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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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18 bans so far in that Twitch thread, still locked:


Neighbours from Hell
People on the far left bring up gamergate more than Jews do the Holocaust. They act like gamergate is the worst incident in the history of mankind.

"Many gamers are in fact white supremacists and misogynists"??? Got anything to back that up with or just going to state personal feelings as factual information as they always do.

No different than me saying "Many ERA members are in fact pedos" and guess what I could actually back that up with something of relevance.



Hahaha Ozzy Onya A2Z Ozzy Onya A2Z

Honest discussion of Era? Not a chance

Hahaha Ozzy Onya A2Z Ozzy Onya A2Z

Honest discussion of Era? Not a chance

Hey at least I thought I was unbiased. I didn't even vote on my own poll.

Mods locked with no reason posted and haven't replied as yet to my PM for a reason. I'm not expecting a reply either, hey they didn't bother replying when they banned me why would they when I create a thread. The PM I'll likely get is we have removed your thread creating privileges and we're reviewing your member status too.

It cracks me up they're all guns blazing for criticism of DF/John but lock a thread for an open view of how their members feel currently. Double standards much. Take a look at the vote though, dozens of votes from the silent majority were already showing the trend for what it is over there.
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Hahaha Ozzy Onya A2Z Ozzy Onya A2Z

Honest discussion of Era? Not a chance

Locked at three posts and a poll that does not fit the narrative. Keep losing Ree, we'll get all your sane members back while you circle the drain of hate and intolerance.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member

Hahaha Ozzy Onya A2Z Ozzy Onya A2Z

Honest discussion of Era? Not a chance


Do you believe in your stance. moderation, and virtues? Well let people discuss the state of your forum and moderation freely and openly.

Or... maybe you are afraid of the replies and poll results of your own forum members if they weren't afraid of being banned?

Dat quivering pile of authoritarian fragility! Spineless cowards that wouldn't dare have an open conversation about their own forum with their members.

Era lurkers, how's your safe space going?
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Gold Member
The lack emote buttons and the fact that reflections threads get locked or banned tells you all you need to know of their self reflection. You can not expose the fact that much of their membership does not tow the party line.

Ah man, I would love to see emotes over there. 'Alt-Right', 'Dogwhistle', 'Downplaying', 'Rhetoric', Probably need 'Coon' and 'Nigger' just for Nepenthe and Slayven, but they'd probably crash the server with HTTP 429 on the png


The stuff with Digital Foundry is just sad - Hate on the devs if you must but to drag a guy/company who just wants to make videos through the mud because he doesn't bend the knee to everything they want is just.. I dunno, I hate what the gaming community seems to do to itself nowadays.

Daffy Duck



Bro, the fuckin' dude said he was a deer and that he eats grass, and was on video pretending to be a deer that was posted multiple times in that same thread. What proof do you need? You wanna suck his dick and see if it tastes like venison?

are they dismissing her as an otherkin? Poodlestrike should be ashamed of their bigotry! They should ban themselves for a month and make a donation to a deer charity, it’s disgusting to not acknowledge how she identifies.


Neo Member
this is still about the bottle that says "Ogay"?

feel like i may have missed something. cos it seems like something big must have happened to create such outrage
This really pissed Resetera off at the time. What happened was the Ion Fury dev's had a semi-private discord where one of them took a stance against gender reassignment surgery and hormone blockers on young children. Someone leaked the conversation, so TransERA organized on their Discord to review bomb Ion Fury and harass Void Point and 3Drealms on Twitter. It wasn't until after this that they started focusing on "Ogay".

This harassment campaign against the game seemed to be working when the company issued an apology and pledged a donation to "The Trevor Foundation". They also said they would change the "Ogay" bottle to something else. That last bit seemed to really aggravate a large part of the gaming community and spurred them into action against the forced censorship of creators.

After an enormous show of support, the parties behind Ion Fury realized that they were being strong armed by a very loud but small portion of the community, and began to walk back their prior statements.

This was a major blow to the Resetera wokescolds because for once their organized harassment fell on deaf ears. This current spazz-fest was just another chance to try and attack the game, it had little to do with Digital Foundry, and everything to do with butthurt crybullies.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
are they dismissing her as an otherkin? Poodlestrike should be ashamed of their bigotry! They should ban themselves for a month and make a donation to a deer charity, it’s disgusting to not acknowledge how she identifies.
Poodlestrike is a Jewish moderator who defended a poster who wants to vote for Zombie Hitler and banned posters who were offended by the post. The original post was edited to make those rightly offended look like "won't someone think of the children brigade". If that doesn't earn a place in hell nothing will.

I know you're joking by the way. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I recently platinumed Uncharted 4 and didn't realise that all the enemies I was shooting at self-identified as giraffes so I enjoyed that Last of Us Easter egg/call back.


