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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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This has to be one of the more rational takes on Era lately... of course it's banned. 3 months too!!


Whoever dished out those bans would never be in a situation to mix with Asians anyway as they never leave thier bedrooms. Plus as that place is super hypocritical you know they are swerving Asian places themselves.
This has to be one of the more rational takes on Era lately... of course it's banned. 3 months too!!


Wait, so American people of chinese heritage have a higher chance of mingling and interacting with other family/friends/clients coming to and from China thus making them more likely to catch the virus?! Outrageous!

User Banned (3 Months): Using logic.
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Well put but forcing down housing costs when demand exceeds supply is nigh on impossible until the bubble bursts again unfortunately and banks get tighter on loans. It's all cyclical.

Bought me house just before the market rose again (extremely lucky) and it has more than doubled in value. Means nothing though as even if sold it, I wouldn't be able to afford something similar in another area.

It is almost paradoxical there is a lot of demand for affordable housing, but there isn’t a supply for it because there is also demand for unaffordable housing by people with too much money to serve as investments. So the market demand is never filled.

It all ties into wealth inequality and why a rentier/parasite class is antithetical to capitalism, but that is another debate.


Gold Member
It was posted already and they hand waved it. Somehow that teacher turning out to be an actual killer retroactively removed Ceriums homophobia.

I thought someone just posted the accusation, not the link the proved the teacher won the court case against the school.
That Martin Freeman thread did deliver this tumblr page that I had not previously seen - https://yourfaveisproblematic.tumblr.com/list

I think it was done in sincerity to point out problematic individuals in entertainment but reading it just gave me a good laugh and an appreciation for the fact that these people are human instead of walking wokeness performers. I think everyone should have a list like this. Maybe people would stop trying to act all righteous if their own shit was on display for the world to read.


I had to look up who this Kaitlin Bennett person is and.....


God damn, my kind of girl. No wonder she has the SJW's and Resetera triggered. They can't stand a woman who knows how to protect herself.
Female right-wing public figures are consistently better looking than left-wing ones. Even as someone who doesn't like either side it's something that stands out. Probably true for men as well but I don't register it.


It is almost paradoxical there is a lot of demand for affordable housing, but there isn’t a supply for it because there is also demand for unaffordable housing by people with too much money to serve as investments. So the market demand is never filled.

It all ties into wealth inequality and why a rentier/parasite class is antithetical to capitalism, but that is another debate.

Or just get rid of zoning. Very high correlation between unaffordable housing and strict zoning laws and nimby laws. See how easy it is to build multifamily housing anywhere near San Francisco for example.


“Holocaust revisionist”

I looked into this claim directed at Kaitlin, and it seems to be because she claims that if the Jews all had guns, the Holocaust wouldn’t have happened:

(Not written by her, but her site)

And it’s debatable, sure, but that’s hardly Holocaust revisionism, and a lot of Israelis would side with her on that one.

This seems to be the post that made people mention Holocaust revisionism



People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Look at what this mod posted. Lol.

That thread sure is hell. People are getting mad at the mods for trying to be "fair" because the mods want to be "fair" with the people who think canceling the event is too much vs the health first people.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
So, in anticipation of tonight's debate... how does Resetera feel about Bloomberg? I'm guessing they hate him, and are furious that he bought his way into the debate with Bernie-sama.


Gold Member
That thread sure is hell. People are getting mad at the mods for trying to be "fair" because the mods want to be "fair" with the people who think canceling the event is too much vs the health first people.
It also conflicts with their "you're a xenophobic racist nazi fascist if you dont run out and embrace an asian person RIGHT NOW" rhetoric if the asians are boycotting themselves :p


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
It also conflicts with their "you're a xenophobic racist nazi fascist if you dont run out and embrace an asian person RIGHT NOW" rhetoric if the asians are boycotting themselves :p

I wonder if Reee is aware that even the Chinese discriminate their own kind. Like Taiwanese people don't want to be associated with mainland Chinese, Singapore Chinese don't want to be associated with mainland Chinese. Heck even mainland Chinese look down upon other mainland Chinese due to the City Tier they live (Tier 1 being Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tier 2/3 are other Chinese cities).
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That PAX thread... between the people trying to spin it into console war BS, the others implying it's a racist move, and the mods fence-sitting on the topic in attempt to appease those that think it's actually a good precautionary move and those crying out xenophobia... I just can't, my brain is fried



I'm kinda curious and no harm intended. Why don't they do a well... Better job if they want to become women, I mean these are from Thailand (note that they're also transwomen):


Because they don't (In the case of the Trans Trenders) actually want to become women, they just want the attention and victim points and use that to control people. These guys are absolute failures in life and never put any effort into doing anything properly and it's no suprise at all thet they are clustered around nerd hobbies. Also they don't want to become women because they are homophobic to boot that why you most often get the identification "I'm a lesbian transwoman", they think they have the chance to fuck both gay and straight women but end up just fucking each other but "It's totally not gay because we are both 'Women'".


