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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Seriously. What is wrong with these people? Dude gets in a fight with his dad on fathers day because he wants to go home and play TLoU2.


What a pathetic entitled waste of a manchild. Nice of Slayven to lend him his keyboard though.




You mean instead of seeing everything summarized in 30 seconds, I can instead browse pages of pages of content? I’m baffled by the stupidity here, what’s so bad with options? Oh right, I don’t spend 3 hours every day on forums. That must be it, my bad. I’ll try learning how to spend hours on a forum.

Are we using the same forum?
Scratch that, are you using a forum at all?
Pages and pages my ass, the first damn page of the forum shows you all the new threads made in the last day. That's why it's the first page. Novel concept, I know, but Evilore is a visionary like that.



Kinda bizarre read, really.
"He's a rapist!"
*posts proof he wasn't there*
"He's lying!"
*posts people backing him up*
"They are lying!"
*posts further proof they aren't*
"He's a rapist, no one wanted this!"
*posts tweets, texts and call records of supposed victims talking about how they'd love to fuck him*
"Here's texts to prove he's a rapists!"
*texts were obviously doctored and everyone can see it plainly*


Kinda bizarre read, really.
"He's a rapist!"
*posts proof he wasn't there*
"He's lying!"
*posts people backing him up*
"They are lying!"
*posts further proof they aren't*
"He's a rapist, no one wanted this!"
*posts tweets, texts and call records of supposed victims talking about how they'd love to fuck him*
"Here's texts to prove he's a rapists!"
*texts were obviously doctored and everyone can see it plainly*
In a previous timeline I would have laughed in your face if you said I was defending Justin Bieber... But here we are living in "current year".
Reset is the worst. They always jump on the rapist bandwagon and are always like “I always knew something was off about this person, I never liked him”. Every. Single. Time. It just comes across as so fake and hive mind like, especially when they make threads about these individuals constantly and have no problems with them (not referencing the Biebz specifically). Angry Joe, in this case. He gets his own individual review threads and when people are like “why is this reviewer getting his own thread?” the dog whistle gets called on them and a swarm comes to defend him. And now it’s “Oh, I always knew he was such a creep”.

I always see FatFish on there making threads crying for social justice when he is living at home on disability fatfishing people on Grindr and crying when they rightfully call him out on it.

Then that Ket whatever person “trans are treated as subhumans, we need to treat trans people better” because no one was talking about trans people for two hours. It is SO telling when these threads only get like 13-30 replies. They don’t really fucking care about trans people, lol.

I need to stop going on the off-topic side. there, but the bullshit spills over into the gaming section too. Every day, someone new is getting accused of rape with NO evidence and then everyone dog piles on them. Any one who tries to say otherwise, immediately gets banned and then when the truth comes out, they don’t give a fuck they threw someone under the bus for no reason. Shitty, garbage human beings.
Bro, I post here. @ me. What's with this?

It's cowardly.

But to answer your question. Who cares what cops are called. Professionalism dictates that you do your job. Did medical workers walk out en masse when they were using garbage bags as PPE? No, they're professionals.

Cops are vastly supported politically. What are they crying about? Some protestors saying some bad words? Come the fuck on.

Additionally, cop unions block the type of accountability and transparency that would help them reclaim their reputations as a force.

Cop unions don't think strategically or long term. They can easily reform, but they don't. They're amongst the biggest crybabies of the public sector workforce.

Honest question, why do you still post here? I've seen some of the stuff you've written over there and it kind of makes it seem like you have the same mindset as a lot of the people over there that drank the kool-aid and think this place is a den of alt-right lunatics.

If it's just performative, why bother? Why not stick to the purely gaming-related stuff like a lot of the people over there that aren't actually hyper progressive and just keep their mouth shut on social issues for fear of stepping over an arbitrary line? Even if you care about those issues, you don't have the same fervor towards deplatforming and starving "wrongthink" places of viewership if you're still willing to post in a place like this.


Kinda bizarre read, really.
"He's a rapist!"
*posts proof he wasn't there*
"He's lying!"
*posts people backing him up*
"They are lying!"
*posts further proof they aren't*
"He's a rapist, no one wanted this!"
*posts tweets, texts and call records of supposed victims talking about how they'd love to fuck him*
"Here's texts to prove he's a rapists!"
*texts were obviously doctored and everyone can see it plainly*

Meanwhile the mods:

Big emphasys on "women are largely telling the truth".

