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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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link? I haven’t seen that one



NYT is alt right nazi propoganda.

i can't wait to see how long this lasts. they love their media establishments and have the memory of a goldfish.




Be a member? None that I know of. But you can absolutely encourage others to donate and join such charities.

For example I have made monthly donations to St. Judes Children's Hospital for about 5 years now and I regularly encourage others in real life and on social media to do the same. Yet in all that time I have never stepped foot in a St. Judes facility or attended one of their gatherings.

Would you say that I have not properly supported their cause as a result?

Okay attending protests and donating money then. Donating money takes sacrifice too.

Ron Mexico

It’s not a matter of attending versus not attending a protest or supporting a cause in person.

It’s the combination of moral grandstanding and virtue signaling that is so...self-serving.

In another time sure, you could say “well how do you KNOW their intent?” I’ll give you that. However, when you have a sample size the history of Era, it’s not exactly a leap in logic to see the motivation.

They want to be part of a “thing”. They want the dopamine hit of the sense of righteousness. They just don’t have the skill or the will to get in the thick of it but what they do have is time. Time to scream from the roof...er...forum tops about righteous they are.

It’s also why their groupthink evolves every time there’s a new twist or a new angle to whatever the major story du jour. They need to adapt as they go to maintain the dopamine hit. So they don’t just want someone who follows the groupthink. They want someone malleable enough to mold as the groupthink moves.

So no, you don’t have to physically attend to support a cause. A very large number don’t. A similarly large number also don’t feign moral righteousness while they do. Some just do what they do because it’s the right thing and leave it at that.


One of the endless examples they are not about supporting a cause, but they just want to hate on people.
i thought it was in bad taste to imagine the murderous cop at the center of a global protest to be laughing in joy, but hey, i also don't think you should call black people the C word.
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Gold Member
I find it hilarious there is no thread(or very quite) on USA adding 2.5 million jobs in May and unemployment falling to 13%, funny huh.
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Gold Member
For example I have made monthly donations to St. Judes Children's Hospital for about 5 years now and I regularly encourage others in real life and on social media to do the same. Yet in all that time I have never stepped foot in a St. Judes facility or attended one of their gatherings.

Would you say that I have not properly supported their cause as a result?

You sound a bit like me. I give money to the guide dog association, shelter and adopt-a-beehive. Like you, I've never attended a rally for guide dogs, shelter or gone to the beehive farms but I will always suggest them as worthy causes. That's because you and I seem like regular, normal people in life.

As Ron Mexico Ron Mexico states though, it's more about the juxtaposition of outrage versus action. Those causes above are worthy but they're not life changing. I'm not going to be posting ridiculously about how everyone should be saving bees or making it the key part of a cause I identify with or have strong feelings about. On the flip side, if I then started doing this about the EDL is bad, and we need to do something, constantly bringing them up as a menace to society and how we should all stand united and making it well known that I find them abhorrent and disgusting, then the expectation is that I would attend EDL opposition rallies. And if I didn't I would expect to be asked 'why didn't you go? It's only 30 mins on the train and you've been strongly opposed to it for years. Why aren't you doing anything?' - And if I didn't have a grade A excuse I would expect to be called out on it.

What makes it worse is that an opportunity for change like this will be a once in a generation thing. Now the asshole looters and rioters have dwindled, this is the chance. To bleat on about it so consistently and with such fervour and vitriol about any opposition, and then just sit there with cheeto's stuck to their face as they tweet is just a bit hypocritical. If you give off the air of someone who is so staunchly behind a cause, then yes I'd expect more support than a monthly deduction, a retweet or froum posting. Otherwise, yeah it's probably iportant, but not as important as saying you're for the cause than actually being there.


We in Microsoft / Nintendo / Sony are commited to fight against any form of hate, violence and racism.

But still supporting Resetera where admins and members want to kill cops, kill babies, support riots and thievery, harass developers, drive people to kill themself, support Marxism and Nazi ideologies.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
i thought it was in bad taste to imagine the murderous cop at the center of a global protest to be laughing in joy, but hey, i also don't think you should call black people the C word.
Apart from media made in the 1950s, I've never seen such liberal use of the word c**n as that site. Is this generally accepted as a black person insult to accuse another of being a race traitor? I always thought it was an old racist term by racists that thankfully died off, but its popping up again but only on ERA.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
We in Microsoft / Nintendo / Sony are commited to fight against any form of hate, violence and racism.

