I wanted to make a thread for this, but don't have thread making right so I decided to put this here.
Following the harassment against esports' Richard Lewis' by Kotaku, Polygon, waypoint and, ofc, Resetera, I wondered the following: do these people actually think 'being' left is only lgbt-stuff and identity politics?!
Because it's not. It's actually the smallest part of it. How do I know? Well, I am politically left, and I'm sick of game devs pandering to these crazies with all their bad lgbt-fanfic level content in modern games.
"But what does it mean to be left then?" someone from Resetera might ask. I'll tell you some IMPORTANT topics that left politics include:
- climate change
- opposing war
- more social spending
- regulating the economy
- taxing the rich more than the poor
- protecting human rights (no, not your right to a pronoun, but the right not to be stoned to death just because you're gay)
- fighting corruption
- being welcoming to scientific progress
- opposing classism
And more that I'm forgetting right now.
The point is: being politically left means SO MUCH MORE than just focusing on the lgbt-stuff/identity politics. That's only your chosen agenda, because you needed something to be outraged over. You crazy people STILL call CD Projekt Red 'transphobic' over a harmless trans-joke for christ's sake.
I got the feeling the mentioned websites have no idea what left politics actually mean, that's why they keep calling everyone who doesn't 100% agree with their lgbt-stuff/identity politics an alt-right nazi.
I'm left and I don't give a fuck about your obnoxious lgbt/identity politics clickbait articles. Wait, not true, ofc I care about equality and lgbt rights - but I do so in a reasonable manner and not in a 'IF YOU REFUSE TO FUCK WITH A TRANS-WOMAN YOU'RE TRANSPHOBIC!!1" manner.

Um, pls don't be an idiot. It's not about politics, but science. Don't know where that user is from, but for example if we reach 2 degree warming, Malta, a European island nation, will be gone. Not so funny.