Btw its official, saying that the culture canceled person is innocent until proves guilty is a bannable ofense. Thats justice.
Meanwhile the mods:

Big emphasys on "women are largely telling the truth".

Btw its official, saying that the culture canceled person is innocent until proves guilty is a bannable ofense. Thats justice.

So even after they reviewed the ban the user still was banned...but for a lesser amount because women are always right until proven otherwise



Gold Member
The funniest part of that thread is how they couldn’t ban all the people who are vocally red pilled against the moderation.

But boy oh boy have they all now some shit points added against their account. So next time they step out of line they will be taken out.

It would be actually interesting to know how that works in Xenforo from a mod here. I am assuming there are either free form account notes or some kind of an infraction point calculator not visible to users.


I am assuming there are either free form account notes or some kind of an infraction point calculator not visible to users.

The system the use is a butthurt mod who when they can't ban a user for calling them out in one topic due to the volume of users saying the same thing or a backlash the mod puts those users on a mental checklist and finds any reason at all to hair-trigger ban them quickly in an unrelated topic.

It's so predictable and blatant.


Gold Member
The system the use is a butthurt mod who when they can't ban a user for calling them out in one topic due to the volume of users saying the same thing or a backlash the mod puts those users on a mental checklist and finds any reason at all to hair-trigger ban them quickly in an unrelated topic.

It's so predictable and blatant.

They do have a real checklist or log the mods can pull out. When I questioned what other objectionable posts I have done, they had three specific posts at hand where I criticised the place, which had gone completely unactioned from an user point of view. Supposedly the mods had debated whether I should be banned for those posts.


Any old forum I moderated, even Discord or Twitch, you can add user notes that all Mods can see. I assume Xenforo is the same.

Also Morrigan has being trying to act nice (less passive-aggressive) after acting for years like a total cunt. Awwwww. So Kawaii.

Only, it ain't gonna fly Morrigan. Everyone knows what you are like.
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Gold Member
In this thread, a single ban was issued earlier in the day. We have reevaluated it and found that the ban given was too harsh for the content the posts contained. As such we have readjusted the length to be appropriate and have emailed said user explaining the issue with the posts in the hopes they will learn from this.
Hahahaha of course, it’s the user that still has to learn from a totally unjustified ban for having a brain. They’re just giving them less time to ponder and learn... wait... :pie_thinking:

They, the mods, can do no wrong. Hey, they’re women, after all 🤷‍♀️

What an absolute disaster of a place.
Why even keep posting in those threads if you‘ll come back to bite the mods’ hands as soon as there’s proof they fucked up? Just... stop. Give up. Take part in what little valid gaming discussion there still is (there will always be some if they want the site to keep afloat) and just let the rest eat each other. Otherwise, they will find a reason to eat you, too.


Reset Era is Toxic:

They preach about community and understanding yet they cancel people due to baseless allegations and public opinion. Never have I seen such a place that is such an echo chamber that they just preach to themselves all day. I feel like they don't go outside or even attempt to put themselves in real world situations where they actually have to deal with what they preach is so wrong. It's all virtue signaling to the highest and they really should be canceled themselves. I find it hilarious the way they talk about people without even knowing who the person is, or how they have changed. Its pathetic and really damaging to critical thought.

Note: I have never been apart of their hate speech or forum because they are lying to people outright when they say that they are accepting, they aren't, unless you follow the agenda that they push, if you have a difference in opinion you are banned, how in the fuck are you suppose to have any discussion that way? It's sad and pathetic, because most of us know here that they wouldn't say anything in real life and would get instantly shut down with logic.
This one also irks me a lot. Yes, I do like certain things that they stand for, and some things have no place for differing opinions (eg.racism, assault etc). But in the end, it's the moderators, the moderators are the hypocrites.
Because they are the ones that are the ones that make the bans and executive decisions. Toxic members are everywhere in all forums, even here. Members come in all different age, demographic and experience, you can't simply lump them. But moderators are specific group of people chosen for the believe that they will uphold the fairest judgment for all members. There is a high responsibility there.