But still supporting Resetera where admins and members want to kill cops, kill babies, support riots and thievery, harass developers, drive people to kill themself, support Marxism and Nazi ideologies.
Since Microsoft rightly went after that racist prick in Brazil, maybe Stinkles is now on borrowed time.


they want Kanye to keep his money and not give it to the victims' families because "the movement isn't hurting for money"


so they want to punish these families so they can make a stand against Kanye's image? lol
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Apart from media made in the 1950s, I've never seen such liberal use of the word c**n as that site. Is this generally accepted as a black person insult to accuse another of being a race traitor? I always thought it was an old racist term by racists that thankfully died off, but its popping up again but only on ERA.

It was.



If only we could go back to mocking the fuck out of racists instead of attacking them. The context is that he's an old ignorant racist and you laugh AT HIM. Like a TV version of Blazing Saddles.

WatchMojo did a top 10 movies that couldn't be made today and, surprise, Blazing Saddles was number 1.
We actually watched this movie in one of my High School classes (2003 or so)
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Welp, I have a new record that I'm not sure I would possibly even be able to beat. Signed up, a few hours and one seemingly innocuous post later. Banned.



I wasn't going to just jump right into stirring the pot, wanted to try and mingle a bit you know? This guy claims Kanye is allowing "these deaths" to happen. I was just asking for clarification on such a ridiculous statement, geez.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Welp, I have a new record that I'm not sure I would possibly even be able to beat. Signed up, a few hours and one seemingly innocuous post later. Banned.



I wasn't going to just jump right into stirring the pot, wanted to try and mingle a bit you know? This guy claims Kanye is allowing "these deaths" to happen. I was just asking for clarification on such a ridiculous statement, geez.
You should have gone the Red Mercury route. "How so?"
Was that the first post?

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Yeah that was the first post ha. Meanwhile powderedeggs is referring to Kanye as a "coon" in the thread. Coon?! They are allowing coon to be thrown around now?
Yeah, I'm beginning to think that Nepenthe is more Verne Troyer than Gary Coleman if you know what I mean. How can someone claiming to be black facilitate such blatant racism? Then again she identifies as a furry so why should I be overthinking how mental midgets should behave.

Ryuji Goda

Welp, I have a new record that I'm not sure I would possibly even be able to beat. Signed up, a few hours and one seemingly innocuous post later. Banned.



I wasn't going to just jump right into stirring the pot, wanted to try and mingle a bit you know? This guy claims Kanye is allowing "these deaths" to happen. I was just asking for clarification on such a ridiculous statement, geez.
That avatar though 😂


NYT as alt right mouthpiece really blowing some minds today


also YAS QWEEEN HERO Kate McKinnon used to scissor her!

While attending Columbia University, she dated future Saturday Night Live star Kate McKinnon. As of 2019, she is in a relationship with former Vice News correspondent Nellie Bowles. Weiss is bisexual.

really looking forward to the cancellation of that smug SNL bitch tbh.

i mean, unless Era are complete hypocrites about this too and give her a free pass, which, well, actually, i can see that happening...
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Their obsession with statements (or lack thereof) on the current events from videogame companies is one of the most stupid shit ever. The statements are the same thing as those ads for COVID "we are in this together... so please keep buying our product. "
"FuCk CaPiTaLiSm... but also praise our multi billion company overlords who put out a very brave statement."
Now, donations are a good thing, don't get me wrong, but it would still be delusional to me to think that that money isn't basically just for marketing.
Also, "influencers who don't speak out are basically white supremacist, if they speak out are great... unless we didn't like them in the first palce, in that case, they are obviously fake.... "

Just like we weren't in this together, BLM doesn't give a shit about the meaningless .jpg from your favorite kiddy game company. It's only them who are obsessed with that, because even in the important matters they have to act as the usual SJW.


Lol they're calling cops murders because a woman supposedly had an asthma attack from tear gas. You knew there would be tear gas, if you have a condition that you can't breathe it in then it's on you if you show up and get injured.

