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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Dick Jones

Gold Member
Too late already reported to B-Dubs and Hecht!

Enjoy your perm.
who told you about my perm?

Please don't report me to the racist and/or borderline alcoholic again.

Hecht, this is for you 🖕(the number of fingers raised is the amount of likes you get from your tweets, thank the incident manager for that as you'd be shit out of luck otherwise).

B-Dubs, I'd rather not engage in conversation with your transpobic racist ass. Now tell us that your awful comments in 2017 were too far back and not representative of you yet quotes by Joe Rogan in 2010 still reflect him even though it was years prior.



“A lot of porn on pornhub is hard to watch. No romance, just some of the most mechanical braindead without intimacy sex where the woman just feels like a tool getting used by the dude.





“A lot of porn on pornhub is hard to watch. No romance, just some of the most mechanical braindead without intimacy sex where the woman just feels like a tool getting used by the dude.



The idea that porn isn't inclusive enough is fucking bullshit. Porn shouldn't be inclusive. There can be porn that men like. There can be porn that women like. There can be porn that both like. And then there can be feet pics for brap brap . It is something designed to appeal to individual tastes.


Neighbours from Hell
I'm convinced that a lot of the gender fluid stuff is just people trying to one up one another to stand out the most because they're deprived of attention. Either by being "unique" or because they know the odder and more taboo it gets, the greater chance someone will laugh at them and thus gives them full victim status like they always wanted.


I'm convinced that a lot of the gender fluid stuff is just people trying to one up one another to stand out the most because they're deprived of attention. Either by being "unique" or because they know the odder and more taboo it gets, the greater chance someone will laugh at them and thus gives them full victim status like they always wanted.

eh it probably beats paying for dinner is all



Which one of you did this 😂😂
lol, that thread was never going to fly on ResetEra. I've seen photos of a couple of the female mods there and they look like something that would crawl out of a TV and kill you in a Japanese horror movie. Of course they hate attractive women. Likewise with the most beta of beta men that populate that site whose only hope is to pretend to be super-woke so that maybe one day some morbidly obese danger hair will show them some attention.
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They allow the attractive men in video game threads to stay open, 11+ pages.

They immediately locked this thread because "boys club"

Imagine holding this much self hate.

lmao look at poodlestrikes lock message:

“We don't allow parody or reaction threads.

These threads invite boys club/locker room kind of behaviour and we want to avoid hosting them.

Moreover, men do not have the same history of being sexually objectified and exploited the way women have across history, and women and men have not been treated equally in media representation, so no, similar threads about male characters are not treated the same way.”

lmao if someone told me nush nush wrote this as a parody post, I wouldn’t believe them as it seems so ludicrous 😂
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Moreover, men do not have the same history of being sexually objectified and exploited the way women have across history, and women and men have not been treated equally in media representation, so no, similar threads about male characters are not treated the same way.”

So all they have to do is sexually objectify men for long enough until they have received and equal amount of objectification and exploitation for them to be on the same level of oppression as women? Then you can have a male and female and homo gaze topic because they have all reached the same event horizon of objectification and exploitation and true equality.

Poodlestrike, you're a truly a woke bellend, that's also actively advocating voting for a rapist.


So all they have to do is sexually objectify men for long enough until they have received and equal amount of objectification and exploitation for them to be on the same level of oppression as women? Then you can have a male and female and homo gaze topic because they have all reached the same event horizon of objectification and exploitation and true equality.

Poodlestrike, you're a truly a woke bellend, that's also actively advocating voting for a rapist.

these “men” are the bottom of the food chain. I used to feel sorry for these types...


Even the SJW women don't like the soy boy types, so they're stuck perpetually masturbating into increasingly crusty wank socks.

The saddest thing of all is that they reject the idea that they need to change, so they try and imply that society has a problem at large. That kind of thinking is at the root of extremes like the "fat acceptance movement" where tubby tug boats think that they're just as physically attractive as Halle Berry in her prime, but men just need to be reprogrammed in order to see it. Sorry fatty, but it's just not going to happen.


Even the SJW women don't like the soy boy types, so they're stuck perpetually masturbating into increasingly crusty wank socks.

The saddest thing of all is that they reject the idea that they need to change, so they try and imply that society has a problem at large. That kind of thinking is at the root of extremes like the "fat acceptance movement" where tubby tug boats think that they're just as physically attractive as Halle Berry in her prime, but men just need to be reprogrammed in order to see it. Sorry fatty, but it's just not going to happen.

Anyone who has been with a successful woman, has a successful partner, has any successful female friends etc understands that these women do not want to be protected or defended by anyone. They stand on their own 2 feet.

The takeaway from all this is it’s the soyboy unemployed cucks who protect and defend the unemployed “sexismmmmmmmmmm wahhhhh” women. They’re the tiny tiny minority and I’m happy this is not reflective in real world application.


Ultimately I think it comes down to 2 things: -

1. Some people want to be seen as "saviours" cos it makes them look like good people. Obviously standing up for the rights of marginalised people is a good thing, but I'm talking about the types who are obsessed with this shit, and in some cases, who are doing it to disguise who they really are.

2. People who want to be seen as oppressed because in their minds it gives them an excuse for being failures. It means that their current situation in life isn't their fault - they can blame someone else, a political party, or society as a whole. Again, there can be some merit to such an argument, but with SJWs, it's taken to an extreme.

This leads to fighting between groups or individuals over who is most oppressed, extreme language policing, and identity politics being taken to ridiculous extremes.


Anyone who has been with a successful woman, has a successful partner, has any successful female friends etc understands that these women do not want to be protected or defended by anyone. They stand on their own 2 feet.

