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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Every once in a while, Era members learn a new expression, and they start using it a lot to sound smarter. They always sound dumber, either because they use it too much or because they misuse it.

That's not how you use "vis a vis".

Daffy Duck


And they accuse “the alt-right/Republicans” of appropriating and changing the meaning of words to fit their agenda.

Of course arguing this would be “arguing over semantics” and bannable for sexism.

I wasn’t even sure how to respond to the replies I got, felt like whatever I was going to say would result in another ban, so just left it there because I was confused as hell about what was happening tbh from asking what I thought was a genuine question.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
I wasn’t even sure how to respond to the replies I got, felt like whatever I was going to say would result in another ban, so just left it there because I was confused as hell about what was happening tbh from asking what I thought was a genuine question.
If you continued you would have been called a sexist duck by a different user (extremely likely a mod's lackey) so your conversation with admin/moderator would be forgotten but the narrative is you attacking female authority because you hate women. Followed by a ban.

You chose wisely.


I wasn’t even sure how to respond to the replies I got, felt like whatever I was going to say would result in another ban, so just left it there because I was confused as hell about what was happening tbh from asking what I thought was a genuine question.

Well basically it's a defense strategy against people pointing out their hypocrisy.

You see a thread that would not stand if the subject matter was a woman.
So you ask why.
Then they tell you it's sexist to even ask that.
So now you are in their sights for a potential ban for sexism or inappropriate comparisons or something.



Man, that Costco thread was a goddamn hilarious read.
Everything that's wrong with "SJW" types summed up over a few pages.

So it appears that Costco hotdogs are famously rather good and are sold at an excellent price.
However you need a membership to shop at Costco and some people who go there to eat the famous hotdogs do so without memberships.
So Costco wants to enforce their "members-only" rules.

This is really not a big deal.

However, entitled little twats who love cheap delicious hotdogs, virtue signalling and "standing up to authority" are taking a strop because they are being blocked out in favor of those big spending, high flying, upper class types who are spending... 60 bucks... a year... on "exclusive" memberships.

With ReetardEra being a videogame site primarily I can't help but see the humor in the fact that a Costco membership for an entire year costs about the same as a videogame. A videogame that would need to be played on a 300+ buck device or a relatively expensive computer.

Anyway, so now it needs to become a social justice issue and it's telling that the "anti-Costco" mob go for an emotionally manipulative response.

Hey guys you know some families they just don't have much and "going out for dinner" for them might mean going to Costco and splitting a hotdog 4 ways and putting 4 straws into the soda. You want to deny them that? You heartless bastards!

Like, if you are that fucking poor then I don't see how blowing 1.50 on a single hotdog and little drink of soda is a wise move.
Pack the kids into the car and drive to Costco because a 1.50 hotdog is all we can afford.
Doesn't McDonalds also have a dollar menu or something?
How much is a loaf of bread and some milk in the US?

Oh but what about the homeless? The homeless are cold and starving and maybe this 1.50 hotdog could be saving lives!
So now the argument is that Costco should not shut this down because they are providing a public service by offering cheap food to the homeless.

If this is the case then why not argue that the hotdogs should just be given away to the homeless for free OR maybe Costco could run a soup kitchen out the back of their store.

What is it with these whiny little brats using the impoverished and the homeless as their bargaining chip in this argument which is basically "those Costco hotdogs are famous and popular and I am jealous of people who have a membership so I want to complain that they are shutting ME out". Except 99.9% of sensible people when faced with a clown on a videogame forum using a laptop or phone to post messages complaining about not being able to get a 1.50 hotdog will say "stop whining and eat elsewhere you fucking cheapskate". So we need to bring out poor immigrant families and almost dead homeless people to attack the big Costco Strawman.

Then there's the escalation to "the world is fucking ending and we are all dying and it's all because of capitalism and this is an example of that!" REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I feel entitled to this cheap 1.50 hotdog without needing to pay for a membership!
They won't let me have it!
Reeeeeeeeee! This is why capitalism is a disease!
How dare those paying members want to keep the stuff they paid for all to themselves?
This is disgusting capitalism! How can you defend this!
Food should all be free anyway reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

All this entertainment and screeching over a shitty hotdog that costs 1.50. :)

I mean, no shit, if I am paying a membership fee for certain privileges and services then I want to take advantage of that.
Otherwise why would I bother with the membership?
So if some dude is there going "haha fuck that membership fee, I am going to take advantage" then I probably would be looking to the people running the whole thing to do something.
Otherwise what am I actually paying for?

