Get the fuck out of here with this shit. Like the closest you can probably get is pneumonia.Why am I not surprised these morons are taking the Coronavirus to absurd degrees of hyperbole. It is a fucking flu and it kills the people typically vulnerable to any other flu.
Which one?Who gives a fuck. Ignore those idiots. And if you can't, there's a thread for their lunacy.
Who gives a fuck. Ignore those idiots. And if you can't, there's a thread for their lunacy.
As much as I'm bored of people moaning about lesbians in this game, this meme was born for this moment
A reseterian victimist created a topic to try to get people on board and boycott TLOU 2 due to "crunching culture". The results? Find out yourself and have a few good laughs :
#CrunchNoMore I will not buy Last of Us 2. Join me
After the kotaku article and the recent developer testimonials on Twitter detailing the work environment at Naughty Dog studios I can not in good conscenince support their toxic work practices. No product, no matter how great, is worth sacrificing worker health and well being. It is clear
Highlights of this lunacy :
-No product, no matter how great, is worth sacrificing worker health and well being. (Poor ND workers, making the minimal wage, working inside a bunker with no food and rats as companions)
I’m interested to hear more about this. Could you expand?
Sorry .But this guys,have big problems with ther minds.
This forum is a joke.
You know, of all the reasons to boycott a game, that I could imagine come from the said place, this one is actually legit and I support it.
Of course you were they love diversity of opinions as long as it's not contrary to theirsAny other tidbits you can share? I'd read it but I was banned for having a conversation with a differing opinion.
Unions?Yeah, I would prefer there was no crunch, but I just don't believe that this boycott could work. Especially not with a huge game like TLoU. The change has to come from within the industry though unions or something.
I'll boycott it because IMO Naughty Dog only produced mediocre but highly polished turds ever since the PS3 generation.
Are you ok buddy?
I am, since I'm not playing a Naughty Dog gametheir games are shit tho... for real...
U2, U3, U4, TLOU are GOTY winner in numerous gaming website
Id take your opinion as another shitposting drivel that hold no weight
That takes a special kind of qualification not to be able to beat the final boss of the FF VII demo - I mean, I had some issues at normal, but I did beat it on my first try... On easy you barely notice it's in your way.may I remind you that among those idiots are people that literally say shit like they couldn't figure out how to beat the boss in the Final Fantasy 7 remake demo because the game as, and I quote: "too many mechanics"
Whens the last time a boycott worked for anything?