18 bans so far in that Twitch thread, still locked:
You don't reach my high level of morality, shame on you.

What a miserable human failure.

I want to imagine if he would say to me something like this in a real life conversation, it would end with him on the ground without teeth and in a bloothbath, crying and searching for help.
An help from cops, those they want to kill;
An help from white guys, those they call racists nigth and day;
An help from black guys, those they think are friends but it turns out they hate this retarded as well;
An help from other minorities who don't fucking care;
In the end they will looking for help from trans, who are the first to run because they are too afraid.


The stuff with Digital Foundry is just sad - Hate on the devs if you must but to drag a guy/company who just wants to make videos through the mud because he doesn't bend the knee to everything they want is just.. I dunno, I hate what the gaming community seems to do to itself nowadays.

That's not gaming community. It's a small part of society that fails at life and wants everyone to conform to their bullshit, so they feel less like failures. Reeee is just a gathering of social justice warriors now, sadly not the only one.

It's annoying these basement dwellers (not just reeee) slowly start to impact the non-failure society.


Gold Member
If you have to preface every media around a game with problematic content, regardless of third party relevance to said game or the general publics perception of said content, then perhaps the games content isn't problematic. It is those who cannot control their emotions, whom are problematic.

Never apologize to crybullies.
You know what company has decades of “problematic” content on their portfolio? Disney.

You know what company does, in fact, preface every one of their media with “problematic“ content in their streaming service? Disney.

You know what company Resetera members are always defending and forgiving and basically never seriously want to cancel and retire problematic content?

Yep, exactly.

But they’re always ready to roast you, if you happen to publicly like old Disney content that, according to Reee’s cult, is “problematic”.

Point number one really rubbed me the wrong way when the exodus happened. A group of people talk about being adults and wanting to create a community to be proud of and then the way they left was absolutely bonkers. That really should have been the first flag to how the community would be shaped.
Yeah. I still haven’t forgotten some stuff I saw posted here by those fuckers when they left. Very nasty stuff.


Digital Foundry didn't make the game, they just analyse the technology that makes the game. Resetera are mad that Digital Foundry won't bend the knee and be a syncophant ally on something that DF had no control over.

Here is how you resolve it:


I disagree with this on how to resolve it.

If I was dark10x, here Is how I would respond:

dark10x: “Thanks for everyone’s feedback, it is really appreciated. After reflecting on your comments I feel the right thing to do is formally address my thoughts on the Ion Fury issue. I will be making a video issuing an apology to be played right before the video analysis.”

Era then starts to pat itself on the back knowing their keyboard activism has clearly made the world a better place.

A few days later dark10x should then put a disclaimer video up similar to this one and watch hilarity ensue:


Unconfirmed Member


Bro, the fuckin' dude said he was a deer and that he eats grass, and was on video pretending to be a deer that was posted multiple times in that same thread. What proof do you need? You wanna suck his dick and see if it tastes like venison?

Clapping back. Ah that classic control left term meaning firing off a stream of abuse at someone who just might be making a reasonable point.


Unconfirmed Member

No wonder they're so bitter all the time

Wait - does that mean that hookers are now medical professionals? Can a doctor prescribe 3 hookers a week, paid by your medical insurance?
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I disagree with this on how to resolve it.

If I was dark10x, here Is how I would respond:

dark10x: “Thanks for everyone’s feedback, it is really appreciated. After reflecting on your comments I feel the right thing to do is formally address my thoughts on the Ion Fury issue. I will be making a video issuing an apology to be played right before the video analysis.”

Era then starts to pat itself on the back knowing their keyboard activism has clearly made the world a better place.

A few days later dark10x should then put a disclaimer video up similar to this one and watch hilarity ensue:

Or the good old



People on the far left bring up gamergate more than Jews do the Holocaust. They act like gamergate is the worst incident in the history of mankind.

"Many gamers are in fact white supremacists and misogynists"??? Got anything to back that up with or just going to state personal feelings as factual information as they always do.

No different than me saying "Many ERA members are in fact pedos" and guess what I could actually back that up with something of relevance.

GamerGate just seems like a "one size fits all" villain for these people.

I mean, how do you come up with an explanation for what GG is from a ResetEra perspective.

It's an incident? A group of people? Both?

It's about harassing a female developer because details of her private life leaked?
Or is it about getting rid of all female developers?
Or is it just about getting ALL women out of gaming in any capacity?
That just about covers the misogyny angle.

Were does the white supremacy come in then?
Surely it would be possible for a left wing person with no real thoughts on race outside of "people should be treated equally and fairly regardless of race" to also believe that one particular "game developer" who happens to be a woman (and also happens to be white btw) is a bit of a cunt?

