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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Why am I not surprised these morons are taking the Coronavirus to absurd degrees of hyperbole. It is a fucking flu and it kills the people typically vulnerable to any other flu.
Get the fuck out of here with this shit. Like the closest you can probably get is pneumonia.


Gold Member
Who gives a fuck. Ignore those idiots. And if you can't, there's a thread for their lunacy.

i agree stahp shining a light on their absurd threads and giving them a platform.

gaf has a dedicated OT for all things resetera. anythign should be dumped/moved/discussed within the confines there.

join me brothers and sisters in buying 2 copies to celebrate the games release
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If everyone was that morally pure, we'ed all be homeless and running round the streets naked, scrounging allotments for food.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
As much as I'm bored of people moaning about lesbians in this game, this meme was born for this moment

These people think way too much, just let it go man. Crunch work isnt something new, people work like mad in other field of job get used to it

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
A reseterian victimist created a topic to try to get people on board and boycott TLOU 2 due to "crunching culture". The results? Find out yourself and have a few good laughs :

Highlights of this lunacy :

-No product, no matter how great, is worth sacrificing worker health and well being. (Poor ND workers, making the minimal wage, working inside a bunker with no food and rats as companions)

Any other tidbits you can share? I'd read it but I was banned for having a conversation with a differing opinion.


Gold Member
I’m interested to hear more about this. Could you expand?

As Americans we pretty much keep to ourselves when we're at home and not working, but it Italy it's not like that.

My dads from a smaller southern town, but the amount of people who just sit in front of their homes and bars is crazy. It's not like here where you're walking around your neighboorhood and you don't see a soul, that's not how it is in Italy, everyone is out and doing whatever, it's very sociable. They don't come home and lock themselves in their house and watch netflix like we do especially in the summer time.
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Those people must have the most perfect and awesome lives ever. I mean they must have them if they can take the time to protest something like this. Must be nice to not live in the real world where everyone ever that has a real job has to crunch at some point or another, and most jobs dont get to have crunch time where you get to sit at a desk in a air conditioned building. A lot of people have jobs that actually require real work.
Yeah, I would prefer there was no crunch, but I just don't believe that this boycott could work. Especially not with a huge game like TLoU. The change has to come from within the industry though unions or something.


You know, of all the reasons to boycott a game, that I could imagine come from the said place, this one is actually legit and I support it.

I agree. This is the problem with extreme communities: they taint everything they touch, even when there is a legitimate reason agree with them.

Talking about crunch is good, and all effort to reduce that is worth it.
Heck, the entire point of technology is to be able to work less, not more!
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Gold Member
I see another Hermen Hurst PR bit early next week.

Hermen and the VP of HR will do a video showing how great it is working at ND.

Kind of like that Bethesda video at E3.
Around 15 years ago i've worked at one construction company. Working overtime was pretty usual. Really, i don't get why is big deal. And i'm still working overtime sometimes.
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We don't really need to have another thread about this. We already have a thread dedicated to them and we're already letting ResetEra live rent free in this place, let's not add to that.

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Gold Member
"No product, no matter how great, is worth sacrificing worker health and well being. "

I wonder what device he/she is using to post that


Neo Member
If I'd spent months and years putting everything I've got, regardless of what that's doing to my mental health and social life, into a huge project like this, I'd be more than a little bit wound up if nobody then played it out of perceived solidarity with me. I would also look for a job that didn't take so much from me (and yes, I know, this is often easier said than done).


U2, U3, U4, TLOU are GOTY winner in numerous gaming website

Id take your opinion as another shitposting drivel that hold no weight

OH! so games journalists, which usually people on here say aren't good for anything and are not real gamers but only wannabe activists that take over gaming sites to spread propaganda, are suddenly qualified to tell you which game is the best of any given year?

may I remind you that among those idiots are people that literally say shit like they couldn't figure out how to beat the boss in the Final Fantasy 7 remake demo because the game as, and I quote: "too many mechanics"

these are the people I should give a shit about what they say about video games? nah man, sorry that you consider GOTY awards to be anything more than simple popularity contests, because that's what they are.
I stopped reading reviews when it became more and more clear that game reviewers can't even comprehend simple game mechanics and as soon as a game isn't the most standard 3rd person shit like TLOU they are not able to comprehend what's going on on screen.

but that's not a new thing, it was always there with some reviewers, it just got worse over the years.

IGN's 3/10 review of God Hand should remind anyone that review scores and awards have no value


I was already not getting the game because it seems like it's just more gay/left/SJW propaganda. And I'm just sick of seeing that crap everywhere.

I bet it's actually higher.

And that kind of place will probe you when they hire you, they make sure you have the mentality and dedication to go through that kind of thing... Either way, I bet they are not locked in, so if this is really that bad they can walk out.
may I remind you that among those idiots are people that literally say shit like they couldn't figure out how to beat the boss in the Final Fantasy 7 remake demo because the game as, and I quote: "too many mechanics"
That takes a special kind of qualification not to be able to beat the final boss of the FF VII demo - I mean, I had some issues at normal, but I did beat it on my first try... On easy you barely notice it's in your way.
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