My problem is more the idea that if you eat at Chick-Fil-A or buy a Harry Potter novel that you aren’t truly against bigotry and that people should question your character. It’s almost like you might as well join the KKK or something because there aren’t levels or any kind of nuance to these sorts of things. It’s just a broad line in the sand that defines “us vs them”.
And they keep searching for more and more people and products that they can "cancel" and virtue signal over.
The Harry Potter poll on era was like 80/20 in favour of "who gives a fuck LOL", imagine what it would be in a real world poll....
So the line in the sand if basically a tiny circle around a few idiots.
I also loooove the Bill Cosby comparisons "You wouldn't watch the Cosby Show either, so how can you support a Harry Potter game!"
Imagine not seeing the difference. Cosby was convicted for rape and is in prison now, so it would be kinda weird to show his
family sitcom on TV that Cosby himself is starring in.
By contrast, all JK Rowling did was voice her opinion about transgender people. In return they want to boycott a
fictional wizard school and all the media that is associated with it.
Anyways, I finally looked up what she said and......
Posting this is comparable to Cosby?!?!?!?!?
Good luck with that.