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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Well, there was that whole 14 points thing from Wilson who was trying to be nicer, but the treaty of Versailles got passed anyway.

Yeah but I guess the point is that, to some extent, the idea that maybe it was not a good idea to cut the German nation off at the knees was understood by some at the time, albeit that it was not the view that prevailed.


Some people literally get their life energy from this. To them, it’s not constantly yelling that’s exhausting.

That made me think about dogs. I read somewhere that a dog could bark loudly all day and it wouldn't be tired because to them barking is just talking.


Gold Member
Yeah but I guess the point is that, to some extent, the idea that maybe it was not a good idea to cut the German nation off at the knees was understood by some at the time, albeit that it was not the view that prevailed.
France understood it as well, otherwise they wouldn’t put in place the Maginot Line. They knew the treaty meant war as soon as Germany would just give them the middle finger and stop paying retributions - and everyone knew Germany would.

France’s representatives were holding the peace conference in their own home, though. There was hardly anyone opposing their requests, which weren’t dictated by reason.


Anyone else notice an uptick in trans threads? I guess they felt their championship title in the oppression olympics was in jeapordy.


So I thought I'd check out what Ree thought of Gone with the Wind being pulled from HBO Max. I'll take things that never happened for 100 please Alex.


Plus another guy self-doxing :messenger_tears_of_joy:


IIRC it was advised against at the time. The French wanted blood but the other allies pushed for less rapacious terms. Can't be arsed to look it up so could be wrong.

I'm German and if my historical memory is still intact, the French-German "Erbfeindschaft" had been going on for much longer.
In 1871 the Prussians humiliated the French, after WW1 the French returned the favour.
By the time WWII ended, France wasn't a superpower anymore and it was the Russians and Americans who called the shots and they both had little interest to completely dismantle Germany again.

It seems like that point of view comes from the benefit of hindsight. I mean, if you came from the future you'd probably say "Hey let's try something different" because you know what the ramifications are gonna be in a couple of decades. But, that's hardly the case on the ground at that time, and thus is a flawed analysis.

Yeah, no point in playing the results. What if the Versailles Treaty isn't as tough, Hitler comes to power regardless and the Empire wins WWII because they started from a more comfortable econmic position?
We'll never know.
It seems like Europe as a whole has moved on from the eternal feud mode and that's great.
I'm German and if my historical memory is still intact, the French-German "Erbfeindschaft" had been going on for much longer.
In 1871 the Prussians humiliated the French, after WW1 the French returned the favour.

The French really took it up a notch though. The Prussians did what? Announce the unification in Versailles and then take Alsace and Lorraine, which were disputed anyway. The French took a big dirty Gallic shit all over the German nation
The French really took it up a notch though. The Prussians did what? Announce the unification in Versailles and then take Alsace and Lorraine, which were disputed anyway. The French took a big dirty Gallic shit all over the German nation

Germany should have been cut up after world war 1. The war guilt is on their head and their morally corrupt governement.

Also the german got it comming with the peace they had with the russian, this treaty was awful.

This book defined my opinion

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so sad their newfound hero Mitt Romney. you may be marching for black lives, which makes you better than 82% of Era, but you said the bad thing

OP wants to close the thread because too many people agree with Mitt
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It is funny how the thread attacking JK Rowling was started by a Male who calls her “nasty TERF” in the OP. In fact those are the only words used.

Lol they act exactly like Trump. Wasn’t he horrible for being a man calling a woman a “Nasty woman”?

Ah but they are “Male Feminists” so it’s ok 😂

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When you have a culture that simply doesn't allow even mild dissent (enforced by the catch-all Dismissing Concerns ban) it's only natural that such an echo chamber devolves into a competition for who can be the most morally outraged and offended. Thread after thread where no real argument is allowed, well it gets boring, so this dynamic is the next best thing for these folks.


so sad their newfound hero Mitt Romney. you may be marching for black lives, which makes you better than 82% of Era, but you said the bad thing

OP wants to close the thread because too many people agree with Mitt
LOL that delicious irony when you try to virtual signal but no one agrees with you so you ask the thread to be locked like a bitch.

