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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I'm sure they really wanted to lose to a bunch of schoolboys and be ridiculed around the world. I'm sure they didn't take it seriously at all.

Hilarious when nerds start talking about sport.
Just reading those responses from Coyote to PrintedCrayon and seeing how they're trying to twist it into some agenda is really making me mad. I know that's completely irrational but jfc.

There is obviously a skill gap between men and women in sport. It's utterly patronising to deny it. Trying to jump through hoops and justify why women may not be as good at something doesn't help a cause like feminism or equality.


Gold Member

Am enjoying Coyote Starrk in this thread insisting that there is no way THE BEST WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAM IN THE WORLD legitimately lost to a bunch of 15yr old boys, despite that actually having happened and despite the fact that women's senior professional and international teams regularly lose to teams of teenage boys

Which is not to say I don't think the US women's team shouldn't be paid equal to the men, they should be. But lets be real here.

They should be paid equally as proportionate to the revenue they generate, which if the revenue is less, more or equal, I have no clue.

I say that as a season ticket holder to our local women's pro soccer team, who honestly never watches the mens team except during tourney time.
Just reading those responses from Coyote to PrintedCrayon and seeing how they're trying to twist it into some agenda is really making me mad. I know that's completely irrational but jfc.

There is obviously a skill gap between men and women in sport. It's utterly patronising to deny it. Trying to jump through hoops and justify why women may not be as good at something doesn't help a cause like feminism or equality.

Yeah this is big problem with debates in places like resetera. People are always so quick to defend their 'side' from any criticism that they will go out to bat for them on every point, regardless of whether there is any foundation to their arguments or not.

There are very good reasons why the USWNT should be paid at least equally to the men's team but that doesn't mean you have to pretend that women's football is 'better' in terms of raw ability to compete with men/teenagers than it clearly is. That's not really a relevant part of the debate. Is it entertaining to many? Clearly yes. Does it put bums on seats? Yes. Does it bring in revenue? Yes. Are they successful? Yes.

By making this silly arguments all you do is reduce credibility in the reasonable arguments being made and, at the same time, attract people who disagree with your fallacious arguments to argue with you. In that thread there is virtually no-one who agrees that the women should be paid less but there is a debate anyway because he/she had to over step the mark. Will there be bans to follow?
Yeah this is big problem with debates in places like resetera. People are always so quick to defend their 'side' from any criticism that they will go out to bat for them on every point, regardless of whether there is any foundation to their arguments or not.

There are very good reasons why the USWNT should be paid at least equally to the men's team but that doesn't mean you have to pretend that women's football is 'better' in terms of raw ability to compete with men/teenagers than it clearly is. That's not really a relevant part of the debate. Is it entertaining to many? Clearly yes. Does it put bums on seats? Yes. Does it bring in revenue? Yes. Are they successful? Yes.

By making this silly arguments all you do is reduce credibility in the reasonable arguments being made and, at the same time, attract people who disagree with your fallacious arguments to argue with you. In that thread there is virtually no-one who agrees that the women should be paid less but there is a debate anyway because he/she had to over step the mark. Will there be bans to follow?
I won't be surprised to see bans dished out for their cookie cutter "dismissive of so-and-so concerns"

Think you were right. Era is a miserable place.


The Tribe Has Spoken
They should be paid equally as proportionate to the revenue they generate
This is the only thing that matters.

There is an Australian women’s football league that is only 4 years old and there are constant rumblings that their wages should be more commensurate with the men’s league despite the fact that they have to let people in for free in order to draw a crowd.

In order to be paid more, the money has to come from somewhere, it doesn’t materialise out of thin air.

Baby steps, people.
In England, I'd be more than happy for the women to paid equal. It's not hugely popular but it's growing and the men give their earnings away to charity anyway because they are basically fuck all compared to their club wages.


From what I’m hearing The data leak alluded to that also...emails/logins and passwords were still there....usernames were changed to a number....I’m assuming the user names get saved off somewhere else

knowing their security it’s probably a google doc set to public by mistake....I’m sure someone will stumble over it
There's more leaked info rumoured due to get released. They really are incompetent.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Just read that whole thread. Was great. For once the general users were OK. That room is a shithole and I loved the OP lashing out at first by scoffing at the idea that anyone could have a better room than his and then meekly whining about how depressed the comments were making him feel.

Get a backbone and sense of self awareness. You live in a shithole. For a small amount of money you can live in a much nicer room if you just bought some furniture that didn't come from a skip.