Then how does that become a thing where it's "gamers" who have this massive problem when "gamer" just refers to anyone who plays videogames AND they never tire of telling us that 40% of gamers are women.

It's like they take a broad range of negative things that are prevalent in society as a whole and then throw them all into one big bucket labelled "gamers". Then they try to pass it all off as truth because about 6 years ago there was this "thing" called "gamergate" and so gamers are terrible people, you see.

It's completely moronic.

It feels kind of similar to groups like MRAs, 4Chan, 8Chan, the Alt-Right etc etc.
These weird amorphous groups, that nobody seems to really know anything about, who are declared as being bad in a very wide range of different ways. Yet somehow the "experts" on these groups are random people from the internet who are more interested in pushing the "MRA" or "Alt-Right" or whatever label on people they simply don't agree with.

With THQ Nordic and 8Chan, for example, I don't really know much about 8Chan and what I do know is based on hearing things rather than knowing anything for sure. So THQ Nordic having an AMA there is like... sure maybe a bad idea but I just don't know so why would I boycott their games or even make a point of speaking out everytime they publish a game? They apologized anyway so it's like maybe they just made a mistake? Nope. THQ Nordic are the worst and if you defend them then you are defending ya da ya da ya da.

They invent their own worldview and then attempt to force others to accept it through shaming and bullying and hysterics.


KSweeley might be the most beta looking SIMP on that site.

“Please endorse so I can make a decision because I’m too beta to watch my own content”

Fucking cuck. Who uses such a retarded selfie

It's both tragic and hilarious that he looks a bit like Pepe though.

I sometimes wonder if his avatar counts as a dogwhistle?
Does he get triggered every time he looks in a mirror?

Scotty W

The thing I find fascinating is the consistently authoritarian vocabulary.

“severe ban”, “serious infractions”, who speaks like that? As far as I know, there is no requirement for a private forum to employ totalitarian state rhetoric.

They could just as well type language normal people speak, like “You used an abbreviation we find negative, so go packing.”

The role of language in legitimising things is fascinating.
I bet if you look close, you will start to see a lot of s&m themes popping up in their posts.


Neo Member
Someone leaked the conversation, so TransERA organized on their Discord to review bomb Ion Fury and harass Void Point and 3Drealms on Twitter.

Not only did they harass the devs on Twitter, they started logging into the 3D Realms Discord channel and screaming at the users. I was an active user in that channel and suddenly all those new people started coming in and calling us nazis and bigots. I was confused and didn't know what happened but a quick visit to Era 'helped' me out. Their trolling brought the Gamergate crowd to the channel and after that the channel went to absolute shit. 3DRealms had to heavily moderate the Discord channel to the point where talking about the game simply wasn't fun anymore.



Looks like Dark isn't going back to Era. Good.

That said, I don't want to gloat about it either and say "woo, Gaf won!" because honestly, I don't think that's something John would want either. It's not a happy thing that the "quintessential video game forum" is this friggin toxic and consistently scaring off well-meaning industry people. Frankly, I wouldn't want to go back to gaf either after some of the shit John has dealt with everywhere. Forums are not helpful for one's mental health unless they're extremely small.

Also, I'd like to talk about this post:

I know more than a few developers, both indie and mainstream (as well as content creators, but that's a different discussion entirely), so I think I have some insight on this. And guess what, you're right trashtabby, it's not being "too progressive" that scares developers away from ResetEra. It's the black and white thinking that you bullies apply to fucking EVERYTHING that you've deluded yourselves into THINKING is progressive that scares these people away.

You know what's not progressive? Guilt by association. More than a few banned "personalities" over there are, while not necessarily beloved icons, well-liked individuals in the industry, and not just among the "alt-right chuds" as you would categorize them. Colin Moriarty for example, who is good friends with Cory Balrog and Neil Druckmann. Do they agree with everything he says? Of course not, people can be friends with others that have wildly different political beliefs, provided those beliefs aren't something they'd see as irreconcilable (like I doubt Druckmann would be friends with a Holocaust-denier for example). Or what about how you got a multi-page thread on Boogie being INVITED (not presenting) to the Game Awards and directly harassing Keighley over it (who was smart to not acknowledge it).

Why do you think the ONE Squanch Games developer stopped posting there? Because you designated everyone at the very small company a Nazi after Roiland cut a commercial with Jontron, a guy that several people have since vouched for both in the industry and out as not hateful, including Jirard the Completionist, who would have been directly affected by his dumbass rhetoric back in the 2017 stream that he 100% no longer believes.

On the flipside, you know who ISN'T well liked in the industry and people just put on a face for? Jason Schreier. He's seen as an obnoxious baby that can't handle criticism and is the primary reason many developers blacklisted Kotaku (some not publicly). Of course I expect him to be irrelevant by this time next year now that he's defied the hive by working for a billionaire.

