Sony was doing.

Also, look, I get what you're saying, and I agree. I'm just stating what I saw. What you saw back then VS what I saw obviously different. Doesn't discount the fact that the brief time I went back to ERA for "gaming info," it was cluttered with Sony and PC stuff. I already acknowledged that it shit changed, but I'm not willing to go back there and look. I'm trusting everyone here that it has, which is evident (and I'm not arguing), as I'm not going back to that website.
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It's not about fanboyism, that's not what I'm looking for when I look for information. When I went back to ERA, that's all the first 3 pages were filled with. mostly Sony and PC info. Being as I own a Play Station, I was fine with it, but looking for Nintendo info (own Nintendo systems as well), it was mostly what Nintendo wasn't doing, and what Sony was doing.

Also, look, I get what you're saying, and I agree. I'm just stating what I saw. What you saw back then VS what I saw obviously different. Doesn't discount the fact that the brief time I went back to ERA for "gaming info," it was cluttered with Sony and PC stuff. I already acknowledged that it shit changed, but I'm not willing to go back there and look. I'm trusting everyone here that it has, which is evident (and I'm not arguing), as I'm not going back to that website.

Oh definitely. It could be different now.

That said, it makes sense that Nintendo isn't getting as much attention right now as they just don't have much going on. Unless I'm having a brain fart, the biggest things confirmed for 2020 right now are Animal Crossing, Pokemon Sword/Shield expansion and a second fighter pass for Smash Ultimate (with no fighters announced). They also aren't launching a new console (and said no new model even) this year.

So Sony and MS are going to get more attention until they announce something newsworthy, and Sony will get most of that as their install base is way bigger than Xbox One's and most people will stay with them unless they fuck up the PS5 launch some how like they did the PS3 or MS did the Xbox 1 and cause themselves to lose their market leader status. It's also getting harder and harder to jump ship as more and more people build digital libraries they want to keep access to.

In any case, I mostly game on PS4 (just love their exclusives as story driven action adventure games are my favorite), followed by Switch and then some PC (including Game Pass and Xbox stuff). So maybe any "bias" that does exist just doesn't trigger me as my tastes are super in the mainstream based on platform sales. Game discussions a tad less so as I don't care about GTA, COD, Fifa and a lot of other chart toppers (though I do like many Sony and Nintendo exclusives and stuff like RDR2).


Man... remember when people only used the word dog whistle in reference to their dogs?

Is it a dog whistle anymore if everyone can hear it?


Is it a dog whistle precicely because they can hear it?

Do you think god cries himself to sleep knowing he created the people on resetera/twitter?

I'd argue the fact that they exist is a fairly strong proof in favor of atheism.
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That black summit over there is so embarassing. Begging white trans daddy for love and acceptance. If they are so talented why don't they leave and create their own site? That would actually involve work though, so of course that's out of the question.

Son Tofu

The problem over there is that the bar is so low as to what counts as racism that it may as well be laying on the floor.

I never created an account over there (I'd be banned within hours -- if that) but I've never seen any type of racism. Racism, as a word, has lost all meaning.

The fact that people can't actually point to an instance and have to rely on 'dog whistles' just goes to show that there isn't anything wrong over there that a real strong dose of reality couldn't fix.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Man... remember when people only used the word dog whistle in reference to their dogs?

Dog Whistle is a term to legitimize crazed dellusions of unhinged people who lack any evidence. You know those fucks who claim the Illuminati embeds shit into music video to push us to a One World Government under an owl god? You know those assholes who decipher religious tomes with arbitrary numerology to determine the date of the apocalypse? You know those big brains who claims the UN symbol is a dog whistle to the fact the world is really flat? That's the level of bullshit of the Regressive Left's Dog Whistle.

There are many overt racist organizations and they will gladly spew their shit awful propaganda on you, no need for dog whistles. The real racists and fascists are so fucking arrogant and narcissistic, they wouldn't hide it.

Congrats Era. You are on the level with Flat Earthers and Conspiracy theorists with "Dog Whistles" that "only you can hear and they aren't fooling you".
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
That black summit over there is so embarassing. Begging white trans daddy for love and acceptance. If they are so talented why don't they leave and create their own site? That would actually involve work though, so of course that's out of the question.

I don't know what to make of it. I was bored while my GF and I were cooking and eating dinner so I scanned through it.

First thing is, I don't know what exactly they consider to be racist - from my months of watching the slow motion car wreck that is Ree, the black community there seems to see racism in everything, and at times (when it applies to them), nothing. What's more is they openly refuse to accept that Europeans are going to have a different experience with racism towards black people within their own countries. They're calling for any European that doesn't immediately understand their point of view and unique experience with racism as a black American to capitulate and agree with them or be perma banned. That's unreasonable.