Carpet is horrible though. Maybe a rug could fix that.


Dick Jones

Gold Member
Does anyone know if you can force them to purge the account or whether simply deleting the user name is enough under GDPR? And what part of GDPR deals with that that I can quote?
Email your state agency dealing with GDPR and make a complaint to see if they made a declaration that information was compromised. They may get fined if an EU member's info is compromised and they didn't declare it.
Email your state agency dealing with GDPR and make a complaint to see if they made a declaration that information was compromised. They may get fined if an EU member's info is compromised and they didn't declare it.

I have considered doing something like that but concluded that I really can't be arsed.


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Also the ICO are fucking useless - if you have an afternoon to kill read the transcript of the Cambridge Analytica parliamentary evidence session.

We need a French user to go for it. They don't fuck about.


Unconfirmed Member
This is the only thing that matters.

There is an Australian women’s football league that is only 4 years old and there are constant rumblings that their wages should be more commensurate with the men’s league despite the fact that they have to let people in for free in order to draw a crowd.

In order to be paid more, the money has to come from somewhere, it doesn’t materialise out of thin air.

Baby steps, people.
lol no
I love that when you make a factual statement that goes against the groupthink, the Era goons implore you to "think harder" about it :D :D
That's the blindspot of being On The Right Side of History and/or being in a religious cult.

You don't believe in Jesus? But I mean... think about it. You don't believe in the populist movement? C'mon, you must not have thought about it, have you?

Those driven by emotion and rhetoric are often the first to think of themselves as deep thinkers who came to their conclusions through rigorous back-and-forth investigation. Ironically, their image of themselves is the opposite of the truth. Instead of coming to conclusions grudgingly and skeptically, the True Believer is one of the first ones to jump feet-first into a new ideology without self-reflecting on why they abandoned the previous one.

So they have to assume you haven't thought about it -- unlike themselves, the deep thinker -- so that is why you didn't come to the same obvious conclusions as themselves. Pretty easy to catch: when asked how they came to these conclusions or what supporting facts led them to it, they either come up short or deflect to something unrelated or retreat to the good ol' "Well it's obvious" or "are you saying....?"

Thinkers can usually "show their math" and explain why they believe something and how they came to those conclusions. Midwits are all about their reputation as intelligent people but can never be bothered to prove it.
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Gold Member
When you'd rather be ignorant than informed. Era is so far up its own arse it's almost unbelievable.

And the guy summarized everything so you don't even need to listen to it! They COULD have just deleted the show link but allowed discussion of that specific podcast but noooooo.

I guarantee 90% of reee listens to JR as well! So bizarre that they pretend he is some fringe alt-right wacko.
Just reading those responses from Coyote to PrintedCrayon and seeing how they're trying to twist it into some agenda is really making me mad. I know that's completely irrational but jfc.

There is obviously a skill gap between men and women in sport. It's utterly patronising to deny it. Trying to jump through hoops and justify why women may not be as good at something doesn't help a cause like feminism or equality.
The corollary to this is letting trans women (biologically male, with all the advantages that implies) compete in women's sports is absolutely fucking insane.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Are they seriously


Upon finding out that a country has sovereignty to protect its borders and ports? Yes, if you are trying to come back into the United States and you are visibly sick during a pandemic, you can be forced into quarantine. How did they think this worked?
LMAO the entire thread turns on him after seeing his ghetto ass room and he immediately asks the mods to lock the thread instead of facing reality XD.


Gold Member
Are they seriously


Upon finding out that a country has sovereignty to protect its borders and ports? Yes, if you are trying to come back into the United States and you are visibly sick during a pandemic, you can be forced into quarantine. How did they think this worked?

Are you seriously? These people worship Bernie who said he would open all the borders during a pandemic.


Gold Member
Wow, just see the tone difference in this thread. All the same calls for Canada to do more but none of the virtue signalling vitriol always thrown around in American threads. Oh, and some more thinly veiled death threats against POTUS. TDS is real!



Currently Gif and Meme Champion

>guy skypes with random date and agree to meet
>guy brings him over to his place which sounds like a tip
>guy gets a phonecall from "friend" who says her cat died and wants him to come meet up with her
>guy leaves date 30 mins in
>guy calls Ree user and tells him he found his place "jarring"
>Ree user wants Karma to kill this man for ditching

Lmao yes its this guys fault that he doesn't want to cuddle with you in landfill

Edit: this response killed me

"Your apartment must be an absolute shithole if your date had to make an excuse to bail on your date and then block you after. "
"If you all are just going laugh at me then I'm done here."