Also women in most cases tend to date UP. So soyboy ally will still get a pat on the head and good boy points for helping womankind achieve equality. But she's still going to date a provider if equality is achieved and not pay for a stay at home soy dad. Women are not going to give up that societal comfort blanket if they can get the advantage of equality AND the advantage of being a woman.

This is obviously a very broad strokes observation and not a women are a hive mind thing.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
So all they have to do is sexually objectify men for long enough until they have received and equal amount of objectification and exploitation for them to be on the same level of oppression as women? Then you can have a male and female and homo gaze topic because they have all reached the same event horizon of objectification and exploitation and true equality.

Poodlestrike, you're a truly a woke bellend, that's also actively advocating voting for a rapist.

Equality through oppression.



Shut it down SHUT IT DOWN NOW! before someone mentions Biden or pedoera.

12 posts, locked with the swiftness.

I'm pretty sure that "Terra Torment" is that fairly well known creature who destroys communities by trying to start fights and drama. IIRC, a few months back they posted crazy nonsense here for a little bit before the mods or somebody looked them up and they were permed. I also think KiwiFarms has a hundred page thread on them which is generally a positive sign.

I had noticed them making obvious bait threads on ResetERA.com recently and wish everyone involved the best.


I'm pretty sure that "Terra Torment" is that fairly well known creature who destroys communities by trying to start fights and drama. IIRC, a few months back they posted crazy nonsense here for a little bit before the mods or somebody looked them up and they were permed. I also think KiwiFarms has a hundred page thread on them which is generally a positive sign.

I had noticed them making obvious bait threads on ResetERA.com recently and wish everyone involved the best.

You're absolutely right. She's trans, she's on Era. More news as it happens.


I'm pretty sure that "Terra Torment" is that fairly well known creature who destroys communities by trying to start fights and drama. IIRC, a few months back they posted crazy nonsense here for a little bit before the mods or somebody looked them up and they were permed. I also think KiwiFarms has a hundred page thread on them which is generally a positive sign.

I had noticed them making obvious bait threads on ResetERA.com recently and wish everyone involved the best.

I seriously regret Googling that username, Jesus Christ. Going to have to bleach my eyeballs now.


Gold Member
That sexy male thread shows Era's hypocrisy.
Is there a thread that doesn’t, at this point?

Who the fuck finds Aloy attractive?
The irony is that shortly before the thread was locked, someone posted a gif of the mocap actress for Aloy. Who is definitely more feminine and attractive, because of course they had to make Aloy less so, lest Era harass and dox the devs for making a game where a woman is strong and attractive.

BTW, a few days after I mentioned that DuckDuckGo wouldn’t list Ree in its search results, the site is magically back at search result #1. Coincidence?


lol, that thread was never going to fly on ResetEra. I've seen photos of a couple of the female mods there and they look like something that would crawl out of a TV and kill you in a Japanese horror movie. Of course they hate attractive women. Likewise with the most beta of beta men that populate that site whose only hope is to pretend to be super-woke so that maybe one day some morbidly obese danger hair will show them some attention.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa... female mods? Did you just assume their genders?


I'm always amazed at how shitty of a newspaper NYT is the more I see articles from them. Reeeeera hangs on their every word no matter how nonsensical it is.

Disney is not dying, it's not "fighting for it's life" as the NYT says so all the nerds screeching about how it better go out of business and sell their favorite IP are going to be greatly disappointed. Yes, they took on debt after the FOX acquisition and no they didn't take on so much debt that after a month of closing their parks they're on the verging of dying as a company. SMFH

Everyone keeps misstating that over 50% of Disney's revenue is from the parks. I'm not sure where they got that number but they seem to clutch to any made up number they can to make their imaginary point.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."

That left foot pain is the diabetus keeping blood from flowing to the outer reaches of the vascular system. It's all downhill from here.

This reads like "that happened" levels of cringe. If he actually had the covid 19 test he would have described it differently than a nasal swap for a little bit. They have to swap the upper cavities of the sinus glands so it's more like a 10 inch swab that they go balls deep with up your nose. It's more like scratching your brain than "sticking it in your nose and moving it around a bit."

Source: I volunteered with my SOs urgent care facility to schedule patient tests since I was forced to WFH and it was one of the only ways I could get out of the house. And no, I'm not heroic like a grocery store worker, I mostly made phone calls.
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Medical professionals: please stay inside and distance when out

Black people in inner cities: No

Black people: die

White SJW's: you killed black people

Living in a city with a huge black population (especially in my neighborhood), it's mostly white people I see clustered together in the parks, on walking paths etc.

I think the issue is one of not race, but class. There isn't much of a poor (or even working class) white population in my city--the poor white folk are mostly all out in the rural areas or at least the far suburbs. Thus all the shit jobs like restaurant line cooks, stockers and cashiers in grocery and drug stores and so on are almost all black. Those are the "essential" businesses where they're being forced to work or get fired and I've seen very few employees with masks the couple times I've had to go get food and toiletries so they clearly aren't being provided with any PPE (as none is available). Being poor they're also more likely to be living in homes with a bunch of people crammed in--thus when one gets infected it spreads to more people vs. better off families with fewer people in more living space.

So I agree it isn't about race, and SJW are making it out to be. It's just poverty combined with population density. I'm sure we'll see retail working whites in rural and suburban areas get hit as well as this spreads more to those areas. It will just less notable as the numbers are going to be lower in less dense areas and infection rates may be lower too as the stores probably aren't as busy as in urban areas.


Resetera reminds us they want a dictatorship.


For non-Canadians, CPC = Canada's conservative party.

Even with the pandemic, I am more scared of shitlibs who clearly want 100% control.
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