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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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In theory it would work well. In practice, everyone would accuse everyone of sexual harassment so their "candidate" got though. In practice it would be a shitshow.

Also can we allow this pathetic loser @TaySan to again post in this thread? I would love to see the mental gymnastics this idiot goes through to justify disgusting behaviour by ERA.

I know for a fact the only exercise some ERA posters have is running their mouths and jumping to conclusions.

NO! He has a special type of autism that he hides behind when he's caught up in his own hypocirsy and another feature of that special autism is that it does not allow him to respond to difficult questions. That's why he's reply banned, he's antagonistic.


Gold Member

This is like asking if fall of Third Reich was a bad thing. I hope someone nuke this site as soon as possible. Wonder if someone is going to be outed in some illegal activity, to fuck this site for good, because at this point it seems to be breeding ground for extremism.

is the chick talking in the video the same unsufferable cunt who work on giant bomb? the voice kinda sound the same...


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
is the chick talking in the video the same unsufferable cunt who work on giant bomb? the voice kinda sound the same...
No, it's his wife probably...or I don't know who she is honestly. In here:

I just remember her annoying voice.
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TIL "TheHunter" is white.


LOOOL this guy is in all the politics thread and has had a black avatar for so long. he's WHITE!!!


so what do you guys thinks is up with Ally Blackface? why is this an ok thing to do for allies? so many of them love putting on their black GIFs.

personally im fucking sick of the trend and i revel in any chance i get to unmask some opinionated jerk who wants to hide behind a black/brown avatar. YOU ARE WHITE GTFO WITH WEARING THIS BLACK MANS FACE
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
TIL "TheHunter" is white.


LOOOL this guy is in all the politics thread and has had a black avatar for so long. he's WHITE!!!


so what do you guys thinks is up with Ally Blackface? why is this an ok thing to do for allies? so many of them love putting on their black GIFs.

personally im fucking sick of the trend and i revel in any chance i get to unmask some opinionated jerk who wants to hide behind a black/brown avatar. YOU ARE WHITE GTFO WITH WEARING THIS BLACK MANS FACE
Digital blackface 😂😂😂😂


lol @ Cheebo always looking to Truth Gods in the mainstream media to tell us what is real and what is not. "the high standards of the NYT" ah yes that venerable paper who marched us into the Iraq War.


don't think i've seen anyone in life who was a bigger tool for the mainstream media. Cheebo is like if a dildo was made out of MSM
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TIL "TheHunter" is white.


LOOOL this guy is in all the politics thread and has had a black avatar for so long. he's WHITE!!!


so what do you guys thinks is up with Ally Blackface? why is this an ok thing to do for allies? so many of them love putting on their black GIFs.

personally im fucking sick of the trend and i revel in any chance i get to unmask some opinionated jerk who wants to hide behind a black/brown avatar. YOU ARE WHITE GTFO WITH WEARING THIS BLACK MANS FACE

Enzom21's Alt "Unmasked"?



Still not sure this guy isn't a troll or just really really stupid. The first two sentences are like some tone deaf stealth brag then with a bolted on virtue signaling question to justify the topic.

Apply just a little logic to the first two sentences. His whole "Woke" family are basically scamming his disability cheque while he virtue signals on Ree all day. He does not even have a job because he's "Legally defined" (His words) as disabled. How the fuck have his parents decided he does not need to pay rent because they don't want him "Going out"? Could it possibly be that he's outed himself as going out to earn money while being on social security disability??

I'm pretty sure the virus has not gotten him fired from Social Security disability cheques... which means this fucker who "Can't work" but can spend a whole weekend staffing bronycon or whatever with no problem is a scammer.

Post pandemic the IRS need to be paying him a visit.



Still not sure this guy isn't a troll or just really really stupid. The first two sentences are like some tone deaf stealth brag then with a bolted on virtue signaling question to justify the topic.

Apply just a little logic to the first two sentences. His whole "Woke" family are basically scamming his disability cheque while he virtue signals on Ree all day. He does not even have a job because he's "Legally defined" (His words) as disabled. How the fuck have his parents decided he does not need to pay rent because they don't want him "Going out"? Could it possibly be that he's outed himself as going out to earn money while being on social security disability??

I'm pretty sure the virus has not gotten him fired from Social Security disability cheques... which means this fucker who "Can't work" but can spend a whole weekend staffing bronycon or whatever with no problem is a scammer.

Post pandemic the IRS need to be paying him a visit.

By far the most pathetic re failure of them all.

income not reduced by Covid-19 but still front of the line for a hand out or “break”

no job, stays at home posting political threads. He is the personification of RESETERA.



Still not sure this guy isn't a troll or just really really stupid. The first two sentences are like some tone deaf stealth brag then with a bolted on virtue signaling question to justify the topic.