"Thanks for the positive light."

Man, how fucking non self-aware can you fucking be? Why the fuck everything has to be positive, especially not something which led you to be more successful in your future endeavors? So fragile it's painfull...

Besides if guy don't want to smash you after 2 hour drive, probably something is else is very wrong. Or do I just assumed gender?

For 2 hour drive, I would probably smash even those who my fellow Slav posting here. Fuck sake.
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"If you all are just going laugh at me then I'm done here."

"Thanks for the positive light."

Man, how fucking non self-aware can you fucking be? Why the fuck everything has to be positive, especially not something which led you to be more successful in your future endeavors? So fragile it's painfull...

Besides if guy don't want to smash you after 2 hour drive, probably something is else is very wrong. Or do I just assumed gender?

For 2 hour drive, I would probably smash even those who my fellow Slav posting here. Fuck sake.

Would you smash that? (Must be the person recording)

Can't say for sure it's him, just the second result on Google for his username. Plus the channel kinda checks out.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Would you smash that? (Must be the person recording)

Can't say for sure it's him, just the second result on Google for his username. Plus the channel kinda checks out.

No well, but I would also not aim for a man, so yeah. Again, I could just be assuming gender, because even with the voice you can hardly say these days on the internet.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
"Hey Era you might have a security breach you should look into"

"Fuck you, there's nothing wrong, you work for Colin Morriarty you Alt right troll"

Shortly later...
Shortly? They were still sending her abuse after the hacker revealed itself and caused havoc. She fucking warned them. Not the first time she broke news and got shat on for reporting someone else's fuck up.



It's because of retards like these the phrase 'Don't shoot the messenger' exists.

If I had a face to face with those posters it would be the following

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Locked within one minute.

Deplatforming someone they don't like > spreading actual information from an expert for a pandemic.

Good priorities, mods. Good priorities.

What's funny is that when B-Dubbs was exposed, everyone was so quick to say it was the past and he shouldn't be held accountable now.

He did this shit in like 2017, 2018 I even think. Said worse shit than Rogan. He is currently in a position to dictate moderation and rules. Rogan isn't.

They go back to like 2011, 2012(?) to find one thing off the cuff Rogan said and BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNED FROM DISCUSSION.

Beginning to see a pattern here?

It's like the mods are not held to the same criteria. Mod's past is absolved from the cancel culture of Era. Cause... reasons?

These rules and ethics are meaningless to them and are only deceptive tools to deplatform people they don't like. That's what happens when you concede the spirit of "freedom of speech" as a core ethos. You get double standard shit like this and so much worse.

And it will be turned on people who consider themselves an ally if the narrative requires the groupthink to do so.

How's that safe space treating you, lurkers? Better brush up on the approved opinions to have and the correct way to say them.
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
What's funny is that when B-Dubbs was exposed, everyone was so quick to say it was the past and he shouldn't be held accountable now.

He did this shit in like 2017, 2018 I even think. Said worse shit than Rogan. He is in a position to dictate moderation and rules. Rogan isn't.


Beginning to see a pattern here?

It's like the mods are not held to the same criteria. Mod's past is absolved from the cancel culture of Era. Cause... reasons?


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Not really about ResetEra but ffs SJW-ism is a cancer.

Posted a pepe Gordon Freeman on the Half-Life reddit. Innocent image and people always post funny memes there.

Got downvoted and then locked. Apparently because 'muh pepe is a hate symbol'.

Oh and apparently somebody posting an Alex Jones parody about 'gay frogs' is okay but not "Groyper Freeman'. Lol.

SocJus ideology is such a fucking cancer.

Fwiw this is the pic I posted. Wow so racist.

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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
maybe corona will kill sjw-ism
I won't wish death or illness on anyone but if SJWs were in charge, we'd be in a lot worse shape than we are now.

They are utterly pathetic.

Being offended by a stupid frog parodying a video game character because you're brainwashed by the media to believe it's "hateful" and anti-semitic. Here I am a Jew and I laugh my ass off about it.

It's just doubly sad because SocJus folks are usually academic and smart. They have no humor. Their will is weak. Devoid of any free-thinking.

Boggles me too how many anti-sjws are also Bernie supporters but that's a whole other can of worms.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I dunno what it is with so many gamers and devs being so far to the left a cartoon frog triggers them.
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