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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member
Only the right kind of woman :messenger_ok: :messenger_sunglasses: :messenger_ok:



Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Everyone kinda understands the "Poop" thing is just trolling right?

Dont get me wrong, its fucking brilliant. It's gone from a trolling article to people actually convinced its real... that's spectacular to be honest lol

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
So this thread is kind of wild.

Lots of hypocrites on Era claim the only reason that the news isn't reporting on Depp being abused by Heard is...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

"He just isn't that big of a celebrity anymore to validate it being reported on."

So... Social Justice requires you, as a male victim, to be a big enough deal to be taken serious. Much bigger than Johnny Depp cause, yah know, his career has taken a dive lately. (I wonder why)


Era, never change.

Edit: Oh, and it's implied by Era users that he was also an alcoholic so... he might have been asking for it. The good ole, you got too drunk and are at fault excuse. Dat Social Justice!
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Kagey K

So this thread is kind of wild.

Lots of hypocrites on Era claim the only reason that the news isn't reporting on Depp being abused by Heard is...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

"He just isn't that big of a celebrity anymore to validate it being reported on."

So... Social Justice requires you, as a male victim, to be a big enough deal to be taken serious. Much bigger than Johnny Depp cause, yah know, his career has taken a dive lately. (I wonder why)


Era, never change.

Edit: Oh, and he was also an alcoholic so... he might have been asking for it. Dat Social Justice!
So just to be straight here, Johnny Depp isn’t a big enough star but Rose McGowan and Zoe Quinn🤪 are?

In what fucking world does that even start to make any sense?
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
So just to be straight here, Johnny Depp isn’t a big enough star but Rose McGowan and Zoe Quinn🤪 are?

In what fucking world does that even start to make any sense?

Well when the most logical reason makes your entire movement look like frauds with awful double standards, you have to get creative with an excuse. lol
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Thread about how sales in Chinese shops are down because people are scared of the coronavirus: https://www.resetera.com/threads/sa...s-plummet-following-coronavirus-panic.170790/


And man that seems like such a reasonable thing to say.

People don't all of a sudden hate chinese people for being chinese, or are looking for any old excuse to boycott the business of "foreigners" (as others have suggested in that thread).

They are scared about the killer virus that has been all over the international news!


Thread about how sales in Chinese shops are down because people are scared of the coronavirus: https://www.resetera.com/threads/sa...s-plummet-following-coronavirus-panic.170790/


And man that seems like such a reasonable thing to say.

People don't all of a sudden hate chinese people for being chinese, or are looking for any old excuse to boycott the business of "foreigners" (as others have suggested in that thread).

They are scared about the killer virus that has been all over the international news!
Yeah that thread was embarassing. You're not helping the racism cause when you cry wolf all of the time.



It's very simple, people being paranoid can happen for anything. It's entirely stupid but it's happening.

At the rate people are saying they'll buy more Chinese food in that thread i'd say there'll be stock shortages in no time.



Hits his own Nephews?

I think the username/ avatar combo may be a little problematic.

Mod post above his;


"Do not attempt to rationalize violence against children, disciplinary or otherwise"

Hmm ...
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Gold Member
Edit: Oh, and it's implied by Era users that he was also an alcoholic so... he might have been asking for it. The good ole, you got too drunk and are at fault excuse. Dat Social Justice!
How odd. I clearly remember some of this people, either before or after splitting from GAF, arguing that alcoholism has a clear genetic basis. Therefore alcoholics shouldn't be held totally responsible for their condition and what they do under the influence 🤔

This is another case of "(thing x) doesn't apply if you're white and/or rich and/or a male".

Hits his own Nephews?
I don't think there's been a single male child born before the 2000s in Italy who wasn't beaten at least once by his parents/grandparents. Ask any father in his 50s or older and it's a very rare one that can say with honesty that he never lifted a finger on his children. Unless the violence was severe, we all grew up fine. I got my share of slaps and spankings and to this day I believe most of them were deserved. It also taught me to be more subtle in my mischief, hah. Of course hitting little girls is only acceptable if it's their mothers or granmas doing it, LOL.