Like sure, Cancel culture can be good in most cases, like, please cancel Harvey Weinstein and Cosby all the way, they have been proven guilty. But most people there will rather jum the "fake woke" train and hate every single accusations without proof, and saying how they've known it long ago. I get that sexual assault victims mostly have difficulties in getting their cases out, so "benefit of the doubt" should always be given to them, but not "if the assaulter is not guilty then they should prove themselves or they are immediately guilty" which is so prevalent in Era. This is big nonsense, fake woke as hell. It's not just in sexual assault case, but in every criminal case where you are the victim, the victim that reports the case must ALWAYS present the proof. You got robbed by somebody? That's sad, but please present the case and proof in order for criminal procedure to proceed. You got punched and attacked by this guy? That's sad yeah, but please present proof that this guy attacked you.

Most Era members are exactly the kind of buffoons that will stand behind a Jussie Smolliet in order to stroke their fake wokeness.

It happens all the time. Jhonny Depp? Cancel him all the way, ban anyone who has the slightest doubt. Then when proven wrong, moderators ain't apologizing a single shit for the bans they throw.

Recently it's Justin Bieber. Well, everybody jumps on the hate train again as usual, woke. Justin provides receipt, and moderators still insists they are right.

Now it's AngryJoe, no proof yet, Joe also hasn't said a thing (super new case), but everybody is on the woke hate train already.

I like Era for a lot of the topics they have, and yes they mostly non-toxic too. But I'm never commenting on any sensitive topic over there because it's straight up prejudice, the moderators are not fair. They are as prejudiced as the conservative counterparts that they accuse and if not worse. You are either on the hate train or you are banned, no space for rationale or even discussion.

No, they are not accepting, yes. I got banned once for 3 days for commenting on a Christian topic. For all replies on arguments, I went to provide evidence and deconstruct their logic (I'm a christian). Didn't they say they will penalize "drive by" post? Because yeah that's what most of it was. "lol, christians are stupid" "theist have no logic", "If this is true then what's this?" Then when I went and deconstruct some of their contradictory logic, one of the accuse me of "that one guy who was spouting creationist theory and got banned", which i never did, because this was the first Christian thread i responded to. I went on to tell that guy to stop spouting nonsense and defending his points by making false accusations. And thus he reported my DM, and I got banned lol. Apparently false accusations is ok, confronting about it in DMs is not.

If they were saying the same things about Islam, then they will all be hypocrites and claiming Islamophobia. This is why the moderators are prejudiced and hypocrites.

Its bullshit, like they think they are the most perfect people ever. I bet you all of them have their dark past's and they are projecting their "beliefs" on others. They are projecting those beliefs because they themselves have done some of the stuff they crucify. Hypocrites most of them.
Lmao, please don't say that, I'm there too. I guess when ppl say Era members, they should refer them as moderators, not the average user. There are also plenty of user who doesn't post in sensitive forums because they don't want to be banned for having differing opinion (when it is available).
Toxic people are everywhere, including here.


Gold Member
Also Morrigan has being trying to act nice (less passive-aggressive) after acting for years like a total cunt. Awwwww. So Kawaii.

I know right? It's like all hail our benevolent leader who was a cunt for the longest time. But now, being given that smidgen of power, it has mellowed them out and amde them someone we can aspire to be. They took the journey of self improvement so we don't have to. We can be told what to do and how to act. All Hail!!!






Like fuck it was, it was a cash grab to steal a user base to flip and you got punked into being a mod but are too stubborn to admit it.

No saving face here.

Is this the hill you want to die on, Morrigan?
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I find Resetera extremely curious on a psychological level. Why in fucks name is a gaming site founded on something that has nothing at all to do with gaming? It's almost like they are controlled or paid by an outside lobbyist group or something. The cult they have formed shows the fragile sheep mentality of humans. Even when they are proven wrong time and time again the blinkers go on and they double down.

It's not the first time a thread over there gets locked when inconvenient truths and actual proof confront their ideology. Shit gets locked down to damage control the amount of egg-on-face they receive. I'd like to think most members are sane but sadly don't/can't speak out because they know for a fact they will get banned. After something doesn't go their way, the thread gets locked rapid style and it's like it never happened, no one allowed to talk about it. It's like when someone drops a rotten fart in the office but no one is allow to acknowledge it. Very strange.


I find Resetera extremely curious on a psychological level. Why in fucks name is a gaming site founded on something that has nothing at all to do with gaming? It's almost like they are controlled or paid by an outside lobbyist group or something. The cult they have formed shows the fragile sheep mentality of humans. Even when they are proven wrong time and time again the blinkers go on and they double down.

