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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I usually just block out the noise or put threads on ignore these days when discussions get a bit ridiculous on Era, but what's going on in the Miami Teacher thread is just ridiculous to the point of borderline insanity. A university teacher got caught with porn bookmarked on his computer and was forced to resign over it. And since the title included "busty college girl" or something like that some people in there are trying to act like the dude is some kind of sexual predator or super perv because of it. It's insane.

I don't understand how there are still people in the world that have hang-ups about porn given the age of technology that we are in. Pretty much everyone watches it. Everyone has there own kinks and whatnot. Let people masturbate to whatever they want (as long as it's legal obviously) and leave them alone. Don't play armchair psychiatrist on someone based on the title of a porno they watched. Jesus.

Guess his real mistake was using his work computer to look at porn.


Ok,maybe I'm late to this, but I actually read the OP of the always hilarious "Why women criticize sexualization" thread and ... it's clinical insanity. Read this:

All those 'rebuttals' are so ... *weak*. Because they're so easily dismissed as wrong/delusional. This is what these people believe to be proper arguments? I'm in negative-awe.

@mods: I'd like to create a "Why men love sexualization in video games" thread, but I still don't have thread making privilege back. Could you create that thread if I provide the text and title? :eek:
That thread is like posting “Why vegans hate meat” in a food forum and let the trolls run wild. The person with the most posts in that thread is an asexual guy.

A sensible and reasonable discussion of such topic have already been taken place here 2 years ago:


Neighbours from Hell
Do accounts have to go through approval phases there?

Someone should make an account called "RoganFan" or "MoriartyFan" and see if they either don't get approved or if there is no approval if they ban the account after the first post.


That thread is like posting “Why vegans hate meat” in a food forum and let the trolls run wild. The person with the most posts in that thread is an asexual guy.

A sensible and reasonable discussion of such topic have already been taken place here 2 years ago:
Already 2 years since that thread? Damn, does time fly.
Also this legendary warning :goog_rofl:

Ok,maybe I'm late to this, but I actually read the OP of the always hilarious "Why women criticize sexualization" thread and ... it's clinical insanity. Read this:

All those 'rebuttals' are so ... *weak*. Because they're so easily dismissed as wrong/delusional. This is what these people believe to be proper arguments? I'm in negative-awe.

@mods: I'd like to create a "Why men love sexualization in video games" thread, but I still don't have thread making privilege back. Could you create that thread if I provide the text and title? :eek:

Last time I checked sex positive feminism doesn't have anything to do with trying to police how other people look at and interpret sexual content. In fact it's supposed to be centered around personal choice regarding what one enjoys. That poster just applied the label to herself because describing yourself as sex positive sounds a lot better than sex negative which is more representative of her views. Also she claims that she "support women's right to control over their own bodies without judgement. " but the thread is absolutely filled with such judgements including the admonisment of works created by women.

In order to facilitate their judgement however they frame women who create works that they ideologically disagree with as either brainwashed/mentally challenged (this is where gender traitor/internalized misogyny comes in) and/or they completely remove the involved woman's agency from the decision to create such work. In other words, they reason that the only way a woman could ever create something they disagree with is not because she exercises her free will to create what she desires, but because she was somehow forced to by a man in any case they think they can argue it.

The agency thing is nonsense as they frequently argue that fictional characters do/don't have agency whenever it's convenient.

The call for dick physics is in the same general tier of "Super Mario in a bikini". It's not done because it's something that any audience is looking for in games, but specifically because they think it will make males uncomfortable. There are plenty of games that features men that are presented in a way that's for the intention of a presumably female audience finding them attractive, not much if any feature fat hairy plumbers in speedos.

Vote with your wallet is absolutely true here. There are plenty of games I'd like to try if some things were different, but I realize those things exist for a different audience, others who like things that I don't like. The sensible thing to do in this situation is wait for more games to come out and hope that they happen to tickle your fancy. This approach works pretty well, but when you want things that are you morally opposed to to disappear (and why wouldn't you if you find that they are morally repulsive and state this directly). Right now, there are plenty of games you can buy that don't have any kind of sexual content in them. But when you are disingenuously arguing for the removal of things you find morally repulsive, obviously the only natural conclusion here is to always argue that the amount of games available to your tastes are infinitesimally tiny.

