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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Corollary post: If you can't afford the $60 a year for a Costco membership maybe you should rethink your life priorities. Amazon Prime and Netflix both cost way more than that yearly. Costco membership has long been one of the best values in retail and that's why they have so many members.

They limit the amount of toilet rolls you can buy though, that's pretty fascist to me.
Looks like one Resetter is finally waking up. Ironically, one named Daffy Duck.


As usual, Reset admins run to the bullshit defense of "sexism". You can never question women/feminism or you're sexist.

Yeah, that shit doesn't fly in the real world. If I know a woman was purposely trying to keep me down because of my gender, I'm not going to tolerate it.

They don't care about women or sexism. Men rule ree.
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This is a really long rant but the actual reality of the Costco hot dog can be explained in 1 short paragraph.

Costco makes over 85% of their revenue from the membership fees. They sell those hot dogs and rotisserie chickens at a loss to get people to join. Chickens are in the store already and can't be purchased by non-members but the food court used to be allowed to slide. This is no longer the case, because Costco is tired of subsidizing cheap food at a loss for non-members. The End.

Actually (and I don't know about other countries) the membership of cash and carry wholesale stores allows products to be sold to "members" at a lower tax rate. So whenever you see member price and non member price that's where the saving is from.

Yes, they are making money from the membership fees BUT they could also make membership free and still make money that way due to the tax break.

There are a few stores around the world that use this model.



Yeah, we know how this plays out every time.

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Actually (and I don't know about other countries) the membership of cash and carry wholesale stores allows products to be sold to "members" at a lower tax rate. So whenever you see member price and non member price that's where the saving is from.

Yes, they are making money from the membership fees BUT they could also make membership free and still make money that way due to the tax break.

There are a few stores around the world that use this model.
They aren't going to throw away 85% of their revenue to cater to a tiny screaming group of nutjobs who wouldn't shop there anyways like Ree so the point is moot. But yes, they are able to purposely limit their margins on actual stuff they sell to only 13% because of the money they make from membership fees.


I thought that data breach was like really early? Can only vaguely remember a little bit.

So the "other night" they heard about this and just updated the general guide? So they would not have said anything specific as a potential warning? I can't wait for those passwords to get dumped and watch them run around with official staff notices damage control next week.


Gold Member

So the "other night" they heard about this and just updated the general guide? So they would not have said anything specific as a potential warning? I can't wait for those passwords to get dumped and watch them run around with official staff notices damage control next week.


Dick Jones

Gold Member
I like how I'm now being attacked for warning them about a leak and to tell em to change their passwords. Fuck that site.
You're doing your job to warn them, even if they are behaving like idiots. Keep it up.

When was the leak? When did they know? For the European posters, has the breach been notified to the proper channels (must be 72 hours, I think)?


Gold Member
You're doing your job to warn them, even if they are behaving like idiots. Keep it up.

When was the leak? When did they know? For the European posters, has the breach been notified to the proper channels (must be 72 hours, I think)?

Of course it hasn't been reported. They're trying to bury the news and attack the messenger to deflect. They won't be able to deflect the EU fine though.



Man, that Costco thread was a goddamn hilarious read.
Everything that's wrong with "SJW" types summed up over a few pages.

So it appears that Costco hotdogs are famously rather good and are sold at an excellent price.
However you need a membership to shop at Costco and some people who go there to eat the famous hotdogs do so without memberships.
So Costco wants to enforce their "members-only" rules.

This is really not a big deal.

However, entitled little twats who love cheap delicious hotdogs, virtue signalling and "standing up to authority" are taking a strop because they are being blocked out in favor of those big spending, high flying, upper class types who are spending... 60 bucks... a year... on "exclusive" memberships.

With ReetardEra being a videogame site primarily I can't help but see the humor in the fact that a Costco membership for an entire year costs about the same as a videogame. A videogame that would need to be played on a 300+ buck device or a relatively expensive computer.

Anyway, so now it needs to become a social justice issue and it's telling that the "anti-Costco" mob go for an emotionally manipulative response.

Hey guys you know some families they just don't have much and "going out for dinner" for them might mean going to Costco and splitting a hotdog 4 ways and putting 4 straws into the soda. You want to deny them that? You heartless bastards!

Like, if you are that fucking poor then I don't see how blowing 1.50 on a single hotdog and little drink of soda is a wise move.
Pack the kids into the car and drive to Costco because a 1.50 hotdog is all we can afford.
Doesn't McDonalds also have a dollar menu or something?
How much is a loaf of bread and some milk in the US?

Oh but what about the homeless? The homeless are cold and starving and maybe this 1.50 hotdog could be saving lives!
So now the argument is that Costco should not shut this down because they are providing a public service by offering cheap food to the homeless.

If this is the case then why not argue that the hotdogs should just be given away to the homeless for free OR maybe Costco could run a soup kitchen out the back of their store.

What is it with these whiny little brats using the impoverished and the homeless as their bargaining chip in this argument which is basically "those Costco hotdogs are famous and popular and I am jealous of people who have a membership so I want to complain that they are shutting ME out". Except 99.9% of sensible people when faced with a clown on a videogame forum using a laptop or phone to post messages complaining about not being able to get a 1.50 hotdog will say "stop whining and eat elsewhere you fucking cheapskate". So we need to bring out poor immigrant families and almost dead homeless people to attack the big Costco Strawman.