I think at this point, Gameexplain is the only entity that seems "in" with both the Era crowds and everyone else who isn't insane, but for all I know, they could be getting fed up with the place too. They're 4th hand entities for me (friend of a friend of a friend), so any info I get will be a bit diluted.

And this is just scratching the surface by the way. I would hit the character limit (is there still one here, I don't actually know?) before I could name every single issue that the bulk of the industry has with Era, and what I've said isn't even the biggest one. So yeah, I guess to any Era lurkers here that want to keep an eye on what the "alt-right communities" are saying, there's some food for thought for you. No matter how much the site grows, your aggressive community will NEVER be the big hub for gaming industry people that Gaf once was. Maybe someday you'll grow some self-awareness and realize why.

Edit: Oh, and there's A LOT of vulnerable people (mental health-wise) in the industry. It kind of comes with the territory of any creative medium, but it's pretty damn pronounced. Era being one big pool of negativity has had some chilling effects on developers that have done their best to keep up with a "quintessential gaming community". You could say the same about several marginalized people in the industry who just see it as too much and in some ways infantalizing while simultaneously a ridiculous tightrope walk. Like, it can't be understated just how many people see the place as a negative influence at this point and wish it would just go away.
Thanks so much for sharing this. Very insightful. Any chance those devs would consider posting here? I hope they know they'd be more than welcome and not criticized

Daffy Duck


How can it be a 10/10 when the game is published by Blizzard who have a long history of severe and problematic things and actions. That review should have a disclaimer before it advising everyone of their previous transgressions. Lest we forget that voice chat isn’t inclusive as well and this game still has that.
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Imagine believing a majority of gamers are misogynists or white supremacists? Haha I mean where do they even get that data from? There are plenty of toxic gamers but even then I don't think most are misogynists or white supremacists. White supremacists should be an extreme insult and somehow it's become the norm over there



How can it be a 10/10 when the game is published by Blizzard who have a long history of severe and problematic things and actions. That review should have a disclaimer before it advising everyone of their previous transgressions. Lest we forget that voice chat isn’t inclusive as well and this game still has that.
if you have a bottle of lotion in your game that says "Ogay" that makes you a Nazi bigot and anyone who discusses you should be deplatformed

if you cowtow to China and censor people to appease an oppressive government that is harvesting the organs of ethnic prisoners, that is totally fine! nothing wrong at all! don't even bring that up.
Imagine believing a majority of gamers are misogynists or white supremacists? Haha I mean where do they even get that data from?
funny enough, usually the people saying this are white and they spend all time talking about how shitty gamers are.

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People on the far left bring up gamergate more than Jews do the Holocaust. They act like gamergate is the worst incident in the history of mankind.

"Many gamers are in fact white supremacists and misogynists"??? Got anything to back that up with or just going to state personal feelings as factual information as they always do.

No different than me saying "Many ERA members are in fact pedos" and guess what I could actually back that up with something of relevance.


Gold Member

This is a scandalous post. How do you have any sort of credibility doing independent analysis if you start the piece off with a disclaimer? Imagine it now - the broadsheets reporting on Afghanistant.

Editorial disclaimer: We'd just like to say that we in no way support donations to Al Qaeda, and we actually think they're a big bunch of cunts. Now sit back as we analyse if the US did destabilise the area by opposing Russian foreign aid.

This is a scandalous post. How do you have any sort of credibility doing independent analysis if you start the piece off with a disclaimer? Imagine it now - the broadsheets reporting on Afghanistant.

Editorial disclaimer: We'd just like to say that we in no way support donations to Al Qaeda, and we actually think they're a big bunch of cunts. Now sit back as we analyse if the US did destabilise the area by opposing Russian foreign aid.
"The idiots you are referencing claim to want "freedom of speech", yet harass people to the point of submission. Not just with "criticism" but also with personal insults, death threats, and inflammatory misinformation. All to trick vulnerable people to join their cause."

Yeah, about that...
Imagine believing a majority of gamers are misogynists or white supremacists? Haha I mean where do they even get that data from? There are plenty of toxic gamers but even then I don't think most are misogynists or white supremacists. White supremacists should be an extreme insult and somehow it's become the norm over there
Because you file all the bad things (Nazi, racist, sexist... stuff like that) into one simple term. Alt Right!

And then label anything you don't like as Alt Right.

So this

And this

Both are Alt Right. Because.

LGR is a fantastic channel and a great guy, so why haven't ResetEra lost their minds trying to get him canceled yet?

Just watching through his Ion Fury video and it's entirely positive without any disclaimers! So that automatically means he's a bigotry supporting Nazi!

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