Women who disagree have come into the thread to argue against them before. But it doesn't work out too well when the regulars think that women who disagree with them are mentally unfit to decide for themselves. Also easy to frame those who disagree as trolls or men in disguise leading to bans. The thread is thoroughly insulated from criticism as it's framed as encouraging sexism.

What I'd argue is the reframing of traditional religious conservative views towards women, clothing and their dignity are found outside of America. This is true.

It's very strange to me when people like this whip out the "you don't speak for all women!!!!" line when that's exactly what they are doing. They always frame their arguments as objective moral assessments and guidelines that they expect others to follow. There's no notion of or acknowledgement that other people have differing views when it comes to sexual content, and to allow those people to do as they please and simply not partake if it's not something that you enjoy.

Instead it's people who disagree with me and create/enjoy things I don't like are objectively morally culpable and terrible people. And the only path to getting the good person card back is to completely submit to all of their screeds concerning women, including gender traitors who dare to go against their narrative.



It's his topic and he clearly does not know anything about what he's posting. Basically, "I don't have a lawn, will never have one, will never be able to afford a property with one" Ergo Lawns are a waste of time.

Cow Mengde is one of the top ten bitter Asian losers on Era BTW.

LOL this motherfucker suggested covering your entire lawn with cardboard or multiple layers of newspaper as one of the options for how you purposely destroy it.

That's a ton of amazon packages and cut down trees to achieve that green dream!


To the sexual content thing, I laughed at the "swinging dick physics" part simply because, and I know this isn't the point, many exist and I can name a couple off the top of my head.

To the lawn/green dream thing, if you have a lawn and wish to contribute to the planet, plant some sunflowers. They take a little care to get going, but they attract all kinds of beneficial insects, are good for your soil and are generally pleasant to look at. Do we have a lawn care/garden thread? We should have one if we don't.


Rats fleeing a sinking ship. The PoliEra thread is almost entirely people wanting discord invites at this point

they need a safe space from their safe space
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I don't really begrudge them this supposed super safe space. There are probably a lot of normal folk who would like to openly discuss politics that can't happen because of the nature of REE, so this is a way around that. Not uncommon, I've been in many a community that had to break off into smaller sections just for certain subject matter to exist.


Rats fleeing a sinking ship. The PoliEra thread is almost entirely people wanting discord invites at this point

they need a safe space from their safe space
Re: Discord Invites

In an effort to clean up the massive backlog, I have made a list of every damn person who I don't have ignore and who isn't in the Discord who asked for an invite since 4/19 for the Discord mods to vet and invite. It's a LOT of people- close to 100. We are going to start vetting and inviting people who we recognize first. Lurkers/people we don't recognize will get lower priority.

Pro Tip: If we don't recognize you AND you have a limited profile so we can't view your post history, you aren't getting in. Please change your settings and PM me if you still want in. Otherwise, you'll be skipped over.

Pro Tip 2: If you are invited and aren't using the same name on Discord as you are here, please PM me and let me know your Discord name so we can keep track of this shit. Thank you.

Pro Tip 3: If you don't have your PMs on, I can't invite you. So turn that shit on if you want an invite.


I wonder how the general feeling is over at Reeeeera today....



I wonder how the general feeling is over at Reeeeera today....


Enjoys hugbox, changes his mind, reposts same topic when in need of more hugbox. I mean obviously I hope he does not kill himself but for being on a community for 2 years and only amassing 300 or so posts would make it an odd platform for such an announcement.

Scotty W

Sometimes I almost want to start posting there again and try to act like the most idiotic and extreme 'SJW' (for lack of a better term) possible for the lulz. I drove myself insane trying to have actual conversations with those people.

You should. But you have to manage the idiocy carefully. If they think you are the same as them, they will credit it more when you say something irrational. Always go a bit further. And remember the most damaging thing they can see is a bad defense of something they value without realizing it is intentionally bad.



This is the post that got that guy a 3 month ban: -

This is what happens when authoritarian, extremist, unstable, nutjobs are ruling over a forum that has members who are in vulnerable mind states. If being accepted on a site like that somehow validated him as a person, then being rejected probably had that guy thinking he was a piece of shit, but the only reason he got banned at all is because the mods are utterly insane. Hopefully he doesn't go through with it.


