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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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His wife is probably as much of a trainwreck as he is.

You guys are envisioning a normal person, which I doubt either is.

Oh, and if he’s reading this, please don’t be a fucking idiot and kill yourself because I called you a trainwreck, and some people teased you. Go get some help, leave Reset and never look back, and work hard to find the beauty and joy in life again, while reducing the negative aspects as much as possible.

Probably just a drama queen sperging out for attention in the eternal Oppression Olympics, but I do worry with the general mental instability on that site.


Gold Member
What in the flying fuck? Would assume a troll if only for the fact it is ERA.


Did get a genuine laugh out of this post though.


That follow up was perfect. Which one of you bastages did this?

Wife? Wife?!?! Sounds of traditional binary values! I can't even right now!
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
I figure these guys come from a culture where their parents set them up for 99.5% success and they stumble and fail on that last .5%. So daddy picked out (and probably broke in) the wife so he has at least a remote chance at normal grandkids.
So the grandfather hired the polish prostitute girlfriend of the other ERA user to pose as Yoshichan's wife. This has gone next level in 6 degrees of ERA autism.


lol imagine thinking that Trolls: World Tour and Onward are "good" movies. Onward - OK at best, just like Monsters University. Trolls - World Tour... well I will just leave this here.

And they are happy to spend 40$ on that shit just to stream it? Jesus Tittyfucking Christ.

And on another topic...
Who the fuck makes his wife cry over a reaction of a videogame? I know mental illness is serious business but... man.




On Kiwi, they have a pic of Yoshichan in the main thread.

Not gonna lie, if I saw him in the street, I would not think he was an era member. Presents very well.

And they also found a pic of that furry Typhon. I’m warning all of you, don’t go searching for it. I’ve taken the mental scarring on your behalf so you don’t need to subject yourselves to it.
Yoshichan needs serious therapy..........
Nah ,looks to me like an attention whore busy bending that whole thread to make it all about him and his bullshit .
He even posts updates on his mental condition in that FF thread, a sad, lonely wanker and a cunt extraordinaire .
They should ban his ass and tell him to seek therapy, it's for his own good .


Get in lads! It's a Bill Maher graveyard thread!

I lost interest in Bill after he changed his shtick to "orange man bad" but I can always reminisce when he goes against the PC narrative.


Resetera continues to get the seal of approval from their CCP master.

Woho Im in a Screenshot! I feel somewhat less unimportant on the internets ✌️
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Oh shit someone has a negative opinion about Assassins Creed (or a Ubisoft title in general), guess which retard has to rush straight in the thread screeching...

this guy pisses me off so much


I'm sure. BJ is going to live. Rapist Biden is the candidate they have to pretend to like. Women still wont fuck them. It's a tough week to be a Re poster.

I'm half-tempted to post this over on r/murderedbywords but i really don't want to lose my reddit account.

so glad i don't have this sad bastard's life right now


imagine being so pathetic you want to pay MORE than $20 for Trolls World Tour

also sounds like he is raising some idiots. 48 hours of this crap not enough for them?

I stole Trolls World Tour, and other than a couple of songs and seeing Ozzy as himself as a Troll, I feel ripped off.

BTW, do you have kids? Kids watch movies over and over and over and over and over and over. I cost my parents many VHS tapes of my favorite movies when I was a toddler.
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advanced basic bitch
There was a Crowder thread for all of two minutes. User was immediately banned and it looks like the thread was deleted lol. Can't have Crowder red pilling those morons.
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