A mod has now edited the reference to Gaf out of this post.![]()
Conservatives go full on racist after Parasite win at Oscars
average conservatives will say, "That's not racist. He didn't say that he is a racist and that white people are the superior race! read a dictionary you cuck! maga!"www.resetera.com
benjipwns gets results!A mod has now edited the reference to Gaf out of this post.
God no...it’s what started the whole downward spiralTrump reelected wouldn't be as fun as a democrat actually winning and Era (extremely likely) turning mad at him after a week or two.
Imagine Mayor Pete is elected, I bet Rera would be full of homophobia no longer even trying to masquerade as whitephobia in an heartbat...
Or even funnier Sanders actually winning, and not being able to implement every detail of his program, or just giving priority to serious socio-economic reforms over identity politics...
Not even speaking about a creepy Biden victory (as he won't win anyway), that would likely make half the forum say they regret Trump after being triggered by his oppressing patriarchal cuddling fetish.
I think Rera has even more potential if democrats win.
I’ve already preordered 16 cartons of beer, 10,000 cigarettes and a pallet of Kleenex.I genuinely cannot wait until election night.
benjipwns gets results!
Amazing. That's a top tier Reee moment.![]()
It's incredible that much like Taysan, they don't seem to understand that the internet is public and not some sectioned off safe space. You can't leak info you're publicly posting....
Y'all some genuine Jonathan Cranes up in here, pouring Fear Juice into the ERA water supply.i am the one leaking those conversations and after doing that i love to shout "who the fuck is leaking the discussion?" just to create a smokescreen.
you 'll never catch me, era
yes let's have a law where the government is directly in control of dictating what is real and fake news.OP
Today at 7:15 AM
Maybe not. But maybe a law about literal fake news. Like not being allowed to say something as news when its not real?danm999 said:
I don’t think an anti trolling law would pass basic free speech tests in most countries.
They really seem to like authoritarian regimes controlling people as long as their cohort is in power. Same thing happened in the meeting of resetera’s Black leaders, they wanted people hunted down and if they’re friends with “problematic” folks then they get permanent ban due to guilt by association.yes let's have a law where the government is directly in control of dictating what is real and fake news.
WhAt CoUlD pOsSiBlY gO wRoNg
What do you think a "safe space" is?They really seem to like authoritarian regimes controlling people as long as their cohort is in power. Same thing happened in the meeting of resetera’s Black leaders, they wanted people hunted down and if they’re friends with “problematic” folks then they get permanent ban due to guilt by association.
oh you mean Kiwi Farms?
lmao jk all them autists on KF are my niggas
It's incredible that much like Taysan, they don't seem to understand that the internet is public and not some sectioned off safe space. You can't leak info you're publicly posting....
Saturday at 12:25 PM
[User Warned: Inappropriate Commentary]
I wonder if she’ll flash her big ole untrimmed James Corden in a gruesome dance routine?
Today at 8:22 AM
We do not provide a platform for Jordan Peterson or his content. This thread is locked for that reason, but we will continue to review reports from this thread.
yes let's have a law where the government is directly in control of dictating what is real and fake news.
WhAt CoUlD pOsSiBlY gO wRoNg
They were obviously "voting against their own best interests", the go-to excuse for mind readers who know what is best for minorities that they've never met.Cause those rural blacks don't count because they aren't in the cities, am I right?
They were obviously "voting against their own best interests", the go-to excuse for mind readers who know what is best for minorities that they've never met.
You reveal your bigotry by calling them "illegals". They are "undocumented dreamers".Nope, they don't exist, only "white" working class voters exist, those millions of rural Blacks don't exist, give those jobs to the immigrants. '
If anything the amount that will vote for Trump will double in 2020, I was looking at some local videos filmed in a few rural areas about how people were lining up for jobs because Trump send guys in to round up the illegals out of factories, manufacturing, farms, and welding, because...