Of course Incelsiorlef gets it backwards and upside down as usual trying to portray paying members as the entitled ones.
Here's the strawman Costco customer.
"I paid my 50$ Only I should get a 1.50$ hot dog on my way out, it's not fair!"

Well why do you think people are paying their 50 bucks membership?

Company X: If you pay 60 bucks a year we can offer you the following benefits.
Customer A: Sounds good. Here you go. Now I can enjoy shopping and maybe grab one of your famous hotdogs when I'm done.
Company X: Good chap, enjoy shopping with Company X.

Incelsiorlef: Look at this goddamn entitled Customer! He thinks because he paid for benefits that he should get them and people who haven't paid shouldn't. How entitled!

This is the mind-set of some of these people on ReetardEra.
If you pay for services and benefits and expect to get them you are entitled.
If you don't think non-paying customers should get the same deal as you then you are entitled.
However, if you demand the same benefits without paying and moan when you don't get it? Not entitled.

To be fair a lot of them are calling out this bullshit on the thread. So there is a bit of hope in there yet.

Highly, highly, entertaining. I LOVE IT! :)

"I want those famous hotdogs for cheap without paying for a membership! Reeeeee!"
Well, how about you just buy a pack of hotdogs and some buns and get like 8 hotdogs for 1.50?
"Some people are homeless or poor and can't cook hotdogs! Reeeeeeee!"
But it's you that wants the hotdogs, no? Do you have a microwave or stove or...?
"You just want people to die you capitalist pig! What about families with no money!? Goddamn membership paying entitled assholes! Reeeeeeee!"
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It's an over simplified image macro, but thanks for adding some first hand background information to it. For comparision what would be the equivillent collage loan rejection rate?

It doesn't matter because college loan rates are predatory and their punishments even more so. Hell a default on a student loan carries more weight in applying for a government job then a Class A misdemeanor which is one stop short from a felony.

Even the idea of free higher learning is not an awful idea in concept. An individual still has to go class, work to graduate, then find a good paying job. There is a misconception that a free education = get rich easy when it doesn't. Our society in the U.S already offers completely free education from K-12. So why not offer higher learning so individuals can make more money and be more prepared in their retirement years and become less of a burden on tax payers.

One of my plans was using local high schools which are basically dead overnight to expand free night college courses which can be applied to university courses or elsewhere.

Local High Schools are pre built structures that basically just sit unused past 4 p.m.

A higher educated populace that can fend for itself = less of a burden on taxpayers and the government. It's a win-win situation.
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Gold Member
I would rather fight for the working class and poor then.


unless rich people pay me like a lot of money, i mean a lot. My principles are easily compromised with cold hard cash.
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Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
People rightly being shat on now for the patronising assumption that poor people exist on bargain hotdogs.


Darkness no more
Looks like one Resetter is finally waking up. Ironically, one named Daffy Duck.


As usual, Reset admins run to the bullshit defense of "sexism". You can never question women/feminism or you're sexist.

Yeah, that shit doesn't fly in the real world. If I know a woman was purposely trying to keep me down because of my gender, I'm not going to tolerate it.

They always act like women are these fragile creatures that need their protecting. I don’t think most of them interact with women often.


Gold Member
They always act like women are these fragile creatures that need their protecting. I don’t think most of them interact with women often.
Well sure, because if you white knight hard enough, maybe, just maybe, Morrigan will show up at your door one day and give you your first handy!


Ron Mexico

Hell a default on a student loan carries more weight in applying for a government job then a Class A misdemeanor which is one stop short from a felony.

There’s some good ideas in the rest of your post and I don’t disagree in theory but this isn’t true. At all.

Source: Not a government employee but work in a credit-related field inside a government building. Our average FICO is shockingly low (south of 680) and I’ll let you guess the culprit. My sample size is locally just over 4000 households and our organization is closer to 25000.

What I don’t like is how sound bytes are left unchecked long enough that they’re taken as fact and once they’re taken as fact used as justification for whatever else.

We can do a better job in education. That much I completely agree. We can also do so without resorting to bullshit rationale.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Biden has none of the baggage!
(well his kid was involved in Ukrainian oil in a deal directly related to President Trump's impeachement)

but ASIDE FROM THAT no baggage!