Then there's the escalation to "the world is fucking ending and we are all dying and it's all because of capitalism and this is an example of that!" REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I feel entitled to this cheap 1.50 hotdog without needing to pay for a membership!
They won't let me have it!
Reeeeeeeeee! This is why capitalism is a disease!
How dare those paying members want to keep the stuff they paid for all to themselves?
This is disgusting capitalism! How can you defend this!
Food should all be free anyway reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

All this entertainment and screeching over a shitty hotdog that costs 1.50. :)

I mean, no shit, if I am paying a membership fee for certain privileges and services then I want to take advantage of that.
Otherwise why would I bother with the membership?
So if some dude is there going "haha fuck that membership fee, I am going to take advantage" then I probably would be looking to the people running the whole thing to do something.
Otherwise what am I actually paying for?

Of course Incelsiorlef gets it backwards and upside down as usual trying to portray paying members as the entitled ones.
Here's the strawman Costco customer.
"I paid my 50$ Only I should get a 1.50$ hot dog on my way out, it's not fair!"

Well why do you think people are paying their 50 bucks membership?

Company X: If you pay 60 bucks a year we can offer you the following benefits.
Customer A: Sounds good. Here you go. Now I can enjoy shopping and maybe grab one of your famous hotdogs when I'm done.
Company X: Good chap, enjoy shopping with Company X.

Incelsiorlef: Look at this goddamn entitled Customer! He thinks because he paid for benefits that he should get them and people who haven't paid shouldn't. How entitled!

This is the mind-set of some of these people on ReetardEra.
If you pay for services and benefits and expect to get them you are entitled.
If you don't think non-paying customers should get the same deal as you then you are entitled.
However, if you demand the same benefits without paying and moan when you don't get it? Not entitled.

To be fair a lot of them are calling out this bullshit on the thread. So there is a bit of hope in there yet.

Highly, highly, entertaining. I LOVE IT! :)

"I want those famous hotdogs for cheap without paying for a membership! Reeeeee!"
Well, how about you just buy a pack of hotdogs and some buns and get like 8 hotdogs for 1.50?
"Some people are homeless or poor and can't cook hotdogs! Reeeeeeee!"
But it's you that wants the hotdogs, no? Do you have a microwave or stove or...?
"You just want people to die you capitalist pig! What about families with no money!? Goddamn membership paying entitled assholes! Reeeeeeee!"

You could've easily stopped at McDonald's. Let's face facts, you get more for about the same price. They are FAR more convenient and there are just straight up more of them. Seriously, theres a McDonald's on like every block, but how often do you even run into a costco where this is a problem? The closest one to me requires a car to get there, where I'm surrounded by 3 or 4 McDonald's within walking distance.

This isn't about the poor or homeless, who choose fast food places WELL before a costco, this is about greedy Reeeee members too cheap to pay $60 a year for the Costco membership, but I bet they pay $60 a year for XBL or PSN.


Too dumb? I think you are not dumb enough by far.

If you really want to understand the message, ask a friend to drop a bag of cement on your head from about 200ft. Then you'd be as brain damaged as the poster who wrote that.

They're desperately trying to stay relevant, much like Hobbes, it's gone so far from funny to utterly pathetic for them.

Still is funny though, I cannot lie.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Of course it hasn't been reported. They're trying to bury the news and attack the messenger to deflect. They won't be able to deflect the EU fine though.
God bless the European Union. As long as we can find out when they knew of the breach and it's over 72 hours, a suggestion to my EU brethren to advise the data commissioners of this breach.


I had a feeling ERA would be quite excited to hear r/gamersriseup was banned considering r/gamingcirclejerk (the leftist counterpart to r/gamersriseup) seems to basically just be ERA members on reddit. This of course comes hot on the heels of yesterday's massive ban waves of other subreddits that don't join the leftist group think like r/average_redditor and a bunch of others. Which also comes hot on the heels of them dismantling T_D. It's almost as if they don't want opposing viewpoints on their platform? Regardless, this is quite the win for ERA members indeed another group of nazi bigots silenced and eliminated!

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Data breach you say? Work and school emails given away you say? Passwords given out you say?

.... nope nothing happened it’s just trolls.
The pedo discord pretty much revealed how reee plays things when they get presented with evidence

1)at first ignore and ban/lock discussion
2) if the discussion is offsite mass report and force it to disappear
3) discredit the actual leaker or antagonist
4) staff communication and we do give into alt right trolls post

they are then safe and can go back to shrieking at titties in Japanese games and trying to stack the oppression ladder in the correct order

meanwhile someone now has access to your username...your passwords and your work/personal details and can no go about fucking up your life for shits and giggles while captain “Nword moment” b-dubs instructs his admins to ban anyone who questions their explanation

this year is already delivering...and we are not even at the starting block of the election yet,


Looks like one Resetter is finally waking up. Ironically, one named Daffy Duck.


As usual, Reset admins run to the bullshit defense of "sexism". You can never question women/feminism or you're sexist.

Yeah, that shit doesn't fly in the real world. If I know a woman was purposely trying to keep me down because of my gender, I'm not going to tolerate it.

And to surprise of no one, a member says that "men are trash" and nothing happens. No punishment. Swap genders and see what happens.


Gold Member
C'mon. Get creative. Get access to an admin account, ban all mods, lift all bans in the system. Watch the world burn.


C'mon. Get creative. Get access to an admin account, ban all mods, lift all bans in the system. Watch the world burn.
You need to think bigger.

If anything, someone needs to leak the Private Messages. Remember some of the heinous shit they did on GAF. Expose all corruption.

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C'mon. Get creative. Get access to an admin account, ban all mods, lift all bans in the system. Watch the world burn.

I'd rather they leak mods DMs, but I think they moved all mod chat to the Discord after they found they had an insider (Robin, Kethkats partner) leaking before.

Hopefully this will be an entertaining popcorn weekend on Ree.
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