Oops, I mean Illegals are more American than you are. You should allow them on your lawn.
oh yeah there is widespread erasure of black Americans outside the major cities. the way libs talk about the south and rural areas, it's like they think literally everyone living there is a white racist. cos to be honest the people making that assumption are probably living in Portland or Canada or Denmark or some other socialist paradise that IS almost entirely white.Nope, they don't exist, only "white" working class voters exist, those millions of rural Blacks don't exist, give those jobs to the immigrants. '
Unless it's a Rap Car.Everyone who drives a black car is clearly a little bit racist.
i had a female dog which fur was black and her name was 'pantera' (panther). how racist was that name?
The Fallen
2 minutes ago
These were children without their parents, not children separated from their parents and only happened during a single incident.
Oh man imagine if JK Rowling wins best screenplay for something. Excel would spontaneously combustExcelspreadsheet is at it again
Not a single Woman won on a Screenplay Oscar last decade, the first time that happened since the 1960s
https://www.vox.com/culture/2020/2/10/21130841/oscars-2020-milestones-parasite-best-picture Progress is never linearwww.resetera.com
Clearly, the Hollywood Academy needs more trans women to finally make some award winning screenplays. CIS women just aren't cutting it these days.
the left can't have a rage boner against obama. only the orange man bad can turn them on. also some people want to shake hands with obama.yall remember those 2014 photos of kids in cages during the Obama years? turns out that was totally cool!
my cat's name was blackie and i was like 4. Mods already closed it and looking from wrong thinkers I see![]()
Is this pet name racist?
So, my ex's family has a pet dog that my 6 yr old comes home talking about. Im embarrassed for her to say the dogs name. Its a black dog. They named it "Blackie". Now...my ex says no big deal. I think its 100% racist and I am embarrassed. Era's thoughts?www.resetera.com
Not surprising. It's mostly a bashing thread anyway. Anyone who praises him or even shows some common sense is banned.
And yeah, I think Trump being in office actually helps keep the REEEjects united (somewhat), as they can all point at Trump and be confidant the rest will have their back. It's not a surprise that the most bans come from the Politics threads where they are literally only discussing OTHER Democrats.
Oh OH!
They're getting serious! They locked the thread, oh man. Love that place.
And yet...
Jordan Peterson - The "Intellectual" We Deserve
Update [Sep. 8, 2018]: At the bottom of this OP I added links to an on going exhaustive series of essays by Dan Dolderman, a colleague of Jordan Peterson in the Department of Psychology at University of Toronto. _ _ _ _ _ The following is a great article against Jordan B. Peterson...www.resetera.com
Still open!
Uh-oh for b-dubs
i had a female dog which fur was black and her name was 'pantera' (panther). how racist was that name?
Lately they been banning sony users left and right lmao![]()
This is too perfect.
Lately they been banning sony users left and right lmao
You really can't say a thing there without getting banned.
Seems they give Nintendo fanboys more leeway.It's funny because for a long time back in the day I felt like "SonyGAF" tried to stifle any Xbox stuff here, did it flip over there?
It's funny because for a long time back in the day I felt like "SonyGAF" tried to stifle any Xbox stuff here, did it flip over there?
depends on the game: try talking about xenoblade chronicles 2 and dem tities blades.Seems they give Nintendo fanboys more leeway.
Just in the other page I posted a pic of the biggest Nintendo fanboy there making a racist joke, and he only got 3 days, when most would get perma.
How could that be? Didn't ERA cull pretty much the entire PC group over there a few months ago? I seem to recall arguments over the Epic Game Store, mods picking a side, favored members getting banned, and the rest fleeing to a discord channel or something.However, I think PC, of all platforms, is actually starting to take over there.
Yeah true.depends on the game: try talking about xenoblade chronicles 2 and dem tities blades.
PC ERA is dead or close to it.I don't think so. I still think it's still heavily weighted toward Sony bias. However, I think PC, of all platforms, is actually starting to take over there. As for Microsoft, I believe Nintendo has more of a presence than they do, still. All it takes is a Nintendo direct.