This doesn't mean violence is the optimal solution to anything. But a kid isn't gonna die if he gets slapped or spanked sometimes when he's being a dick. If you do it out of habit or you send your kid to the hospital, yeah, of course that's very bad and nobody is gonna accept that. And these days even the occasional slap is frowned upon by most. We're not Sweden levels of child protection here, but if your parents slapped you you'd better not let your (female) teacher know it or the ensuing trouble can get much worse than it really needs to.

See, this is just fact. But I couldn't write this on Era without being banned because this would somehow be twisted as "defending/advocating violence against children" and "internalized hate". Yeah, yeah, I enjoyed those spankings sooo much guys, I just couldn't get enough, LOL.

That said, while I generally love Martin Freeman, I have no doubt he can be a huge dick when he wants:messenger_grinning_smiling:


What is GDQ?

Some kid that lived in his moms basement was tired of being poor and had a good idea.

He started this event where people could come over sit on his couch and speed runs games for charity that he would stream on twitch. More and more people joined it and at the end it started to grow massively. As the charity they runned for saw they made them bank every half year or so or year whatever ( 1-2 million ), they bought him out from it and resetera and other sjw cancer culture started to infiltrate it to the point that streamers are banned even for the slightest things like, a guy that streams speedruns 12 hours a day for years on end had a chat pull up on his screen where 10k trolls spam 3000 shit tier comments every second and one of them had the n word in it even while he was one of the original runners and acted like he's satan himself, because logic doesn't apply to those psychopaths.

He got cancelled. They continue to harass and cancel anybody that doesn't obey there cancer culture ( purple haired turd on the right is the main activist ) and use every gamer platform to do so.

It even gone so far that u get banned for anything that's critical and doesn't approve of there behavior to the point u end up with shit like this.


So indirectly yea they are most likely resetera people because of there behavior.
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Some kid that lived in his moms basement was tired of being poor and had a good idea.

He started this event where people could come over sit on his couch and speed runs games for charity that he would stream on twitch. More and more people joined it and at the end it started to grow massively. As the charity they runned for saw they made them bank every half year or so or year whatever ( 1-2 million ), they bought him out from it and resetera and other sjw cancer culture started to infiltrate it to the point that streamers are banned even for the slightest things like, a guy that streams speedruns 12 hours a day for years on end had a chat pull up on his screen where 10k trolls spam 3000 shit tier comments every second and one of them had the n word in it even while he was one of the original runners and acted like he's satan himself, because logic doesn't apply to those psychopaths.

He got cancelled. They continue to harass and cancel anybody that doesn't obey there cancer culture ( purple haired turd on the right is the main activist ) and use every gamer platform to do so.

It even gone so far that u get banned for anything that's critical and doesn't approve of there behavior to the point u end up with shit like this.


So indirectly yea they are most likely resetear people because of there behavior.

I miss Blueglass and the original feel of the older GDQ's



A: Resetera mod/admin

LOL. Notice that "fat person" isn't an option.

There's nothing worse than having someone who DOES NOT FIT in their seat spilling over into your seat and really leaving you with no recourse that to be moved onto a different flight.

Sat next to this extremely fat lady from Edinburgh to London a couple of months back.
They gave her this big orange seatbelt extension. So I knew this was not going to be good for me.
Now, it's only a 90 minute flight but for fucksakes when she sad down she was literally crushing me in my seat.
I am not a fat dude at all so I could slide over a bit towards the window but she was still literally squishing me into the wall of the cabin.
So I fucking complained to the staff. Fuck that. I didn't pay for this bullshit.
In the end I was told that they could try and get me on a later flight, which was not acceptable as I would miss work. So what finally ended up happening was I swapped seats with her, so I am in the middle, agreed that the armrests in the entire row could stay up for the whole flight and myself and the poor lady sitting in the aisle seat were a bit to close for comfort for take off and landing.
I'm thinking that I can get up as soon as that seatbelt light goes off and stand at the back of the plane until preparation for landing? Nope.
"You need to go back to your seat". Fucksakes.
Of course the fat cow is huffing and moaning like as if I am the bad guy in this situation.
Then when we are landing I can see on her spotify she is listening to "This Is Me" from The Greatest Showman on repeat.
I actually felt a bit bad. Which made me more angry. Fuckin fat bastard.

Thanks for the free therapy, GAF. (Pretty sure that post would get me a ban over there.) :)
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Gold Member

There's nothing worse than having someone who DOES NOT FIT in their seat spilling over into your seat and really leaving you with no recourse that to be moved onto a different flight.