I had to look up who this Kaitlin Bennett person is and.....


God damn, my kind of girl. No wonder she has the SJW's and Resetera triggered. They can't stand a woman who knows how to protect herself.

Gun obsession aside (which I find really odd in itself) she's honestly dumb as dogshit. I recognised her from a video that came up the other week and yeh, to say she is cringeworthy is bit of an understatement.
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Are you allowed to use words like "cunt" and "dickhead" on Era? They're gendered slurs, but on the other hand genitalia isn't gendered so. :unsure::unsure:

Jesus christ, that second dude down from the left... stop fighting male pattern baldness, just shave that shit off! If you're not Devin Townsend, you ain't pulling off that Skullet!

Tbh he didn't really pull it off either, he just got away with it. But the creepy look as creepy.
Are you allowed to use words like "cunt" and "dickhead" on Era? They're gendered slurs, but on the other hand genitalia isn't gendered so. :unsure::unsure:

Tbh he didn't really pull it off either, he just got away with it. But the creepy look as creepy.

You're allowed to say both of them. There are some strong feelings about 'cunt' and it would probably be banned were it not for representations made by UK/Australian members, so it's allowed basically out of respect for differing cultural standards. You will occasionally get people who try and attack others for using it though.


Gun obsession aside (which I find really odd in itself) she's honestly dumb as dogshit. I recognised her from a video that came up the other week and yeh, to say she is cringeworthy is bit of an understatement.

Anyone on the extremes is dumb as dogshit. That’s the thing: if you can’t hold two thoughts in your head which seems contradictory at first, and come to some nuanced understanding of how reality is, you’re gonna sound like some dumb carnival barker making money off your tits posing with guns.

That said, guns and tits are ok with me.


I got banned once as well for the same reason for pointing out that another poster saying "fuck you" and "fuck off" in response to others was overly aggressive.

Was also banned once for saying"ok sweetheart" in a response to some idiot, as it may offend women on the forum.

That really baffled me.

My perm was a 2 week ban for "trolling" for pointing out that another users historical inaccuracy regarding a genocide, could cause offense.

Was upped to a perm for no reason other than some idiot isn't able to use Google, think I was on the 'list' though by that stage.

mate, I once got banned for calling slayven a house negro and illiterate.

you can get banned for almost anything over there


mate, I once got banned for calling slayven a house negro

There's probably a better way to phrase that to be honest. But then you have the likes of Nepenth going on about how hard life is as a black woman in America and yet lives the most comfortable suburban life in Ameria, being a furry, living in a decent area and having a low effort job as a cashier at Walgreens I get the impression that the most vocal "I've got a hard life"members of the black community at Era are just playing oppression Olympics.


There's probably a better way to phrase that to be honest. But then you have the likes of Nepenth going on about how hard life is as a black woman in America and yet lives the most comfortable suburban life in Ameria, being a furry, living in a decent area and having a low effort job as a cashier at Walgreens I get the impression that the most vocal "I've got a hard life"members of the black community at Era are just playing oppression Olympics.

It’s what he seems like to me 🤷‍♂️

I’ve learnt that victimhood is the endgame for these people. If it ended, they would just be...normal citizens with problems just like everyone else? Nah that can’t be it - it must be whiteys fault that I don’t have a billi in the bank account like all white people do.


Gold Member
That is pretty terrible to be honest.I would advise that person to repeat that claim at a German police station.
Well, the germans always want to be efficient!

It's one thing to say "I dont believe the holocaust ever happened", it's kinda like saying the earth is flat. But it's another to say "6 million seems like a lot", because that just shows some skepticism at a narrative that A. has little relevance today (does it really matter if it was only 3 million gassed to death and another couple million that just died of dysentery?) and B. is a comment made by some bambi to a Twitter poll. It ain't her polisci thesis!

I know legit wealthy successful people who dont believe we landed on the moon. They think we, at best, just orbited it and later in the 80's sent probes and shit. I think those guys are idiots on that one topic, but it A. is largely meaningless in running a successful business and B. these guys dont work at NASA so their opinion ones that topic is mostly irrelevant.

So I listen to them about investment advice but not about space exploration. This ability to discriminate is lost on reee.
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