But this is correct. What did people like about Clinton? She is not Trump. Biden also is not Trump. Also Biden has none of Clinton's baggage (he has his own though and is obviously not in the mental shape to lead a country).

So what is ResetEra now?

Ah bless! Vanillalite clearly doesn't realize just how important non-registered member site traffic actually is! If websites relied on advertising revenue from registered members only even the most popular sites would take a considerable overall revenue dip! Less publicly viewable content means less overall clicks which also means less banner ads.
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That old China thread had this gem of advice in it. REE posters should take it to heart while posting at RE too.

And the breakdown thread, if anyone is curious: https://www.resetera.com/threads/im-having-a-breakdown-please-someone-talk-to-me.100980/

Hearty chuckle at that breakdown thread. These kids think they have it all figured out when they are lecturing people on the 'classist' repression inherent in membership hot dogs but take them out of their comfort zone and they are revealed to be total naifs with no understanding of how the world works.



Holy crap. I remember this!

Seemed like they went to China completely unprepared.
Had only booked a hotel for a few days as accommodation.
Was not ready for anything like getting around, bank accounts, essentials etc.
Basically traveled half way around the world and then melted down after about a day.

How typical of Era is a situation like this.
Privileged white asshole who moans constantly about entitlement and capitalism etc goes to China.
"Most people here don't speak English!"

Well... I mean... what the fuck did you expect? It's CHINA!

I hate this kind of attitude from these people that think they can just jump on a plane and go halfway across the world and then the locals will all go out of their way to accommodate this moron who couldn't find their own arse with both hands and a map.

Sure one of these adorable little locals will show me, the super important American traveler out on a life-affirming adventure, where to go and what to do and how to get to anywhere I want to go... OH NO THEY DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH! What devilry is this!?

Arrogant fucking assholes. You ain't the center or the world. You ain't special just because you want to travel. No, the people where you are going are sitting there studiously learning English so they can jump to the recuse and help your confused and ignorant ass!

No wonder this same person is going nuts over 1.50 hot dogs.
The don't speak English here!?
You need a membership to avail of exclusive member perks!?


Not bad though eh?
You can afford to travel to China to study for 6 months but when you come back to the US you are condemned to a staple diet of $1.50 hot dogs and soda. :)


This was a top quality rant and I enjoyed it all.

Thanks. I properly enjoyed it myself.

There is an update though.

srsly? says: "What about poor folks who are stopping at Costco's food court for some affordable calories in-between the two jobs they work just to be able to survive? Perhaps the first job they work provides them no means of storing or heating up packed up food, and just perhaps they don't find it too much to ask to get a some hot grub for their meager meal?"

That's right. We have to stretch this to an extremely specific case just to come up with a reason why Costco, a members-only warehouse club, are being shitheels by reserving their membership perks for folks who actually pay for membership.

Bu-bu-but Costco-san! What about this guy who works two jobs and needs calories to survive!? Why can't he pop into Costco for a 1.50 hotdog to literally save his life as he travels to his 2nd workplace!? Won't you at least consider giving him this little serving of hot grub for his meager meal... sob sob sob.

This cunt can't pack a lunch? Shit, I bet you could cobble together a couple of days worth of sandwiches for quite a bit less than 1.50 a day?

Those damn evil membership paying capitalist dogs and their corporate overlords hoarding all the shitty 1.50 hotdogs to themselves!

It also occurred to me that Costco is SPECIFICALLY intended for people who want to save money!
You pay the 60 bucks membership (1.15 per week) on the presumption that you will get that back, plus more, in savings.
It's literally set up to allow people to spend less money.

The way they present it is like you pay an massive sum to Costco and you get an exclusive shopping experience where you are treated like royalty and the staff keep all the riff-raff away as you buy premium goods that the plebs can't afford in peace.

Topped off with a gourmet hotdog that has the potential to end world hunger if only those rich bastards would share.

(I am fucking loving this.)
That thread is great barometer for who is fully indoctrinated and who is normal. Pretty even battle being fought there and people seem to be emboldened by inconsequential nature of the subject matter to speak their mind. Will the mods find a way to ban people for not denouncing membership hot dogs?
That thread is great barometer for who is fully indoctrinated and who is normal. Pretty even battle being fought there and people seem to be emboldened by inconsequential nature of the subject matter to speak their mind. Will the mods find a way to ban people for not denouncing membership hot dogs?
The severity of the bans will be telling.