Then they move onto complaining about being banned for being ultra aggressive all of the time. Well, there's an easy fix to that: be cordial, exercise tact. You know, be an adult.

I almost feel sorry for the mods and admins there. They're attempting to placate adult babies that refuse to accept any responsibility for their own behavior while expecting everyone to agree with every last thing they say. My black friends would laugh at the BC at Ree but I am not going to admit to them that I browse that site lol.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
That only you can hear if it related to your specific diverse group and your "Diverse" member on the moderating team will agree it exists.


I mean Dog Whistle is a catchier term than ' dangerous and delusional confirmation bias without a shred of proof'

Edit: Imagine condeming and hating a person based solely on what others think their words could mean on a whim and with no evidence.
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I can't, I just... can't! The hipocrisy is strong with ResetEra. This is in the Oscars 2020 OT Thread.



EDIT: Removed double pictures.
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I don't know what to make of it. I was bored while my GF and I were cooking and eating dinner so I scanned through it.

First thing is, I don't know what exactly they consider to be racist - from my months of watching the slow motion car wreck that is Ree, the black community there seems to see racism in everything, and at times (when it applies to them), nothing. What's more is they openly refuse to accept that Europeans are going to have a different experience with racism towards black people within their own countries. They're calling for any European that doesn't immediately understand their point of view and unique experience with racism as a black American to capitulate and agree with them or be perma banned. That's unreasonable.

Then they move onto complaining about being banned for being ultra aggressive all of the time. Well, there's an easy fix to that: be cordial, exercise tact. You know, be an adult.

I almost feel sorry for the mods and admins there. They're attempting to placate adult babies that refuse to accept any responsibility for their own behavior while expecting everyone to agree with every last thing they say. My black friends would laugh at the BC at Ree but I am not going to admit to them that I browse that site lol.

It's because most of them have never really experienced any real hardship, so they have to try super hard to scream from the rooftops that they are oppressed, after logging into their 2000 dollar macbooks.

The majority of them come from good homes and suburban communities or dare I say, privileged lifestyles. They aren't in the streets. And there's nothing wrong with that, but you know, that fact probably eats away at them since they are so heavily invested into their online personas rather than their offline lives. I mean let's be real, if you have friends and solid social circle in real life, are you going to really give a fuck about an online message board like that, unless its paying you $$$? Hell no. These are damaged and unhinged people attacking other damanged and unhinged people. The vast majority of black people in America don't think or act anything like these weirdos. They don't have the guts to say fuck it and leave, because bitching on resetera is literally what drives them to get up in the morning. Pretty pathetic.



And yeah, I think Trump being in office actually helps keep the REEEjects united (somewhat), as they can all point at Trump and be confidant the rest will have their back. It's not a surprise that the most bans come from the Politics threads where they are literally only discussing OTHER Democrats.

Oh OH!

They're getting serious! They locked the thread, oh man. Love that place.

And yet...

Still open!

Yeah.... Maybe the mods fell asleep for 118 pages of shit talking some guy trying to help people. Or maybe they are hypocritical ass hats that only want the discussion to go the way they want it to.
Kinda like fascists.

Wonder what the reasoning is for keeping this one open. When they don't allow a platform to him.... really makes the old noodle tick.
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It's not about fanboyism, that's not what I'm looking for when I look for information. When I went back to ERA, that's all the first 3 pages were filled with. mostly Sony and PC info. Being as I own a Play Station, I was fine with it, but looking for Nintendo info (own Nintendo systems as well), it was mostly what Nintendo wasn't doing, and what Sony was doing.

Also, look, I get what you're saying, and I agree. I'm just stating what I saw. What you saw back then VS what I saw obviously different. Doesn't discount the fact that the brief time I went back to ERA for "gaming info," it was cluttered with Sony and PC stuff. I already acknowledged that it shit changed, but I'm not willing to go back there and look. I'm trusting everyone here that it has, which is evident (and I'm not arguing), as I'm not going back to that website.
resetera is still mostly dominated by Sony fans.
Take a look at sales thread when Sony console won the NPD month vs Nintendo won the NPD month.

Even Horizon Zero Dawn accumulated high number of post when compared to Zelda BOTW.

And also GOW and Spiderman rival Pokemon popularity there despite selling much lower than Pokemon.

Even commercial flop like Days Gone and Death Stranding accumulated a lot of traction.

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Ahhh yes, mazi. The same dude that portbegs for Persona, trolls PlayStation threads when an exclusive performs poorly or goes to PC despite having no interest in anything PS related, and calls people delusional for thinking that there's a chance of a Nintendo game going multiplatform despite there being some indications of possibility.

He is one of the worst posters on that entire site.