Why do the mods even honor those lock requests? It's one thing if it's a thread where you are talking about your personal life or something but why should you be able to shut down a thread about a Mitt Romney tweet or the new episode of a show or something? I've never seen this on other message boards where you ask for your threads to be locked without some sort of personal information being involved.

What the fuck was he trying to say?

I think it's pretty succinct, he clearly thinks it's any of the sense but it's clearly not making any of the stupid. Also women need men #Feminism
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

Jesus, ok ya fascist.

Good luck arguing with him and not getting banned either.

I don’t understand the point of threads like that where there isn’t discussion allowed.



Jesus, ok ya fascist.
This was weird because, at first he got universal agreement then, one person brought up the fact that the OP made this post with an electronic product that most definitely needed human suffering to produce, then people said that media wasnt essential whilst smart phones where....... eh did these people exist 2 decades ago???

Such a dumb reductive argument to make in the first place, we all have blood on our hands in regards to what we enjoy and the convenience of modern life in the 1st world and how a lot of that is enabled by the abuses of the 3rd

The difference is some of us are aware of it, except it, and try and do something about it, but life is hard, sometimes you just want a fuckkng pizza a couple of beers and a fucking show on netflix

I would go insane if I "self shamed" everytime i enjoyed myself in this world, this shit wears people down and breaks em
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This was weird because, at first he got universal agreement then, one person brought up the fact that the OP made this post with an electronic product that most definitely needed human suffering to produce, then people said that media wasnt essential whilst smart phones where....... eh did these people exist 2 decades ago???

Such a dumb reductive argument to make in the first place, we all have blood on our hands in regards to what we enjoy and the convenience of modern life in the 1st world and how a lot of that is enabled by the abuses of the 3rd

The difference is some of us are aware of it, except it, and try and do something about it, but life is hard, sometimes you just want a fuckkng pizza a couple of beers and a fucking show on netflix

I would go insane if I "self shamed" everytime i enjoyed myself in this world, this shit wears people down and breaks em

Im pretty sure they only think on a purely surface level. Anything other than that goes against the heard and you will be culled for it. Like the whole Black Lives Matter, but NOT the black cops because ALL cops are bad. And any black who is republican oh yeah I forget what they call them... but its racist as hell.


Im pretty sure they only think on a purely surface level. Anything other than that goes against the heard and you will be culled for it. Like the whole Black Lives Matter, but NOT the black cops because ALL cops are bad. And any black who is republican oh yeah I forget what they call them... but its racist as hell.
With the protests I get it though, they understand that there is let's say going to be winners and losers in that, they go out, engage with other protesters, police and the media

There is violence, riots, vigils etc.

This pushes their mandate into the open, I'm not black but I can understand the problems in their communities it ain't rocket science they have been dealt a bad hand in the card game called the "American Dream"

But these miserable people who sit at there computers and just type away, so resigned to their position and never looking up above the bunker.... it's just like why??

Be an individual sometimes, give yourself that space to smile and be happy on your terms and NOBODY ELSES!

Life is short man, but they wont get it I think, I feel sorry for them


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It shouldn't be controversial, even to Ree, to separate the artist/creator from the work. I don't give a shit what some actor or writer does in their personal life, what their politics are, who they're fucking or not fucking. JK Rowling could run a website called fuckThatBadBugerGuyOnGAF.com that was nothing but a litany of abuse towards me and I'd still ignore it and just watch her movies and read her Cormoran Strike novels.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Feels like the consumption of any product can be brought into question somehow.

I don’t have any real problem with people not wanting to support the items that they have a particular grievance with. It’s a free market and they should have that right.

My problem is more the idea that if you eat at Chick-Fil-A or buy a Harry Potter novel that you aren’t truly against bigotry and that people should question your character. It’s almost like you might as well join the KKK or something because there aren’t levels or any kind of nuance to these sorts of things. It’s just a broad line in the sand that defines “us vs them”.


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My problem is more the idea that if you eat at Chick-Fil-A or buy a Harry Potter novel that you aren’t truly against bigotry and that people should question your character. It’s almost like you might as well join the KKK or something because there aren’t levels or any kind of nuance to these sorts of things. It’s just a broad line in the sand that defines “us vs them”.

