One month anniversary.
Another scandal successfully swept under the rug!
One month anniversary.
'You must be logged in to do that'
It's so weird they overreact to comments about China yet they have the cheek to claim Japanese people are white and try to dehumanize them. I'm sure Japanese people get more than their fair share of racial abuse. Its weirdly specific how some Asian countries have a protection for shitting things that happened, while you can shit on other Asian cultures. Methinks it's either Asian American led with people of other Asian nationalities shitting on Japanese people for the past or maybe it is Americans unwilling to let it go about Pearl Harbor.It's bad thousands, possibly millions will die to this virus, BUT, think about the feelings of the chinese.
Pour yourself a glass of wine and go back to 6th March on this thread and enjoy.I wanted to read through that thread so badly.
Christ, this is why the West is soon finished.
A real, not-clickbaity, average Chinese wet market
I'm a big fan of this channel's Chinese cooking videos, but this is a pretty interesting look at an average "wet market" in China without the racist hysteria being shown in Western news
Why do SJW's have a massive hardon for this country?
You can't criticize China. You can't say anything bad about them. To do so would make you "racist".
I don't want my countries to be infected with this crap. Send all the SJW's to go live there if they think it's a "hysterical" to oppose this stuff.
It's the same shit when it comes to Islam. They get in line and desperately suck its dick, but criticize it and you're worse than Hitler.
Was it in the shitting corner thoughmy old roommate studied Chinese in college, eventually went over there for a trip. saw all kinds of shit and never thought the same way about the place. one time she was in a grocery store and saw someone just take a shit on the floor. nobody batted an eye.
no it was literally in the middle of the aisle.Was it in the shitting corner though
no it was literally in the middle of the aisle.
she also saw a dead body by the side of the road. charming place!
three years into Trump's first time and he's "totally fed up!"
that's right, he has reached "nihilistic level" and is fully black pill
in fact, he is so far gone he has "started to seriously give some thought into leaving" LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
$100 bucks says he will be saying the same in 4 years.
three years into Trump's first time and he's "totally fed up!"
that's right, he has reached "nihilistic level" and is fully black pill
in fact, he is so far gone he has "started to seriously give some thought into leaving" LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
$100 bucks says he will be saying the same in 4 years.
three years into Trump's first time and he's "totally fed up!"
that's right, he has reached "nihilistic level" and is fully black pill
in fact, he is so far gone he has "started to seriously give some thought into leaving" LOOOOOOOOOOOOL
$100 bucks says he will be saying the same in 4 years.
WHY IS CIS IN ALL CAPS????It's amazing how everything is about race. Now "Karen" apparently refers to racist white CIS women and not just bitchy middle age women in general.
I was just parroting them lol, I don't know why they did it.WHY IS CIS IN ALL CAPS????
Also lol at that altered definition... That's not what it means at all lol
Oh I actually meant what Hobbes was quoting where it was in all caps. Are they screaming about being CIS or? I don't understand the weird emphasis.I was just parroting them lol, I don't know why they did it.
Don't really see the problem, it's not like a man did it? I could understand it if that was the case, luckily Miller is not a man. What does Resetera's second favourite racist (B-Dubs will always be number 1, thank God he is white or he would be pushed out of the position, white privilege I think it's called right Nepenthe you lap dog?) think of all this?*post Ezra Miller thread about choking a woman*
*obsess over Ezra Millers pronouns instead to the point there is a staff message right above the message entry box*
fucking hell
I act the bollix alot but that is straight up sexism. Pearl clutching? Get fucked you misogynist dick.From an admin...
From an admin...
I imagine you are one and the same? Edit: Daffy Duck, not a cuntWhat a cunt
I imagine you are one and the same? Edit: Daffy Duck, not a cunt. Did you get banned for compassion?
It says it's the average wet market, so how does anyone one of use who doesn't live here know the frequency of quality of markets in China?Christ, this is why the West is soon finished.
A real, not-clickbaity, average Chinese wet market
I'm a big fan of this channel's Chinese cooking videos, but this is a pretty interesting look at an average "wet market" in China without the racist hysteria being shown in Western news
Why do SJW's have a massive hardon for this country?
You can't criticize China. You can't say anything bad about them. To do so would make you "racist".
I don't want my countries to be infected with this crap. Send all the SJW's to go live there if they think it's a "hysterical" to oppose this stuff.
It's the same shit when it comes to Islam. They get in line and desperately suck its dick, but criticize it and you're worse than Hitler.
Depressing. Actually tells a lot of that place.From an admin...
From an admin...
Now that Chelsea’s financial advantage has been wiped out, they will never compete at the very top
From an admin...
Nbs, if Trump were to get it they'd be breaking out the champagneFrom an admin...
These people are fucking nasty.
I've never liked Boris Johnstone, but he is in fact owed simple human compassion. He could be dying. This virus is fucking serious. His girlfriend is fucking pregnant with his child & could have the virus as well, which could have disastrous consequences
What? He's a Tory & I'm a lefty so all rules of compassion, respect & basic humanity just go straight out the window?
Nah. Fuck that. Nasty, nasty little people.
dont worry, they just hate nazis. They are lovely people.
If anyone wanted to see how vile ResetEra is, that Boris Johnson/ICU thread is it.
Just checked, they are using mental gymnastics and blaming burner accounts, trolls, Kiwi Farms and Alt Right bad faith posters for the nasty stuff. Not themselves obviously.