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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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That Joe Rogan thread lock is legit alarming. That is an actual credible medical professional speaking and they won't allow anyone to talk about it because of the source.

Hecht, I know you're reading this. There's enough people on Era that legit treat the place as their only source of news and holding back something like that is straight up dangerous. I IMPLORE you to at least let a summary of the info dispensed in that podcast have a thread there. As much as I don't like you guys, I don't want to see anyone get infected.


Not really about ResetEra but ffs SJW-ism is a cancer.

Posted a pepe Gordon Freeman on the Half-Life reddit. Innocent image and people always post funny memes there.

Got downvoted and then locked. Apparently because 'muh pepe is a hate symbol'.

Oh and apparently somebody posting an Alex Jones parody about 'gay frogs' is okay but not "Groyper Freeman'. Lol.

SocJus ideology is such a fucking cancer.

Fwiw this is the pic I posted. Wow so racist.

What did you expect Reddit is another hyper liberal shithole just like ERA. Even the few areas that did allow discussion or viewpoints that differed slightly are slowly getting banned left and right over the last couple months.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
EDIT: Misread the quote to ask why so many people seem to join the far left. I suck. Here's my response anyways.

On the surface, the concepts of equality and inclusiveness seem noble and the right thing to do. Rational people should not disagree with the surface level message,

The issue comes down to the fact that it's a facade for the regressive left that attracts people who want to think they are better people or want to be better people. They don't mean it as a core ethos as they pick winners and losers to create equity (not equality). Inclusiveness doesn't pertain to philosophy, political beliefs, some ethic backgrounds, or just benign preferrences on topics like pop culture. You realize, slowly or quickly, you need to adopt the groupthink even when some concepts are antithetical to other classically liberal concepts. You have to ignore the cognitive dissonance and hold opposing issues in certain situations.

This also ignores real history and the reality that the core conceits, equality and inclusiviness, has already come a long way. Actually, they erase the achievements of people for the past 100 years or so on that front to keep their flock in a perpetual state of hysteria that we live in unjust times in perpetuity in which the civil rights movement never happened, social reforms never happened, and everything until 2008 was inherently racist/sexist/homophobic in culture. This is really fucking insulting to the people who made a difference. Also pisses off old school liberals as well whom many were anti-authoritarian and very much for open discussion who felt like things were getting better at an organic pace.

By this point, either your social group or your professional environment all has adopted some degree of regressive left ideas. It is an uncomfortable environment where you have to watch your step or back to keep belonging to them. If you fail, you get kicked out or have your name smeared. So, you put up with it until either you break or it breaks you.
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Pepe causing anger-fits and apoplectic outbursts by the nature of being shown, will never not amuse me. People are getting angry over a cartoon frog because they allow whatever nefarious intent behind it into their mind. Control [the royal] your emotions, and life will get better.


Why am I not surprised these morons are taking the Coronavirus to absurd degrees of hyperbole. It is a fucking flu and it kills the people typically vulnerable to any other flu.
It's not a fucking flu. It may cause the same damage, but it's much much more contagius, risulting in a far greater danger for old or immunocompromised people, and even if you're not that old you still might need to stay in intensive care. What does that mean? That this virus fucks the health systems which could easily become overwhelmed by the number of cases requiring hospitalisation and ventilation to support breathing. (this is not just for old people) This is the difference. If you have the flu, you can just stay at home, and that's it, but with the Coronavirus you're much likely to have to go to an hospital, that gets overwhelmed FAST. Why did we shut down everything and fuck up our economy in Italy? For fun? It's just a flu they said. Why all MOTHERFUCKING Europe is now doing the same?

Now, should we have the ERA approach and not joke about it at all? Like my fellow italian already said, fuck no. It has been a constant flood of memes this past weeks.


Ireland is indeed shutting down, I can work from home and my desk is beside my window.

Public transport is mostly empty, anyone walking looks extremely depressed.

I also smoke, so my cough makes people avoid me when I do. (I'm not sick but should probably stop)
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Did it mutate in Italy or something wtf

A number of issues for Italy.

1) The north of Italy has a significent import market for textiles from Wuhan - this was the big infection vector
2) Italy has a large demographic in the most affected age groups (60-70, 70-80, 80+)
3) Combine the above, and even for Italy's rich north, the healthcare system simply cannot handle it.

Away from the north, you still have the age demographics, but the healthcare standards are worse.

The way it's looking, Italy is going through now what other countries will eventually go through a few months down the line. Actions performed by country leadership, and how seriously they take this issue determines how many die, basically.
Not really about ResetEra but ffs SJW-ism is a cancer.

Posted a pepe Gordon Freeman on the Half-Life reddit. Innocent image and people always post funny memes there.

Got downvoted and then locked. Apparently because 'muh pepe is a hate symbol'.

Oh and apparently somebody posting an Alex Jones parody about 'gay frogs' is okay but not "Groyper Freeman'. Lol.

SocJus ideology is such a fucking cancer.