Apply just a little logic to the first two sentences. His whole "Woke" family are basically scamming his disability cheque while he virtue signals on Ree all day. He does not even have a job because he's "Legally defined" (His words) as disabled. How the fuck have his parents decided he does not need to pay rent because they don't want him "Going out"? Could it possibly be that he's outed himself as going out to earn money while being on social security disability??

I'm pretty sure the virus has not gotten him fired from Social Security disability cheques... which means this fucker who "Can't work" but can spend a whole weekend staffing bronycon or whatever with no problem is a scammer.

Post pandemic the IRS need to be paying him a visit.
He's been one of the most vocal how the $1200 is a slap in the face and isn't enough to be helpful. I just don't understand his posts most of the time.

Also, I'm not sure how it makes you a shitty landlord because you expect people to pay you things they signed a contract that they would pay. There's always special circumstances but I don't think that my landlord is inherently an asshole because I had to pay rent this month.


Also, I'm not sure how it makes you a shitty landlord because you expect people to pay you things they signed a contract that they would pay.

Give me free stuff I'm a victim.

Also, landlord might also have lost their job. Being a landlord does not make it your profession, in a lot of cases I imagine it's a side gig.



Still not sure this guy isn't a troll or just really really stupid. The first two sentences are like some tone deaf stealth brag then with a bolted on virtue signaling question to justify the topic.

Apply just a little logic to the first two sentences. His whole "Woke" family are basically scamming his disability cheque while he virtue signals on Ree all day. He does not even have a job because he's "Legally defined" (His words) as disabled. How the fuck have his parents decided he does not need to pay rent because they don't want him "Going out"? Could it possibly be that he's outed himself as going out to earn money while being on social security disability??

I'm pretty sure the virus has not gotten him fired from Social Security disability cheques... which means this fucker who "Can't work" but can spend a whole weekend staffing bronycon or whatever with no problem is a scammer.

Post pandemic the IRS need to be paying him a visit.

Don't think he's a troll. Just a self-entitled blob who spends his day on the forum for woke points.

He's harmless enough but incredibly boring, his posts alone certainly indicate a disability of the mind.


i think this is true for many Era regulars. they do not work. they get free money from their government. AND THEY WANT MORE. they feel they are entitled to more. so they spend all day doing this bullshit.

you would solve a lot of problems if these assholes were forced to leave their safe space houses and WORK for a fucking living. god forbid they have to interact with a member of the greater public.

feel really sad for his 70yo parents. you a grown man forcing your aging parents to take care of you in their final years? what the fuck is wrong with you? you are a giant baby.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Still not sure this guy isn't a troll or just really really stupid. The first two sentences are like some tone deaf stealth brag then with a bolted on virtue signaling question to justify the topic.

Just like most of the mods I don't believe he has a firm grasp of how the majority function in society. He lives in a world apart. I feel a little bad for him, actually.

As to his argument almost every landlord, property management company, and lender out there are working with tenants regarding rent / mortgage. Furthermore, the expanded unemployment insurance is <regular state unemployment> + at least $600 a week. Sure, people who earned over $60k prior aren't going to be living the life they're used to, but they will be able to pay rent, utilities, and purchase food. People who were earning $20 - $30k will be making more. The wait to register and then for the checks to arrive is the bitch.

And a side note, since this guy is on social security and unmarried he is only eligible for $300 max under the stimulus.


god forbid they have to interact with a member of the greater public.

I'm a FUCKING hero for working the night shift in a supermarket.

They would soon drop this woke, SJW, non binary, TDS bullshit if they actually had to survive by themselves. Its these things that flood in when they have nothing better to do, that includes the people that DO have jobs. You're not that busy or important if you have 1000's of posts mostly made Mon-Fri 9-5.

I know this from personal experience, for a few years I had a great job was busy put in a lot of needed hours, good life related to that outside of work. My forum posting was basically mostly reading for a couple of hours in the evening. I simply had better things to do with my life.


I’m kind of curious what the legally defined disability is...

He dropped "Legally defined" unprompted. So I'm guessing it's not an actual real disability and he's been called out on it before. So he just hides behind the rulebook.


He dropped "Legally defined" unprompted. So I'm guessing it's not an actual real disability and he's been called out on it before. So he just hides behind the rulebook.
Yeah that’s why I’m very curious what he technically has as his disability because when pressed in other threads he hides behind legal definitions. Make me think of Homer when he gains weight so he can go on disability on the Simpsons.


damn this unemployable disabled fatass sitting around creating threads is sure on a roll this morning

it must suck to have your daily conversations dictated by whatever news media you read in the morning but hey you be you, you great media consumer
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They are really really petty if you don't want to use the "correct" pronouns.

Don't even dare express trepidation or conflicting emotions. Speak the words we tell you to.