It's not the first time a thread over there gets locked when inconvenient truths and actual proof confront their ideology. Shit gets locked down to damage control the amount of egg-on-face they receive. I'd like to think most members are sane but sadly don't/can't speak out because they know for a fact they will get banned. After something doesn't go their way, the thread gets locked rapid style and it's like it never happened, no one allowed to talk about it. It's like when someone drops a rotten fart in the office but no one is allow to acknowledge it. Very strange.

Probably the best way of putting it I've seen yet.

Was all about those sweet $$$, yet they refuse to accept it.
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advanced basic bitch

Can't we please just cancel this guy!? I'm really sensitive and I hate having to see people say things I don't like. Era is a safe space!
Edit: From the Angry Joe cancel thread
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advanced basic bitch
The Joe thread is a goldmine of Re stupidity.


I thought believe all women was some sort of far right lie? They make exceptions if its a democrat racist like Biden of course.


Honest question, why do you still post here? I've seen some of the stuff you've written over there and it kind of makes it seem like you have the same mindset as a lot of the people over there that drank the kool-aid and think this place is a den of alt-right lunatics.

If it's just performative, why bother? Why not stick to the purely gaming-related stuff like a lot of the people over there that aren't actually hyper progressive and just keep their mouth shut on social issues for fear of stepping over an arbitrary line? Even if you care about those issues, you don't have the same fervor towards deplatforming and starving "wrongthink" places of viewership if you're still willing to post in a place like this.
I resolved the concern with the poster I replied to in PM. I was hot-headed. I should've PM'ed in the beginning. It's resolved. We're good.

Why I post here? I post on Twitter, Reddit, and other places that have opinions I’m not in lockstep with. I also don’t see online discourse as the final arbiter of character. It can be revealing, but ultimately is it a shallow medium for that, so I don’t participate forums for ideological consensus.

At the same time, I don’t like the clustering effect that happens in online communities. There is a tendency to echo chamber. That not a judgment. That is the tendency. Mostly everywhere online.

Its online forums. It's not the Masons. It's low commitment. I don't see why I should stop posting because I disagree with some people on topics here. Wouldn't that be creating the environment many of you are against?
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
What happened that they want to have more blood on their hands? Posters saying apart from one person commiting suicide no one has been cancelled. That's okay then, it's only one. Surely, the Beiber thread has shown not to be baying for blood and take a restrained approach. One wished for Drake to commit statutory rape so he could be cancelled. Another knew Bieber was a sex offender because when he was a teenager he trashed hotel rooms. It literally just happened today. You can support a person making the allegation without wishing death on the accused.
Fuck 4 replies and locked.....im pretty sure there is a bot that scrubs new threads for keywords and alerts the mods

Neogaf/Joe Rogan/Pewdipie/Antifa...what other keywords do you think would send an alarm to the mods?




If your forum is founded on THAT... that is the most limp dick thing I have ever heard.

Reee members getting laid for believing women: 0


advanced basic bitch
Fuck 4 replies and locked.....im pretty sure there is a bot that scrubs new threads for keywords and alerts the mods

Neogaf/Joe Rogan/Pewdipie/Antifa...what other keywords do you think would send an alarm to the mods?
Oh god so many. straight, cis,male, conservative, republican, free thinker, video games, youtube,foxnews, Kayne West, white women, etc. Pretty much any trigger word for these simps gets a notification.
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Hate site because we like Joe Rogan LOL

Yes the most popular podcaster of all time what a hateful man because he believes that real women are a thing that exist.

So funny how they hate everything and then label what they hate as “hate”.

just like they hate fascism and want to burn books and use violence to fight it

fucking idiots
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Scotty W



It didn’t seem like a big deal at the time, but that was the beginning of the end for the Social Justice Movement. What happened? They sacrificed principle to reason, and after that, it slowly became axiomatic to ask why another topic might not be amenable to reason, and then some topics, and finally all topics. ResetEra finally shuttered and the former members were admitted back into the fold, but not without ostentatious groveling.


Authorized Fister
I did investigations for sexual harrassment for nearly 10 years and one thing I learned is not to trust women. It was about a 10% of real harrassment cases, the rest was just female vengence.
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Hate site because we like Joe Rogan LOL

Yes the most popular podcaster of all time what a hateful man because he believes that real women are a thing that exist.

So funny how they hate everything and then label what they hate as “hate”.

just like they hate fascism and want to burn books and use violence to fight it

fucking idiots

Just one Era user on Era posting a video of them punching a Nazi, just one.


All what the Hecht, will never happen :(
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