Fwiw this is the pic I posted. Wow so racist.

Wonder how much rage they have over twitch, SO many fucking pepe emotes and so many streamers use them.


That was put into the football thread? What a fucking idiot. I must see the aftermath.


Gold Member
Due to Italy's aging pop, it's no wonder it's taking its toll over there.

As someone who's visited multiple time to see the fam, you notice just how many older people there are. It's kinda crazy how many OLD people just sit outside their house or bars and play Scoppa (an italian card game), it's nothing like the USA or a lot of other countries.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads

so instead of wanting to spread awareness on an issue that I think is over blown, what your main goal is to not buy a game people are working their asses off to make in the first place. Thus resulting in less sales and which could include potential job losses and could even cause studio closures (obviously not for naughty dog the game will be a success but lets say smaller studios)

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so instead of wanting to spread awareness on an issue that I think is over blown, what your main goal is to not buy a game people are working their asses off to make in the first place. Thus resulting in less sales and which could include potential job losses and could even cause studio closures (obviously not for naughty dog the game will be a success but lets say smaller studios)

Thanks for your inclusiveness and respect toward the LGBTQ+ community in The Last of Us II, one of the first AAA videogames this gen to bravely put a lesbian and her lesbian relationship front-and-center.

Oh but Kotaku said some of your sub-contractors worked crunch, so fuck you no buy.

so instead of wanting to spread awareness on an issue that I think is over blown, what your main goal is to not buy a game people are working their asses off to make in the first place. Thus resulting in less sales and which could include potential job losses and could even cause studio closures (obviously not for naughty dog the game will be a success but lets say smaller studios)

The amount of people trying to pick and choose their battles about what's morally correct in that thread is hilarious.

Like, you support buying a console made in what is essentially slave labour but despise somewhat shitty labour conditions for western dev teams who are paid decently for their work.

Good job you absolute martyr, you.


Due to Italy's aging pop, it's no wonder it's taking its toll over there.

As someone who's visited multiple time to see the fam, you notice just how many older people there are. It's kinda crazy how many OLD people just sit outside their house or bars and play Scoppa (an italian card game), it's nothing like the USA or a lot of other countries.

You raise another good reason they got hit hard - by nature, Italians are very sociable people. They love the company of others. That would have helped the spread :(
Due to Italy's aging pop, it's no wonder it's taking its toll over there.

As someone who's visited multiple time to see the fam, you notice just how many older people there are. It's kinda crazy how many OLD people just sit outside their house or bars and play Scoppa (an italian card game), it's nothing like the USA or a lot of other countries.
I’m interested to hear more about this. Could you expand?
A reseterian victimist created a topic to try to get people on board and boycott TLOU 2 due to "crunching culture". The results? Find out yourself and have a few good laughs :

Highlights of this lunacy :

-No product, no matter how great, is worth sacrificing worker health and well being. (Poor ND workers, making the minimal wage, working inside a bunker with no food and rats as companions)
The amount of people trying to pick and choose their battles about what's morally correct in that thread is hilarious.

Like, you support buying a console made in what is essentially slave labour but despise somewhat shitty labour conditions for western dev teams who are paid decently for their work.

Good job you absolute martyr, you.

Look, a little bit of slavery is necessary for me to fight the patriarchy OK?
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A Fucking Idiot
No wonder people laugh at them and the forum. I get forced to work overtime as many people do and I get compensated accordingly. I guess we should boycott any and all industries where people have to work extra hours. What a joke.



so instead of wanting to spread awareness on an issue that I think is over blown, what your main goal is to not buy a game people are working their asses off to make in the first place. Thus resulting in less sales and which could include potential job losses and could even cause studio closures (obviously not for naughty dog the game will be a success but lets say smaller studios)


I find people who do this very petty and, at the same time, not very smart.

First off, you're literally <1% of people buying the game. This will not matter to the overall sales. We've seen this with Red Dead Redemption 2, where I even saw industry people tell people to boycott the game because of the crunch. I removed them as friends and will never recommend them for any potential job in the future. Red Dead Redemption 2 went on to sell millions and was very successful. It doesn't look like that the fact crunch happened really effected the purchase power the game has.

Secondly, crunch happens the at least 80% of the industry. There is no way you're going to boycott all companies and their games. Unless you don't care about their games or never liked their games to begin with.

Thirdly, you're not going to buy the game because you have the moral compass to hate crunch, but to effect their bonus pay potential? The better a video game does, the better the chance for a great bonus. So, all of those people who sacrificed their time to make the game for the potential buyer (See: you) and you're saying you're not going to buy the game because they have been overworked seems awfully silly.

I'd like to reward the artists, programmers, marketing, and QA teams that put all of their energy into games like these. But nah, let's hurt them by boycotting because management made them crunch. Okay, makes sense to me.

Handy Fake

While it's a blatant overreaction, I still think that "crunch" shouldn't be a thing. Either hire more employees to take up the slack or factor it in to development time.
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