For once I'd just love to see someone properly try to defend this stance.
Surely some of these clowns are lurking on here and could have a go at this?
If biological sex isn't real then I am assuming they just have a different way of describing reproduction in mammal species?
I've always thought that their main issue is that they spent so much time demonizing men that the words "male" or "man" now come with a lot of negative baggage in their eyes. The things we are talking about are real they just don't want to use the phrases "biological sex" or "male" or "female" to describe them.
So maybe a complete outside observer might notice that there are basically 2 types of humans. Let's call them Type M and Type F.
The mechanics of reproduction are what they are but very basically you need special types of cells from both Type M and Type F.
These facts are unavoidable so no matter what terminology you decide to use the situation is what it is.
So normal people just say "OK humans are basically categorized as male or female and if you want to reproduce you need one of each. At the VERY least you need specific material from one of each. So yes obviously biological sex is real." Those people are bigots now. Science denying bigots.
Biological Sex Isn't Real- An SJW Tale
Two random humans, A & B, are lying in bed somewhere.
Human A sighs and says "I would like to raise a child with you Human B."
Human B says "Oh, Human A, I would love to raise a child with you."
They decide that they want the kid to be their actual descendant.
They don't want to adopt. They want to raise their own child.
Great. What a lovely story so far.
Now, a problem.
Human A says "OK, B, what have you got down there?"
HB says "cock and balls, I'm packing sperm down there".
"Oh shit!" HA exclaims. "Same here."
"How the hell can we make a baby then?" Human B asks questioningly.
A deep bassy rumble is heard in the distance. Possibly getting closer.
"Human B, I've got it!" Human A excitedly sits up. "I know just want to do."
"What's the plan?"
"We just need to find a human who produces eggs. We can't produce egss so we need to find a surrogate."
Human B looks puzzled and asks "wait, so we can't just ask any random human? It needs to be one who produces eggs?"
That rumbling is getting louder now. Definitely getting closer. Faster. Louder. Closer.
Human A gulps. Visibly afraid of saying the words that need to come out next.
"No, Human B. You see there's a specific type of human that produces eggs."
Nervous glances all around. Rumbling unbearable now.
"Now, since we are both full of jizz... In more ways than one, am I right!? Ha!"
Human B stifles a chuckle but then seriously tries to interrupt.
"Don't say it Human A. After all my pills and facial surgeries and implants don't you DARE say it!"
"However", Human A continues, "we are not the egg carrying type...".
At this point a single tear rolls down the cheek of Human A. It's time to speak the unspeakable truth.
"W-we... are... Males. W-we... need... an egg producer... a... a... fe... fe... female to" BOOM!
Suddenly the entire wall explodes inwards.
Standing in the middle of the room is the one known as "bulbasort". San Francisco's number one Ideology Enforcement Agent.
They are, naturally, flanked by a drooling swivel-eyed squad known as ResetEra.
The smell of cheap Costco hotdogs and axe body spray fills the heavy night air.
They leap forward as they roar out in unison.
Then the whole world goes black.