Will the bans be light and/or only aimed at the worst offenders?
i.e. Banned (Duration Pending) insulting other members, past history of similar infractions.

Or will the absurdity continue?
i.e. Banned (Duration Pending) Downplaying microcosmic racial oppression vis a vis trolling in a sensitive topic.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Thanks. I properly enjoyed it myself.

There is an update though.

srsly? says: "What about poor folks who are stopping at Costco's food court for some affordable calories in-between the two jobs they work just to be able to survive? Perhaps the first job they work provides them no means of storing or heating up packed up food, and just perhaps they don't find it too much to ask to get a some hot grub for their meager meal?"

That's right. We have to stretch this to an extremely specific case just to come up with a reason why Costco, a members-only warehouse club, are being shitheels by reserving their membership perks for folks who actually pay for membership.

Bu-bu-but Costco-san! What about this guy who works two jobs and needs calories to survive!? Why can't he pop into Costco for a 1.50 hotdog to literally save his life as he travels to his 2nd workplace!? Won't you at least consider giving him this little serving of hot grub for his meager meal... sob sob sob.

This cunt can't pack a lunch? Shit, I bet you could cobble together a couple of days worth of sandwiches for quite a bit less than 1.50 a day?

Those damn evil membership paying capitalist dogs and their corporate overlords hoarding all the shitty 1.50 hotdogs to themselves!

It also occurred to me that Costco is SPECIFICALLY intended for people who want to save money!
You pay the 60 bucks membership (1.15 per week) on the presumption that you will get that back, plus more, in savings.
It's literally set up to allow people to spend less money.

The way they present it is like you pay an massive sum to Costco and you get an exclusive shopping experience where you are treated like royalty and the staff keep all the riff-raff away as you buy premium goods that the plebs can't afford in peace.

Topped off with a gourmet hotdog that has the potential to end world hunger if only those rich bastards would share.

(I am fucking loving this.)

I bet this person doesn't have a budget either.


Costo thread is just baffling

these same people would endlessly bitch about Wal Mart and how it's an evil corporation blah blah blah

but here they are all talking about poor people eating hot dogs or some shit



post #28
No facts please, the get in the way of my knee jerk reaction

post #28
No facts please, the get in the way of my knee jerk reaction

crazy ban. His entire post is a quote, nothing in his post is really disputed, it throws a whole different light on the whole case. So why ban him? Why are other people not being banned for agreeing with him?

FWIW I think the death penalty is wrong, especially when it used to convict accomplices and people who just connected to the case. But this guy was clearly involved. Debate the law that sends him to his death but don't pretend that there isn't, at least, a fairly good case for him being guilty as per the law as it stands.



post #28
No facts please, the get in the way of my knee jerk reaction
Lol quoting the news is now a bannable offense if it doesn’t line up with their narrative. The dead men were shot in the back and head, essentially executed but this poor guy is a victim.



A massive Data Breach huh?

"Hate sites" have got your data Ree! Or is it the Russians, or the Chinese or the farms or us? For your own safety to all the lurkers that monitor this topic I seriously suggest you request account deletions now.

Man, that Costco thread was a goddamn hilarious read.
Everything that's wrong with "SJW" types summed up over a few pages.

So it appears that Costco hotdogs are famously rather good and are sold at an excellent price.
However you need a membership to shop at Costco and some people who go there to eat the famous hotdogs do so without memberships.
So Costco wants to enforce their "members-only" rules.

This is really not a big deal.

However, entitled little twats who love cheap delicious hotdogs, virtue signalling and "standing up to authority" are taking a strop because they are being blocked out in favor of those big spending, high flying, upper class types who are spending... 60 bucks... a year... on "exclusive" memberships.

With ReetardEra being a videogame site primarily I can't help but see the humor in the fact that a Costco membership for an entire year costs about the same as a videogame. A videogame that would need to be played on a 300+ buck device or a relatively expensive computer.

Anyway, so now it needs to become a social justice issue and it's telling that the "anti-Costco" mob go for an emotionally manipulative response.

Hey guys you know some families they just don't have much and "going out for dinner" for them might mean going to Costco and splitting a hotdog 4 ways and putting 4 straws into the soda. You want to deny them that? You heartless bastards!