He clearly is and for a long time.

In real life, he's a weak dumb guy you'd be ashamed of. He must feel the need to lash out his Nintendo-rage on internet.

He is also on mods good side for some reason.
I saw people mention that most get permas for anything even close to racism, and this guy only got 3 days.


Must be because he's gay, so he gets a free pass.

He isn't gay, he's in couple with a girl. He's on mods goodside for only one reason : he's part of that Nintendo gang that gets a free pass. He was part of the people on that infamous Nintendo "sales" discord.

Banning one of them seriousely is asking for another KetKat moment from the Nintendo community of Resetera.


Yeah true.
It can be case by case, and the mods might have a few that have special treatment.
But lately seems sony users been getting banned left and right.
Sony fanboys are the majority on there, and are more arrogant. Not surprising that in the lead up to new consoles that the fanboy war would claim a bunch of the console warriors.

That poster you quoted though got banned for calling out the snowflake report brigade, not anything to do with Sony.

Is the ban message a joke?
The REE mods don't have a sense of humor so no. They considered the post hostile to the snowflake ban brigade for calling them petty(which they are).


Sony fanboys are the majority on there, and are more arrogant. Not surprising that in the lead up to new consoles that the fanboy war would claim a bunch of the console warriors.

That poster you quoted though got banned for calling out the snowflake report brigade, not anything to do with Sony.
Actually the bans I seen there for sony users were mostly about "mod whining". Which is something I didn't even knew were a thing.

One of the bans went to a guy that Cory Barlog sent a special controler, so it sucks being ERA if they are driving away the most well kwown users in favor of the Nintendo Sales gang.

He clearly is and for a long time.

In real life, he's a weak dumb guy you'd be ashamed of. He must feel the need to lash out his Nintendo-rage on internet.

He isn't gay, he's in couple with a girl. He's on mods goodside for only one reason : he's part of that Nintendo gang that gets a free pass. He was part of the people on that infamous Nintendo "sales" discord.

Banning one of them seriousely is asking for another KetKat moment from the Nintendo community of Resetera.
So this guy was part of the pedo server?
No wonder the mods protect him.

And wait, he's not gay? Well this is news to me, At least when I was there it seems something most people belived. Must be because he is the face of PopEra.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Sony fanboys are the majority on there, and are more arrogant. Not surprising that in the lead up to new consoles that the fanboy war would claim a bunch of the console warriors.

Correction, it's the Nintendo fanbase that's the majority there and probably the most rabid ones.


I would love for someone to point out Enzom21 got several people banned while masquerading as black and repeatedly saying "nigger".

Neph branded the claim as a conspiracy dispite the fact Enzom himself posted his personal details here that he was white.

Extra bonus points for pointing to B-Dubs posts saying "nigga".

Bunch of hypocritical morons.
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The Nintendo fanbase may be over represented, but it is not the majority, the majority is Sony fans. Basically any poll on console preference (except for some that deal exclusively with first party games) is won by PlayStation.
If they are not the majority, they certainly makes it look like.
I used to be part of the PC community and we nerver had the leeway they have.
I got perma for far less than they do.



Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Today on Era

Dog's names like Blackie are racist. Infact, the word "dog" is one half of the term "dog whistle" which is definitely racist. Police use dogs. So.... I think its safe to assume all dogs ever are part of systemic racism and should be canceled.

Step aside civil rights leaders of the past, Era is now the one fighting to good fight. Those pale skinned paladins in Canada and Europe know how you should all vote in the American election.
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Today on Era

Dog's names like Blackie are racist. Infact, the word "dog" is one half of the term "dog whistle" which is definitely racist. Police use dogs. So.... I think its safe to assume all dogs ever are part of systemic racism and should be canceled.

Step aside civil rights leaders of the past, Era is now the one fighting to good fight. Those pale skinned paladins in Canada and Europe know how you should all vote in the American election.

its clearly racist, this can’t be disputed.

If I’ve learned anything from my time on Era, it should have been called canine of colour


At this point, if you havent been banned from Resetera, you must be some kind of cunt really, as its must mean they like you. Be worried if that's you :D
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Today on Era

Dog's names like Blackie are racist. Infact, the word "dog" is one half of the term "dog whistle" which is definitely racist. Police use dogs. So.... I think its safe to assume all dogs ever are part of systemic racism and should be canceled.

Step aside civil rights leaders of the past, Era is now the one fighting to good fight. Those pale skinned paladins in Canada and Europe know how you should all vote in the American election.

You'd be surprised at how much "digital blackface" goes on in Era, last year they had several white members pretend to be passionate on black issues with black avatars saying they no the struggle forgetting that a login user can see their post history.




"stop policing us!"
"just stop doing more crime?"

And banned.
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