That also excludes the fact that there seems to be no real proof, there's just claims that she died from that. So more unsubstantiated news as PROOF that ACAB. You'd think them whining about NYT being fake news would have woken them up...
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MODS: Stop making fun of fat people :messenger_loudly_crying:

Bonus lulz

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Dick Jones

Gold Member

Apparently Kanye West (sorry ERA, I meant to say The C**n) has been playing the long con the whole time. West is an idiot but I hope this is true. ERA may be forced to tone down their racist rhetoric).

Fact: Since B-Dubs became general manager, racist and anti-semetic comments by staff have substantially increased. The only thing that has remained constant... Slayven's poor spelling.


Watching Resetera eat itself and decline over the past couple of years gives me hope for the incoming woke takeover of Western society. Remember the promises of a "better way" when the split happened? Remember all the verified devs and journos who jumped on the bandwagon? Promises get broken and the left never delivers.

Once they get any power, the permabans will come for minor infractions, the half-believers will be pushed away and eventually expelled, the people who demonstrate “free thought” will be banished and it will all collapse in on itself. Alexa rank is the new pew poll.

Who knew a video game forum split would be so prophetic.

The right side of history, my friends.


"Right side of history" is such an absurd phrase. History doesn't take "sides". The Soviet Bloc during the Cold war thought they were on the "Right Side of History" too, and look what happened to them.

This is just the left-wing equivalent of religious conservatives saying "God is on our side." Like that phrase, it's just an excuse to be arrogant, self-righteous, and hypocritical.


Pretty much every poll on Resetera asking their users if they backup their online opinions with real-world actions has shown that at least 50% of them don't. There has never been a bigger forum of keyboard warriors.



Apparently Kanye West (sorry ERA, I meant to say The C**n) has been playing the long con the whole time. West is an idiot but I hope this is true. ERA may be forced to tone down their racist rhetoric).

Fact: Since B-Dubs became general manager, racist and anti-semetic comments by staff have substantially increased. The only thing that has remained constant... Slayven's poor spelling.

Hey that's completely disrespectful, Slayven's coming to terms with his new keyboard

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
ERA is a lot like Twitter where moderate and level headed opinions get steamrolled by prolific posters posting the most extreme of opinions. Once you realize that you aren't getting really any feedback (positive or negative), you just kinda stop throwing your opinion out there.

As we've seen with other polls (race changing video game characters for example), there are a whole lot of lurkers or low activity posters who likely aren't drinking the kool-aid quite as hard but still browse ERA because of its size.

They also might be discouraged from posting because they don't share the same extreme values and don't want to get m moderated in some way because they're not joining the chorus 100%.

So when I see a poll where a lot of people aren't protesting, I tend to take that at face value. That lots of people feel the need to assuage whatever guilt by posting about donating money or being immuno-compromised feels like statistical noise rather than an actual reflection of their readers.
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The fact that Nepenthe didn't brag about protesting and using their capoeira on the police says quite a lot about their cowardice.

Not to mention the fact that a hell of a lot of the protestors are WHITE and she deemed every white person as racist from birth.

Hecht is also very, very quiet. Hasn't posted about animal crossing in ages. Wheres the fucking content for other sites Hecht?


Dick Jones

Gold Member
Within a few posts immunocompromised and having sick dependents became accepted reasons so they all used those excuses.
I remember a story in a local paper in Ireland during recession where people called for jury duty in Offaly (economic black hole) where each person called said they couldn't be a juror as they were working full time. In the end the judge remarked that even in recession it's good to see that Offaly has full employment.

To be honest I'm okay with people making whatever excuse. I'm not a fan of shaming others when it's obvious they were in the same boat.


Within a few posts immunocompromised and having sick dependents became accepted reasons so they all used those excuses.

I legit have some respect for the 2 or so posters who admitted it was due to cowardice. Takes some guts to be truthful with yourself about your shortcomings.

But you just knew 99% of the ones constantly screeching on Reeee were no where to be seen at these protests, but did something even better like “used my platform to retweet” 😂


Unconfirmed Member

Apparently Kanye West (sorry ERA, I meant to say The C**n) has been playing the long con the whole time. West is an idiot but I hope this is true. ERA may be forced to tone down their racist rhetoric).