Was in a 4+ hour flight once, window seat. The middle and aisle seats were taken up by 2 individuals who BOTH needed TWO seat belt extensions!!! I was literally wedged against the plane fuselage for the entire flight.

If only I hadn't had 2 22oz shiners right before the flight. I seriously thought I lost a kidney on that one :p




Lets see how that boycott is going?


Ooof, looks like they still got a lot of life left.

As I understand it THQ Nordic apologized anyway so what's the point in keeping that "grudge" going?

Austrian videogame publisher makes the rather minor PR blunder of doing an AMA on 8chan.
8chan that has a reputation for hosting offensive or illegal content. Not sure how true that actually is but OK.
AMA goes ahead and afterwards the company apologizes and basically disavows 8chan.

This is about a year ago.
These utter clowns holding a grudge against them over that is ludicrous.
I feel like you have to be willfully dishonest to keep this going after they already held their hands up and said it was a mistake and apologized.

It another one of those things where "somebody told me that this guy once hugged that guy who at another time talked to that guy who has a cousin who is alt-right" is enough to put someone on the ResetEra naughty step.

Yes. They made a PR blunder by hosting an AMA on 8chan. Laugh at their ineptitude, accept their apology and move on. FFS.
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Gold Member
As I understand it THQ Nordic apologized anyway so what's the point in keeping that "grudge" going?

Austrian videogame publisher makes the rather minor PR blunder of doing an AMA on 8chan.
8chan that has a reputation for hosting offensive or illegal content. Not sure how true that actually is but OK.
AMA goes ahead and afterwards the company apologizes and basically disavows 8chan.

This is about a year ago.
These utter clowns holding a grudge against them over that is ludicrous.
I feel like you have to be willfully dishonest to keep this going after they already held their hands up and said it was a mistake and apologized.

It another one of those things where "somebody told me that this guy once hugged that guy who at another time talked to that guy who has a cousin who is alt-right" is enough to put someone on the ResetEra naughty step.

Yes. They made a PR blunder by hosting an AMA on 8chan. Laugh at their ineptitude, accept their apology and move on. FFS.

I thought they ended their THQ boycott as soon as they gave away a free game on PS Plus?


Gold Member
So what happened to that poster declaring that Era disavows any attacks towards women? Completely full of shit!

It’s cool, she is conservative, so bully the hell out of her and call her bitch and stuff. Just go nuts being toxic, it’s your safe space to openly be misogynistic.

Even Hobbes is getting in on the woman bullying act. Brave man!

I see why they bully her.



they've been saying "Trump's concentration camps" for so long they forgot the practice of keeping families in cages was started by a Democrat president. the false reality has become so real to them, they can't imagine a Democrat president would be racist enough to continue the policies started by a previous Democrat president. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Unconfirmed Member
So this thread is kind of wild.

Lots of hypocrites on Era claim the only reason that the news isn't reporting on Depp being abused by Heard is...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

"He just isn't that big of a celebrity anymore to validate it being reported on."

So... Social Justice requires you, as a male victim, to be a big enough deal to be taken serious. Much bigger than Johnny Depp cause, yah know, his career has taken a dive lately. (I wonder why)


Era, never change.

Edit: Oh, and it's implied by Era users that he was also an alcoholic so... he might have been asking for it. The good ole, you got too drunk and are at fault excuse. Dat Social Justice!
I fucking hate these people.


Gold Member
Some kid that lived in his moms basement was tired of being poor and had a good idea.

He started this event where people could come over sit on his couch and speed runs games for charity that he would stream on twitch. More and more people joined it and at the end it started to grow massively. As the charity they runned for saw they made them bank every half year or so or year whatever ( 1-2 million ), they bought him out from it and resetera and other sjw cancer culture started to infiltrate it to the point that streamers are banned even for the slightest things like, a guy that streams speedruns 12 hours a day for years on end had a chat pull up on his screen where 10k trolls spam 3000 shit tier comments every second and one of them had the n word in it even while he was one of the original runners and acted like he's satan himself, because logic doesn't apply to those psychopaths.

He got cancelled. They continue to harass and cancel anybody that doesn't obey there cancer culture ( purple haired turd on the right is the main activist ) and use every gamer platform to do so.