The post comes across as respectful -- even deferent -- but curious and slightly frustrated. Nope, those emotions are not for you to feel. Speak the words we tell you to.

Issa cult.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."

Still not sure this guy isn't a troll or just really really stupid. The first two sentences are like some tone deaf stealth brag then with a bolted on virtue signaling question to justify the topic.

Apply just a little logic to the first two sentences. His whole "Woke" family are basically scamming his disability cheque while he virtue signals on Ree all day. He does not even have a job because he's "Legally defined" (His words) as disabled. How the fuck have his parents decided he does not need to pay rent because they don't want him "Going out"? Could it possibly be that he's outed himself as going out to earn money while being on social security disability??

I'm pretty sure the virus has not gotten him fired from Social Security disability cheques... which means this fucker who "Can't work" but can spend a whole weekend staffing bronycon or whatever with no problem is a scammer.

Post pandemic the IRS need to be paying him a visit.

"I'm fine because I still live with my parents, but landlords man. They sure are shitty."

I swear he just had a fight with his parents over how he's not helping them pay their mortgage and he had to vent but had to figure out a way to do so without being put on blast for post history.
damn this unemployable disabled fatass sitting around creating threads is sure on a roll this morning

it must suck to have your daily conversations dictated by whatever news media you read in the morning but hey you be you, you great media consumer

It's sad that none of the kids know what a tornado/weather alarm sounds like. Purge alarm, please. Go lay down.
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"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Fuck man, imagine being 30+ years old and still renting from your parent's. I moved out on my own when I was 18 and haven't been back since to live. I mean my parents were always there if I needed a place to crash but damn.

Circumstances happen. I bet there are some GAFers who still live at home, and that's okay. What's not okay is being a dick about it and calling your parents your landlords or fronting like you have an entire wing of a McMansion when you're actually in an attic.


also THIRD floor of your parents house?

your house has THREE floors? you live in a THREE STORY HOUSE? and you take up an entire floor for yourself???

sounds pretty fucking privileged to me. i bet they are paying his internet bill too so he can spend all day bitching.

Fancy way to say “moms basement”


Fuck man, imagine being 30+ years old and still renting from your parent's. I moved out on my own when I was 18 and haven't been back since to live. I mean my parents were always there if I needed a place to crash but damn.

His Twitter is the same name.
He was so proud to be staff of the final Brony Con.
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Gold Member
I feel your pain TaySan, the expectations of not wishing death on people is just too fucking high. Apparently the highest possible standards is not wishing death upon people you don't like? It's so unfair :messenger_loudly_crying:

Also after 30 pages of death threats and hoping and praying that a world leader dies, there is finally nothing less to discuss. Thank god B-Dubs used caution and didn't close the thread too early and stifle discussion.

meanwhile, leftist muslims in UK actually affected by and opposed to Boris policies:


Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!

Dick Jones

Gold Member

They are really really petty if you don't want to use the "correct" pronouns.

This is one of the times you'd want to distance yourself from non-binary representatives. It's like someone stating Hitler is German and an Austrian getting annoyed and correcting them. 😂😂😂
Sometimes you can trade a player away for the greater good.

Genuine question is there a non-binary celebrity who is not a bell end? Between this gonk and Sam Smith, their representation is fairly shite.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
You hate to see it


Don't be a dick, Dick. It's right there in the thread title. Kinda scummy to even do so knowing he can't even hit back.

I do agree that's a completely stupid opinion SMH
I'd rather see if the person learnt their lesson and given a second chance. I would like to see someone genuinely make their case while being challenged. Mute them again if they are acting up. I wasn't trying to belittle anyone and I apologise.

Also Red Mercury 😂😂😂 you troll flew too close to the sun and got burnt. Will you double down and get a gay bi-racial man banned? A troll's white whale.
This cannot be a real person, 100% troll. When I find out which one of ye is that fucker, I'll bow down to you.


Lol, what thread is that from?

the locked Boris thread

always funny when a mod adopts black person slang like they are Huckleberry Finn or some shit


yeah its amazing how over half the black population lives in the south even with the constant Sundown murders going on. oh wait THOSE DONT EXIST OUTSIDE YOUR HUCKlEBERRY FINN BULLLSHIT FANTASY
shut the fuck up the real news is there's not a spelling mistake in sight. BRAVO SLAYVEN!


shut the fuck up the real news is there's not a spelling mistake in sight. BRAVO SLAYVEN!

Still has the obligatory grammatical error though. Slayven is either pig shit thick or one of those kids that was too cool for school and bullied the kids actually trying to learn.


always funny when a mod adopts black person slang like they are Huckleberry Finn or some shit


yeah its amazing how over half the black population lives in the south even with the constant Sundown murders going on. oh wait THOSE DONT EXIST OUTSIDE YOUR HUCKlEBERRY FINN BULLLSHIT FANTASY
Is Slayven not black?
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