Just think about how fucking offensive the whole Kanye West drama is.

A black man has the nerve, the god damn audacity, to have an opinion of his own. He went against their groupthink & made his own decisions. How could this be. How could he not follow his masters without question. They look out for him! This does not compute!

Turns out he was actually a fucking nut job all along. He wasn't capable of thinking straight & rational. His people weren't taking care of him. He was in the sunken place. He was whatever racist insult is ok on Era right now. & his music fucking sucked anyway. All was right with the world again.

But shit! Now he's doing good. He's donating a ton of money. Millions. What the fuck!

Ahhh... He was actually playing the long con all along. Yeah. That's what we'll go with. That works. Because it's just inconceivable that a black man would ever go against the whole liberal woke system. Yeah.


I remember a story in a local paper in Ireland during recession where people called for jury duty in Offaly (economic black hole) where each person called said they couldn't be a juror as they were working full time. In the end the judge remarked that even in recession it's good to see that Offaly has full employment.

To be honest I'm okay with people making whatever excuse. I'm not a fan of shaming others when it's obvious they were in the same boat.

Depends on the occupation?

"If you are in employment, your employer must let you attend jury service. Time spent on jury service should be treated as if the employee were actually employed. In other words, if you are in employment and are attending for jury service, you are entitled to be paid while you are away from work. If you have a contract of employment, for example, (temporary workers or contract workers) you are entitled to be paid by your employer while you are on jury service. There should also be no loss of any other employment rights while you serve on a jury. You can request a certificate from the jury office to confirm your attendance at jury service. "
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Scotty W

“We are not providing a platform for Nintendo. Thread locked. Read official staff communication.”
This should be brought up every time Nintendo is mentioned over there. Can you imagine the difficulty of running a gaming forum where you are forbidden to mention Nintendo?


We in Microsoft / Nintendo / Sony are commited to fight against any form of hate, violence and racism.

But still supporting Resetera where admins and members want to kill cops, kill babies, support riots and thievery, harass developers, drive people to kill themself, support Marxism and Nazi ideologies.

Seriously. The direct and clear advocation of unnecessary violence is just embarrassing and should be enough for any corporation that wants to even pretend they are well intentioned to cut ties with the site completely. I mean some of the stuff I've been reading on there is just sickening (sentiments like, "Lynch all cops", "Rand Paul should be killed because he doesn't to broaden the definition of lynching to minor injuries", racist terms towards Kanye, "violent protests are what it means to produce reasonable change", etc).

Obviously there is a problem with America's police system that needs changing. So, let's advocate reform through the rules and constructs we have agreed to as a society, which includes peaceful protest but also voting. Instead of advocating for Joe Biden to make meaningful police reform a priority in his campaign, they are calling to Lynch every last policeman? Such careless and disgusting calls for violence makes me wonder if they are even taking the anti-racism movement seriously. It seems more like these are just a bunch of unstable people with a lot of pent up anger.
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What's the problem they have with Kanye West?

I'm not really a fan of his music so don't keep up with him, but I'd of thought ree would of liked him from the famous "george bush doesn't care about black people" donation thing after hurricane katrina. If I remember rightly he also pointed out media bias in it aswell.


I don't really understand the hate here? Between Covid-19 and the very obvious dangers of attending these protests can you really blame them for not attending?

It's would be questionable at best to attend one of these protests at this point given the violence we have seen from police and looters. I don't blame people at all for not going out to these events.
While I agree, theres nothing wrong with supporting a cause and not actively protesting but... With ResetEra, the posters there are so wild that they should be out there for all the shit they spout.

If you're going to be shouting "fuck the police" as a middle aged dude on a gaming forum, while some kids are really out there getting hurt on the streets, than your ass better be out there too.
Normally, I wouldn't care but this is why everyone thinks Resetera is filled with virtue signalers. I saw a post where someone genuinely asked "Should I give black people money as reparations"... These guys are out of touch.

So in this case, if they feel that strongly about it while spitting the most extreme opinions, they can go out and protest instead of typing "Yeah, fuck those cops. Hope they die!"
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