It even gone so far that u get banned for anything that's critical and doesn't approve of there behavior to the point u end up with shit like this.

So indirectly yea they are most likely resetera people because of there behavior.
GDQ is still enjoyable, but at the same time it's a shining example of wokeness of the highest degree.

Like, you can't call onstage people who are literally there because they spend a lot of time segregated in their room playing goddamn video games all day long, and expect them to be saints. You can't expect such people to never snap in front of a camera, in a room full of people, under pressure. Many of them are clearly on the spectrum, even if they're highly functional, and those who aren't are obviously harshly competitive people, like CalebHeart.

GDQ expelled a lot of its best runners since going full woke, and it shows. A lot of runs have gotten lackluster where you'd see the very best in the world going for absolute perfection.

But the event rakes in more money than ever because 1) woke devs seeing their little games run and donating lots of dough, 2) people possibly uninterested in the event itself but into nerdy apparel buying a ton of T-shirts and such from affiliate sites such as The Yetee (I bought my share years ago, can't complain on the quality). Having new runners in the event after giving the boot to the masters of old may have also increased following from younger people, I dunno. The selection of games was getting stale after a while and of course you'd always have the same runners, so finding out a lot of them were milkshake ducks was fortunate indeed...

I could care less about the pronouns (though I don't get why even put them there if you look and sound the gender that coincides with your sex) and the trans people are of course not a problem (the lady running those awful DOS MegaMan games is cool, too bad the games really suck), even if there's a suspicious amount of them. But yeah, some awesomely good runners have been expelled for minor stuff and I doubt having them on stage after those "incidents" would be enough to tarnish the event forever. I mean, January's was the most successful GDQ ever and a guy was given the boot after performing an 8-hour-long speedrun of Final Fantasy 8.


This has to be one of the more rational takes on Era lately... of course it's banned. 3 months too!!


What's really funny is some people, even at least 1 claiming to be Chinese themselves, are saying that even Chinese people are staying away from these places out of caution. Can you believe that! Those bastard Chinese folks being all xenophobic against... other Chinese folks?


No ban tho

I'm still reading through the thread, I'm sure there's more hilarity to witness


Wow, I just got banned there for 2 weeks for thinking a thread title was too 'aggressive' for "concern trolling".
Time to leave that place for good.

I got banned once as well for the same reason for pointing out that another poster saying "fuck you" and "fuck off" in response to others was overly aggressive.

Was also banned once for saying"ok sweetheart" in a response to some idiot, as it may offend women on the forum.

That really baffled me.

My perm was a 2 week ban for "trolling" for pointing out that another users historical inaccuracy regarding a genocide, could cause offense.

Was upped to a perm for no reason other than some idiot isn't able to use Google, think I was on the 'list' though by that stage.
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Encourage and incentivize developers to build cheaper mutli-family homes closer to the city centers where these service jobs are? Duplexes, smaller apartment complexes, etc. That's what happened in my home city, things turned out fine despite the doom and gloom people were spreading. I understand it, change is scary and people become attached to certain areas, but time and progress marches on.

Why would I do that as a developer, when I can build "premium" apartments that cater to the wealthy? If I own a piece of land, and I can put 50 luxury condos on it that sell for 1 million plus, or 100 affordable units at 250k each, why would I ever build the affordable option?

That is the problem, and since housing values have skyrocketed due to shadow inflation, foreign investment, and market speculation, the system is all kinds of fucked. Gotta force housing costs down somehow before we can fix these problems.


Why would I do that as a developer, when I can build "premium" apartments that cater to the wealthy? If I own a piece of land, and I can put 50 luxury condos on it that sell for 1 million plus, or 100 affordable units at 250k each, why would I ever build the affordable option?

That is the problem, and since housing values have skyrocketed due to shadow inflation, foreign investment, and market speculation, the system is all kinds of fucked. Gotta force housing costs down somehow before we can fix these problems.

Well put but forcing down housing costs when demand exceeds supply is nigh on impossible until the bubble bursts again unfortunately and banks get tighter on loans. It's all cyclical.

Bought me house just before the market rose again (extremely lucky) and it has more than doubled in value. Means nothing though as even if sold it, I wouldn't be able to afford something similar in another area.
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