This is the post that got that guy a 3 month ban: -

This is what happens when authoritarian, extremist, unstable, nutjobs are ruling over a forum that has members who are in vulnerable mind states. If being accepted on a site like that somehow validated him as a person, then being rejected probably had that guy thinking he was a piece of shit, but the only reason he got banned at all is because the mods are utterly insane. Hopefully he doesn't go through with it.

it's a mind virus, sucks to see so many minds scrambled and obliterated


I usually just block out the noise or put threads on ignore these days when discussions get a bit ridiculous on Era, but what's going on in the Miami Teacher thread is just ridiculous to the point of borderline insanity. A university teacher got caught with porn bookmarked on his computer and was forced to resign over it. And since the title included "busty college girl" or something like that some people in there are trying to act like the dude is some kind of sexual predator or super perv because of it. It's insane.

I don't understand how there are still people in the world that have hang-ups about porn given the age of technology that we are in. Pretty much everyone watches it. Everyone has there own kinks and whatnot. Let people masturbate to whatever they want (as long as it's legal obviously) and leave them alone. Don't play armchair psychiatrist on someone based on the title of a porno they watched. Jesus.

who the fuck even cares for porn titles? like if they actually mattered over half the Earth would be guilty of wanting to fuck their step-whatever.


So as they rep for an ancient mummy rapist Dem they decided to celebrate Mike Tyson, another rapist and also a wife beater. You hate to see it lol
Yesterday at 10:53 PM
Kevers said:
Why exactly do we give a shit about this rapist woman beater?
louiedog said:
We have threads about how sexual assault victims must be feeling right now because of Biden and then this convicted rapist gets a thread about how well he's taking care of himself? Is there an Era statute of limitations?
How about you make a discussion about that in another thread and not here? I think it's perfectly fine for a thread like this to exist talking about one side of him. I don't condone what he did in his past, in any way, but that's not the discussion here. So please don't derail it into that.
They really love that “it’s off topic” dodge don’t they?
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3 topics started in OT at a similar time:


One of them isn't quite as popular as the others for some reason.

Emperors new clothes syndrome, the majority there don't care that much about trans issues. I mean they are not transphobic per say but as the trans community is so infinitesimally small in the real world its not on their minds. Except on Era where the trans people apper to be a much larger group and are massive gobshites that are protected by the mods and anyone saying anything even slightly perceived as negative gets a holiday to ban island.

Nobody really actually cares outside of their bubble. Every trans topic is like that, even the trans awareness week sticky topic was also like that.
Trans threads are also ban bait. What could you possibly say in one other than "I support trans rights"? Any nuance, disagreement, request for clarification, or even a harmless joke would draw a ban.

That's why they are dead topics.
Exactly. Any post in that thread will be wrapped in six layers of bubble wrap.
I usually just block out the noise or put threads on ignore these days when discussions get a bit ridiculous on Era, but what's going on in the Miami Teacher thread is just ridiculous to the point of borderline insanity. A university teacher got caught with porn bookmarked on his computer and was forced to resign over it. And since the title included "busty college girl" or something like that some people in there are trying to act like the dude is some kind of sexual predator or super perv because of it. It's insane.

I don't understand how there are still people in the world that have hang-ups about porn given the age of technology that we are in. Pretty much everyone watches it. Everyone has there own kinks and whatnot. Let people masturbate to whatever they want (as long as it's legal obviously) and leave them alone. Don't play armchair psychiatrist on someone based on the title of a porno they watched. Jesus.
These people are the exact same Social Conservatives of the 90's with a fresh coat of rainbow colored paint.


I wonder how the general feeling is over at Reeeeera today....




Lol it really feels like these misrepresentation of moderration. And are the new flavor of the month. Duration pending too, I can only imagine the fierce debating between the mods of how long this cretin should get.



Another person being banned just for telling the obvious truth.

At least the OP of that thread came back: -

Hey guys I’m sorry and I’m okay now. I drank way too much last night and got stupid, started ruminated and getting depressed on things that just compounded, then I found myself here.

I’m going to go try to get some help as soon as I can, I’ve been long overdue with all the stress in my life
I won’t be posting here for awhile and am really sorry for making the worst drunk thread of all time

Fair play to him for seeking some help and taking a break from that site. That's the best move he could have made.


lol they bumped the Reuben thread and all just go insane.

A couple really smart quotes from the ensuing discussion:


"Just.......FUCK ALL OF THEM"

"I wasn't super aware of what a piece of shit this guy was when I played DMC5 last year but now, a replay of that game or the other's he's in is gonna be tough. Guess I still have DMC1, 2 and the Ninja Theory one."