Like, if you are that fucking poor then I don't see how blowing 1.50 on a single hotdog and little drink of soda is a wise move.
Pack the kids into the car and drive to Costco because a 1.50 hotdog is all we can afford.
Doesn't McDonalds also have a dollar menu or something?
How much is a loaf of bread and some milk in the US?

Oh but what about the homeless? The homeless are cold and starving and maybe this 1.50 hotdog could be saving lives!
So now the argument is that Costco should not shut this down because they are providing a public service by offering cheap food to the homeless.

If this is the case then why not argue that the hotdogs should just be given away to the homeless for free OR maybe Costco could run a soup kitchen out the back of their store.

What is it with these whiny little brats using the impoverished and the homeless as their bargaining chip in this argument which is basically "those Costco hotdogs are famous and popular and I am jealous of people who have a membership so I want to complain that they are shutting ME out". Except 99.9% of sensible people when faced with a clown on a videogame forum using a laptop or phone to post messages complaining about not being able to get a 1.50 hotdog will say "stop whining and eat elsewhere you fucking cheapskate". So we need to bring out poor immigrant families and almost dead homeless people to attack the big Costco Strawman.

Then there's the escalation to "the world is fucking ending and we are all dying and it's all because of capitalism and this is an example of that!" REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I feel entitled to this cheap 1.50 hotdog without needing to pay for a membership!
They won't let me have it!
Reeeeeeeeee! This is why capitalism is a disease!
How dare those paying members want to keep the stuff they paid for all to themselves?
This is disgusting capitalism! How can you defend this!
Food should all be free anyway reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

All this entertainment and screeching over a shitty hotdog that costs 1.50. :)

I mean, no shit, if I am paying a membership fee for certain privileges and services then I want to take advantage of that.
Otherwise why would I bother with the membership?
So if some dude is there going "haha fuck that membership fee, I am going to take advantage" then I probably would be looking to the people running the whole thing to do something.
Otherwise what am I actually paying for?

Of course Incelsiorlef gets it backwards and upside down as usual trying to portray paying members as the entitled ones.
Here's the strawman Costco customer.
"I paid my 50$ Only I should get a 1.50$ hot dog on my way out, it's not fair!"

Well why do you think people are paying their 50 bucks membership?

Company X: If you pay 60 bucks a year we can offer you the following benefits.
Customer A: Sounds good. Here you go. Now I can enjoy shopping and maybe grab one of your famous hotdogs when I'm done.
Company X: Good chap, enjoy shopping with Company X.

Incelsiorlef: Look at this goddamn entitled Customer! He thinks because he paid for benefits that he should get them and people who haven't paid shouldn't. How entitled!

This is the mind-set of some of these people on ReetardEra.
If you pay for services and benefits and expect to get them you are entitled.
If you don't think non-paying customers should get the same deal as you then you are entitled.
However, if you demand the same benefits without paying and moan when you don't get it? Not entitled.

To be fair a lot of them are calling out this bullshit on the thread. So there is a bit of hope in there yet.

Highly, highly, entertaining. I LOVE IT! :)

"I want those famous hotdogs for cheap without paying for a membership! Reeeeee!"
Well, how about you just buy a pack of hotdogs and some buns and get like 8 hotdogs for 1.50?
"Some people are homeless or poor and can't cook hotdogs! Reeeeeeee!"
But it's you that wants the hotdogs, no? Do you have a microwave or stove or...?
"You just want people to die you capitalist pig! What about families with no money!? Goddamn membership paying entitled assholes! Reeeeeeee!"

This is a really long rant but the actual reality of the Costco hot dog can be explained in 1 short paragraph.

Costco makes over 85% of their revenue from the membership fees. They sell those hot dogs and rotisserie chickens at a loss to get people to join. Chickens are in the store already and can't be purchased by non-members but the food court used to be allowed to slide. This is no longer the case, because Costco is tired of subsidizing cheap food at a loss for non-members. The End.


"Hate sites" have got your data Ree! Or is it the Russians, or the Chinese or the farms or us? For your own safety to all the lurkers that monitor this topic I seriously suggest you request account deletions now.

If true, this would be hilariously bad for the site and just another nail in the coffin.

Thankfully my sign-up email is now defunct (expired) and my username was different.
Corollary post: If you can't afford the $60 a year for a Costco membership maybe you should rethink your life priorities. Amazon Prime and Netflix both cost way more than that yearly. Costco membership has long been one of the best values in retail and that's why they have so many members.
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