And they keep searching for more and more people and products that they can "cancel" and virtue signal over.
The Harry Potter poll on era was like 80/20 in favour of "who gives a fuck LOL", imagine what it would be in a real world poll....
So the line in the sand if basically a tiny circle around a few idiots.
I also loooove the Bill Cosby comparisons "You wouldn't watch the Cosby Show either, so how can you support a Harry Potter game!"

Imagine not seeing the difference. Cosby was convicted for rape and is in prison now, so it would be kinda weird to show his family sitcom on TV that Cosby himself is starring in.
By contrast, all JK Rowling did was voice her opinion about transgender people. In return they want to boycott a fictional wizard school and all the media that is associated with it.

Anyways, I finally looked up what she said and......

Posting this is comparable to Cosby?!?!?!?!?

Good luck with that.


It is funny how the thread attacking JK Rowling was started by a Male who calls her “nasty TERF” in the OP. In fact those are the only words used.

Lol they act exactly like Trump. Wasn’t he horrible for being a man calling a woman a “Nasty woman”?

Ah but they are “Male Feminists” so it’s ok 😂

Ive been unbanned for a month and haven’t gone back...I’m really tempted to see if I can survive a permaban on that thread by citing biological fact: trans women are free to call themselves women and I’ll respect their choice of pronoun but they will never be biologically female.
Ive been unbanned for a month and haven’t gone back...I’m really tempted to see if I can survive a permaban on that thread by citing biological fact: trans women are free to call themselves women and I’ll respect their choice of pronoun but they will never be biologically female.

You won’t even get a chance to refresh your browser and you would be banned


Gold Member

When you have a culture that simply doesn't allow even mild dissent (enforced by the catch-all Dismissing Concerns ban) it's only natural that such an echo chamber devolves into a competition for who can be the most morally outraged and offended. Thread after thread where no real argument is allowed, well it gets boring, so this dynamic is the next best thing for these folks.
Era being moderated like a kindergarten also contributes to the competition.

If you get a warning, you will receive an infraction point (so basically, a negative star, LOL) and the banner with the details of your warning will remain plastered to your screen and you can’t post again until you click on the “I understand” button. You’ve been a bad, bad boy Jimmy, and now your name is on the chalkboard in the “Bad boys” column! Now apologize or you can’t play with the good boys until you do!

They being so patronizing by default, it’s no surprise they do the same with everyone they deem a bad boy and think they can tell minorities who to vote for.


Era being moderated like a kindergarten also contributes to the competition.

If you get a warning, you will receive an infraction point (so basically, a negative star, LOL) and the banner with the details of your warning will remain plastered to your screen and you can’t post again until you click on the “I understand” button. You’ve been a bad, bad boy Jimmy, and now your name is on the chalkboard in the “Bad boys” column! Now apologize or you can’t play with the good boys until you do!

They being so patronizing by default, it’s no surprise they do the same with everyone they deem a bad boy and think they can tell minorities who to vote for.
We need an I understand button here

chop chop EviLore EviLore


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I don't think Era has an acknowledge prompt for warnings. My current account didn't get one last time it was warned. Not that I care.



We don‘t provide a platform to Game Informer here.

Burn. The dude having he/him on his tweeter profile is just fucking hilarious though.

And good luck trying to cancel Rowling you pathetic SJW scum, not going to happen to a billionaire kek.
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Another sexy thread rears it's head;

"I hate the term Master bedroom . "
So is Master Chief also cancelled?

Someone tell Stinkles he's been working for a Nazi company the entire time!



Authorized Fister
I can't wait to have non binary electrical sockets as it signifies the rape from a man to a non-grounded woman. Would wireless be considered eunuchs?


Another sexy thread rears it's head;

"I hate the term Master bedroom . "

It's ok, later on they get heated about how male/female is "objectification". It's amazing how many people have never heard of these terms in that thread but I guess it shouldn't be surprising since they're engineering terms. Does this mean all engineers are racist? Should we defund the engineers? Kill them and their families? I mean they've been objectifying women, trying to bring back slavery, and using race to determine whether something is good or bad in their code for centuries. BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS
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