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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Lol seems like that is the general mod policy on that site now.
Yeah I mean that Trump post was not inflammatory at all. It was a simple reminder that most sane people don't give a shit who the president is as long as their investments are looking good.

I have said it a bunch but Election Day 2020 is going to be must see TV on Era. I just hope it doesn't implode on itself before that

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everyone so concerned about these ideologies and which ones control the narrative and which ones don't. she's just a nobody w no vast influence. these fools going nuts over it is entirely what gives her and other people power. like, they complain endlessly about Youtube Grifters, yet the grifters would not have an audience, were it not for Era and the Twitter SJWs producing so much promotional material and cred for free. all this attention they are bestowing on these "bigots" when they could be promoting good people to root for and get invested in, it is counter productive to their very highest goals.

i grew up in the 80s, and was told in school that free speech meant groups like the kkk could and did hold nonviolent marches and public events now and then, but that nobody cared or attended, and the wider public was not made aware of it by the media. they were seen as losers w no real influence. it feels like now people are doing the opposite. we've actually stepped back from that tolerance of powerless hatred and engaged a more violent and aggressive (regressive) stance. all hatred must unthinkingly be confronted with full force. there is the need to have articles and documentaries on these fringe groups, platforming them to a global audience. it feeds the victimization complex and paradoxically draws attention to something that they are trying to deplatform. it may result in some declarations of radicalism, but the long term results are spreading & promoting the very "bigoted" content it aims to suppress. nowadays, if they found out about a kkk march, they would make sure it turned into the most well attended rally ever, promote it all over the news networks, activist trolls would be livestreaming trying to crash it, driving up attendance to the point where mass public violence could possibly break out (ie Charlottesville), etc. whereas in the past, when they were indeed ignored, nobody would know, nor care.

what is better?
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everyone so concerned about these ideologies and which ones control the narrative and which ones don't. she's just a nobody w no vast influence. these fools going nuts over it is entirely what gives her and other people power. like, they complain endlessly about Youtube Grifters, yet the grifters would not have an audience, were it not for Era and the Twitter SJWs producing so much promotional material and cred for free. all this attention they are bestowing on these "bigots" when they could be promoting good people to root for and get invested in, it is counter productive to their very highest goals.

unironically how many of them rocked Rose Tico avatars?



People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
ResetEra: I hate this stuff, and even if they fixed it, I still hate it.
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The Berlin rent control thread is unfolding as expected...

Gem of a post here (Cliff notes: “being a landlord isn’t a real job or adding any value. Why should they charge rent? And economists arguing against rent control are biased”.

Surprise... a poster arguing against rent control and calling out the economics-challenged Reee was handed a courtesy ban.
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Jaffe actually has a spine. I respect that.

Leftest have forgotten the actual meaning of Nazi as a term (National Socialist)
I bet you a trillion dollars some of these very same hypocrites making excuses for violence and assaulting someone just because they think differently or voted for someone else are the same ones spouting that "we must respect and believe women, or black voices are being oppressed" etc etc. Yet hundreds of them feel it's okay assaulting and berating a woman and a black man just for having a different political view. The complete lack of self awareness always makes my head spin.

I mean look at the fucking size of that mob going after just two unarmed people. If that tall man wasn't there to escort her though that mob, things would've inevitably gotten bloody garunteed. There were several people caught on camera desperate to escalate the situation and start a fight.

Things like this never fail to remind me that human beings really are animals like any other species. Our closest genetic cousin are chimps after all.

Also what the fuck are these professors even doing for these kids? Just further intrenching them in political dogma? No civility, no reasoning, no discourse.
Just ideologically possessed youth saddled with crippling debt. And democrats actually want to tax payers to subsidize this madness lol
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Here's Resetera's approved Tifa design.


Missing the bulge in the front, big hands, and muscular neck.

The Berlin rent control thread is unfolding as expected...

Gem of a post here (Cliff notes: “being a landlord isn’t a real job or adding any value. Why should they charge rent? And economists arguing against rent control are biased”.

Surprise... a poster arguing against rent control and calling out the economics-challenged Reee was handed a courtesy ban.

I never understood the arguments against gentrification. So they want areas to remain in blight and rife in crime? They don't want young upwardly mobile people and couples to fix up areas while becoming homeowners and building wealth? It's a win/win/win for society, and only a loss for people who weren't contributing for their entire lives, content to live in squalor.
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When did freethinker become an insult? I reject the idea that someone is idiotic enough to use it that way, this has to be an elaborate troll.

First thing I thought, makes zero sense considering the site states specifically the acceptance of differing ideologies in the rules, that the mods/admins cannot even abide by themselves.
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It's a win/win/win for society, and only a loss for people who weren't contributing for their entire lives, content to live in squalor.
You see, this is the problem. Assuming all low income people are that because they are lazy.

Where are people supposed to live that are working low paid service jobs? They get pushed further and further away from those jobs where they then need to pay more and spend more time just getting to work. Those nice gentrified areas don't stay nice and clean without service workers.

Please explain to me what was so bad about this post. He was permanently banned for "inflammatory support"? What the hell does that even mean? Unless I'm missing something here this has to be one of the most blatant examples of that place trying insulate themselves from any sort of wrong think.

At this point I'm assuming you can't even say you're voting non democrat or face a ban? Fuckin lunatics man. How is any sort of discussion even possible there?
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
You see, this is the problem. Assuming all low income people are that because they are lazy.

Where are people supposed to live that are working low paid service jobs? They get pushed further and further away from those jobs where they then need to pay more and spend more time just getting to work. Those nice gentrified areas don't stay nice and clean without service workers.

Encourage and incentivize developers to build cheaper mutli-family homes closer to the city centers where these service jobs are? Duplexes, smaller apartment complexes, etc. That's what happened in my home city, things turned out fine despite the doom and gloom people were spreading. I understand it, change is scary and people become attached to certain areas, but time and progress marches on.


Gold Member
At this point I'm assuming you can't even say you're voting non democrat or face a ban? Fuckin lunatics man. How is any sort of discussion even possible there?

You can't even support some dems over some others. Go talk about Tulsi! Heck, once one of Bloombergs minions throws a few grand at Cerium and he informs bdubs and the mods they are working for Bloomberg now (for free, of course), then you will see some shit over there!


Encourage and incentivize developers to build cheaper mutli-family homes closer to the city centers where these service jobs are? Duplexes, smaller apartment complexes, etc. That's what happened in my home city, things turned out fine despite the doom and gloom people were spreading. I understand it, change is scary and people become attached to certain areas, but time and progress marches on.

But that's the problem, they are not building affordable housing, there's no money in it. The poor people area you are thinking of is probably different to the poor people area I'm thinking of, but the results are the same.

People being priced out of an area but not given an alternative other than being pushed further away. That is the problem with gentrification.


Unconfirmed Member
Basically this in perpetuity


Followed by


The oft-mentioned "normal ERA users" are the poor dude in the neon green pants watching in horror.
A little late, but...

You actually got the order wrong. First you are dealt with.
Then you get told you were bad.
You know, the proper ERA way.
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