"DMC5 is the ultimate monkey paw game. A near-perfect sequel to a franchise that was on hold for over a decade. But some of the most prominent people involved with it are pure garbage."


Imagine thinking like these people. Your list of things you can enjoy in life gets smaller and smaller as you cancel anything that people who think differently than you are involved with.


lol OP bumped a thread started last year when they tried to cancel the voice actor for DMC. OP has a direct link to the actor's personal Twitter and encourages people to go after him. his main crime seems to be complaining that MeToo movement has "gone too far":


a year later, we have this statement from the advisors to the Democratic VP candidates (all women btw)


his latest crime is.... uh.... retweeting an article on Elon Musk. for this they are still trying to cancel him.

:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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lol OP bumped a thread started last year when they tried to cancel the voice actor for DMC. OP has a direct link to the actor's personal Twitter and encourages people to go after him. his main crime seems to be complaining that MeToo movement has "gone too far":


a year later, we have this statement from the advisors to the Democratic VP candidates (all women btw)


his latest crime is.... uh.... retweeting an article on Elon Musk. for this they are still trying to cancel him.

:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

It's amazing how much of a hate site they are and how much they allow in that regard. They whine about kiwifarms and then try to dox and harass random people constantly over the most benign of "infractions". But it's just a "video game" website.

Now the mods are the oppressed minority. A new summit is required by admins Nepthante and Hecht to address this issue.

They are simply providing too much content and it needs to be stopped.

They have been whining a lot that they are the most oppressed minority. I'm honestly waiting for a summit with how much they're playing victim as of late.
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It's crazy how much they hate Jews over there and use them as a political prop when necessary:

This is the same shit as alt-right assholes saying "Hilter didn't REALLY hate Jews, he hated communists and most happened to be Jews". Stalin's antisemitism was well documented whether in his policies (the mass deportation plan to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast) or even his more personal actions like sending his daughter's Jewish lover to a gulag (who WASN'T a doctor) for no fucking reason.

You're okay with this shit, Hecht?
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It's crazy how much they hate Jews over there and use them as a political prop when necessary:

This is the same shit as alt-right assholes saying "Hilter didn't REALLY hate Jews, he hated communists and most happened to be Jews". Stalin's antisemitism was well documented whether in his policies (the mass deportation plan to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast) or even his more personal actions like sending his daughter's Jewish lover to a gulag (who WASN'T a doctor) for no fucking reason.

You're okay with this shit, Hecht?

Another day, another thread in memoriam of a genocidal dictator. Never change
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It's crazy how much they hate Jews over there and use them as a political prop when necessary:

This is the same shit as alt-right assholes saying "Hilter didn't REALLY hate Jews, he hated communists and most happened to be Jews". Stalin's antisemitism was well documented whether in his policies (the mass deportation plan to the Jewish Autonomous Oblast) or even his more personal actions like sending his daughter's Jewish lover to a gulag (who WASN'T a doctor) for no fucking reason.

You're okay with this shit, Hecht?

For real lmao, this site is such a haven for limp wristed Commie larpers.

The mods here are such ass. They ban people for the slightest of arguments but these guys can use arguments Nazis have to defend their "I want to kill the rich" ideology.

"No bro, Holodomor, Cambodian death squads, the Great Chinese Famine, Che being a literal racist didn't happen!!"
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Like, I have family that were victims to both of those awful regimes. Thinking Stalin is awful doesn't somehow mean thinking Hitler wasn't. It's not an "enemy of my enemy" thing and never has been. But they can't see it that way because there are legit tankies on that site including among the staff.

Like look at this:

A guy defending a monster that personally shot my great grandfather in the head for not being brainwashed gets 2 weeks. That's less time than people being "dismissive" about concerns in fictional products! How does nobody there see the staff decisions as completely unacceptable, even among the social justice crew!?
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Like, I have family that were victims to both of those awful regimes. Thinking Stalin is awful doesn't somehow mean thinking Hitler wasn't. It's not an "enemy of my enemy" thing and never has been. But they can't see it that way because there are legit tankies on that site including among the staff.

Like look at this:

A guy defending a monster that personally shot my great grandfather in the head for not being brainwashed gets 2 weeks. That's less time than people being "dismissive" about concerns in fictional products! How does nobody there see the staff decisions as completely unacceptable, even among the social justice crew!?

One of the guys in the Biden thread arguing in defense of that hammer and sickle avatar is literally sporting a Che avatar. As if Che wasn't a literal monster

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